Friday, 4 January 2019

Naomi`s humility, honesty and hope

Sermon notes from Thursday 27 December 2018 Prayer Meeting
Ruth 1 verses 19 - 22

The leaving - departure from where God would have his people to be - verse 1.  God didn`t want them living in Moab, they turned their backs, they panicked, thought there was enough food in Moab.

The love - verse 2.  Their sons took wives of Moab.  A strange marriage.  Elimelech leaves where he should have been and moves to Moab.  His 2 sons marry women of Moab.

The loss - verse 3.  Elimelech died and then his 2 sons Mahlon and Chilion also die verse 5.  There is no-one to take care of Naomi.

The lesson - verse 6.  Naomi learns in Moab that God had visited his people in giving them bread.  The lesson is an invitation to return to the house of bread because God had visited his people.

The longing to return - verse 7.  She arose and went back to Bethlehem.

The lament - verse 20.  After 10 years of living in Moab she returns to Bethlehem.  In verse 20 when the people came out and saw Naomi they did not recognise her.  She asked to be called Marah for the Lord had dealt very bitterly with her.  Sweet to bitter.  Naomi has learned a hard lesson.  God has been good to her.  He sent word to her.  She had left the fellowship of God`s people, went down to a strange land.  God loved her and sent word that he had visited Bethlehem-Judah.

Notice Naomi`s humility - verse 20.  As she comes back to Bethlehem she asks not to be called Naomi for she had went out full and the Lord had brought her back again empty.  It is good to see this humility.  Without God we would have been nothing.  In verse 1 they had gone out full of plans, desires, aims and goals.  There was an anticipation that Moab would be the answer.  She had taken her eyes off the Lord.  She had focused on herself and her family.  She lost everything - her husband and sons.  Now she was coming home again empty.  Remember when Saul was chosen to be king of Israel.  He was told to go out and kill the Amalekites.  He didn`t kill them all.  He was so full of himself.  When Samuel arrived he was rebuked.  Saul didn`t want to lose face in front of the elders. (1 Samuel 15)  It is good to think of others but we must also come and give God the praise.  Remember the young prodigal.  He fed the pigs for so long that he was fed up with his way of living.  He thought of going back to his father.  He realised the goodness of his father back home.  He wanted to go home again. (Luke 15)    Let`s reflect back, cast our minds back, consider what God has done for us.

Naomi`s honesty.  10 years after leaving Bethlehem she realised her own pride was prevalent.  She thought she knew better, went against God himself.  Through utter dependence and humility and honesty she comes back to Bethlehem.

Naomi`s hope - verse 22.  She came back at the beginning of the barley harvest.  The Lord makes no mistakes.  She left in a time of famine and is now coming back in a time of feasting.  The barley harvest came in the early spring.  She could see that golden crop blowing in the wind.  She was coming back to a feast.  The Lord lifted us from the famine when we thought we had nothing else.  God "brought us into his banqueting house and his banner over us is love." (Song of Solomon 2 verse 4)  He supports us day after day.  She came back with humility, sat in the presence of the people with honesty in her heart.  She has ran away, left with nothing but returns to something that is full.

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