Sermon notes from Sunday 3 November 2019 am
Romans 1 verses 8 - 17
Men and women of vision. What is a man or woman of vision? Someone who sees something that is not here but
could be there. That the mighty hand of
God could bring upon such a man as Martin Luther - Proverbs 29 verse 18 "where
there is no vision the people perish."
Martin Luther got the name of the monk that shook the world. He was a devout Roman Catholic who entered
the Augustine monastery. He was entering
to find peace with God. He had a troubled
heart. He realised something needed to
be done. He needed a relationship with
God. He couldn`t find any one to tell
him where it was. God took this one
young man and he changed the world through him.
The apostles in the early days were men who turned the world upside
down. The Pharisees, scribes and leaders
saw something about them. They had to
say of them that they were men of no education, no learning, no upbringing but
they acknowledged they had been with Jesus.
That is what makes the difference.
Martin Luther changed the world.
Matthew 5 verse 14 "ye are the light of the world." You and I are those who have acknowledged we
are sinners in the sight of a holy God, have trusted him to save and take away
our sins, to make us new creatures in Christ.
When we flick a switch today the light illuminates the whole room. Have we made a change in our homes from the
moment we were saved, in our families, in the work place, in our communities in
which we live? Do we take time in the
morning to open up the scriptures? Before
we retire at night do we remember the Lord?
The first thing I notice about a man or
woman of vision is this - a man or woman is observant. He sees things happening around him. Martin Luther saw things that were not right
in his own heart and in his local church.
He had a hunger for God. He had
several close encounters with death - he was once struck by lightening and on
another occasion severed an artery. That
maybe brought him to a reality - if he was cut down in death he had no
future. He was taught the act of penance
and going without if necessary. He felt
that if he went into the monastery he would meet other young men in a similar
situation. He was being brought to the
place of the cross. That is where we need
to get to today. Not easy believism, not
living with a smile on our faces and everything is just fine. The rich young ruler in Jesus` day came seeking
after eternal life. He got down before
the Lord. The Lord gave him an
ultimatum. You can have the world or
me. He made a choice that day. He wanted to keep his riches and with that he
turned his back on the Lord. Isaiah had
a vision one day and his response was "woe unto me for I am a man of
unclean lips." It is not just a
profession from the lips but an expression from the deep desires of our
soul. Isaiah`s life comes crashing down
that day when he had the vision in the temple.
He could see others amongst whom he lived who were in a similar
situation. Luther realised his heart was
wrong then he realised his church was also wrong. Isn`t that where revival begins - doesn`t it
really bring it home to us when we see the love of God and the need of those
around us? This Reformation movement
happened some 500 years ago. They tell
us today that the Reformation was a mistake, it should never have
happened. We have more to unite us than
to divide us. That is where you and I
need to be careful. We are living in a
day that is dark. We need discernment
now more than ever. In Acts 6 the early
disciples were men of discernment, could see things happening in the
fellowship. Souls were being saved and
that angered the devil. The devil will
never be far behind when souls are being saved.
The devil wanted the church closed down.
Why? Because God was adding to
the church daily such as should be saved.
In Acts 3 and 4 the devil tried to stop the disciples proclaiming the
gospel but that didn`t work. He tried a
more subtle approach. There was money
coming into the fellowship that was divided up amongst those that needed
it. There was a small group who felt
they were not getting what should have got.
They complained about the disciples.
The devil was sowing the seed of discord amongst the men and women of
the early church - why - because people were getting saved. Those disciples were however men and women of
vision. They decided to give themselves
to prayer and the word of God. The devil
was trying to stop the word of God and they realised that Satan was trying to
stop the preaching and praying in the church.
Satan will stop you in the prayer meeting. He will stop you in the pulpit. It doesn`t matter what happens, we need to be
praying and seeking God - why - because we need the men in the pulpit preaching
the word of God. Satan knows how to get
into your home and into your life. He is
a subtle person. The man of vision is a
man who is observant. When Philip came
to Samaria in Acts looking all around him that he saw the need of the people to
hear the gospel. He began to preach,
people were delivered of demon spirits, healed and set free. He saw what was needed. We need God to open our hearts and see what we
need and what people all around us need.
When Jesus came to Genesaret the people ran to him. We need people like John Wesley, Witcliffe,
men of vision who could see what was needed to be done.
The man or woman of vision is objective. Martin Luther had a goal in his heart and
mind - to get right with God. He spoke
to an older priest who advised him to read the bible. Martin Luther and the priests led the people
through a procession in the city. Then
Martin Luther took a hammer and nails and nailed a piece of paper with 95
thesis on it. He wanted to see things
done. Tyndale translated the bible into
English, the mother tongue. He wanted to
see every person in England able to read the bible Some people were in disagreement but Tyndale
stood to his feet and said "I will cause the boy that drives the plough in
England to know more of the word of God." We have a godly heritage today, we need to
hold onto it. He caused the Protestant
Reformation which we still celebrate 500 years later. There are people who will argue and say it is
a mistake. Luther was outraged at the
way Rome raised money through the sale of indulgences. When someone bought an indulgence they were
buying something that would take some of their family out of purgatory. "When the coin in the offering rings the
soul from purgatory it does spring."
Martin Luther realised when a soul comes to the foot of the cross he is
saved by God`s grace, nothing the Poplle could provide. Martin Luther was a man of vision. He took action. Bring it down to ourselves today. Have we that objective today? Those disciples in Acts 6 realised enemy was
trying to get in. They had a goal or
aim. They didn`t want the prayer house
to be stopped. These men had
objective. We cannot do that. We cannot do that. Love the place of prayer and reading of the
word of God. This argument was going on,
that there was not enough money being given to the poor and widows. The devil was only using that to cause
division. Have you a niggle in your
heart and the devil is taking it and using it, holds onto it to try and trip us
up. When we go to bed at night we think
about it. The devil uses these things. These men were men of vision. They asked the church to choose out 7 men of
good report, full of the Holy Ghost, men of understanding. They asked them to go and sort it out. They would take the problem away from the
disciples. Whatever is in your heart
today take it to the Lord, get it sorted out today. Luther was a man who took action. The devil knows what does annoy us and hinder
The man of vision is a man of obedience. We have to obey the word of God. Luther was put out of the Roman Catholic
church. It is not easy to stand against
all the priests and bishops in a world were this was the main church. "The just shall live by faith". What a privilege we have today to have the
word of God today all because of men like Martin Luther. If it hadn`t been for men like him and others
read to stand up and be counted, to be killed for the faith. If not for men like these we would be still
living to please a holy God through all sorts of means. We worship today because when Jesus died on
the cross he satisfied an angry God. He
was pleased with what was offered That
is what saves us today. "As did
Peter we ought to obey God rather than men." Martin Luther said. We need to take our stand today as did the
apostles of old. We need to keep the
doors to the prayer meeting open and the preaching of God`s word
sanctified. We see the enemy getting in,
seeing the children`s work dwindling away.
It is not just happening in our church but others. We ought to be on our knees praying. The disciples didn`t want to give up praying
and preaching. They appointed others to
sort out the problem in the early church.
Have we the same vision today?
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