Sermon notes from Sunday 9 February 2020 am
(Harold Alcorn)
John 3 verses 1 - 17
One of the best known verses in
scripture, seen on telegraph poles. A
verse that contains the gospel in the nutshell.
Jesus and his encounter with Nicodemus.
If he hadn`t come at night to Jesus we might never have had these
verses. It was God`s will however that
he came specifically at night. This man
had a conviction that brought him to Jesus.
Verse 2 he had a conviction that God was with Jesus. "Except God be
with him." Major step towards
salvation when we realise God is at work.
One of the biggest hindrances today is the belief that God is at work in
our work today. Nicodemus had a
conviction that brought him to Jesus.
Jesus turns the conversation of who he really is and puts the focus on Nicodemus
- "except a man be born again."
That was his greatest need.
Before could see the kingdom of God, born again, before could be in
God`s family he needed a new start.
Speaking of spiritual matters.
Nicodemus however is still thinking physically. How can a man be born again. Jesus draws a comparison in verse 8. Cannot explain everything we know that we are
saved. Verse 14 focus on things
spiritually. Reminds him of the story of
Moses lifting up serpent in the wilderness.
He would have known that story so well as he was versed in the Old
Testament scriptures. Look at that great
event - Numbers 21 verses 8 and 9. The
last great miracle by hand of Moses before people went into the Promised
Land. The people had sinned and were
bitten as a result. God commanded Moses
to lift up a serpent and set it on a pole and everyone that looked at it would
live. They were about to go down and do
battle with Amelekites. Comparison with
Jesus and the serpent. Jesus was sent
into the world by God his father. The serpent
was lifted up on a pole. Jesus was lifted
up on the cross. It was a fiery
serpent. Revelation 1 verse 15
comparison with God himself as he was lifted up to die for our sin. The people looked and were healed and entered
into the Promised Land. We too can be
saved when we look at Jesus being raised up on the cross. Our sins were taken that day. The people had to believe as they looked to
the serpent. Only when they looked were
they healed. We too need that faith to believe
that Jesus died on the cross, to look to him, to have our sins forgiven. Many scoff at believing in Jesus can give us
eternal life. Salvation is only found
through belief. Moses was commanded to
put that serpent on the pole. God was
looking forward to that day on Calvary.
John 3 verse 16. He didn`t
exclude anyone. Nicodemus believed it
was only to the Jews but all are included.
Notice the word "whosoever".
Take out that word and put in your own name. The words "for God" are repeated
again in verse 17. Our attention is
being drawn to consider God himself. We
need to consider what God has done in the past, doing in the present and what
will do in the future. The purpose of
God sending his son is made clear in verse 18 "but that the world through
him might be saved. We need to watch
don`t overlook a great truth. Here the
world was already condemned before Jesus came.
He came to lift the condemnation.
Jesus will give the final condemnation.
Matthew 25 Jesus talks of separating the sheep from the goats one day in
the future still to come. He will gather
all nations and separate as a shepherd.
We need to always remember he says to those on the left to depart from
him. They have brought condemnation on
themselves. Will you know Jesus as
Saviour or as your judge?
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