Wednesday, 9 January 2019


Notes from Prayer Meeting on 8 January 2019
2 Timothy 1 verses 12 - 18

Last week we looked at the man Caleb who stood firm for some 40 years holding onto the promise that God would give him a portion of the Promised Land.  Caleb was a might man in the Old Testament.  Here we have another man in the New Testament, not a lot is said about him, he is not mentioned in the book of Acts.  He is mentioned here in verse 16 Onesiphorus.  Paul held him in high regard and esteem.  Although we don`t read much about him anywhere else it is good to take a moment to bring this man into the same category.  The apostle Paul holds this man up in the ministry.  In Romans 12 verse 1 Paul is exhorting the Christians "I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."  In verse 4 he talks about the various people being part of one body and in verse 5 the various ministries they are involved in.  In verse 6 he talks about the various gifts.  Some of us have gifts which are different from others.  The apostle Paul is holding up the ministry and wants us to see that we have a ministry, a gift, a talent of some description.  He has already encouraged Timothy to stir up the gifts within him.  Sometimes the gift will die, in particular if we don`t use it.  Paul talks to Timothy about recognising in him something of the gift that is dying down.  He comes to this man Onesiphorus, lets us see his ministry.  If you were talking to Onesiphorus he would say he was an ordinary man, nothing special in what he was doing yet Paul holds him up that we might simulate him, exercise what we have - our gift.  Paul holds the ministry of this man up, something similar to Caleb.  He wouldn`t give up, he persevered for 40 years, holding onto the promise of God that he would give him a portion of the land of Canaan.  Onesiphorus was a man who similarly persevered to the end.  John Wesley said one of the greatest prayers "Lord let me live until I am useless."  

What sort of ministry did Onesiphorus have - a ministry of friendship.  Paul proved this man to be a friend.  When Paul writes to Timothy he makes the point about friendship - verse 18.  Paul is telling Timothy "don`t allow your measurement of friendship to be hindered in any way, don`t be ashamed."  Paul is waiting on the executioner to come through the prison.  He is writing to Timothy to think of his leadership in these churches, talking here of the value of friendship.  Verse 15.  He knows about half hearted friendships, those who don`t stay in the hard times.  This is a friendship that goes back - verse 18 - some 10 years to when he ministered in Ephesus.  He preached there for some 3 1/2 years.  No doubt he made friends with him when he was there.  "He refreshed me" that is what a friend does.  Acts 18 verse 3 Aquilla and Priscilla "he was of the same craft and he abode with them."  He came into their home and everything was shared with Paul as a result.  A friendship that lasts.  Supportive and you can depend on that ministry of friendship.

A ministry of forcing.  Paul is in the prison house - "he sought me out".  He had an interest in Paul.  He missed Paul and couldn`t find him.  Not content merely to think about him.  He sought him out very diligently.  If he was in trouble then he wanted to know about it.  At this stage points to ministry of forcing.  He was prepared to go the extra mile and with a good friend, a friend that matters.  If we notice someone missing are we concerned about that?  Maybe we need to seek the Lord for that same concern.  Paul speaks of this man in verse 18.  He often refreshed him not just on one occasion but often.  Maybe we need to pray for that forcing.

His ministry was fearless.  He sought me out very diligently.  There was no fear here.  We are not told why.  This young man was going around all the believers homes visiting and enquiring about Paul, knocking the doors and finding out what was happening to Paul and where he was.  Then he went to the magistrates, those who would know something about him.  He didn`t give up.  That would have taken a fearless nature.  He doesn`t get anywhere there either.  Then perhaps he goes around the jails and prisons.  He doesn`t give up.  We need to hold onto the ministry we have that we might exercise it.

This ministy was fruitful - verse 17 "he sought me out very diligently and found me."  That is what we need to be doing this year - seeking diligently whether in or out of the fellowship.  This man was being led by God himself.  He pursued it, no giving up.  As we go into this year let us go in with the stature of this man, never giving up, holding onto the promise of God and seeking God`s will in our ministry.

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