Monday, 22 June 2020

What mean ye by these stones?

Sermon Notes from Sunday 21 June 2020
Joshua 4 verses 1 - 8
The Children of Israel are taking their time on the banks of the River Jordan.  We saw how Joshua challenged the people to come together.  The reason?  To hear what the God of heaven had to say.  This was an important time for them.  A crisis time.  There was only one who they could depend on, there was only one they wanted to hear from - the God of heaven.  It was not a matter of hearing what Joshua had to say himself, he was sure the God of heaven had a word in season for them. It is wonderful to hear from God alone.  Don`t miss out on what God has to say today.  Joshua challenged the priests, those chosen to bear the testimony of the Ark of the Covenant.  They had to prove to God that they would walk through the river and take the Ark through on dry ground.  They were after all God`s representatives to the people.

Joshua turns to the 12 representatives of the tribes of Israel - one man from each tribe and tells them to go down into the River Jordan, to pick up a stone and bring it out, to set it as a memorial - verse 6.  Why were they do this?  When their children asked their fathers in the future "what mean ye by these stones?"  The fathers would be able to tell the story of how God brought them out of Egypt, out of slavery, led them into the wilderness for 40 years and had now brought them into the Promised Land.

These stones would be a reminder of God`s faithfulness - verse 5.  They were to pick them up from the dry bed of the river.  They had to be carried on their shoulders.  These were not little stones picked up in the palm of the hand.  They had to have the strength to lift and carry them out.  This was a lasting monument.  Every stone was to be built on another, standing there to the goodness and faithfulness of God.  These stones would speak volumes.  They would teach lessons in years to come.  1 Peter 3 "sanctify the Lord your God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.  What do we teach our children today?  These were the times when they proved God.  Can we tell of times when we have proved God?  Imagine the fathers telling the story, going right back to Egypt when they were under the hard bondage, when Pharaoh would not let them go.  When a lamb was put to death and its blood sprinkled on the doorposts and lintels.  That was the night they were delivered.  Can you tell of a night when the Lord saved you?  These people when they left Egypt, knew the promises of God.  The evidence of God was seen in the cloud and fire in the wilderness every day.  They proved the faithfulness of God.  When they came to the Red Sea and the way ahead seemed blocked, the enemy was coming behind them, when they thought they would be taken captive again, God delivered them once more.  The faithfulness of God in the provision of manna in the wilderness.  Remember Samuel when he told the people to set up the stone - why - call it "Ebenezer for hitherto hath the Lord helped us." (1 Samuel 7 verse 12)  Deliverance from the Philistines.  Is there something you can look back on and say "that is when God was faithful to me?"  Adam gathered his 2 sons and taught them of God`s faithfulness, how the God of heaven had made all that they could see, he had created everything visible and then created him from the dust of the ground.  He became a living soul.  "God looked on me in the Garden and thought it was not good for me to be alone.  God made me a wife."  You should instill into your family something of the creator God.

These stones speak of a personal faith in God.  The stones had to be picked up from the dry bed in the River Jordan.  Verse 4 each one of these 12 men had to step into the middle of the River Jordan, had to pick up a stone in answer to the call of God.  If they had not been obedient there would have been nothing to show their children.  These men could point to these stones.  A personal faith attributed to these stones.  A personal testimony "I picked up that stone and carried it out."  Can you speak to your children of what you have done for the Lord?  Can you take them back to Calvary and say "I took the Lord as my personal Saviour and Lord and I devoted my life to him.  I helped others in the furtherance of the gospel."  These men said "the Lord spoke to me, I was told to carry that stone out, to bear the burden of that stone and I carried it out myself."  Are you bearing the burden of working for the Lord today?  God has been speaking to you.  Perhaps you think it is enough to be saved.  Think of Abraham.  God asked him to take his son and sacrifice him to show his love for God.  Hannah went up into the temple to pray.  She had no child.  She told God "if you give me a child I will give him back to you."  The Lord has given you life - what have you given back to him today?  Dorcas in Acts has just passed away.  The widows standing around her bed had in their hands evidence of Dorcas` work.  Will you be able to point to the stones and talk of your personal faith in Christ?

These stones also speak of a fellowship they enjoyed at that particular time.  They were carried out, laid one on top of the other.  12 individual stones set in a pile for all to appreciate, a wonderful tribute of love and harmony.  People working together.  A man chosen out of each tribe, working together to lift a stone and set it up.  Listening to God, believing his promise, acting as one.  That is what any fellowship of God`s people should be like.  Jesus was the proof of discipleship "they shall know you are my disciples if ye love one another."  Acts 4 apostles were arrested, interrogated, beaten and threatened.  They were told not to speak in Jesus` name any more.  The Lord was dead and gone, they did not want his name to be preached.  Peter and John in verse 23 "they came to their own company".  What was the qualification of that company, what did that company prove - these were men who had everything in common.  Jesus lived and died, gave his life for sinful man.  His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary is the assurance of sins forgiven.  Peter and James knew they would find sympathy with their own people.  Will we be able to say the same to our children - to prove a time of personal fellowship.  Why did I belong to that particular fellowship?  "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness." (Ephesians 5 verse 11)  2 Corinthians 6 "be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers."  The fellowship has to be pure.  "For what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness." (2 Corinthians 6 verse 14)

It was to be a basis for the future generation.  Something for them to see and prove for themselves.  Able to say God who has done so much for our families.  Out of Egypt, through the wilderness and Jordan River and say he has done that for them and he can do it for us.  Is your life telling in your home, in your community for the glory of God.  Can you take your children and teach them?  The people unfortunately failed to do that in this story - Judges 2 verse 10 "and there arose another generation after them which knew not the Lord nor yet the works which he done for Israel."  What a terrible plight - will we be responsible to do that today?

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