18 May 2020 – The Way of the Cross leads home
1 Corinthians 1 verse 17 “For Christ sent me not to baptise but to
preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ be made of
none effect.”
Paul is not referring to the structure of the cross but the death of
Christ on the cross.
The dutiful commission of Paul -
“to preach the gospel”
Paul was direct in his course -
“not with wisdom of words.”
The defence of the cross – “lest the cross of Christ be made of
none effect”
19 May 2020 – The sufficiency of the cross
Philippians 2 verse 8 “And being found in fashion as a man he
humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross.”
The cross announced God’s great love – John 3 verse 16
The cross addresses man’s greatest need – Isaiah 59 verse 2
The cross accepts man’s inability
20 May 2020 – The view of the cross
Matthew 27 verse 36 “and sitting down they watched him there”
Notice the people around the cross:
Simon – on his way into Jerusalem when he met Jesus and the crowd
coming out on their way to Golgotha – nothing happens by chance.
Thief – “remember me when you come into your kingdom” – don’t leave
accepting Christ until it is too late.
Other thief – his peril of slipping out into lost eternity listening to
religious people all around him – get our eyes on Jesus!
Centurion - “surely this was the Son of God”
Passion of others – the women who stayed right to the end, Joseph of
Arimathea who asked for the body of Jesus, once a secret disciple now wanted
everyone to know he followed Christ and Nicodemus who brought ointment for
Jesus’ body.
21 May 2020 - The blessings from the cross
Galatians 6 verse 14 ”But God forbid that I should glory save in the
cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I
unto the Lord.”
False teachers had come into the church and were turning people away
from the cross. These teachers boasted
of how spiritual they were, how many followers they had, what gifts and abilities
they had but Paul was able to say he boasted in nothing but the cross of
The benefits and blessings that flow from the cross.
A pardon from the cross
A peace that comes from the cross
A promise from the cross.
22 May 2020 - Looking to Jesus
Hebrews 12 verse 2 “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of
our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising
the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
In this book we read of those suffering for their faith. The writer speaks of a race set before us
(verse 1), how we should set aside every weight and sin that besets us and lift
or eyes off everything else and place them on Jesus.
The submission of the cross – think of Jesus in the Garden of
Gethsemane when he pleaded for the cup to be taken from him but then finally
submitted to his Father “nevertheless not my will but thine be done.”
The suffering of the cross
The scorn of the cross
The security of the cross
23 May 2020 - An unusual sight
Exodus 3 verse 2 "And the angel of the Lord
appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and he looked
and behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed. And Moses
said I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush is not
God had a plan and purpose for Moses' life
The patience of God - he waited 40 years
from the time Moses left Pharaoh's palace. God is the God of the second chance
- just think of Peter and his denial of knowing Christ.
The preparation of the ground God makes -
God made the bush to be attractive to Moses so he would stop. God has prepared
the ground for us too!
The plainness of the call - the call from
God was so clear to Moses that day - is he calling us plainly today?
24 May 2020 - The voice from the bush - Exodus 3 verse 10
The concerns on Moses` mind that brought him to the word - Moses is now standing at the bush out in the wilderness. This bush is not burning away. God does not forget us even though failures and let downs. Concern on Moses` mind to bring him to God`s word. Think of Nicodemus, an upright moral man who had concerns on his mind that brought him to the feet of the Lord. Perhaps heard the Lord preaching, seen the mighty miracles done and thought "no man could do these things except God be with him." Zacchaeus lived in Jericho, was a tax collector. Jesus was about to enter into the city. Zacchaeus wanted to hear about him. Maybe he heard about him, concerned enough for himself that he wanted to see the Lord himself. That curiosity brought him to the word of the Lord.
The caution as he approached the burning bush - he drew near to the burning bush and heard the voice speaking out of the bush. Maybe God wants to speak through our own concerns. He tells Moses to take off his shoes, he was to approach God with caution. God told him the ground he was standing on was holy ground. Your soul stands today on the brink, need to be careful. Consider what God`s word says to you. The miracle of changing water into wine in Cana. Mary told the people "whatsoever he saith do it." Listen to his words, let them sink in then do it. Apostle Paul in Athens preached about the Lord, how he came into the world to seek and to save, he died and was resurrected. When they heard of these things they laughed at Paul and his teaching. They took it too lightly, their souls were at stake but they laughed at the word. Some took it a bit more seriously. They took it for granted that they would have another opportunity to hear this word again. We need to act swiftly when we hear the Lord speaking. Some believed. Some opened up their heart. Some allowed God to control their lives. They repented and trusted the Lord and he saved them.
The communion of the Lord - come now and I will sent you down. "behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation."
The complaints that Moses had - verse 2 "they will not believe me" verse 10 "I am not a great speaker" verse 13 "send someone else." The excuses Moses made.
25 May 2020 - The Journey of a life time - Matthew 8
A leper and the journey he made in coming to Jesus
This man`s complaint - he was a leper
This man`s consideration - began to ponder about the Lord
This man`s confession - Lord
This man`s cleansing - if thou wilt thou canst make me clean
26 May 2020 - What a difference - Matthew 8 verse 4
This man`s leaving the Lord Jesus
An experience to be revealed
Evidence to be considered - go and show yourself to the priests
An example to leave - offer his gift to the priests to be accepted
27 May 2020 - An unavoidable question - 1 Kings 19 verse 9
"and he came thither into a cave and lodged there and behold the word of the Lord came unto him `what doest thou here?`"
A precious question - here was someone who cared - God. Elijah was sitting in the cave, alone, no-one knew where he was yet the Lord did. David said "no man cared for my soul." Hagar, Abraham`s maid in Abraham`s home. The angel asked her "where have you come from and where are you going?" Jesus cares for you and I. The soul that sinneth, that soul shall die. Let me take your burden, your sin, I will take it. Jesus said to the Pharisees "you will not come to me that you might have life".
A personal question - even the hairs of your head are numbered. On the Day of Pentecost God came down to 3000 people. Every individual was saved on their own. Zacchaeus sitting up the tree, Jesus knew exactly where he was, he looked up into the tree and said "come down".
A question that was practical - why are you - demanded an answer. Samuel a young boy when God spoke to him. Samuel thought it was Eli - he perceived after the third time that God had spoken "speak Lord for thy servant heareth." Cave of doubts and unbelief. God spoke to Adam in Genesis chapter 3 "where art thou?"
A plain question
A question to be pondered - Elijah in verse 10 "I am on my own, there are no prophets, they seek to destroy me." Adam needed to come to the Lord, the fig leaves of your religiousity will never cover your sin on the day of judgement. What will you do with Jesus today?
28 May 2020 - A big obstacle - Genesis 18 verse 14 "is anything too hard for the Lord."
Heavenly visitors had come to Abraham, he had provided a meal for them. After the meal he was told Sarah would have a son - he was 100 and she 90. Sarah overheard and laughed. The Lord asked why she laughed then said "is anything too hard for the Lord?"
A challenge to her faith - Sarah laughed at such a thing, it was not possible at her age, virtually impossible - is there something in your life that you think is impossible? Mark 9 man brought his son to disciples, couldn`t do anything for him. He asked Jesus to help who told him "if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth." Do you question whether you could have that faith? On the cross Jesus took our sin, we need to believe in him today. Peter stepped out of the boat to walk to Jesus, the waves and winds were beating against him, he took his eyes off the Lord. The Lord asked why he doubted.
A correction to her feelings - almost see her thinking how could we ever have a child. It was God`s word, didn`t matter about her feelings but about his word. Faith is not about our feelings. It is belief in Christ. The Lord`s part has been accomplished in his son dying for the world - his part. Romans 10 verse 9 - that is our part - confess with our mouth, believe in our heart then we shall be saved. "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
A confirmation for future - Abraham laughed first then Sarah laughed but God did not turn his back on him. God fulfilled his promise for lost mankind. Not on feelings but coming to Christ accepting him as Lord and Saviour.
29 May 2020 - A bad deal - Mark 8 verse 36
"For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"
There were people gathered around Jesus when he dealt with life issues
A direction in life - Jesus speaks of following him "if any man will follow me let him take up his cross and follow me." A v in the road, we must make the right choice - there are 2 roads, one that leads to the Saviour and the other road leads to destruction. The broad road that leads to eternal destruction and the narrow road that leads to heaven and home. A broad gate that is narrow that leads to heaven and home and a straight gate. Matthew was told by the Lord "follow me" one day when seated at the tax desk and he arose and followed Christ. The disciples were mending their nets when Jesus told them "follow me and I will make you to become fishers of me". They arose and left all - the cost of following Christ. Moses in Pharaoh`s palace made the great choice to no longer be called the son of Pharaohs`s daughter but rather chose to suffer affliction with the people of God rather than to enjoy pleasures of sin for a season.
The desires through life - what is our driving force through life - gain riches of life somehow distracted us from finding Christ. The rich young ruler came searching for eternal life "what good thing must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus spoke to him about the commandments and he replied "all these commandments have I kept from my youth up yet lack what I." Jesus spoke to his relationship to wealth and riches, give it to the poor then come take up your cross and follow me He was not willing to leave them behind. Pilate had choice to release Jesus but he favoured his relationship with Caesar.
The dangers at end of life. When we close our eyes in death the soul goes out into eternity - a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. The bible speaks of 2 destinations - heaven and hell. The rich farmer in Luke 12 when the end came God did not come into the equation. God told him "thou fool" not because of riches, worked hard, great ambition but he had left God out. Riches and material blessings nothing wrong but when you put them in front of God then we are at fault. "him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." Make sure God is your goal today!
24 May 2020 - The voice from the bush - Exodus 3 verse 10
The concerns on Moses` mind that brought him to the word - Moses is now standing at the bush out in the wilderness. This bush is not burning away. God does not forget us even though failures and let downs. Concern on Moses` mind to bring him to God`s word. Think of Nicodemus, an upright moral man who had concerns on his mind that brought him to the feet of the Lord. Perhaps heard the Lord preaching, seen the mighty miracles done and thought "no man could do these things except God be with him." Zacchaeus lived in Jericho, was a tax collector. Jesus was about to enter into the city. Zacchaeus wanted to hear about him. Maybe he heard about him, concerned enough for himself that he wanted to see the Lord himself. That curiosity brought him to the word of the Lord.
The caution as he approached the burning bush - he drew near to the burning bush and heard the voice speaking out of the bush. Maybe God wants to speak through our own concerns. He tells Moses to take off his shoes, he was to approach God with caution. God told him the ground he was standing on was holy ground. Your soul stands today on the brink, need to be careful. Consider what God`s word says to you. The miracle of changing water into wine in Cana. Mary told the people "whatsoever he saith do it." Listen to his words, let them sink in then do it. Apostle Paul in Athens preached about the Lord, how he came into the world to seek and to save, he died and was resurrected. When they heard of these things they laughed at Paul and his teaching. They took it too lightly, their souls were at stake but they laughed at the word. Some took it a bit more seriously. They took it for granted that they would have another opportunity to hear this word again. We need to act swiftly when we hear the Lord speaking. Some believed. Some opened up their heart. Some allowed God to control their lives. They repented and trusted the Lord and he saved them.
The communion of the Lord - come now and I will sent you down. "behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation."
The complaints that Moses had - verse 2 "they will not believe me" verse 10 "I am not a great speaker" verse 13 "send someone else." The excuses Moses made.
25 May 2020 - The Journey of a life time - Matthew 8
A leper and the journey he made in coming to Jesus
This man`s complaint - he was a leper
This man`s consideration - began to ponder about the Lord
This man`s confession - Lord
This man`s cleansing - if thou wilt thou canst make me clean
26 May 2020 - What a difference - Matthew 8 verse 4
This man`s leaving the Lord Jesus
An experience to be revealed
Evidence to be considered - go and show yourself to the priests
An example to leave - offer his gift to the priests to be accepted
27 May 2020 - An unavoidable question - 1 Kings 19 verse 9
"and he came thither into a cave and lodged there and behold the word of the Lord came unto him `what doest thou here?`"
A precious question - here was someone who cared - God. Elijah was sitting in the cave, alone, no-one knew where he was yet the Lord did. David said "no man cared for my soul." Hagar, Abraham`s maid in Abraham`s home. The angel asked her "where have you come from and where are you going?" Jesus cares for you and I. The soul that sinneth, that soul shall die. Let me take your burden, your sin, I will take it. Jesus said to the Pharisees "you will not come to me that you might have life".
A personal question - even the hairs of your head are numbered. On the Day of Pentecost God came down to 3000 people. Every individual was saved on their own. Zacchaeus sitting up the tree, Jesus knew exactly where he was, he looked up into the tree and said "come down".
A question that was practical - why are you - demanded an answer. Samuel a young boy when God spoke to him. Samuel thought it was Eli - he perceived after the third time that God had spoken "speak Lord for thy servant heareth." Cave of doubts and unbelief. God spoke to Adam in Genesis chapter 3 "where art thou?"
A plain question
A question to be pondered - Elijah in verse 10 "I am on my own, there are no prophets, they seek to destroy me." Adam needed to come to the Lord, the fig leaves of your religiousity will never cover your sin on the day of judgement. What will you do with Jesus today?
28 May 2020 - A big obstacle - Genesis 18 verse 14 "is anything too hard for the Lord."
Heavenly visitors had come to Abraham, he had provided a meal for them. After the meal he was told Sarah would have a son - he was 100 and she 90. Sarah overheard and laughed. The Lord asked why she laughed then said "is anything too hard for the Lord?"
A challenge to her faith - Sarah laughed at such a thing, it was not possible at her age, virtually impossible - is there something in your life that you think is impossible? Mark 9 man brought his son to disciples, couldn`t do anything for him. He asked Jesus to help who told him "if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth." Do you question whether you could have that faith? On the cross Jesus took our sin, we need to believe in him today. Peter stepped out of the boat to walk to Jesus, the waves and winds were beating against him, he took his eyes off the Lord. The Lord asked why he doubted.
A correction to her feelings - almost see her thinking how could we ever have a child. It was God`s word, didn`t matter about her feelings but about his word. Faith is not about our feelings. It is belief in Christ. The Lord`s part has been accomplished in his son dying for the world - his part. Romans 10 verse 9 - that is our part - confess with our mouth, believe in our heart then we shall be saved. "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
A confirmation for future - Abraham laughed first then Sarah laughed but God did not turn his back on him. God fulfilled his promise for lost mankind. Not on feelings but coming to Christ accepting him as Lord and Saviour.
29 May 2020 - A bad deal - Mark 8 verse 36
"For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"
There were people gathered around Jesus when he dealt with life issues
A direction in life - Jesus speaks of following him "if any man will follow me let him take up his cross and follow me." A v in the road, we must make the right choice - there are 2 roads, one that leads to the Saviour and the other road leads to destruction. The broad road that leads to eternal destruction and the narrow road that leads to heaven and home. A broad gate that is narrow that leads to heaven and home and a straight gate. Matthew was told by the Lord "follow me" one day when seated at the tax desk and he arose and followed Christ. The disciples were mending their nets when Jesus told them "follow me and I will make you to become fishers of me". They arose and left all - the cost of following Christ. Moses in Pharaoh`s palace made the great choice to no longer be called the son of Pharaohs`s daughter but rather chose to suffer affliction with the people of God rather than to enjoy pleasures of sin for a season.
The desires through life - what is our driving force through life - gain riches of life somehow distracted us from finding Christ. The rich young ruler came searching for eternal life "what good thing must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus spoke to him about the commandments and he replied "all these commandments have I kept from my youth up yet lack what I." Jesus spoke to his relationship to wealth and riches, give it to the poor then come take up your cross and follow me He was not willing to leave them behind. Pilate had choice to release Jesus but he favoured his relationship with Caesar.
The dangers at end of life. When we close our eyes in death the soul goes out into eternity - a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. The bible speaks of 2 destinations - heaven and hell. The rich farmer in Luke 12 when the end came God did not come into the equation. God told him "thou fool" not because of riches, worked hard, great ambition but he had left God out. Riches and material blessings nothing wrong but when you put them in front of God then we are at fault. "him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." Make sure God is your goal today!
30 May 2020 – Questions in God’s
Word – A time to reflect on our lives
James 4 verses 14 ”For what
is your life? It is even a vapour, that
appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away.”
Life is futile – “a little
We were created in the image
of God, created for fellowship with God but that was marred in Garden of Eden
when sin entered into the world. We are
cut off from God. The prodigal son in
the scriptures asked for his inheritance, went off into a far country, for a
while enjoyed life to full until hard times came. He had no satisfaction, realised he had
nothing. Ephesians 2 talks of a time
when we were not saved, without hope and without God in this world.
Life is fleeting –
vapour appears for a little time then vanisheth away.
The Bible says our life span
is threescore years and ten or by reason fourscore. Gone, cannot be reclaimed. Life living now is probationary for eternal. We can gain the riches of this world but it
is only probationary period for eternity.
Zacchaeus had 1 opportunity to see the Lord and would not let anything
deter him. He wanted to see his Lord. Jesus called him down from the tree and both
went home to Zacchaeus house. That day salvation
came to Zacchaeus house.
Life is fragile –
appears for a time then vanishes.
Life can end so quickly. He that is often reproved and hardeneth his
neck shall suddenly be destroyed and left behind. Are you prepared to meet God today?
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