Thursday, 11 June 2020

No man cometh to the Father except by Christ

Sermon notes from Sunday 1 March 2020 pm
John 14 verses 1 - 6

As we read these verses we remind ourselves that the Lord is speaking to his disciples about the days yet to come.  He will soon leave them to go back to his father in heaven.  He is setting the ground for the disciples, there are things going to take place and your hearts will be troubled but don`t let that happen - "what I must do I must do".  We read that Jesus himself said to his Father in heaven "I have finished the work that you have given me to do."  Look at verse 6 "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me."  Isn`t that a solemn statement - that no man cometh to the Father but by him."  Verse 6 and that statement is the unmistakeable answer that Jesus gave to an honest enquiry.  Thomas said in verse 5 "Lord we know not whither thou goest and how can we know the way?"  Jesus tells him "I am the way, the truth and the life."  There is an exclusion zone outside of Christ.  "There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved."(Acts 4 verse 12).   Jesus spoke to his disciples about a place and he was speaking of a decision, how to get there.  There is a revelation - God is revealing his plans to man.  There is also a desire in Thomas to know where he is going and to know the way.  There is a recognition that we want to be there but there is also a restriction that the Lord puts on - no man.    Finally, there is a reflection - by me.

Firstly see this revelation given by Jesus.  This is not something to be reckoned out by our own intellect.  It is a revelation from the Lord.  He has to reveal to us our great sinfulness, that we have sinned and come far short of the glory of God.  That is only revealed to us by Jesus himself.  The natural man cannot receive anything from God for they have to be spiritually discerned.  You are saved because God has given to you a revelation of your own heart.  Pray that God will give you that salvation because you will never be saved until you have.  Remember when Jesus asked his disciples once "whom do men say that I am?" The replies were "some say Elijah, others Isaiah."  Jesus then turned to them and asked "who do you say that I am?"  Peter replied "thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."  Remember the reply the Lord gave to him "flesh and blood have not revealed this unto you but my Father which is in heaven."  Only God the Holy Spirit can come and break down the hindering blindness."  Only he can show us our sinfulness and what he has done in taking away our sin on Calvary.  He is going to the cross.  Jesus is facing death not as a martyr but going as a substitute.  He was taking your place and mine.  We could never enter heaven on our own accord because of the sinfulness in our hearts.  When he died on Calvary he was reconciling a lost world to God.  The Bible says the soul that sinneth shall die.  Jesus takes the penalty, every sin you have committed he has taken them on his own body.  He bears the marks on his hands and feet, bears the ridicule of those around him, was spat on and had the hairs of his face plucked out.   Jesus has borne our sin on Calvary and justified us in God`s eyes.  Jesus death was predicted and planned.  The timing was planned in great detail.  Isaiah writing 700 years before Christ was born seen his death.  "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities."  He was dying not for a cause but for our sins.  "With his stripes we are healed."  A revelation from God the Holy Spirit into Isaiah`s heart.  He could see that he was put to death between 2 sinners, robbers, put to death with the transgressors.  He was laid in the tomb of the rich.  That is why we need a revelation tonight.  Time after time he brings us back to what is written and recorded for us in scriptures.  Acts 8 the Ethiopian eunuch reading from the very book of Isaiah, Philip drew alongside his chariot and asked him "do you understand what you are reading?"  The eunuch replied "how can I understand except someone explain it to me."  God has done something for that man listening and reading the word of God.  Philip went up and preached unto him Jesus.  The Philippian jailer listening to Paul and Silas singing hymns.  As the earthquake came to the prison house, he got a revelation of what he was.  He knew he needed to be saved.  "I go to prepare a place for you."  He has gone to prepare a place for you and I.  1 Corinthians 2 verse 9 "Eye hath not seen nor ear heard. neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. "  Are you looking forward to that day when you leave this scene of time and go into the splendours of heaven, when you meet the Saviour for the first time?

Notice the recognition we find here.  It comes from Thomas - "how can we know the way?"  That speaks of an interest in spiritual things.  Is there the same recognition in your heart?  That you want to be in heaven for all eternity.  See that same recognition on the heart and mind of the thief on the cross.  He recognised this world was not his home.  He realised there was a vast kingdom out beyond, that one day he would enter into that kingdom when he would die.  That old thief was ready and willing to turn his back on the world and stake his claim on Christ.  What this thief reckoned was there was nothing in this old world for him he could believe on.  Many have such a grasp on this world, they would rather forfeit home in heaven, never take time to consider life after death, what a lost eternity must mean for a poor lost soul.  Have you ever taken time to recognise what you are holding onto?  If you are not saved you are holding on to that will take you into a lost sinners hell.  The moment you close your eyes in death.  Paul counted all his privileges at one time - his upbringing and position in the Sanhedrin until he got a revelation from God.  He realised he would never be in heaven.  He regarded it as dung that he might win Christ.  That is what it will take if you want to come to Christ and set everything aside.

Notice a restriction that is clear.  Not on how many are saved but rather on the way you come.  "No man cometh unto the Father but by me."  The disciples asked on one occasion "who then can be saved?"  The rich young ruler came and spoke to Jesus then turned his back on Christ.  He thought the riches he had was the blessing from Christ.  They asked Jesus "who then can be saved?"  He began to speak of a narrow gate and few there were that find it.  Many tonight want to be saved and be in heaven but they restrict themselves, will not come to the only door.  Many will say I think I am doing the best I can.  The Lord says if you are trying your best, living a clean life it is opposite to the way Jesus set out.  "No man can come to the Father except through me."  He wants you to come, to trust him.  It is restricted not in the sense that so many are set aside to be saved and others to perish, that God has decreed all this.  No it is our choice.  It is not a restriction on God`s side but rather man`s side because he chooses not to come.

A reflection that is worth having.  Think of the great loss - "no man".  If you may, have the desire to come to the father to go to heaven "except by me."  Matthew 7 they come and they said "Lord".  They were respectful.  They said "have we not done our best, tried our hardest, preached in your name, done many mighty deeds in your name."  Jesus told them "I never knew you."  Will you take a moment to reflect upon it - which way are you going?  Will you come to Christ on the cross?  Will you take eternal life?  Give him your sins tonight.  "What shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul."

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