Sunday, 27 January 2019

Caleb - the man who wholly followed the Lord

Sermon notes from Sunday 27 January 2019
Joshua 14 verses 6 - 15

This is a portion of scripture that is taken up with the division of the land God had promised to Israel.  We do not want to relegate it to the annals of Old Testament history.  "All scripure is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3 verse 16  There are things we need to glean from the word of God, to learn, to encourage us, to challenge us in our walk with God.  Here we find the children of Israel have returned to the borders of the promised land some 40 years later from when they first were there.  There have been many upsets and discouragements in a life time.  Caleb in these verses is described as "wholly followed the Lord."  It didn`t matter what was going on around him, he wholly followed the Lord.  He was determined to do that.  Paul writing to Timothy said "be thou an example of the believers." 1 Timothy 4 verse 12  Caleb is an example to you and I today.

Caleb is a man redeemed.  As he stands before Joshua he is a man redeemed, he knew what it was like to come under the blood, under the mighty arm of God.  He came out of Egypt and he had a testimony as a beginning but it is only the beginning.  A testimony of our life has to be a life lived like Caleb of old.  After 40 years he could still say "I have wholly followed the Lord."  3 times God certifies that claim.  There was no giving up, no turning back.  He was as on fire for God as he had been 40 years previously.  A testimony does not begin with turning over a new leaf or having "got good living".  It starts when we come as a child of the devil and bow the knee at the foot of the cross, acknowledge our sin and that Christ died on the cross for that sin.  You are not a Christian just because you come to church nor because you do good things.  It is only when you ask the Lord into your heart and life and ask him to take away your sins.  That is the beginning of the testimony.  There is a work after that.  Paul said to the believers "walk circumspectly" (Ephesians 5 verse 15).  We know there are others on the outside looking at us.  Calel`s testimony began when he walked out of Egypt that night.  He knew what it was like to be redeemed from Egypt.  He came out trusting in the word of God.  40 years later he was able to say "I wholly followed the Lord."  Does that challenge you?  Have I wholly followed the Lord from the day I accepted Christ as my Saviour?  He knew what it was like to walk out of Egypt under the blood, pressing on towards the goal.  Paul could say "I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." (2 Timothy 1 verse 12)  When Paul was on the road to Damascus and heard God`s voice it was only the beginning.  God later told Ananias about Paul "how much things he must suffer for my name`s sake". (Acts 9 verse 16

Caleb is a man that is responsible - verse 7 "sent me" - Numbers 13
This was not God saying this to challenge people.  This was God giving in to man.  He knew there were doubts in their minds.  Notice the number and names of the people who were sent as spies into Canaan - in verse 6 Caleb is mentioned.  He was the head of the family.  He has a responsibility to go to the nation but more than that, he has responsibility to the tribe of Judah.  He is the one chosen to go into the land.  Think of Moses` father and mother.  All the babies around them were being put to death.  Their own child had to be hidden but after 3 months they had to do something.  That was their responsibility as the head of the family.  They decided to hide him in the ark of bulrushes.  Caleb had the responsibility as he went into the land to come back with a honest report in his heart.  Samson`s father, when news came he was to be born he went out and prayed for wisdom to bring this child up, to teach him.  Abraham when the land was divided up and Lot went one way and he the other, news came back that Lot had been carried away captive.  Abraham felt it was his responsiblilty to arm his men and go after him.  That is our responsibility today, to ensure that our loved onces are brought back to the Lord.  Abraham prayed for deliverance of the city of Sodom where Lot lived.  Later in Canaan land Joshua said "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord."  What a responsibility and example seen here in this man`s life.  We have that same responsibility today.

Caleb is man of resolve.  He wholly followed the Lord.  That is what the Lord wants of every one of us.  Not to drag our feet in the face of much opposition.  This man wholly followed the Lord.  We read about that in Numbers 14 verses 6 - 10.  Renting someone`s clothes was a sign of humilty.  He wanted God to do something.  All came back with a great report.  10 of these leading men stood before the congregation of Israel, told Moses this is a good land, the fruit of this land is tremendous.  2 of them had to put one bunch of vine on the staff and carry it on their shoulders.  This is the land the Lord has given us.  10 of them said "we will never defeat the armies, the cities are well fortified, we will never be able to claim them."  One after another came with the same report.  Then Joshua and Caleb stood up.  They were men of resolve, they were not going to give in.  They said "if God blesses us he will give it to us."  The people turned with such hatred that they wanted to stone Caleb and Joshua.  Caleb said "I brought a word from my own heart."  He had a resolve.  We need to be determined to go through with God even when there are times of discouragement.  The Lord experienced that same feeling in the Garden of Gethsemane.  He went a little further and prayed then he came back and found his friends sleeping.  There was not much to encourage him then.  The Lord has given the promise "my word shall not return unto me void but it will accomplish that for which I please." (Isaiah 55 verse 11)  Caleb saw this people coming, turning away, they were going to have to go out into the wilderness and wander for 40 years.  We need that resolve in the work of God, to hang on.  It is very easy to jump ship, to walk away but Caleb didn`t.  "You promised Lord and I am going to hold on."  40 years later he was still holding on.  Jairus held on even though someone stopped Jesus in the streets, even though someone came from his house and told him it was too late.

Caleb`s request.  "Give me this mountain".  He was not going to just build his house there.  He was 85 years of age and there was still a work for God to do.  Today are we as strong as the day when we were saved?  To read God`s word?  To witness for him?  A testimony is more than looking back to that day when we committed our lives to Christ.  It is only the beginning.  It is every subsequent day since.

Caleb`s reward.  He received his portion of the land.  God is a God of his word.  What he promises he fulfils.  If we hold on to the promise then we will get the reward.  If we jump ship, abandon the cause we cannot expect the great reward on that final day  He will say "come ye faithful enter into the joy of the Lord Jesus." (Matthew 25 verse 23)  It is only the faithful to whom he says "come".  Let us not look to situations and people but rather look to the Lord.

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