Sunday, 28 June 2020

The word from God - take off your shoes for this is holy ground

Sermon notes from Sunday 28 June 2020 am
Joshua 5 verses 13 - 15

Here on the banks of the River Jordan the Children of Israel are awaiting the blessing of God to his own people.  When they came out of Egypt they came out with a two fold promise.  First that God would bring them out of Egypt - Egypt is a picture of the world and their slavery was a picture of the devil, Satan himself.  The second part of that promise was that God would bring them into the land of blessing.  Maybe God has a promise of blessing for you today but there is something standing between you and that blessing.  God challenged the people first and foremost "come gather together and hear what the Lord has to say."  They needed to know what God would have them to hear.  God has a special word for you today.  He then challenged the priests to lift the Ark of the Covenant onto their shoulders, the Ark was a symbol of the presence of God.  They had to bear it on their shoulders and step down into the waters.  To prove the word of God, that he would roll back the waters so they could walk across to the other side.  Then the challenge came to the people who represented the Children of Israel.  They were to pick up a stone from the riverbed and carry it on their shoulders and bring it out of the river and build an altar, a memorial for their children in the future.  The challenge now comes to Joshua himself.  Maybe the Lord is speaking directly to you today.  God wants to challenge you personally today as Joshua stands here.

Joshua`s consideration.  Think of his heart and mind.  He is away from everyone, separated, standing alone, he was considering this great city, Jericho, the walled city, great strength and power within its walls.  Joshua couldn`t avoid this city.  I am sure he could virtually count every stone.  Such was his consideration to it.  Then someone drew alongside him, the captain of the hosts, the leader of God`s army.  That is maybe how you are - so caught up with the situation of your life, something you are facing that you cannot avoid.  As you consider this problem again will you deal with it?  Have you known the drawing near of God to you ?  As Joshua looked at this city I am sure the devil was not far away.  Perhaps the devil was telling him to turn around, to lead the people away another way not this way.  The devil comes to us in a similar way.  Joshua 2 verse 24 "And they said unto Joshua, Truly the Lord hath delivered into our hands all the land; for even all the inhabitants of the country do faint because of us."  What considerations are going through your mind today?  You have decisions to make today.  Maybe God is speaking directly to you about the decision to follow Christ today.  Maybe the devil is also saying "don`t even think about it, you are foolish, you have no need of God as some of the rest of these people do."  Turn to Christ as Saviour, he died on the cross of Calvary to save your soul.

Joshua`s company - verse 3.  Some would tell us that the God of heaven came down to earth in human form.  It was only as Joshua lifted up his eyes, took his eyes off the city that he saw the one who was standing before him.  Maybe your eyes are on the problem today but you don`t see Christ himself.  Sometimes we find ourselves getting lost.  Genesis 28 Jacob fled from his own home, turned his back on his father and brother who he had deceived.  Under the canopy of heaven, when the night was drawing in he set up camp and made his bed using a stone for a pillow.  In the middle of the night the Lord himself came to him.  The next morning he was able to say "Surely God was in this place and I knew it not."  Do we recognise God in this place to day?  Remember the word "where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst."  Notice the word "where" not 2 or 300 or 2 or 3000 - just where they are gathered.  Remember the prison house in Philippi.  Paul and Silas at midnight were singing praises to God.  The old jailer trusted the Lord as Saviour when the earthquake came.  Remember Lydia as she listened to Paul preaching by the river side - the Lord was there and opened her heart.  Remember Daniel who was told not to pray to his God or else he would be thrown into the lions den.  He opened the windows and prayed to God.  When he was thrown into the lions den the following morning he was able to say "the Lord sent his angels to watch over me."  God watched over him.  He was there in that den.  God`s promise was true.  The conversation with Joshua.  God is speaking even today.

Joshua`s caution - verse 14 "and Joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship"  Even there in the shadow of Jericho there was a way - he had to come, he had the right idea - he fell down on his face and began to worship there and then where he was.  The Lord told him to take off his shoes for this was holy ground.  We need to be respectful and reverent when we come before the Lord.  We need to bear in mind what Jesus has done for us.  That Jesus died on Calvary so that we might be able to come into his presence.  He fulfilled the plan of salvation from eternity past, that his only son would die on the cross for you and me.  One day he will come again.  Will he come for you?  If you got a letter to attend Buckingham Palace to receive a New Years Honour bestowed on you, you would not be long in preparing for it, booking a flight to get there, studying what you can and cannot do in the Queen`s presence.   Psalm 24 "who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?  He that hath clean hands and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully."  

Joshua`s compliance.  God drew nigh to Joshua and he did as the Lord asked of him.   Joshua 3 verse 7 "And the Lord said unto Joshua, This day will I begin to magnify thee in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee."  Joshua 4 verse 14 "On that day the Lord magnified Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they feared him, as they feared Moses, all the days of his life."  Paul said "if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself." (Galatians 6 verse 3)

Monday, 22 June 2020

What mean ye by these stones?

Sermon Notes from Sunday 21 June 2020
Joshua 4 verses 1 - 8
The Children of Israel are taking their time on the banks of the River Jordan.  We saw how Joshua challenged the people to come together.  The reason?  To hear what the God of heaven had to say.  This was an important time for them.  A crisis time.  There was only one who they could depend on, there was only one they wanted to hear from - the God of heaven.  It was not a matter of hearing what Joshua had to say himself, he was sure the God of heaven had a word in season for them. It is wonderful to hear from God alone.  Don`t miss out on what God has to say today.  Joshua challenged the priests, those chosen to bear the testimony of the Ark of the Covenant.  They had to prove to God that they would walk through the river and take the Ark through on dry ground.  They were after all God`s representatives to the people.

Joshua turns to the 12 representatives of the tribes of Israel - one man from each tribe and tells them to go down into the River Jordan, to pick up a stone and bring it out, to set it as a memorial - verse 6.  Why were they do this?  When their children asked their fathers in the future "what mean ye by these stones?"  The fathers would be able to tell the story of how God brought them out of Egypt, out of slavery, led them into the wilderness for 40 years and had now brought them into the Promised Land.

These stones would be a reminder of God`s faithfulness - verse 5.  They were to pick them up from the dry bed of the river.  They had to be carried on their shoulders.  These were not little stones picked up in the palm of the hand.  They had to have the strength to lift and carry them out.  This was a lasting monument.  Every stone was to be built on another, standing there to the goodness and faithfulness of God.  These stones would speak volumes.  They would teach lessons in years to come.  1 Peter 3 "sanctify the Lord your God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.  What do we teach our children today?  These were the times when they proved God.  Can we tell of times when we have proved God?  Imagine the fathers telling the story, going right back to Egypt when they were under the hard bondage, when Pharaoh would not let them go.  When a lamb was put to death and its blood sprinkled on the doorposts and lintels.  That was the night they were delivered.  Can you tell of a night when the Lord saved you?  These people when they left Egypt, knew the promises of God.  The evidence of God was seen in the cloud and fire in the wilderness every day.  They proved the faithfulness of God.  When they came to the Red Sea and the way ahead seemed blocked, the enemy was coming behind them, when they thought they would be taken captive again, God delivered them once more.  The faithfulness of God in the provision of manna in the wilderness.  Remember Samuel when he told the people to set up the stone - why - call it "Ebenezer for hitherto hath the Lord helped us." (1 Samuel 7 verse 12)  Deliverance from the Philistines.  Is there something you can look back on and say "that is when God was faithful to me?"  Adam gathered his 2 sons and taught them of God`s faithfulness, how the God of heaven had made all that they could see, he had created everything visible and then created him from the dust of the ground.  He became a living soul.  "God looked on me in the Garden and thought it was not good for me to be alone.  God made me a wife."  You should instill into your family something of the creator God.

These stones speak of a personal faith in God.  The stones had to be picked up from the dry bed in the River Jordan.  Verse 4 each one of these 12 men had to step into the middle of the River Jordan, had to pick up a stone in answer to the call of God.  If they had not been obedient there would have been nothing to show their children.  These men could point to these stones.  A personal faith attributed to these stones.  A personal testimony "I picked up that stone and carried it out."  Can you speak to your children of what you have done for the Lord?  Can you take them back to Calvary and say "I took the Lord as my personal Saviour and Lord and I devoted my life to him.  I helped others in the furtherance of the gospel."  These men said "the Lord spoke to me, I was told to carry that stone out, to bear the burden of that stone and I carried it out myself."  Are you bearing the burden of working for the Lord today?  God has been speaking to you.  Perhaps you think it is enough to be saved.  Think of Abraham.  God asked him to take his son and sacrifice him to show his love for God.  Hannah went up into the temple to pray.  She had no child.  She told God "if you give me a child I will give him back to you."  The Lord has given you life - what have you given back to him today?  Dorcas in Acts has just passed away.  The widows standing around her bed had in their hands evidence of Dorcas` work.  Will you be able to point to the stones and talk of your personal faith in Christ?

These stones also speak of a fellowship they enjoyed at that particular time.  They were carried out, laid one on top of the other.  12 individual stones set in a pile for all to appreciate, a wonderful tribute of love and harmony.  People working together.  A man chosen out of each tribe, working together to lift a stone and set it up.  Listening to God, believing his promise, acting as one.  That is what any fellowship of God`s people should be like.  Jesus was the proof of discipleship "they shall know you are my disciples if ye love one another."  Acts 4 apostles were arrested, interrogated, beaten and threatened.  They were told not to speak in Jesus` name any more.  The Lord was dead and gone, they did not want his name to be preached.  Peter and John in verse 23 "they came to their own company".  What was the qualification of that company, what did that company prove - these were men who had everything in common.  Jesus lived and died, gave his life for sinful man.  His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary is the assurance of sins forgiven.  Peter and James knew they would find sympathy with their own people.  Will we be able to say the same to our children - to prove a time of personal fellowship.  Why did I belong to that particular fellowship?  "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness." (Ephesians 5 verse 11)  2 Corinthians 6 "be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers."  The fellowship has to be pure.  "For what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness." (2 Corinthians 6 verse 14)

It was to be a basis for the future generation.  Something for them to see and prove for themselves.  Able to say God who has done so much for our families.  Out of Egypt, through the wilderness and Jordan River and say he has done that for them and he can do it for us.  Is your life telling in your home, in your community for the glory of God.  Can you take your children and teach them?  The people unfortunately failed to do that in this story - Judges 2 verse 10 "and there arose another generation after them which knew not the Lord nor yet the works which he done for Israel."  What a terrible plight - will we be responsible to do that today?

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord

Sermon notes from Sunday 14 June 2020
Romans 10 verses 1 - 13
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Paul is praying for something that is attainable to all who hear - verse 1 - Paul says "my heart`s desire."  A deep longing that all his brethren might be saved, if they would confess their sin and trust Christ as their own and personal Saviour.  Paul was writing to a people who would search the scriptures "for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me."  Paul is speaking to a people who think they are on their way to heaven and home but lost in sin, on their way to a Christless eternity.  "Satan hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." (2 Corinthians 4 verse 4) Is that your burden tonight.  To see our family and friends saved?  Are you praying for them?  Paul`s prayer - he wants to see them saved.  The only thing he could do in this respect was to get down on his knees.

The positon that Paul presents.  What does it mean to be saved?  The word "saved" means to rescue something, to deliver someone from danger. John Wesley in his testimony referred to a fire in the rectory of Epworth when he was about 9/10 years of age.  As the roof was about to collapse he was picked up and carried to safety.  He referred to this as a brand that was plucked from the fire.  Peter in Acts 4 said "no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved."  It is not something additional, added onto our lives.  To Nicodemus in John 3, Jesus said "ye must be born again."  Are you saved by the grace of God tonight?  1 Corinthians 1 verse 18.  Paul realised he was a sinner, to Timothy he referred to himself as "the chief of sinners".  We are all in that category, under the same judgment.  Paul recognises the only way to be saved was to come to the Lord and trust him.  Paul did everything to ridicule the church, to bring the church down.  On many occasions that would come back to haunt him.  Stephen was a young deacon of the early church, he was full of faith. One day he was arrested and charged.  As he was stoned to death, he looked up to heaven and asked the Lord not to lay this to their charge.  Paul must have seen it all and it must have been a dagger to his heart.

The possibility he points to.  "whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  It embraces all.  It doesn`t matter how long you have rejected his voice speaking to you.  In Jericho a man sat by the wayside.  He was blind Bartimaeus.  He was carried to that spot every day.  A great burden upon society.  One day God came walking past the blind man sitting there.  He stopped, had compassion on him, gave him grace to be healed.  We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  God wants to save you.  Think of Lydia who set aside time to go to the riverside.  She heard Paul preaching the word of God.  God reached down, opened her heart and she was saved.  Paul points to "the name of the Lord."  He points to God, not to some church or fellowship.  The angel to Joseph told him to call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins.  The world didn`t need a philosphy teacher but a Saviour.  God sent his only son.  There was no other good enough.  The Lord came into this world to save your soul.  Paul was speaking to a people, trying to make their own way to heaven, they believed their righteousness would get them into heaven but they couldn`t do it.

The privilege Paul points to - having sins forgiven.  Sin will take us into lost hell for all eternity.  What a privilege - you can be forgiven of your sin.  What a privilege to know you are on your way to heaven.  Salvation can be found in no other.  Are you saved tonight?  Have you never come to Christ, never known your sins forgiven?  You can have that acceptance by Christ tonight.  Confess your sins, admit your need of Christ, ask him to come into your heart and life and he will save you.

Taking up the ark of the covenant

Sermon notes from Sunday 14 June 2020
Joshua 3 verses 6 - 17

We remind ourselves what a privileged people we are. Thinking about the children of Israel here, to have the God of Israel as their Saviour.  Take a step back to Egypt when they were in bondage  They were under Pharaoh who made their living harder every day.  The taskmasters made their job harder.  The children of Israel began to look to one person, God in heaven.  We are a privileged people today.  In Egypt the blood of the lamb painted on doorposts brought those people out of Egypt under the mighty hand of God.  God took them out into the wilderness via the Red Sea which opened up before them.  The children of Israel walked across on dry ground.  Remember how God provided for them with manna.  All they had to do was collect it.  Their very clothes did not wax old and their shoes on their feet did not wax old (Deuteronomy 29 verse 5).  God was looking after them.  The disciples came to Jesus one day, they had left all to follow the master, they worried about what they would eat and wear.  Jesus picked out the birds of the air and said to them "Behold the fowls of the air; for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.  Are ye not much better than they?" (Matthew 6 verse 26)  Do you feel the privilege that God has given to you, that he has saved your precious soul?  Do you know what it is to be saved from your sins, that you will not stand before God in judgment.  The Lord died on Calvary to take away your sins.  Verse 6 "And Joshua spake unto the priests saying, Take up the ark of the covenant, and pass over before the people.  And they took up the ark of the covenant, and went before the people."  The people of Israel gathered on the banks of the Jordan River when it was in full flow.

Joshua spoke of their responsibility - "Take up the ark of the covenant and pass over before the people."  The priests were descendants of Aaron, it was their duty to minister in the things of God.  The ark of the covenant was a wooden box, 2 cubits in length (4 foot), 1 1/2 cubit in width and depth (2 1/2 feet).  It was overlaid with gold.  On top of the box it was laid with solid gold.  2 angels sat up on the top.  God gave the promise to the children of Israel that here was the place where he would meet and speak with them.  This was the mercy seat,  a prefigure of the Lord.  That is the place where we come to today, to the living Lord.  He is here in our midst.  What a responsibility for these people - to lift the ark and bear it in front of every living person.  What a responsiblilty for you and I today as we bear the testimony of the Lord.  We must be careful and cautious - do we live up to the testimony we bear?  We dare not take the things of God for granted today.  In Leviticus Aaron and his priests were charged with going into the temple of God, making sure the sacrifices were presented correctly.  On one occasion Aaron`s sons were so drunk that they didn`t care - "they offered strange fire before the Lord" (Leviticus 10 verse 1)  They were cut down as a result.  Remember king David, he wanted to bring the ark of the covenant home.  He knew it had to be carried by the priests but David set it upon a new cart.  His right hand man was cut down as a result.  Think of the Lord who loved us and gave himself for us.  When he died on Calvary he was dying for you and I.  We have the responsibility to bear the testimony of saving grace, to honour him in all we say and do today.

The role that they had to play.  These men picked up the ark and every eye was on them.  The children of Israel were to walk 3/4 miles behind the ark but to keep their eyes on the ark.  The priests were walking towards the river showing the people the way.  If you are saved you cannot get away from that role - might never be able to teach Sunday School, preach or sing but there is a role for you to play.  What role are you playing today?  The testimony we bear is to show men and women the way to Christ.  Does our life point men and women to Christ today?  Paul spoke of Peter in Galatians.  He had been a fisherman, saved by the grace of God, made an apostle in the early church.  Paul had to face Peter one time because he was not living up to the claims of the gospel.  So much was the turmoil, the problem that even Barnabas was being carried away.  Others can be affected by your life, maybe in the home, in the workplace, in church.  Elijah, the Old Testament prophet went in before Ahab, the most wickedest king that ever lived.  He told Elijah "as the Lord God of Israel liveth before whom I stand."  He was so aware of the role he was playing.  Are you aware of those watching you?  Elisha in 2 Kings 4 went past the Shunammite woman`s house time and again.  She said to her husband "I perceive something about this man, that he is a holy man of God passing by continually."  Paul writing to Timothy in chapter 4 verse 12 said "let no man despise thy youth."  He was a young man preaching the word of God.  Paul knew he would meet a lot of opposition but Paul told him "let no man look down on you because of your youth" but then he went on to say "but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."  Paul was telling Timotny to be an example in word and conversation.  Watch your tongue when speaking!  Don`t get into any form of ridicule or gossip.  Every part of your life should be an example.  Don`t do anything grudgingly.  Let everyone see your faith and in so doing others will be encouraged to do the same.  What role are we playing today?  What responsiblity do you have today?

Their results.  They stepped in.  They had a respect for the word of God.  It was God telling them to do this.  Did not just go down to the bank of the River Jordan and look at it.  When these people came down with the ark of covenant they had to follow the priests.  The River Jordan was 1 mile in breadth but it was now flowing deeper.  Can you imagine stepping into that river.  It was going to be no use standing at the bank of the river.  Maybe God is speaking to you, convicting you of your sin.  Maybe God is speaking of your profession of faith, you have never had your sins taken away, never been made a new creature in Christ, never trusted Christ as Saviour.  God is speaking directly to you today and he says how he has loved you, sent his son to die for you, loved you with an everlasting love.  You have to reflect back when you made a profession and you haven`t gone on with the Lord.  Now a daunting task is "I am going to have to step out.  Everyone will see it, all will know I have been living a virtual lie all these years."  There will be no blessing until you do that.  Maybe God is speaking about a specific task you have to do.  These people did not want to step into the water.  When they stepped in a great miracle happened.  The waters stood up and people walked on dry ground.  That is the reward.  Why not say to God today "I realise I am a sinner, I have come short of the glory of God, I never will be in heaven."  Jesus said in Revelation 3 verse 20 "Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with me."  Can you be saved today - yes - right where you are.  Acknowledge you have sinned and come short of God`s glory, acknowledge only way to heaven is through the death of Christ on Calvary.  Believe it today.  There was no blessing on the banks of the River Jordan "and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground"  Only when the priests took that step and moved into the centre of the waters then stopped that the miracle took pace.  The blessing of God was poured on the children of Israel.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

The gospel preached

Sermon notes from Sunday 26 January 2020

Hebrews chapter 4 - A gospel of no impact

"For unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it." verse 2

When we turn to the book of Hebrews we realise it has an unknown author in the physical sense.  There have been many arguments over its writer.  There is one thing for sure though - this writer has a great knowledge of the nation of Israel, all the ceremonial rights, ark of the covenant, role of priests.  The Lord is high above all these things.  They have come to an end and Jesus is now Saviour.  Verse 2 is our key verse today "For unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it."

The writer is comparing the actions of those in bygone days travelling to the land of promise.  Remember Moses bringing the people out of Egypt, going with great promise in their heart.  God went before them as a pillar by day and a flame of fire by night through that wilderness journey.  They came to the banks of the promised land but somehow they would not enter in there.  They would not believe that God had given to them a place of rest.  The author compares it with the people of his day.  An eternal rest is promised to the children of God today.  An eternal blessing through the name of the Lord.  If we are to come in faith and trusting him he gives unto us eternal life.  "He that believeth on the son hath life and he that believeth not the son hath not life."  How do we believe?  We come to the place called Calvary, to that hill where we see 3 crosses standing - one thief on one side and another on the other side.  2 men who had done so many wrong things there.  On the middle cross we see none other than the Son of God, Christ himself.  He is dying there not because of his sin but because of the thieves sin on either side of him and because of the sin of the Pharisees and chief priests, the religious leaders standing watching as well as the Roman centurions.  He is dying because of your sin and mine.  To believe means when I take the Lord as my own personal Saviour.  "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3 verse 23)  The God of heaven took his own son, placed him on the cross of Calvary, every sin of the whole world was laid on him.  He way dying to atone for the sins of the world, dying there to take your sin and my sin.  Have you accepted him?  The work has been done, completed.  The work pleased his father in heaven with the sacrifice given.  Have you pleased the Lord, have you accepted him as your Saviour, asked him into your heart, into your life?  The people could not go any further, could not take the step into the land, couldn't believe that God had done this for them.  Maybe you cannot believe that God has done that for you.  Until you do that you cannot enter into that rest.  

A gospel of no impact.  How often we ask the question why people are not getting saved, how can someone stand up after hearing God`s voice speaking through his word and not be saved?  That is a gospel of no impact.

The gospel challenges.  Here were people who came to the brink of the Promised Land but could not enter in because they wouldn't receive it by faith.  The gospel message challenges.  It challenges us in the way we are living.  When that happens people close their ears, don`t want to hear this message of how they are living.  Think of the people in Ephesus.  How where they living?  They were worshipping the goddess Diana, not the God of heaven.  Acts 19 verse 28.  For some 2 hours after Paul preached the word of God the people chanted "great is the goddess Diana".  Imagine for 2 hours they stood up after listening to the gospel message chanting "great is the goddess Diana."  Paul challenged the way they were living.  In Acts 17 Paul was in Athens and as he waited for the rest of the team to join him he spent his time looking at the city.  He looked into the eyes of men and women passing by him.  Here was a city given over to idolatry, blinded by that worship.  Paul`s heart was moved and stirred.  He presented to them the gospel.  Challenged the way they were living.  He came to the conclusion that people were very religious, the most religious he had ever come across.  Today there are many who are very religious.  They have their church, they read their bible, they say prayers.  The gospel challenged the lifestyle of the people of Ephesus.  In Acts 17 verse 22 when Paul stood on Mars Hill he said "I perceive that in all  things ye are too superstitious."  Paul was challenging their way of life  Paul was comparing their religiosity with faith in Christ.  They had come so far short.  Have we been challenged in our lifestyle?  "As I passed by and beheld your devotions."  It was not something made up.  He had the proof of their worship of idols.  He found an altar, somewhere they could bring sacrifices to day and daily to appease their gods.  Paul said "I found an altar to the unknown god."  There are these gods we worship but just in case there is one we haven`t named lets put up this altar to an unnamed god.  Paul challenged them about this.  He opens up the word of God to them.  God will one day ask us to stand before him.  God loved us and gave his son to save us.  For the Thessalonians it was the same.  People given over to religious lifestyle.  The gospel challenged them.

The gospel convinces.  This people Paul was speaking of in verse 2 had no problem with the gospel.  The problem was with their hearts.  They were challenged in how they were living, they were now convinced about what they should do.  Sadly though they were not convinced to step into the promised land.  Deuteronomy 1 verse 21 "The Lord has set the land before you, go up and possess it."  Moses brings the word of a promised rest but they couldn't go through with it.  The gospel brings the promise of rest in salvation - "come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest."  Caleb tried to convince the people to go in and possess the land.  They felt it would be better to return to Egypt.  That is what we find in people today.  We present Christ as the Saviour of the world but then comes the convincing.  The Thessalonian people began to compare how they were living, they became opposed to what Paul was preaching.  In Acts 2 the people had been challenged about their lifestyle.  They are convinced that they need to do something.  Have you ever been challenged about your life?  Are you living a selfish life of idolatry?  The jailer in Philippi asked "what must I do to be saved?"  When he looked at the life of Paul and Silas he saw the rest they had, he was convinced he had to do something.  We can only be convinced when we face up to it. 

The gospel converts - are we happy in the life we are living or do we want something better?  God has given an opportunity to be convinced about the lifestyle we should be living that we want to become converted.  Can we look back to a day when we were challenged and then became convinced?  Have we become converted?  Acts 17 verse 34 "certain men clave unto him and believed."  Challenged and convinced but converted.  1 Thessalonians 1 verse 5 "for our gospel came not unto you in word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake."  Paul in an old prison house told a jailer "believe on the Lord and you will be saved."  He knew he had to something.  He believed and was converted, saved by the grace of God.  In Acts 10 God opens the lid and lets us see what is happening in a Gentile house - the angel came to Cornelius as he was praying.  He was told "your prayers have been heard."  Cornelius was a well respected man in his home, looked up to in the community, treated the poor very well, gave all he could, had a great relationship with God because he prayed but he wasn't saved.  We need to understand how close we can get and not be saved.  Cornelius was convicted but he needs to be saved.  He was told to send for Peter.  That however is not conversion.  Cornelius might say he had a religious experience in his own living room when the angel came down but it was not conversion.  Many are challenged that something needs to happen but it is not conversion.  Many today are living their own lifestyle, say they were challenged and convicted in meetings but never converted.  Some would say they have experienced the lovely presence of the Lord.  To be saved or converted is something that Cornelius found when Peter came to his home and opened up the word of God.  The Holy Spirit fell on that meeting.  They accepted what Peter preached about.  They accepted Christ as Saviour.  Salvation is a living encounter with Christ, nothing else.

The gospel changes.  1 Thessalonians 1 verse 9 - when Paul preached to the Thessalonians they took their idols to the one side, they were now waiting on the Lord.  The gospel challenges me that I am not living right.  The gospel convinces me that I need to do something.  Conversion saves my soul.  The gospel also changes me from the inside out.  You are a new creature in Christ.  Galatians 5 verse 1 "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."  Is there a change in our lives?  Are we new creatures in Christ?  Paul says it didn't profit them - why - because it wasn't mixed with faith.  To be saved today means you have faith in your heart.

Therefore I will look unto the Lord

Sermon notes from Sunday 19 January 2019

Micah 7 verses 1 - 7

The first week we looked at this verse we considered the word "therefore" at the start and thought of the situation Micah found himself in.  He was living among a people who had a great outward profession for the Lord but were really going through the motions.  Their lips were near to God but their hearts were very far off.  Things were very discouraging, a depraved society, crumbling around him.  There was no-one that he could trust or depend on.  Micah brings himself into the equation in this verse - it is personal to him and to us.  What am I going to do?  Maybe the days will be long and discouraging.  Micah says "therefore I will look unto the Lord."  It is a great profession.  He also has a great patience - "my God will hear me."  Finally Micah has a great peace in his heart - "God will hear me."  What a challenge for us as we go into a new year!

A great profession
Micah is professing his faith in the living God.  He will get his eyes off everything else and place them on the Lord.  Paul could say in Romans 10 verse 10 "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."  Micah was confessing his faith just as Paul did.  We thought previously about Joshua leading the people into the land of Promise.  The land was being divided up, Joshua looks all around him and tells them they had a choice to make.  They could serve the gods of their fathers before the flood or the gods already in the land of the Amorites but as for Joshua "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24 verse 15)  Joshua and Micah made the decision to follow the Lord.  Much water had flowed since Joshua took up the mantle from Moses.  For Caleb it was 40 days from the day when he went to spy in Canaan yet he asked Moses to give him the mountain.  Is that our resolve - to look to the Lord?  Micah meant business with God.  Man had failed him, society was corrupt but he was going to look to the Lord.  Remember David when he returned to Ziglag.  All the houses were burnt and the people had been taken captive.  David`s army are turning against him - if they hadn't been away fighting they might have saved their own village and people.  They were at the point of stoning David.  David said to himself "I will encourage myself in the Lord." (1 Samuel 30 verse 6)  Remember Paul and Silas in the prison house in Philippi.  They were beaten and sore, cast into the prison but at midnight they sang and prayed.  They were encouraging themselves in the Lord.  Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt, they were not left to their own devices.  When we bowed our knees at the foot of the old rugged cross, when we realised that Christ had taken our sin, borne our sins on his own body, when the Holy Spirit showed us our need of salvation, when we said that day "Lord come into my heart and life, I am trusting thee as Lord."  Have you trusted Christ as Saviour yet?  We are not left to our own devices when we come to Christ.  He has given us his precious word to lead and direct us for the way ahead.  When Moses came out of Egypt with the multitude of people he could look to the pillar in the day and the fire at night.  God will not leave himself without a witness.  God would direct every step they took.  Can you imagine their faces when they came out of Egypt and the pillar turned a different way from what they expected?  If they had gone the way they had expected it would have been through the land of the Philistines.  They would have experienced warfare going that way and probably would have led to them wanting to return to Egypt.  God knows what is in our lives, how difficult it can be.  We think God doesn't fully understand and is taking us a different way that is not in our opinion the right or best way.  God knows best.  He wants to lead you if only you will let him.  Remember Paul when he was taken into the third heaven one day and shown things he could never imagine.  When Paul was brought back to earth something had happened to him - he was given a thorn in the flesh.  A blessing followed by a hindrance.  He prayed 3 times which really means he prayed continually, possibly up to 300 times for this thorn to be taken away from him.  God said no to Paul and then said to him "my grace is sufficient for you."  Maybe there are difficulties in your life right now and you have prayed earnestly for God to take it from you.  God says "I understand it all today, I am with you in it, keep looking to me."  Paul says "I know the pain of suffering, God will strengthen you in ways you never thought possible."  I am sure when he had to leave Miletus with a friend lying sick he couldn't understand God`s ways but he trusted God to work it out.  If your prayers are not answered today leave it with God.  He will help you through it.  Micah was determined to look to the Lord, to keep his eyes on the Lord.  So should we.

A great patience
Micah now says "I will wait for the God of my salvation."  In the midst of all the coldness and carelessness his only hope was in God and he was willing to wait.  The Psalmist could say "my help cometh from the Lord."  Even when there were no signs to bolster him up.  Let`s get our eyes off the signs and discouragements and look to the Lord.  Psalm 40 "I waited patiently for the Lord."  It was a very difficult period in his life, he described it as being in a pit, a miry clay.  In this hole in the ground signifies there was nothing concrete for him to stand on.  He was in danger of drowning, what terror held him.  He was waiting on God to move, there seemed no hope for him.  Day after day no-one cared for his soul.  He was in a very lonely place.  We can be in a similar place where no-one understands us.  The Psalmist didn't just wait, he waited patiently.  Micah could see no outward evidence of a society coming back to the Lord.  There is very little evidence even today of a people turning back to the Lord and it is very discouraging.  Micah says "my eyes are on the Lord."  It speaks of unanswered prayer for the Psalmist.  How often he prayed and nothing happened.  Are you still waiting today?  That Psalm was probably written at a time when David was on the run from his own son or in the cave hiding from Saul.  He felt very lonely, there were few he could trust and depend on.  Micah was prepared to wait.  No doubt he was crying to the Lord.  God will lift us out of the darkness.  Think of the story of Joseph.  20 years of age and cast into a prison at the behest of Potiphar`s wife.  She slandered his character.  He met 2 men in that prison - Pharaoh`s baker and butler.  He talked with them and Joseph realised they could help him.  He asked to be remembered when they went back before Pharaoh.  When that day came neither remembered Joseph in the cell.  It was 2 years until God moved in the butlers heart.  God moved.  Let`s have patience with God today.  Philip Keller wrote a book entitled "Lessons from a sheep dog."  He tells about a sheep dog he got when it was old and he thought it wouldn't learn any new tricks.  He had a great relationship with that dog.  He would go down into the valley, in amongst the thorns and briars to bring the sheep back to the fold.  The hardest thing for the dog to do was to wait.  The dog would squat down and sit there.  No more commands, just wait.  If he moved the sheep were gone, scattered.  Patience.  That is what we need as we go into 2020.

Micah`s great peace
Micah had peace that God would hear and answer.  Everyone else had let him down.  People had disappointed him.  If we are prepared to stand and wait on the Lord we can have a great peace, a peace that passeth all understanding.  Isaiah 40 verse 13 "but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."  He knew about waiting patiently on the Lord and that is what we need to do.  Walter Scott was considered a dunce.  He was in the house one day when the poet Robert Burns was present.  Robert Burns was admiring a painting with a poem beneath it.  He asked who wrote the poem.  No-one could answer but Walter Scott recited the poem and told who the author was.  Robert Burns told Walter Scott "you will be a great man in Scotland one day" and the rest is history.  Jairus had a daughter who was dying.  He asked the Lord to come to his house to touch her.  On their way to the house someone came out and told him not to trouble the master any more as she had died.  The Lord looked to Jairus and said "she is not dead just sleeping, only believe."  Maybe that is how we feel.  We think things are dead.  People in our family have no interest, they have no chance of coming into the house of God.  Have patience and peace - God will move.  Let us look to the Lord for this year.  Have patience, he knows our anxieties and worries.  We need to have peace and faith.  Trust in the Lord today.

Go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee

Sermon notes from Sunday 19 January 2020 pm

Luke 13 verses 10 - 17

The little verse we have been taking for our testimony nights is summed up in this passage - Mark 5 verse 19 "go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee."  The demonic man met the Lord one day.  The demons had to leave his body and went into the herd of swine who drove them over the cliff and into the sea.  The young man wanted to follow him wherever the Lord went.  Look at this lady in synagogue with the spirit of infirmity.  She couldn't look up.  As she comes into the synagogue and listens to the Lord she is delivered from that   What is she going to tell people as she leaves?  The first thing she could have said was - I listened.  This lady had the greatest opportunity.  Sitting in the synagogue when Jesus rose up to preach the word of God, he was handed the scroll and he began to preach.  No man spake like this man.  He spoke to the winds and the waves and even they adhered to his voice.  Never heard anything like it before.  This woman probably came every week, took her place.  For 18 years she was in that condition.  Maybe for the same time she came to the synagogue, heard God`s word but it never touched her heart until this particular day.  No doubt the elders welcomed her gladly but help they could not do for her.  The young man brought to the Lord by his father spoke to the disciples first but they couldn't deliver him.  He was brought to the Lord by his father and he healed him.  This woman had no help from anyone in the synagogue.  Many are depending on their church minister, their works, they will only let you down.  The church cannot save you.  The minister cannot do anything for you.  He can say all manner of good things when you are being buried but he cannot save you.  The only thing that will save you on that day is a relationship with the Lord.  Have you that relationship?  Are you saved by God`s grace?

Here was a woman who listened to everything that was being said, taking in every word.  Think of Lydia out by the river side.  A religious young woman who came out to the river side on the Sabbath day.  Paul and his evangelist were there.  She listened  and never heard anything like this before.  Paul told them of the Lord, how he came to seek and to save the lost  Lydia listened to every word.  Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  The shepherds on the hillside on that first night the Lord was born.  The angels came to tell them a Saviour had been born.  What a wonderful message.  There is a Saviour for all sin.  He wants to come into your heart, to make you a new creature in Christ.

She also learned.  The thing keeping her bound came from the very source of Satan himself.  We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.  We are blinded by the God of this world.  Not believing comes from the source of Satan himself.  He has bound you just like he bound this woman.  Many tonight do not discern their condition tonight, cannot see they are not saved because they do not believe they have sinned.  The parable of the sower.  The preacher went out to sow.  Some seed fell on good ground.  That ground is just like your heart.  The hard ground shows that your heart is hardened to the things of God.  The sower goes out and the seed will fall on hard ground.  The birds will come down and carry the seed away.  That shows the man taking in the word of God into his heart then the devil comes to the person and takes the seed of the word of God.  What a day it was for Nicodemus.  A religious man.  When Jesus told him he need to be born again, when the Lord looked at him and said "except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven."  That is what the Bible teaches us.  Are you born again?  Have you got some form of religious experience?  Are you born again of the spirit of God.  The Philippian jailer asked "what must I do to be saved?"  Paul replied "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."  He realised he didn't have what Paul and Silas had.  He was ready, prepared to do anything.  "All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way."  The source was the devil himself.

She looked.  Jesus looked to where she was, he called her out and healed her from her infirmity.  She looked into Christ`s face and responded to what Jesus said to her.  Jesus continues to speak directly to people now.  He is showing people their need of salvation, putting his finger on that which was wrong.  He told the elders this woman has been bound for 18 years, knew all about her and her condition, how long she had been like that.  Jesus knows all about you too.  This woman couldn't straighten up, chained and fettered by Satan.  Now she was an entirely different person.  Remember the leper who came to the Lord.  He came running to Christ.  He recognised who Jesus was.  He came to that place "if thou wilt you can make me clean."  In that moment he was healed, in an instance and he fell down.  That leper was bound, on his way to hell but he left saved by God, reconciled, redeemed by God.  Are you going to continue in your sin?  Continue in that backslidden condition?  Or will you come to Christ just as you are, just as this lady did. 

She could also say I am living for Christ.  She left the synagogue different from the way she came in.  She was now living for Christ.  Her testimony went before her.  The people would recognise her as she was bent in 2.  They would ask her what happened and that gave her the opportunity to tell her story.

Ananias and the task God gave him

Sermon notes from Sunday 12 January 2020

Acts 9 verses 10 - 19

We read in Acts 9 verse 10 this man called Ananias got up out of his bed one morning, got before the Lord and prayed.  Perhaps he read God`s word.  He headed out into the day.  God`s voice spoke to him, gave him a task that I am sure his heart sank into his boots.  Go into a certain house and there you will find this man Saul of Tarsus.  He is praying.  The moment Ananias heard that he said "Lord I cannot do that."  Here am I Lord were the words that stuck out.  Not a phrase preached upon these days, not often challenged from our pulpits today.  Micah chapter 7 verse 7 "therefore I will look unto the Lord, I will wait for the God of my salvation."  We began to think of what the prophet was really saying.  "Therefore" why was that word put in there - we began to look back at the darkest days the prophet was living in.  The government was corrupt, doing what they wanted to do.  Trading standards were at an all time low, cheating and frauding people, using dishonest weights and measures.  The religious world was in apostate way, people were going through the motions.  Their hearts however were far from God.  Micah was beginning to reflect.  To show that he was reflecting on all these things of the past, reflecting on the coldness, no comfort in them.  It brings him to a great resolve.  I am not lying down to this.  Very few could trust each other, mother was turning against daughter, father against son.  Great resolve - therefore I will look unto the Lord, the one who is high overall from everlasting to everlasting who cannot fail me.  In one way or another I will lift up my eyes unto the Lord.  From whence doth come my help, my help comes from the Lord.  You can trust the Lord today.  Micah was looking unto the darkest of days, had a resolve in his heart to look unto the Lord.  We look at the great desire that is within today.

It was personal - "therefore I"  A personal desire to look to the Lord.  Maybe you have been trusting someone today and they have somehow let you down, failed you in some way.  The Psalmist was not going to look to anything else, to anything like armies or chariots or horse but rather to one who was able to do far more abundantly than he could ever ask of think.  We have all these great resolves in this new year.  Micah was resolved to look to the Lord.  One thing is on his mind.  Micah says it was very easy to get swallowed up in the careless activities of society but God asks us to take out stand.  Isaiah 5 verse 7 God called for someone to stand in the gap in Ezekiel but he couldn't find one.  Paul `s great resolve in Philippians 3 verse 13 striving for eternal glory, only one thing on his mind.  We cannot get saved unless we have a clear mind, that must be the utmost thing in our hearts and minds.  When you listen to God`s word heard about about the cross, how Christ came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost.  Then he pointed across and said it was for you and me.  If not first in our minds we cannot get saved.  God speaks to Jeremiah ye shall seek for me and find me when ye seek me with all your heart.  We cannot hold onto any sin in our life, it all has to go.  God says we must repent of our sin, leave things behind, trust Christ as Saviour.  When we get saved we must guard things that are crowding in on us, the sin that doth easily beset.  Paul says to keep our eyes on the finishing line and the crown he is about to win.  Can we say this one thing I do like Paul?  Micah says he will set his sights on God and him alone  Many things that trouble and hurt us.  Paul says this one thing I do  We have to get our eyes set on that eternal glory.  Joshua was an old man in chapter 24, led the people into the Promised Land, he divides the land between all the families.  Will you serve the gods of the Amorites in whose land we dwell.  A challenge before them.  God gave him all the prosperity of the land.  Now you have to chose - the gods of the Amorites or the gods before the flood.  That old man said "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord."  Resolve and desire like Micah of old.  He had seen the hand of the God in his life, the goodness of God.  Is there something in our lives we need to get rid of that God says is not right.  Jonathan Edwards said "trust in God and you have nothing to fear."  He is closing his eyes in death, gathers the family, only one word - "trust in the Lord and you will have nothing to fear."  It is up to you and me to make the same resolve.  The desire was personal.

It was positive - "I will"  As we go into the New Year will we be content to continue as last year or will we have that same desire to live and to serve the Lord?  Ananias said "Lord here am I".  We need to be quiet sometimes in God`s presence and hear what God is saying to us.  Micah said "therefore I will."  Noah in Genesis 6 "when man`s thoughts and intentions were only evil continually."  God separated Noah.  He walked with God  God called Noah to one side, told him what he was going to do, told him about the sins of people, I want you to build an ark.  Noah was given a full description of the ark.  That was a big task.  Sometimes God gives us tasks, we think no way around them.  Genesis 6 verse 22 "thus Noah did get resutls  ..."  According to all God commanded so did he.  God is speaking to us as he spoke to Noah.  You have to do it and he agreed to do.  God puts a task on our hearts.  He is asking you to put his will in your heart.  Micah would look to the Lord.  Elijah complained that he was the only one left to stand for God.  He was mistaken because there were 7000 who hadn't bowed their knees to Baal.  There may be problems and difficulties, situations we have never faced before but God is with us in all of these.  Isaiah 6 he is in the house of God on this particular day gets a vision of God.  Isn't that what we need today - that we might see something special of God.  Isaiah in the presence of God realised his own shortcomings.  God was concerned about the man standing before him that day.  God sent the angels, lifted the coal from altar, touched his lips.  When God asks us to do something are we willing to do it for him?  He is interested in you as an individual for a specific task in the service of God.  He wants you to be able to stand up and say "here am I Lord."  The Lord is not coming to the pastor, to the elders or anyone else but you.  He says "I have a task for you."  Ananias took time to hear what the task was.  Sometimes we don`t take that task seriously.  Micah says I will look unto the Lord.  That is what the Lord is asking for today.

The task was practical.  It was more than lip consent, this was going to be hands on experience for the future.  Are there things lacking in our lives that need to be addressed?  Micah was saying I will look.  It was practical.  Micah chapter 7 verse 8 spoke of the enemy rejoicing over him.  He knew battles and difficulties but he said he would look to the Lord.  Will you make this resolve today - to look to the Lord, to watch for him and seek him?  Will you say "here am I, what would you have me to do?"  This is my resolve, this is the person I want to be in 2020.