Sermon notes from Sunday 20 January 2019
Revelation 13 verses 11 - 18
Last week we mentioned this evil triunity, the devil, the anti-Christ and the false prophet. We were looking at the activity through a period of time that will fall on the world which will begin after the church of Christ is taken out. We looked at the anti-Christ, his arrival coming into this world. We read about him having 10 toes and 10 horns in Daniel, the last kingdom that will be in this world. We seen also his ability - such power he will have. Then looked at his acceptance in the world. The world is looking for such a man right now. We saw his associates - cast at last into the lake of fire along with the anti-Christ and false prophet, the first beast is already there. In verse 11 "I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth." Notice the description of him, "he had 2 horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon." He earns his name as a prophet then not long after he is unmasked. He is known as the false prophet.
He is attractive - as a lamb. Imagine the bible describing this man coming up from the earth like a lamb. The attraction he has. He is no ordinary man. He rises out of the earth. The first beast in verse 1 rises out of the sea. The sea speaks of the nations of the world. The land represents the troubled nations of the world. This man is rising out of the earth signifying the land of Israel. The first beast is not going to be a Jew but this man will be. He is a lamb with 2 horns. There is no mention of crowns unlike in verse 1 the first beast had 10 crowns on his horns. This man has no kingdom, no political clout. He has a testimony. Two of the scriptures speak of testimony. Deuteronomy 17 verse 6. If a man is up before the judge he needs 2 witnesses to condemn him, 1 witness is not enough. Two is the number of testimony. 1 Timothy 5 verse 19. If something arises in the church it has to be made by 2 not one witness. Here we find that this man coming up has the appearance of the lamb. No crowns but 2 horns. 2 speaks of testimony. This is a false testimony. He has the appearance of innocency. The world will look at this man as he comes up through Israel and everyone will give an ear to him. The attraction to him. There is nothing to fear in a lamb. He will have all the right words. People are attracted by him and attracted to him. He speaks like a dragon. It will not be long though until the mask is off. The people will see who he really is. We might be looking at a period of time in the future but I can assure you that the same spirit is with us today. We have to be sure we are not distracted by the wolves in sheeps clothing.
Notice his arrogance - verses 11 and 12. The devil gives this man his power. The anti-Christ is there now. The false prophet is coming to do a special task through him. The devil has empowered him. He speaks as a dragon. The devil spoke with a lying tongue in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve were created. They were told not to eat of the one tree in the garden. The devil came to Eve and asked "Hath God said." His purpose was to take away from the word of God. We need to be founded on the word of God in our lives and in our church - are they based on that word of God. "Ye shall not surely die." Eve told him about that one tree and this was his response to her. He was deceiving Eve and destroying her faith in the word of God. That is the same ploy he is at today, destroying peoples faith in the word of God. "In the last days they shall turn away from the faith." (1 Timothy 4 verse 1) People are turning away even today. Churches are empty. There will be a great falling away Paul said. John 8 verse 44 "The mystery of iniquity doeth already work." (2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7) We need to be careful we are not deceived. That spirit described is already present in the world in which we live in today. The lie and the deception is on. The scene is being set for this anti-Christ, for this false prophet and teachers. There is an attraction to him yet it is so wrong, so deceptive. Paul says "it is through the foolishness of preaching that men and women are to be saved." (1 Corinthians 1 verse 21) There is an attraction to it. It is deceitful and deceptive. Paul says that Satan is himself transformed into an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11 verse 14) Satan can come as a great deceiver, as the lion.
His ambition. No doubt will win the hearts of many. Perhaps he will come up through the seats of Parliament. Maybe the man we are looking will get a prominent position in the government of Israel. Verse 12 this man gets the world to worship the beast by great signs no doubt. He will live in the shadow of the anti-Christ. Are we not living in the day of wanting to see signs and wonders? This man will exalt the anti-Christ and the whole world will follow him. We need to make sure we have salvation. If this 7 year period begins next week we need to be saved to escape it. We need to have our names written in the Lambs Book of Life. An assination is made on his life. He is wounded. The false prophet uses that situation to show how he was dead and is alive again. We have that power today. So many are being deceived - verses 13 and 14 "and deceiveth them that dwell on earth ... that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live." This man has been raised from the dead and they want to create an image of him. Verse 15 "he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak that as many as would not worship the beast should be killed." What a day we are looking at here. By this point the beast is the centre of the whole worlds worship. In chapter 17 we see the great hoar riding the beast.
The assertion of the beast - verse 16 "to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads." The mark of the beast. Verse 17 there are those who give that allegiance to the anti-Christ. There are those caught in 2 minds, what the anti-Christ cannot persuade them to do through his tongue. If you will not worship the beast you will die because you need his number to buy or sell. If you want to buy anything in the shop unless you have the mark of the beast you will not be able to do it. Can we not see that happening today? With our debit and credit cards, the cashless society we are looking at. As long as you have this number on your hand or on your forehead you will not be able to buy or sell without it on this day. To trade or work you will need the mark. There is a great deception on today. Many are preaching a false message today. People are flocking to them. The situation has been set up already. We need to be praying for our loved onces even now as this day is not far away. Thank God he is coming first to call his believers home to himself. Will you be in that number when he calls or comes to take us home?
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