Sunday, 31 May 2020

A door that leads to heaven

SUNDAY 31 MAY 2020 pm - JOHN 10 VERSES 1 - 11 - "I AM THE DOOR"

A spiritual metaphor of a door that leads to heaven.

There is a source of entry.  Jesus is speaking of a means of access into heaven.  The source of entry - "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh to the father but by me."  He spoke of the shepherd early in the passage.  The shepherd was out in the day time leading the sheep into lush pastures, then down to the waters and bringing them into the sheep fold at night.  He closed the door on them - there was no other access.  When Jesus came into the world he came to seek and to save that which was lost.  Adam and Eve broke that communion with God in the Garden of Eden.  Sin came into the world.  When Jesus died on the cross he opened the doorway into heaven.  In the book of Revelation when writing to church at Ephesus Jesus said "I have set before you an open door."  Here is entry into heaven`s glory for each of us.  Have we taken that opportunity to come to the Lord?  When was the door opened into heaven - at the cross of Calvary.  Thousands have repented, taken him at his word.  You can still enter in because that door is still open.  Today the day of God`s grace is still with us.  God is still saving men and women.  The door he opened has not been closed.  It is open to you.  Maybe you have listened to the gospel time and time again, you have thought seriously about getting saved.  Maybe you have gone through a time of illness.  Something has hindered you from getting saved.

The simplicity of it.  The door to a house is the easiest access and the only means of entry.  We don`t have to try and find another way of entering into heaven.  We don`t have to depend on church - it is by the Lord alone who has provided a way that all may enter in.  Think of the great ark in Noah`s day.  God saw the thoughts and imaginations of man was only evil continually.  He destroyed the people but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  God provided the master plan.  It was Noah`s own intellect and ability.  God was building the ark.  There was one door into the ark, the only place where men and women would find safety.  It was accessible to all who would come.  "For by grace are you saved through faith."  You will only be in heaven through the finished work of Christ our Saviour.

The security that it provides.  The last thing you do at night is check the door is locked.  In the ark only God could close the door.  The door to heaven will be closed by God himself one day.  Will you take his offer of salvation before he finally closes that door?  Maybe there were those who listened to Noah and thought he was mad.  There never had been rain or a flood before.  There was probably panic when the rain did start.

The satisfaction that is realised.  "he shall go in and out and find pasture."  The door of opportunity speaks of freedom.  People sometimes say "when I get saved that will ruin my life so I couldn`t do that."  Galatians 5 verse 11  Think of the man with demons in the New Testament.  The only peace he could find was out among the tombstones.  Jesus came across his pathway and delivered him from those demons.  The demons came out and went into pigs who ran down the cliff and into the sea and drowned.  Such was the power of those demons.  When the Lord spoke to those demons the man was delivered.  He found the greatest satisfaction.  The local people had heard about Jesus and came out to see what had happened.  They found the man sitting at the feet of Jesus fully clothed and in his right mind.  He had met the Lord.  Deep inside us there is a yearning that can never be satisfied until we come and trust the Lord as our own and personal Saviour.  If you are not saved you cannot find any satisfaction in this world.  The only satisfaction is found in Christ.

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