Thursday, 11 June 2020

Hear O heavens and give ear O earth for the Lord hath spoken

Sermon notes from Sunday 15 September 2019 pm
Isaiah 1 verse 10 - 20

I want to turn to this first chapter of Isaiah chapter 1 verse 2 "hear O heavens and give ear O earth for the Lord hath spoken."  The Lord has spoken.  Here is the prophet Isaiah not coming to speak on his behalf or on behalf of the king.  All the people in the land know he is saying "the Lord has spoken."  There is a voice speaking tonight.  The Holy Spirit coming to our hearts tonight.  This was not a thought for Isaiah.  God had spoken the word again.  He was the Lord`s messenger in the Lord`s message.  Prophet was bringing the word of God, speaking on behalf of God.  Had the remedy for their sin. 

God speaks about the rebellion of his people.  People turned their backs on him, got far from him, drawing them back to himself.  Happy, contented people in themselves.  God sees them as no-one else sees them.  Nicodemus was a man who came to Jesus by night.  Full of religion, full of good deeds.  There are a few questions I want to ask the Lord.  Look at him like no other man saw him.  He saw sin in his heart.  Unsaved, not redeemed.  On his way to a lost and Christless hell.  The Lord saw the man as no-one else saw him. Isaiah saw a people not right with themselves.  Rebellion in the heart of God`s people.  Verse 2 he takes the thought from the farming language - verse 3.  God was saying to this people when the people go out into the field to feed the cattle the cattle come to him because know him.  They have rebelled against me.  They haven`t taken time to consider.  Will you take a moment to consider how you stand before God in the light of eternity?  Hebrews 3 verse 1 can we consider the Lord for a moment.  The lengths he came down into sin cursed world.  The depths he went to to bear our sin on his body on Calvary`s cross.  Consider the death he suffered.  The loneliness he endured as he cried "my God, my God why has thou forsaken me."  When he died there you were on his mind.  Consider the depths of that tomb on that first morning.  The cloths and napkin apart from itself.  Consider the Lord now exhalted at his Father`s right hand.  He will one day leave that position and come back to the earth again.  Not as Saviour nor to die on the old rugged cross to call sinners.  This time he is coming to the air with the sound of the archangel.  He will call those who are born again of the living God.  Will you meet him in the air or will you miss that great resurrection day.  Will you not heed to Christ.  We live in a rushed age, don`t have much time, always someone wanting to get there faster.  We do not take time to consider things.  We need to take time tonight as we come to this meeting and consider some of the things Isaiah is putting before us.  Remember Cain and Abel who were taught to preset themselves before God.  Abel brought the best but Cain rebelled and brought the best from the ground.  Stand again and see the good paths.  Ye shall find rest for your souls.  We will not walk in this way.  God speaks about rebellion.

God also speaks about religion.  These people were coming the right way but their heart was not in it.  Verses 13 and 14.  2 Timothy Paul talked about the last days.  Perilous people shall come.  The apostle Paul speaking to Timothy about the last days with all their sin, rebellion, stubbornness, they were still have a form of godliness but they will deny the power thereof.  Is that not what we see today in our society.  We hear men preaching, denying the cross of Calvary.  Some even go to the length of denying the resurrection of Christ, deny he will return to this earth.  A form of godliness - a cloak to throw over everything, covers everything.  It is all the evil going on underneath.  They are saying from the house of God form of godliness denying the power thereof.  Bringing lamb after lamb an abomination because heart is not in it.  When you come to Christ you have to come in repentance, prepared to turn away from your sin, from everything holding you back from trusting Christ.  We have to come with all your moral soul.  The rich young ruler couldn't do that.  He had to leave them behind.  Will you come and trust him tonight.  Salvation is a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and nothing else.  The Lord spoke about religion and deception of it.

He spoke of a remedy - verses 16 - 18.  Here`s the answer.  God was not prepared to leave them in their darkness and rebellion.  There was a remedy from Christ himself.  God is not willing that any should perish, to leave anyone in their darkness and in their unbelief.  He has tried and done so much to win men and women.  Jeremiah he had a zeal for God`s people and now because you have done all these works rising up early and speaking.  Such was the urgency of the message that had to be a change of mind and heart.  Instead of coming with sacrifices had to be a change.  There has to be a change in your life too.  God asks you to turn away from that which would hurt you.  This religion would hurt them, damn their souls, take them out into a lost eternity.

God speaks of renewal - verse 18.  Doesn't matter the depths of your sin, the Lord Christ spoke to young woman caught in the act of adultery.  The Pharisees brought her to the Lord, condemned her, pointed the finger "let him who is without guilt cast the first stone."  A moment later he realised there was no-one else there but the girl.  He told her to go and sin no more.  A young man full of devils, the Lord cast the devils into the swine.  He had a brand new change of life from that day on, coming into the personal relationship with Christ, trusting him to forgive him of his sins.  He makes you a new creature.  You live that moment, at that very instant with new thoughts, new ambitions, new goals in life  That is what God wants to give you.

He speaks of retribution - verse 20.  Sets out the sin of people.  Remedy for that sin.  Verse 20 "but if ye refuse and rebel ye shall be devoured with the sword from the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."  How serious tonight.  We live in a world where anything goes.  God is a God of love.  God is not willing that you should be lost.  We can live as we like, get on with things that we want.  God opens the door of heaven one day and says come in.  When the crowd came to the Lord Jesus told him how Pilate had mangle the blood of people Siloam fell 18 souls were killed.  Suppose ye this where sinners above all sinners they were saying must have been worst sinners but not us knowing unless you repent you shall all likewise perish.  What an awful word.  They came to the door of heaven and cried Lord open unto us.  I never knew you depart from me.  Is that not divine retribution.  Can we put a hand on our hearts and say all is well with this soul, I am right with God because of what he has done.  Depending on that.  Trusting in him alone.  Is that your profession tonight?

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