The Children of Israel were sitting at the banks of the River Jordan. They were remembering that they had come up out of bondage from Egypt. Time after time when Moses went to Pharaoh to ask to let the people go Pharaoh hardened his heart, would not let the people go. Pharaoh wanted them to remain as slaves. On the last night in Egypt the Children of Israel took a lamb, put it to death, the blood was applied to the doorposts. They were delivered by the blood of the lamb. We have been delivered by the blood of an innocent lamb, the Lord himself. He came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost. He came to die on the cross of Calvary to shed his blood for our redemption. He brings safety and security for you today. The people are resting here at the Jordan River, they have been called to cross over and pass into the Promised Land. Have we crossed over into the Promised Land today?
The meeting that was to take place - verse 9 "come hither". Joshua wants them to gather together with the purpose of hearing what the Lord wanted to say. There was a great task set before the people. There was a great responsibility on them to heed what Joshua had to say. They had to comfort and encourage one another. We are called to gather together as the people of God. This day has been set apart, sanctified for the purpose of worshipping God. Hebrews 10 verse 25. The writer to the Hebrews was writing to those who were being persecuted because of their faith. He wanted to exhort and encourage one another. Some had given up assembling together but the writer tells them not to forsake coming together. So too we are encouraged today to not forget coming together to worship God, to encourage one another during these difficult times.
The message that was to be heard - verse 9 "to hear the words of the Lord God." Just across from them was the promised land. They needed to hear from God, to hear what he would say on such an occasion. It is one thing to meet together but we need also to hear the word of God. It is not to be a meeting for the sake of a meeting. Are you ready to hear what God has to say to you today? Acts 13 verse 15 Paul and Silas have entered into the synagogue, they have heard the word of God read by the ruler of the synagogue, then he turns to Paul and Silas and invites them "if ye have any word of exhortation for the people say on." Are you coming hungry to hear the word of God today? Remember the words of the New Testament "were 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst." The thought of turning my back on God, knowing I have missed out hearing from him, a word directly from himself? We read of a man called Apollos in Acts 18 verse 24. Look at the description of him - "an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures ... he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord ... And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue ..." Two people were listening to Apollos preaching. "they took him unto them and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly." He maybe didn`t know about the cross of Calvary. Maybe you have stopped short. You are a good, upright person, never miss church, never miss reading your bible or saying your prayers daily. Have you come short of the cross? Have you ever accepted Christ as Saviour? Do you know your sins forgiven? John tells us to test the spirits to find out if these things were right.
A marvel to look at - verse 10 "hereby ye shall know that the living God is among you." God has not forsaken us today. We may be in the middle of a pandemic, the way ahead is unfamiliar. Joshua brings the Children of Israel together, to encourage and reassure them that God would be with them and was present even before they would enter the Promised Land. Think of Gideon when the angel came to him as he was threshing corn. The angel told him he would be the one to deliver Israel. God was near to him. He was encouraging Gideon. Gideon turned to the angel and asked him "if God is with us then why is God allowing these things to happen, the enemy has come upon us." The answer was that the people had turned away from God. Have you turned from God today?
The miracle they were to expect - "he will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites, and the Hittites and the Hivites and the Perizzites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Jebusites." verse 10 Not one enemy would stand against them in the land. Is there something holding you back today? You know what God wants you to do but there is something holding you from moving on with him. Remember David when he went out to meet Goliath. He had nothing to fear because the Lord was with him. Daniel as he was being thrown into the lions den had nothing to fear because God was with him. In our strength we can do nothing but with God we can do all things. He will not fail us today if we only would trust him.
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