Sermon notes from Sunday 28 June 2020 am
Joshua 5 verses 13 - 15
Here on the banks of the River Jordan the Children of Israel are awaiting the blessing of God to his own people. When they came out of Egypt they came out with a two fold promise. First that God would bring them out of Egypt - Egypt is a picture of the world and their slavery was a picture of the devil, Satan himself. The second part of that promise was that God would bring them into the land of blessing. Maybe God has a promise of blessing for you today but there is something standing between you and that blessing. God challenged the people first and foremost "come gather together and hear what the Lord has to say." They needed to know what God would have them to hear. God has a special word for you today. He then challenged the priests to lift the Ark of the Covenant onto their shoulders, the Ark was a symbol of the presence of God. They had to bear it on their shoulders and step down into the waters. To prove the word of God, that he would roll back the waters so they could walk across to the other side. Then the challenge came to the people who represented the Children of Israel. They were to pick up a stone from the riverbed and carry it on their shoulders and bring it out of the river and build an altar, a memorial for their children in the future. The challenge now comes to Joshua himself. Maybe the Lord is speaking directly to you today. God wants to challenge you personally today as Joshua stands here.
Joshua`s consideration. Think of his heart and mind. He is away from everyone, separated, standing alone, he was considering this great city, Jericho, the walled city, great strength and power within its walls. Joshua couldn`t avoid this city. I am sure he could virtually count every stone. Such was his consideration to it. Then someone drew alongside him, the captain of the hosts, the leader of God`s army. That is maybe how you are - so caught up with the situation of your life, something you are facing that you cannot avoid. As you consider this problem again will you deal with it? Have you known the drawing near of God to you ? As Joshua looked at this city I am sure the devil was not far away. Perhaps the devil was telling him to turn around, to lead the people away another way not this way. The devil comes to us in a similar way. Joshua 2 verse 24 "And they said unto Joshua, Truly the Lord hath delivered into our hands all the land; for even all the inhabitants of the country do faint because of us." What considerations are going through your mind today? You have decisions to make today. Maybe God is speaking directly to you about the decision to follow Christ today. Maybe the devil is also saying "don`t even think about it, you are foolish, you have no need of God as some of the rest of these people do." Turn to Christ as Saviour, he died on the cross of Calvary to save your soul.
Joshua`s company - verse 3. Some would tell us that the God of heaven came down to earth in human form. It was only as Joshua lifted up his eyes, took his eyes off the city that he saw the one who was standing before him. Maybe your eyes are on the problem today but you don`t see Christ himself. Sometimes we find ourselves getting lost. Genesis 28 Jacob fled from his own home, turned his back on his father and brother who he had deceived. Under the canopy of heaven, when the night was drawing in he set up camp and made his bed using a stone for a pillow. In the middle of the night the Lord himself came to him. The next morning he was able to say "Surely God was in this place and I knew it not." Do we recognise God in this place to day? Remember the word "where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst." Notice the word "where" not 2 or 300 or 2 or 3000 - just where they are gathered. Remember the prison house in Philippi. Paul and Silas at midnight were singing praises to God. The old jailer trusted the Lord as Saviour when the earthquake came. Remember Lydia as she listened to Paul preaching by the river side - the Lord was there and opened her heart. Remember Daniel who was told not to pray to his God or else he would be thrown into the lions den. He opened the windows and prayed to God. When he was thrown into the lions den the following morning he was able to say "the Lord sent his angels to watch over me." God watched over him. He was there in that den. God`s promise was true. The conversation with Joshua. God is speaking even today.
Joshua`s caution - verse 14 "and Joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship" Even there in the shadow of Jericho there was a way - he had to come, he had the right idea - he fell down on his face and began to worship there and then where he was. The Lord told him to take off his shoes for this was holy ground. We need to be respectful and reverent when we come before the Lord. We need to bear in mind what Jesus has done for us. That Jesus died on Calvary so that we might be able to come into his presence. He fulfilled the plan of salvation from eternity past, that his only son would die on the cross for you and me. One day he will come again. Will he come for you? If you got a letter to attend Buckingham Palace to receive a New Years Honour bestowed on you, you would not be long in preparing for it, booking a flight to get there, studying what you can and cannot do in the Queen`s presence. Psalm 24 "who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully."
Joshua`s compliance. God drew nigh to Joshua and he did as the Lord asked of him. Joshua 3 verse 7 "And the Lord said unto Joshua, This day will I begin to magnify thee in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee." Joshua 4 verse 14 "On that day the Lord magnified Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they feared him, as they feared Moses, all the days of his life." Paul said "if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself." (Galatians 6 verse 3)