Thursday, 11 June 2020

Hannah`s bitterness of soul

Sermon notes from Monday 28 October 2019 Bobby McKay
1 Samuel 1
"Bitterness of soul" verse 10.  This was Hannah`s problem.  When she came into the temple Hannah was hard of heart.  She wept sore in the temple.  You might have a heavy burden on your heart tonight.  She wanted to have a child because of her husband.  In those days the husband could take a second wife just to have a child.  Hannah`s husband did that and his second wife had lots of children.  Hannah wanted to please her husband so much - verse 5 "but the Lord had shut up her womb."  The Lord gave her this problem.  He was going to work out a plan and purpose in her life.  It could be a problem we have with a husband, a son or a daughter, or health and it lies heavy on your heart.  People go to medical doctors, feel nothing can be done for them.  Like the woman with the issue of blood.  She then tried Jesus and her problem was cured.  Some people go through life and have a miserable existence, not able to function correctly.  Hannah knew what the problem was.  The Lord gave her the problem.  Sin is a problem, a burden on us.  Until that burden goes from us we will never have peace.  If you are going through something at the moment the Lord has allowed you to have the pain.  For Hannah it was something inside, not something visible.  Her husband could see it on her face.  Her countenance was sad.  He asked her "am I not better to you that 10 sons?" (verse 8)  Hannah went to the place where she could find help - she went into the temple of God.  You are in God`s house and are here for a reason because God wants to speak to you.  A problem in your heart.  I can solve it but you have to be honest with God.  She had a heart of pain, she felt so alone.  You might find yourself in this situation, all alone, who will help me in this situation?  Hannah went into the temple.  Hannah`s patience.  How long did she carry the problem for?  Verse 4 going on for years.  Her sons and daughters, other wife had more than one of each.  Year after year it had been going on for.  The devil was doing everything in his power from stopping you in coming to the Lord.  The devil was stopping her from ending this pain.  Her patience was wearing thin, at a point where could take no more.  She had a prayer.  We read in verse 10 "and prayed unto the Lord and wept sore."  This prayer was a sorrowful prayer.  A prayer from the heart.  Not lip service given today.  She could take no more.  She wept sore.  Determined to get through to God.  Maybe tonight you need to have that determination to get through to God.  She carried this problem long enough, perhaps for years and years.  Her prayer was sorrowful.  It was also silent.  No-one could hear what she was saying.  Maybe you have been silently praying for this problem.  No-one could care less about her, even her husband was getting fed up with her attitude.  Maybe you are feeling pressure in your home, in your family tonight.  She was like that.  It was also a spiritual soul that God would hear.  That makes all the difference, not just hitting the ceiling and came back down again.  Hannah made a promise to the Lord "if you give me a son I will give him back to you."  She made a vow - verse 11.  People make a vow and they never hold unto them.  "If you get me out of this situation then I will go to church and pray and read my bible."  People have done this constantly, situations have been difficult and when those situations become better never see them again.  Maybe God has brought you through difficulties in your life but you have forgotten about him since.  Hannah made a promise to God.  People tell you the Christian life is boring.  God has given us a life full of promises not of man but of God.  Salvation is real tonight.  There is a God who is real and precious tonight.  Hannah made this promise when she went into the temple and prayed .  Eli thought she was drunk. She was given a promise to her by Eli - verse 17.  Wouldn`t it be wonderful if you went out of here with peace in your heart instead of pain.  The Lord takes the burdens.  The blood of Jesus Christ God`s son cleanseth us from all sin.  The cross is where the Son of God paid the price for our sin.  He gave his life`s blood for our salvation.  The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.  Couldn`t deny the peace God gave us.  When I became a Christian not a bed of roses but when you have problems you take them to the Lord.  He sorts them all out.  Cast your burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain you.  He shall never let the righteous be moved.  Not only peace in your heart.  Her countenance also changed - verse 18.  She had peace in the heart.  She had peace in the home.  Maybe the situation didn`t change right away.  Peace, knowing she had left her burden with the Lord.  She had also peace with her husband.  When Jesus comes in our heart not only changed but the home, the heart, everything changes.  That is what Jesus does.  Your heart can change dramatically.  You have to come.  All Jesus wants you to do is try and sort it out.  Come as you are right now.  If anything you take out of this meeting Romans 10 verse 9 "that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart thou shalt be saved."  Hannah had tremendous peace in her heart, home and with her husband.  It all changed.  What problem is.  What are you going to do with it.  Maybe it is a sinful problem never been saved.  Wanted to come forward but something stopped you.  Wouldn`t it be great to know the peace of God that passeth all understanding.  Jesus is more powerful than the enemy.  He will set you free, set you on the road to eternity.

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