Sunday, 13 January 2019

Revelation 13

Sermon notes from Sunday 13 January 2019 am
Revelation 13

I want to remind you this morning as we look into Revelation that it is not some sort of novel.  We are reading about things that shall shortly come to pass.  The book of Revelation is looking forward today.  Our world today is looking forward.  Our world is looking for someone to be a representative, to sort out the mess the world is in.  This man is on his way.  We read about him here in this chapter.  These are the last of the last days we are living in, days of unprecedented evil.  We are entering into a time that will never be like it again.  The motivating power behind the evil of this world today.  Paul talked about a "restraining power" (2 Thessalonians 2 verse 6) upon the evil on this land.  He was showing how God has the power and control even today.  Surely this restraining power is the church of Jesus Christ.  When that power is taken out the devil will have a field day.  When the Lord comes to the air, when the trumpet shall sound, when the dead in Christ shall rise first and we which are alive shall be caught up in the air, then the restraining power will be taken out of this world.  It is then that the devil takes over.  This is the devil`s great moment.  In Revelation 13 verse 1 we notice the language used - refers to "the beast".  He is human but is described here as a beast.  In verse 4 we notice "the dragon" and in verse 11 "another beast".  This is Satan`s great moment when he deceives the world into thinking.  The Satanic trinity is at work.  He is imitating God`s trinity.  The beast is Satan himself, the antichrist is acting instead of Christ.  In verse 11 we have the reference to the dragon who is the false prophet.  He is imitating the Holy Spirit.  Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit as the one "who will glorify me."  In other words he will not speak of himself but point men and women to Christ.  The world today is crying out for a superman.  Imagine if someone could be raised up today and sorted out the various problems of our world - Brexit, the yellow jacket Brigade in France, the movement in London and lately in Belfast over government plans.

Notice his arrival.  John takes us back to the arrival of the beast on the world scene.  Satan himself is overseeing the whole affair - verse 1.  Whilst we read here the reference to John standing, he is actually pointing to someone else - the devil himself.  This is the rising of one man, a man Satan has nurtured.  Now John is confronted with this beast.  This beast has 7 heads and 10 horns and on each of the horns are 10 crowns.  In chapter 17 we read of 7 kingdoms - verse 10.  This refers to these same heads in verse 1 of Revelation 13.  John in Revelation 17 verse 10 refers to 5 kings who are fallen, one who is now and the other who is not yet come "and when he cometh he must continue a short space."  We are looking into the future remember when this man will come and when this man will stand in this land.  The reference to 5 fallen kings is John looking back to the various empires.  The Egyptian empire was first and then defeated by the Assyrian empire.  They became the world empire but then Babylon rose up.  These are the 7 heads John is seeing here.  In Daniel we see the same thing, the little horn coming out of the big horn.  The last one to reign on this earth.  He thinks of the Medes and Persians, then the Grecian empires.  These are the empires referred to as "five are fallen".  John is living in the day of the Roman empire, that is the one who is referred to as "the one is".  Then he refers to "the other who is not yet come and when he cometh he must continue a short space."  This beast will reign over the 3 1/2 years of world histroy.  John was there to experience this great situation arising.  Chapter 13 verse 1 refers to this beast rising up out of the sea.  Do we take that literally?  The interpretation of the sea can speak of nations and people, we see that again in Revelation 17 in the reference to "many waters".  The sea often refers to troubled nations - Isaiah 57 verse 20.  2 Timothy 3 verse 1 this is the antiChrist.  He is standing in the place of Christ.  This is Satan`s man ready to rule.

His ability.  John sees this one reign and has authority but also notices his ability in verse 2.  This description is similar to Daniel chapters 7 and 8.  God was showing him the kingdoms that would evolve right down to the very last kingdom, a time then we see the 10 horns appearing.  Notice here in verse 2 chapter 13.  Go back to Daniel and you will see a part of every kingdom wrapped up in this man.  The first description is "like unto a leopard" meaning he is beautiful, speaking of his appeal to others as well as his subtly.  You can see this when he sneaks up on his prey.  Notice also his feet - he has the feet of a bear.  That speaks of strength and stability yet with great cruelty how he would tear apart his prey.  "And his mouth as the mouth of a lion" speaks of the cunningness and boldness to act with great voracity.  This man will be able to stand up and make great speeches that will attract many people.  As he speaks every ear is on him.  He will negotiate peace, delivery for the Middle East problem.  He will bring leaders together one day but that peace deal will be short lived as he himself will break the covenant with these people.  Daniel 8 verse 24 "and his power shall be mighty but not by his own power."  Revelation 13 verse 2 "and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority."  Daniel 8 verses 24 and 25 "and he shall destroy wonderfully and shall prosper and practise and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand and he shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy many, he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes but he shall be broken without hand."  This will be a financial, political, military and religious genius.

His acceptance.  Will the world accept him?  Yes.  The scene is being set for this man.  We can see that all around us today.  In verse 11 we are introduced to the false prophet.  He is busy leading men and women to the beast in verse 1.  He will bring hope and comfort to people if only they will follow after him.  The devil gives the false prophet power, position and prominence but also position - verse 13 "and he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth."  At some point there will be an assassination attempt made.  It will be reported widely that this man has been put to death but he will be raised up again from the dead.  This is imitating the Lord Jesus Christ`s resurrection from the dead.  The world waits and one day the antiChrist will appear.  Revelation 17 verse 8.  Remember the 2 witnesses on the streets of Jerusalem?  The beast came out of the pit and warred against these 2 witnesses and put them to death.  Imagine what the world is thinking - an assassination attempt has been made on his life and now he is brought back from the dead.  Who can make war with this man?  Not even the God of heaven.  The world is wondering about him.  In chapter 9 we seen that the bottomless pit was opened up.

His associates.  Remember the Lord has complete control throughout the book of Revelation even when the devil seems to have achieved control on the earth.  In chapter 19 heaven is opened up again.  Verse 20 there is a third one - the false prophet and the beast.  Chapter 20 verse 1 12 false prophet and antiChrist in the lake of fire and the devil is bound for 1000 years.  He is let loose after this.  In verse 10 he is cast into the lake of fire, exactly where the beast and the false prophet are also.  They are still there 1000 years later.  Now the devil is cast into the same place.  They that received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped the image were cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.  What a tremendous God we have today.  We are waiting for him today, not the antichrist nor the beast or the false prophet.  Are we waiting for God to call us home today?  Are you saved and ready to go home today?

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