Saturday, 19 January 2019

Questions from the word of God

Sermon notes from 4 November 2018 pm
Genesis 3 verses 1  - 9

Consider some questions in the word of God particularly in Genesis.  We don`t want to side step these questions.  When God came into the Garden of Eden he was asking a really personal question, demanding a truthful answer.  That question comes to each of us - "where are you?"  Are you saved?  Your eternal destination depends on how you can answer that question.  The first question is a question of confusion, asked by the author of confusion - Satan himself.  In verse 1 he asked "yea hath God said?"  A question of confusion.  Satan can change his appearance, he can come to us through many avenues.  Paul could tell us that he comes sometimes as the angel of light.  He comes directly to Eve.  He is attacking God`s creation.  Isaiah 14 "I will ascend into the heavens."  The hands of God created Satan in all his beauty, gave him the most wonderful singing voice and he led the angelic host in heaven in singing until he decided he wanted more.  "I will be like the most high."  Satan decided to claim the praise only God had.  God took him and cast him out of heaven.  He couldn`t oppose God in heaven but he decides to do it here in the Garden of Eden.  He attacks and twists the word of God.  He adds to the word of God.  In the wilderness when Jesus was brought there to be tempted by the devil, Satan was able to take a verse from the book of Psalms. He had the knowledge of the word of God and was able to use it.  Chapter 2 verse 17 the devil brings the confusion here.  In verse 3 of chapter 3 when the devil comes to Eve he says "hath God said."  What did Eve say?  "But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die."  Satan got Eve to deny the word of God completely.  God has said "the day we eat of that tree we shall die."  Satan attacks the word of God.  Maybe Satan attacks you through the word of God.  Remember Nicodemus when he came into the presence of the Lord he wanted to ask questions of the Lord.  He knew the word of God.  He had prayed, fasted, led the assembly but when he comes to the Lord and is told about being born again he says "how can these things be?"  He is confused.  Maybe you are confused about the things of God. 

Notice here a question of concern - "and the Lord called unto Adam and said unto him where art thou?"  The devil has come into the Garden, questioned Eve about the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Eve has taken of the tree and eaten of it, then she gave to Adam to eat of it as well.  God comes into the Garden and cannot find Adam.  He asks the question "where art thou?"  Adam was to take the fruit that was forbidden, he was hiding now behind the tree and God was searching for him.  God asks you tonight "where art thou?"  Maybe you are putting up that camouflage, veneer of self righteousness and religiousity.  God comes and asks you "where art thou?"  The Lord spoke of the 99 sheep safely gathered into the fold.  The shepherd counted the sheep and knew there was one missing.  He was so concerned for it that he left the 99 and went into the mountainside to seek after that little sheep.  He was not prepared to allow it to wander and go astray.  That little parable tells me we were lost in our sin but no matter how many are in heaven God still desires your soul, he is not content to see you lost and alone.  He came into this world, he suffered and paid the price of your lostness and your sin.  God was concerned about the choices Adam made.  He made the choice to run away from God and hide.  How long have you been hiding, running away from God?  God comes tonight and he asks "where are you?"  In John 4 Jesus had concern for a woman living in sin.  As she began to talk to the Lord she left behind a religious veneer.  Jesus was going through Samaria not because he was taking a short cut or lost.  "He must needs go through Samaria."  He had to go there.  He even prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane "Lord if it be thy will let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not my will but yours be done."  He paid the price for our sin.  He suffered and bled until he was barely recognisable.  Elijah came to Mount Carmel to do business.  "How long halt ye between 2 opinions?"  Adam was hiding from God.  In Elijah`s day the prophets were serving God but in their hearts they were serving Baal.  He asked them to nail their colours to the mast.  Moses was up in the mountain and God was speaking to him but there was noise in the Israelite camp.  When Moses came down he found the people rejoicing and singing but not praising the God of heaven.  Moses asked them "who is on the Lord`s side?"  There was a large decision to be made on Mount Carmel as there was a decision when Moses came down from Mount Sinai.  Maybe you have pondered that question in your heart and mind.  You know you need to be saved.  If you stepped out into God`s eternity you would be lost.  Maybe you have left other meetings in the past knowing you need to do business with God.  A young man came to Jesus one day and asked him "what must I do to inherit eternal life."  God told him to sell all he had then take up his cross and follow Christ.  He wanted his pomp and prosperity and could not give them away.

A question of conviction.  Pilate asked "what then shall I do with Jesus which is called Christ."  Are you prepared to ask that same question?  He left heaven`s glory, came down into the world, he suffered and bled and died just for you.  Will you set him to one side and reject him or close in with his offer of mercy and accept him?  Pilate listened to all the arguments why Jesus should be crucified yet in his heart of hearts he could say "I find no fault in him."  His wife came in and told him to have nothing to do with him.

A question of conversion - Acts 16 the Philippian jailer "what must I do to be saved?"  There is no other way to be saved.  Here was a man who genuinely meant business with God.  There is nothing you can do to be saved because Christ has done it all.  The only thing you need to do is to come and trust him as Saviour.  Zacchaeus said "behold the half of my goods I give to the poor."  He was saying salvation was worth more than all in the bank.  It is worth everything to have that assurance.

The question of commitment.  From the lips of a young man just converted "Lord what would you have me to do?"  Maybe you are hiding or are confused.  Come to Christ and trust him as Saviour and Lord.  Maybe you have been challenged, you have to make up your mind to be saved.  Be honest with yourself and before God - where do you stand because all eternity depends on your answer tonight.

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