Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Lydia - whose heart the Lord opened

Notes from Ladies meeting Monday 28 January 2019
Acts 16 verses 14 and 15

It was very providential that Paul found himself here in Macedonia.  He was seeking God and thought he should have travelled eastwards but God closed the door to him.  Then he had a dream of a man from Macedonia asking to come and help them.  That brought him westward rather than eastward.  That is how we come to have the gospel today.  It developed from there on into Philppi.  He found some women going down to the riverside as was their custom.  There was one woman from a different area.  She had travelled from far away - Thyatira.  This city was renowned for its purple fabric.  Her name was Lydia and she was "a seller of purple".  She was a well to do woman, industrious and religious - "she worshipped God."  She was from a different background, brought up in a different city.  God brought her providentially to Philippi.  As the apostle Paul found himself among this group of people, he spoke that day and as he did so the Lord opened Lydia`s heart.  She became an ambassador for Jesus.  God moves in mysterious way.  Salvation is offered free and to all.  Until the Holy Spirit comes into our lives we are closed to God.  Maybe you have never opened your heart to the Lord, never responded to him, haven`t come yet in confession and repentance.  Is the Holy Spirit living in you?  It was no accident that God brought Lydia from Thyatira and Paul from the Macedonian region to Philippi.  God wanted Lydia for himself.  The Lord wants you for himself, to know him, to have that assurance that you are ready to meet the Lord.  "She attended to the things which were spoken of Paul."  She received what he was speaking of.  The entrance of God`s word gives light.  "Faith cometh by hearing the word of God."  If we never heard it we would never know the plan of salvation, never accept the gift he offers.  Lydia recognised she needed to take a clear open stand.  She gave her life to Christ.  Verse 15 "and when she was baptised and her household."  Her family must have come to know the Lord as well.  There may have been a period of time between the 2 verses.  She must have gone home and told her family.  You might be the first one in your family to take this step, to go home and maybe not fully understanding tell them "i have given my life to the Lord, I am born again".  Whatever way you put it, it is not the terminology that does the work, it is the trusting of the heart and then taking a stand for Jesus.  Lydia then said to Paul "if ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord come into my house and abide there and she constrained us."  She really wanted to have the fellowship of the Lord`s servants Paul and Silas.  You get a great love for the company of the Lord`s people when you come to know Christ.  A bond is built up between sisters and brothers in the Lord because we are part of the same family.  What did she hear - she was listening and heard the good news of the gospel of salvation through the Lord.  Isn`t it lovely that we have the privilege of that message today?  So freely across our land today.  Perhaps you have heard it at other times, you have become familiar with the pattern of the meeting but tonight is different.  Somehow there is a stirring in your heart, there is a feeling, I have thought of this a lot but tonight I want to settle it, to be sure.  I want to know that I am his.  God brought these lives together by his providence.  The Holy Spirit has brought our paths together by his providence.  He knew you would be here and knew we would be here.  Now we know he is here too. 

Lord teach us to pray

Notes from Prayer Meeting on Wednesday 29 January 2019
Luke 18 verses 1 -8, chapter 11 verse 1

From Luke 18 we learn man`s chief goal is prayer.  That is according to Jesus, not according to an elder of a church or a pastor.  In chapter 18 verse 1 the Lord says "men ought always to pray and not to faint."  The word "faint" means to give up, to tire of something, to move away from something.  Here in this portion of scripture Jesus is saying the most serious endeavour of your life is to pray.  Jesus didn`t say "men ought always to preach" or "men ought to witness."  The Lord is really speaking here of the danger of beginning to stop praying.  That is the beginning of backsliding, you begin to give up.  He gives the simplistic story of a widow woman coming to an unjust judge.  The judge had no concern for God or fellow man.  Jesus is painting the picture of a real hardhearted callous man.  He is only in the business of receiving money.  Bribery was widespread in these days.  People could bribe the judge to hear their story and win their case.  This widow woman didn`t have any money so could not have a fair hearing with this judge.  This judge had no care for man or God.  He realised this woman was not going to give up.  She had no strength in herself.  She did have one thing though - persistance.  The Lord takes that picture and paints another one of a loving heavenly father.  The judge says in verse 6 "lest this woman weary me."  The Lord was putting across the persistance of this woman.  Coming time and time again.  She would never have got what she was looking for if she stopped coming to this judge.  The Lord is telling us to be persistant, to keep at it.  He gives us the sense of victory.

Here in chapter 11 verse 1 it is not the seeking by prayer as this woman did but rather the school of prayer.  Prayer has to be learned.  Jesus is saying here, that we have to learn to pray correctly.  To run, walk or drive we have to learn the correct way.  When we are born again of the Spirit of God we are like new born babes.  We have to learn new things.  Here in chapter 11 verse 1 Jesus is praying and one of his disciples is listening to him.  He comes to Jesus and asks "Lord teach us to pray."  We really do need to get to grips, we need to learn to pray.  "Lord teach us to pray."  There is an honesty here in this.  The disciples approach him.  The most serious business he can employ is the business of prayer.  Here was a confession of this man.  We really don`t know how to pray.  Romans 8 verse 26 "we know not what we should pray for as we ought."  This disciples said "teach us to pray".  The same Spirit as Jesus spoke of here "shall teach you all things" Jesus said in John`s gospel. (John 14 verse 26)  It is like any classroom.  It takes time.  Learning how to pray as these disciples asked in Jesus day "I don`t know how to pray, will you teach me."  They had honesty

Notice also the hunger.  Now we see the necessity to learn.  James said "ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss" (James 4 verse 3)   Ye ask but ye ask amiss.  This disciple acknowledged the fact that he couldn`t pray.  As he listened to the Lord he was comparing his prayers with the Lord and felt so far away from that.  A good hunger here to learn how to pray.  There is also the privilege of praying.  The scriptures tells us when we draw near to God, God draws near to us.  It is good to learn.  It shouldn`t cost us anything, shouldn`t bother with sentences we put together or what words we bring in.  Prayer is a heart conversation with God, really getting before the God of prayer.  When the Lord comes to this example "when ye pray" verse 2.  The Lord expects us to pray.  Paul in Ephesians 6 finishes off that great paragraph about the armour of God by saying "always with all prayer."  Then he asks those believers "pray for me."  He is asking people like us, that the word of God will go forth.  He is asking every day Christians to pray for him.  Trusting a group in Ephesus would pray for him.  That is why it is good to pray.  Paul knew the task he had was importatnt.  Preaching the word of God.  He depended on that. That is why when we come to pray don`t worry about people behind or beside us or in front of us.  This is what the apostle meant when he said that the Lord would give us utterance.

There is a humility about this as well.  A desire to learn.  The Lord may have to deal with things in our lives and heart before we learn to pray.  God deals with them.  As we go through these great prayers of men of God pray that we might see this hunger, honesty and humility in the place of prayer.

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Caleb - the man who wholly followed the Lord

Sermon notes from Sunday 27 January 2019
Joshua 14 verses 6 - 15

This is a portion of scripture that is taken up with the division of the land God had promised to Israel.  We do not want to relegate it to the annals of Old Testament history.  "All scripure is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3 verse 16  There are things we need to glean from the word of God, to learn, to encourage us, to challenge us in our walk with God.  Here we find the children of Israel have returned to the borders of the promised land some 40 years later from when they first were there.  There have been many upsets and discouragements in a life time.  Caleb in these verses is described as "wholly followed the Lord."  It didn`t matter what was going on around him, he wholly followed the Lord.  He was determined to do that.  Paul writing to Timothy said "be thou an example of the believers." 1 Timothy 4 verse 12  Caleb is an example to you and I today.

Caleb is a man redeemed.  As he stands before Joshua he is a man redeemed, he knew what it was like to come under the blood, under the mighty arm of God.  He came out of Egypt and he had a testimony as a beginning but it is only the beginning.  A testimony of our life has to be a life lived like Caleb of old.  After 40 years he could still say "I have wholly followed the Lord."  3 times God certifies that claim.  There was no giving up, no turning back.  He was as on fire for God as he had been 40 years previously.  A testimony does not begin with turning over a new leaf or having "got good living".  It starts when we come as a child of the devil and bow the knee at the foot of the cross, acknowledge our sin and that Christ died on the cross for that sin.  You are not a Christian just because you come to church nor because you do good things.  It is only when you ask the Lord into your heart and life and ask him to take away your sins.  That is the beginning of the testimony.  There is a work after that.  Paul said to the believers "walk circumspectly" (Ephesians 5 verse 15).  We know there are others on the outside looking at us.  Calel`s testimony began when he walked out of Egypt that night.  He knew what it was like to be redeemed from Egypt.  He came out trusting in the word of God.  40 years later he was able to say "I wholly followed the Lord."  Does that challenge you?  Have I wholly followed the Lord from the day I accepted Christ as my Saviour?  He knew what it was like to walk out of Egypt under the blood, pressing on towards the goal.  Paul could say "I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." (2 Timothy 1 verse 12)  When Paul was on the road to Damascus and heard God`s voice it was only the beginning.  God later told Ananias about Paul "how much things he must suffer for my name`s sake". (Acts 9 verse 16

Caleb is a man that is responsible - verse 7 "sent me" - Numbers 13
This was not God saying this to challenge people.  This was God giving in to man.  He knew there were doubts in their minds.  Notice the number and names of the people who were sent as spies into Canaan - in verse 6 Caleb is mentioned.  He was the head of the family.  He has a responsibility to go to the nation but more than that, he has responsibility to the tribe of Judah.  He is the one chosen to go into the land.  Think of Moses` father and mother.  All the babies around them were being put to death.  Their own child had to be hidden but after 3 months they had to do something.  That was their responsibility as the head of the family.  They decided to hide him in the ark of bulrushes.  Caleb had the responsibility as he went into the land to come back with a honest report in his heart.  Samson`s father, when news came he was to be born he went out and prayed for wisdom to bring this child up, to teach him.  Abraham when the land was divided up and Lot went one way and he the other, news came back that Lot had been carried away captive.  Abraham felt it was his responsiblilty to arm his men and go after him.  That is our responsibility today, to ensure that our loved onces are brought back to the Lord.  Abraham prayed for deliverance of the city of Sodom where Lot lived.  Later in Canaan land Joshua said "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord."  What a responsibility and example seen here in this man`s life.  We have that same responsibility today.

Caleb is man of resolve.  He wholly followed the Lord.  That is what the Lord wants of every one of us.  Not to drag our feet in the face of much opposition.  This man wholly followed the Lord.  We read about that in Numbers 14 verses 6 - 10.  Renting someone`s clothes was a sign of humilty.  He wanted God to do something.  All came back with a great report.  10 of these leading men stood before the congregation of Israel, told Moses this is a good land, the fruit of this land is tremendous.  2 of them had to put one bunch of vine on the staff and carry it on their shoulders.  This is the land the Lord has given us.  10 of them said "we will never defeat the armies, the cities are well fortified, we will never be able to claim them."  One after another came with the same report.  Then Joshua and Caleb stood up.  They were men of resolve, they were not going to give in.  They said "if God blesses us he will give it to us."  The people turned with such hatred that they wanted to stone Caleb and Joshua.  Caleb said "I brought a word from my own heart."  He had a resolve.  We need to be determined to go through with God even when there are times of discouragement.  The Lord experienced that same feeling in the Garden of Gethsemane.  He went a little further and prayed then he came back and found his friends sleeping.  There was not much to encourage him then.  The Lord has given the promise "my word shall not return unto me void but it will accomplish that for which I please." (Isaiah 55 verse 11)  Caleb saw this people coming, turning away, they were going to have to go out into the wilderness and wander for 40 years.  We need that resolve in the work of God, to hang on.  It is very easy to jump ship, to walk away but Caleb didn`t.  "You promised Lord and I am going to hold on."  40 years later he was still holding on.  Jairus held on even though someone stopped Jesus in the streets, even though someone came from his house and told him it was too late.

Caleb`s request.  "Give me this mountain".  He was not going to just build his house there.  He was 85 years of age and there was still a work for God to do.  Today are we as strong as the day when we were saved?  To read God`s word?  To witness for him?  A testimony is more than looking back to that day when we committed our lives to Christ.  It is only the beginning.  It is every subsequent day since.

Caleb`s reward.  He received his portion of the land.  God is a God of his word.  What he promises he fulfils.  If we hold on to the promise then we will get the reward.  If we jump ship, abandon the cause we cannot expect the great reward on that final day  He will say "come ye faithful enter into the joy of the Lord Jesus." (Matthew 25 verse 23)  It is only the faithful to whom he says "come".  Let us not look to situations and people but rather look to the Lord.

Monday, 21 January 2019

The second beast of Revelation 13

Sermon notes from Sunday 20 January 2019
Revelation 13 verses 11 - 18

Last week we mentioned this evil triunity, the devil, the anti-Christ and the false prophet.  We were looking at the activity through a period of time that will fall on the world which will begin after the church of Christ is taken out.  We looked at the anti-Christ, his arrival coming into this world.  We read about him having 10 toes and 10 horns in Daniel, the last kingdom that will be in this world.  We seen also his ability - such power he will have.  Then looked at his acceptance in the world.  The world is looking for such a man right now.  We saw his associates - cast at last into the lake of fire along with the anti-Christ and false prophet, the first beast is already there.  In verse 11 "I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth."  Notice the description of him, "he had 2 horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon."  He earns his name as a prophet then not long after he is unmasked.  He is known as the false prophet.

He is attractive - as a lamb.  Imagine the bible describing this man coming up from the earth like a lamb.  The attraction he has.  He is no ordinary man.  He rises out of the earth.  The first beast in verse 1 rises out of the sea.  The sea speaks of the nations of the world.  The land represents the troubled nations of the world.  This man is rising out of the earth signifying the land of Israel.  The first beast is not going to be a Jew but this man will be.  He is a lamb with 2 horns.  There is no mention of crowns unlike in verse 1 the first beast had 10 crowns on his horns.  This man has no kingdom, no political clout.  He has a testimony.  Two of the scriptures speak of testimony.  Deuteronomy 17 verse 6.  If a man is up before the judge he needs 2 witnesses to condemn him, 1 witness is not enough.  Two is the number of testimony.  1 Timothy 5 verse 19.  If something arises in the church it has to be made by 2 not one witness.  Here we find that this man coming up has the appearance of the lamb.  No crowns but 2 horns.  2 speaks of testimony.  This is a false testimony.  He has the appearance of innocency.  The world will look at this man as he comes up through Israel and everyone will give an ear to him.  The attraction to him.  There is nothing to fear in a lamb.  He will have all the right words.  People are attracted by him and attracted to him.  He speaks like a dragon.  It will not be long though until the mask is off.  The people will see who he really is.  We might be looking at a period of time in the future but I can assure you that the same spirit is with us today.  We have to be sure we are not distracted by the wolves in sheeps clothing.

Notice his arrogance - verses 11 and 12.  The devil gives this man his power.  The anti-Christ is there now.  The false prophet is coming to do a special task through him.  The devil has empowered him.  He speaks as a dragon.  The devil spoke with a lying tongue in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve were created.  They were told not to eat of the one tree in the garden.  The devil came to Eve and asked "Hath God said."  His purpose was to take away from the word of God.  We need to be founded on the word of God in our lives and in our church - are they based on that word of God.  "Ye shall not surely die."  Eve told him about that one tree and this was his response to her.  He was deceiving Eve and destroying her faith in the word of God.  That is the same ploy he is at today, destroying peoples faith in the word of God.  "In the last days they shall turn away from the faith." (1 Timothy 4 verse 1)  People are turning away even today.  Churches are empty.  There will be a great falling away Paul said.  John 8 verse 44  "The mystery of iniquity doeth already work." (2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7)  We need to be careful we are not deceived.  That spirit described is already present in the world in which we live in today.  The lie and the deception is on.  The scene is being set for this anti-Christ, for this false prophet and teachers.  There is an attraction to him yet it is so wrong, so deceptive.  Paul says "it is through the foolishness of preaching that men and women are to be saved." (1 Corinthians 1 verse 21)  There is an attraction to it.  It is deceitful and deceptive.  Paul says that Satan is himself transformed into an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11 verse 14)  Satan can come as a great deceiver, as the lion.

His ambition.  No doubt will win the hearts of many.  Perhaps he will come up through the seats of Parliament.  Maybe the man we are looking will get a prominent position in the government of Israel.  Verse 12 this man gets the world to worship the beast by great signs no doubt.  He will live in the shadow of the anti-Christ.  Are we not living in the day of wanting to see signs and wonders?  This man will exalt the anti-Christ and the whole world will follow him.  We need to make sure we have salvation.  If this 7 year period begins next week we need to be saved to escape it.  We need to have our names written in the Lambs Book of Life.  An assination is made on his life.  He is wounded.  The false prophet uses that situation to show how he was dead and is alive again.  We have that power today.  So many are being deceived - verses 13 and 14 "and deceiveth them that dwell on earth ... that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live."  This man has been raised from the dead and they want to create an image of him.  Verse 15 "he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak that as many as would not worship the beast should be killed."  What a day we are looking at here.  By this point the beast is the centre of the whole worlds worship.  In chapter 17 we see the great hoar riding the beast.

The assertion of the beast - verse 16 "to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads."  The mark of the beast.  Verse 17 there are those who give that allegiance to the anti-Christ.  There are those caught in 2 minds, what the anti-Christ cannot persuade them to do through his tongue.  If you will not worship the beast you will die because you need his number to buy or sell.  If you want to buy anything in the shop unless you have the mark of the beast you will not be able to do it.  Can we not see that happening today?  With our debit and credit cards, the cashless society we are looking at.  As long as you have this number on your hand or on your forehead you will not be able to buy or sell without it on this day.  To trade or work you will need the mark.  There is a great deception on today.  Many are preaching a false message today.  People are flocking to them.  The situation has been set up already.  We need to be praying for our loved onces even now as this day is not far away.  Thank God he is coming first to call his believers home to himself.  Will you be in that number when he calls or comes to take us home?

Saturday, 19 January 2019

To the praise of God`s glory and grace

Sermon notes from 10 August 2018 New Horizon Ken Clarke
Ephesians 1 verses 3 - 14

The dominant culture today is "it`s all about me".  We live in a me culture even in church life.  If we are not careful church life can be more about me rather than him.  It can be a private club for private members.  Several times in this passage we have this phrase "to his praise and glory."  Created by God for God through God and for him.  The Psalmist said "not unto us O Lord but unto thy name give glory." (Psalm 115 verse 1)  This is one of the secrets of life - for people to discover they are made by God for God.  Until we understand that we will never really live, we will never really find out the purpose of life.  The big question of life is who are we living for.  We were made and created for God.  Remember the building of the temple in the Old Testament.  King David was told he would not be the one building the temple but his son Solomon would.  1 Chronicles 29 verse 1 this palatial structure is not for me, not for men and women, it is for the Lord God.  David`s vision was clear - this temple is not for us primarily but for God to meet with his people there.  1 Corinthians 6 verse 19 - where is the temple now?  Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you.  Every single Christian is a working temple.  Too often we forget that.  We are self focused and self centred even in our worship.  We are looking for self praise and self glory.  That is what Paul is talking about here.  Are your bodies temples of the Holy Spirit?  The purpose of our life is to live for his praise and glory.  No fake news.  Am I living for him and for his praise and glory?  That is the key.  To whom is this temple dedicated?  Really for the Lord.  As you search your heart and think of the big question who honestly am I living for?  Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit of holiness.  What are we bringing into the temple?  Jesus had to clear the temple in his day.  Things were going on that shouldn`t have been going on.  It is the pure in heart that will see God.  What are we feeding our minds on?    What habits are we secretly practising?  Why are we poisoning his temple?  With jealousy, hatred and foolish slander, bitterness, betrayal and gossip?  What about our attitudes to others?  Are we building them up or tearing them down?  What are we polluting God`s temple with?  The Lord is telling us to have done with it.  Let`s live for his praise and glory.  Verses 11 and 12.  We are not to pollute his temple.  We are to walk the paths of his holiness for our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  In chapter 2 Paul goes through the things that used to mark their lives but by God`s grace they are saved from that.  In chapter 4 he lists the things that are not appropriate to the child of God.  We are to speak the truth to our neighbours, not to be angry, to live in the new life for his praise and glory.  Our focus is different now.  We are living for a different person - "for me to live is Christ, to die is gain."  The work of the Holy Spirit glorifies Christ.  We are to focus on him.  How often could it be written in our lives that we have no power.  "I can do all things through him who strengthens me."  God is to be the one in charge.  So many of us are running on our own power.  The Lord is telling us to trust him, to lean on him, to start living his way.  What Paul is saying is so relevant.  The Lord wants us to rest in him.  There`s more good news when we believe we were marked with a seal, the blessed Holy Spirit.  We have been elected and saved - chapter 1 verses 13 and 14.  Seals were important in the past - they guaranteed the authenticity of a document as to who it was for.  This seal is for all eternity.  We are his for ever.  God has you and I in the palm of his hands.  He will not let us go.  An eternal security.  He will hold us fast.  We have a glorious indescribable inheritance.  We have been purchased with the blood of Christ.  That is how much worth we are to God.  Purchased with his own blood.  We are called to love one another, encourage one another.  Despite all the mistakes there is no group of people on planet earth like the body of Christ.  One of the things the Holy Spirit does is create a thirst in us to pray for revival - verses 12 and 14.  Paul starts to pray for the people - verse 16.  When the Holy Spirit moves in our lives we become praying people.  How is our prayer life?  Am I passionate about seeing God at work?  "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land."  God wants to use the church to be a part of that movement today.  Ephesians 4 verse 1.  In Ephesians 5 we are told to be kind and compassionate to one another and follow Christ`s example.  He gave everything, a fragrant offering.  He wants us to be an aroma wherever we go.  We need to spend more time with Christ, to bring the aroma wherever we go.  You are called to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Ephesians 5 verse 18.  What choices are we going to make?  The Lord calls us to live for his praise and glory.  When we do we will become agents of transformation. 

Questions from the word of God

Sermon notes from 4 November 2018 pm
Genesis 3 verses 1  - 9

Consider some questions in the word of God particularly in Genesis.  We don`t want to side step these questions.  When God came into the Garden of Eden he was asking a really personal question, demanding a truthful answer.  That question comes to each of us - "where are you?"  Are you saved?  Your eternal destination depends on how you can answer that question.  The first question is a question of confusion, asked by the author of confusion - Satan himself.  In verse 1 he asked "yea hath God said?"  A question of confusion.  Satan can change his appearance, he can come to us through many avenues.  Paul could tell us that he comes sometimes as the angel of light.  He comes directly to Eve.  He is attacking God`s creation.  Isaiah 14 "I will ascend into the heavens."  The hands of God created Satan in all his beauty, gave him the most wonderful singing voice and he led the angelic host in heaven in singing until he decided he wanted more.  "I will be like the most high."  Satan decided to claim the praise only God had.  God took him and cast him out of heaven.  He couldn`t oppose God in heaven but he decides to do it here in the Garden of Eden.  He attacks and twists the word of God.  He adds to the word of God.  In the wilderness when Jesus was brought there to be tempted by the devil, Satan was able to take a verse from the book of Psalms. He had the knowledge of the word of God and was able to use it.  Chapter 2 verse 17 the devil brings the confusion here.  In verse 3 of chapter 3 when the devil comes to Eve he says "hath God said."  What did Eve say?  "But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die."  Satan got Eve to deny the word of God completely.  God has said "the day we eat of that tree we shall die."  Satan attacks the word of God.  Maybe Satan attacks you through the word of God.  Remember Nicodemus when he came into the presence of the Lord he wanted to ask questions of the Lord.  He knew the word of God.  He had prayed, fasted, led the assembly but when he comes to the Lord and is told about being born again he says "how can these things be?"  He is confused.  Maybe you are confused about the things of God. 

Notice here a question of concern - "and the Lord called unto Adam and said unto him where art thou?"  The devil has come into the Garden, questioned Eve about the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Eve has taken of the tree and eaten of it, then she gave to Adam to eat of it as well.  God comes into the Garden and cannot find Adam.  He asks the question "where art thou?"  Adam was to take the fruit that was forbidden, he was hiding now behind the tree and God was searching for him.  God asks you tonight "where art thou?"  Maybe you are putting up that camouflage, veneer of self righteousness and religiousity.  God comes and asks you "where art thou?"  The Lord spoke of the 99 sheep safely gathered into the fold.  The shepherd counted the sheep and knew there was one missing.  He was so concerned for it that he left the 99 and went into the mountainside to seek after that little sheep.  He was not prepared to allow it to wander and go astray.  That little parable tells me we were lost in our sin but no matter how many are in heaven God still desires your soul, he is not content to see you lost and alone.  He came into this world, he suffered and paid the price of your lostness and your sin.  God was concerned about the choices Adam made.  He made the choice to run away from God and hide.  How long have you been hiding, running away from God?  God comes tonight and he asks "where are you?"  In John 4 Jesus had concern for a woman living in sin.  As she began to talk to the Lord she left behind a religious veneer.  Jesus was going through Samaria not because he was taking a short cut or lost.  "He must needs go through Samaria."  He had to go there.  He even prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane "Lord if it be thy will let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not my will but yours be done."  He paid the price for our sin.  He suffered and bled until he was barely recognisable.  Elijah came to Mount Carmel to do business.  "How long halt ye between 2 opinions?"  Adam was hiding from God.  In Elijah`s day the prophets were serving God but in their hearts they were serving Baal.  He asked them to nail their colours to the mast.  Moses was up in the mountain and God was speaking to him but there was noise in the Israelite camp.  When Moses came down he found the people rejoicing and singing but not praising the God of heaven.  Moses asked them "who is on the Lord`s side?"  There was a large decision to be made on Mount Carmel as there was a decision when Moses came down from Mount Sinai.  Maybe you have pondered that question in your heart and mind.  You know you need to be saved.  If you stepped out into God`s eternity you would be lost.  Maybe you have left other meetings in the past knowing you need to do business with God.  A young man came to Jesus one day and asked him "what must I do to inherit eternal life."  God told him to sell all he had then take up his cross and follow Christ.  He wanted his pomp and prosperity and could not give them away.

A question of conviction.  Pilate asked "what then shall I do with Jesus which is called Christ."  Are you prepared to ask that same question?  He left heaven`s glory, came down into the world, he suffered and bled and died just for you.  Will you set him to one side and reject him or close in with his offer of mercy and accept him?  Pilate listened to all the arguments why Jesus should be crucified yet in his heart of hearts he could say "I find no fault in him."  His wife came in and told him to have nothing to do with him.

A question of conversion - Acts 16 the Philippian jailer "what must I do to be saved?"  There is no other way to be saved.  Here was a man who genuinely meant business with God.  There is nothing you can do to be saved because Christ has done it all.  The only thing you need to do is to come and trust him as Saviour.  Zacchaeus said "behold the half of my goods I give to the poor."  He was saying salvation was worth more than all in the bank.  It is worth everything to have that assurance.

The question of commitment.  From the lips of a young man just converted "Lord what would you have me to do?"  Maybe you are hiding or are confused.  Come to Christ and trust him as Saviour and Lord.  Maybe you have been challenged, you have to make up your mind to be saved.  Be honest with yourself and before God - where do you stand because all eternity depends on your answer tonight.

The Prodigal Son

Sermon notes from 17 June 2018 pm
Luke 15 verses 11 - 24
The Prodigal Son

This young son was in a loving caring environment.  His father done everything for him, placed a roof over his head, put food on the table, laid up treasures for the rest of his life yet there is something that this young man feels he is missing out on.

A young man with a discontented spirit.  Morning after morning he goes through the same routine.  There is something swelling up within him, a hunger for something.  Is there a hunger in your heart, in your soul, something that can never fill that hunger.  There is one who can and his name is Jesus.  I wonder is there a discontentment in your heart?  Something you are longing for, hoping for?  It will happen at the place called Calvary.  As you cry out to the Lord that you need to be saved, that if you came and took him as Saviour he will take the broken pieces of your life and will give you something worth living for.  When you leave this scene of time you will step out into God`s eternity for ever.  What a tremendous hope we can have.  Maybe he watched others, heard of those who had moved away and the great lives they had.  Maybe this was the stem of this great discontentment in his heart.  When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden during those first days of earth they roamed the most beautiful place they could ever live in, they were content there until one day Satan came to them.  He asked Eve about the tree in the garden they were told not to eat.  She explained that in the day they ate of that tree they would surely die.  Satan told her she would not die but rather her eyes would be opened and they would be as gods.  There was a discontentment in her heart.  She reached forth and took the fruit.  She would be content once she ate of it.  Then sin and rebellion entered into the world.  Through that first turning away from God that is where discontentment comes from.  Not content with what God has given to us.  Remember David, he had everything possible for him to have.  One night he saw Bathsheba the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.  He lusted for her, he wanted her so badly.  Demas stood with Paul, he preached and prayed and witnessed with Paul until one day the love of this world reached his heart and he left the things of God entirely.  What is taking you away from the Lord?  The love of the world came into Demas` life.  He gave everything up as a result.  The world is full of people who cannot find their fulfilment in their own lives right now.

A young man deceived - verses 12 and 13.  He said to his father "I would be happy with my portion if you gave it to me now."  Maybe for some days it satisfied him but there it deceived him into believing he could have a good time.  Satan soon takes over when you have a discontentment in your soul.  Even in the Garden of Eden there was discontentment.  Eve was persuaded to reach for something she never had in the first place.  The people of Israel were discontented with Samuel and his sons.  They asked for a king to lead them into battle.  They wanted to be like other nations.  God gave them a king but he did not satisfy because they rebelled against the things of God.  God is warning you to be careful.  Maybe you are discontent with spiritual things.  The Lord spoke in the parable of the sower.  The word of God was sown but the cares of this world, the things we face day after day wear us down.  We get discontented and then the devil moves in.  The deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things enter in and choke the word of God.  God`s word can be choked in your heart.  The devil can deceive you, convince you that you would be happier in this place.  Many who have made professions in the past are no longer there today, deceived into believing what devil would have them believe.  The lust of other things, the deceitfulness of riches.  It was said of the Laodicean church in Revelation 3 "thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing and knowest thou art naked and wretched and poor in spirit."  Our true state was we were born in sin, shapen in iniquity, in poverty spiritually speaking going out into lost eternity.  God reached down and took us from that horrible pit.  God sent his son to die on Calvary for our sins.  He asks us to come and trust him.  He gives us something we never had before.  A contented spirit.  Matthew Henry said that there is "a God shaped vaccum in every creature that can never been filled until God fills it."  Only God can fill it.  That church at Laodicea found Jesus outside the door, unwelcomed and unnoticed.

A young man that was drifting - verse 13.  He found the money the father gave him did not satisfy him.  He had thought the money would satisfy him but it didn`t.  He wanted to follow the entertainment of the world, turns his back in search of real joy and happiness, see him drifting through life and then out into lost eternity, nothing to hold unto.  Whenever we forget about God we are only drifting through life, no purpose in life for us.  This young man found that his pleasures were great, he had friends all over the place but soon the glitter would pass.  Moses realised the wealth and education of Egypt would not suffice for all eternity.  He would turn his back on the house of Pharaoh and take up his abode with the children of God.  He turned his back on the pleasures, realised they were only for a season.

There is a dilema in this young man`s life.  He spent all, everything he had trying to be satisfied and couldn`t be.  Many have spent all in the pursuit of pleasure.  There was a famine now.  His life began to fall down around him.  The writer to Proverbs said "good understanding giveth favour but the way of the transgressor is hard." (Proverbs 13 verse 15)  When his money was gone so where his friends.  David said "I looked on my right hand and beheld, but there was no man that would know me, refuge failed me, no man cared for my soul." (Psalm 142 verse 4)  In Psalm 40 we read that David lifted up his voice from the depths of the miry clay and found an ear in heaven.

The decision the young man makes - verse 20.  He would arise and go to his father, confess to his father that he had sinned against him.  That is where you begin too.  You come as a sinner and say "I have sinned, I am open to that, I am admitting that, I am coming to you."  The young man didn`t find rejection but 2 open arms embracing and kissing him.  There was one who still loved him after all the shame he had caused.  This young man made a decision he would always be glad of, he left the far country with nothing and stepped into a feast back home beyond anything he could imagine.  You will find the same today.  He will make you a new creature if only you will come but like this young man you have got to come as he did.  The young man never looked upon this decision with regret.  You have to trust him and come.

The parable of the loving father

Sermon notes from 17 June 2018 am
Luke 15 verses 11 - 24
The parable of the loving father

In this portion of scripture there is reference to 3 figures - "a certain man had 2 sons" verse 11.  The Lord Jesus points us to 3 people - the young son who went out and made a fool of himself through riotous living, spent everything he had and the elder son who when the young son came back was hardhearted, had no time for him.  Then we see the loving father.  We often refer to this scripture as the parable of the prodigal son but we could call it the parable of the loving father.  He was sitting at home, broken hearted.  In looking to him we have a wonderful glimpse of a heavenly father today.  It gives glimpses of mercy and love our father in heaven shows us that we do well to covet after.

He was a father that was wronged.  It was not uncommon for the inheritance to be shared out before the death of a father in Biblical times.  In Luke 12 Jesus is called on by a young man looking at his inheritance and felt he was wronged.  He asks Jesus to speak to his brother as he hasn`t shared out the inheritance as he should have.  He wanted Jesus to continue being the judge in those circumstances.  The father had passed out into eternity without having everything sorted out in the family.  Now they were at loggerheads.  We often say "where there is a will there are relatives".  In Luke 12 the Lord did not step in, he brings it out that at the end what is important is that we are prepared for eternity.  The young man was more worried about temporal things than the eternal things.  Maybe you are so caught up with things you have here and now that you have forgotten about eternal things.  Christ came into this world to seek that which was lost, what we could never gain in our own right.  God says if you ever want to be in heaven you have to receive my son as your own and personal Saviour.  Have you done that yet?  Or are you still thinking of temporal things?  "This night thy soul shall be required of thee then who shall these things be which thou hast provided?" (Luke 12 verse 20)  Here in this case we have a young son and he comes to his father and he asked him for his inheritance.  He has put a roof over his head yet the young son comes to his father and asks him for what is rightfully is.  The young man had the audacity to ask him for what is his.  The father divides it out - verse 12.  I have no doubt the father would have pointed out the dangers to this young man.  He wanted to see the world, he needed the money to go out and enjoy it all.  That is all we can do with our families.  We can only seek to point them in the right direction.  Deuteronomy 11 verse 19 states that as a father I am to teach my children.  That is my responsibility.  After that I can do no more.  That is what this father did.  He gave to him his own free choice.  God in heaven gives us our own free choice.  The father had to look after his son.  The young mans eyes would light up, he would gather it all up, he would listen to him saying goodbye and watch him leave the home.  He would say to his father "I am no more bound by the restraints of this home."  Isn`t that what we say to God - "I am my own boss, I have my own free will?"  God sets out the way he wants us to live but then we rebel against it.  The young mans exploits would no doubt have been the talk of the community around him.  David loved his son Absalom but Absalom wanted to go to Hebron.  He told him he was going there to worship but in reality he would raise up an army against his father so much so that David had to flee his own family home. (2 Samuel 15)  The great creator God created man in his own image but he doesn`t neglect him.  He puts him in the Garden of Eden and tells him "of every tree in the garden you may freely eat but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it." (Genesis 2 verses 16 and 17) "No good thing will he withhold from the that walk uprightly." (Psalm 84 verse 11)  Not every tree was good enough for man.  Imagine God had given them every other tree but man wanted it all for himself.  We have a wronged God in heaven today but what did he do - he gave us his son to die on Calvary.  He made a way back for mankind to be saved again.

His father was waiting.  Unlike the other 2 parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin no search was made for the young son.  The coin was searched for by the woman and the sheep was searched for by the shepherd.  Here the young man walks away but the father waits.  There was something left in this young man`s heart that he never forgot about.  His father`s love, mercy and grace.  There had to be something in the young man`s heart to come back to the father and the father was waiting.  God is waiting for you, waiting for you to come to the Lord.  "He is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3 verse 9) An door opened on the cross of Calvary just for you.  He is waiting for you to come.  He is not willing that you should perish.  We cannot rush our families into God`s salvation but we need to be sure that we are setting them the right example.  We may be slighted for it but we need to wait on.  A young mans plight - penny less, no money, now wallowing in the depth of depression.  He is feeding the pigs, he is pushing them away from the trough to get into the trough himself.  As he looks at them he begins to remember - verse 17 "And when he came to himself he said, How many hired servants of my father`s have bread enough and to spare and I perish with hunger?"  He began to think of all he had once in his father`s house.  There will those who will go and perhaps will end up in a prison cell but even there they will remember something of what was taught in childhood.  This young man began to think of his father`s house - "I will arise and go to my father."  We read "But when he was yet a great way off his father saw him."

His father was watching.  He was watching for his wayward son.  Perhaps there never was a day that passed when he didn`t go out to look for his son returning.  We need to be praying for our own young people, praying for them to come back to the Lord.  Even when Absalom was leading the armies against David, David pleaded with Joab to be careful with him.  When God looks down today and sees you in the places you should not be in he wants to tell you he is waiting for you to come home.

The father welcomed the son.  The father gave the wealth of his house to the son.  God gives you the wealth of heaven even today.

The father`s witness.  Luke 15 verses 22 - 24.  The father said "For this my son was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found."  Romans 8 verse 16.  Haven`t we a loving heavenly father today?  He has watched and waited for us for so long.  Where do you stand with God?  Maybe you are not saved today.  Maybe you are backslidden.  Take the example of a loving father and know he has patience to wait for you today.

Friday, 18 January 2019

A celebration at a funeral

Sermon notes from Sunday 2 December 2017 pm
Luke 7 verses 12 - 17
A celebration at a funeral

We meet the Lord on this day as he makes his way into the city of Nain. He met with a situation of sorrow and sadness as he approaches the city.  As he comes to the main gate of the city he sees a procession, a crowd of people on their way out of the city.  A young man carried out to an open grave.  That brings sadness and sorrow to any heart.  Behind this coffin there is a young woman.  She has lost her husband and now she is burying her only son.  The face and tears tell it all.  The Lord speaks to this young woman and tells her in verse 13 "weep not".  We see the Lord entering the scene and whenever he enters such a scene he turns that state of sadness and sorrow into something very special.  He turns it into a celebration where a young man is raised to life again and a young woman is given back her son to life again.

Jesus is coming - verse 16.  God hath visited his people.  Jesus` timing is perfect.  He comes at the very precise moment, at a lost point in this young woman`s life.  She couldn`t care less whether she lived or died.  Her heart was completely torn apart.  The Lord comes at that precise time.  You will find that the Lord does that.  He comes at our the very lowest times in our lives.  The disciples were caught up in the storm once when in a boat.  The Lord was not with them.  He had gone into the mountain to pray.  He left them to go across the water.  A storm arose up.  They frantically tried to row to shore.  All of a sudden they saw the Lord coming to them.  Right at the lowest ebb of their lives when they thought the storm would take them under the water and they would lose their lives.  God does that in people`s lives showing them their great need of salvation.  Right at the lowest point in their lives.  Is there something you are crying out for tonight?  Maybe there is a set of circumstances, that is when the Lord will do a work in your heart.  Revelation 3 verse 20 "Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in."  The door of happiness and sadness.  He beckons you to come to him.  Maybe you have never come to the Lord, know nothing of sins forgiven.  You know all about Christianity but nothing of salvation.  Perhaps this woman didn`t realise her greatest need.  She was standing at the gates of the city of Nain.  She was looking into the face of Christ.  He was her greatest need.  The greatest need of anyone is the Lord.  Here was a woman walking behind the procession, taken up with the sadness of losing her son.  Maybe she sees the Lord as he makes his way to the procession.  There were so many things going through her mind.  Have you ever stopped to think of the Saviour, of your greatest need?  Will you stop to think of his great love for your soul?  That he would leave even the praise of angels, the glory he had with his father, that he would step down into this dark sin cursed world, that he would leave all behind him to come into this world just for you, that he would stand in torture in Pilate`s hall.  Here is the son of God with all the power to call a legion of angels to take him back to heaven.  He stood up to the blasphemy, ridicule, soldiers who mocked him, put that crown of thorns, placed it on his head, pushing it down, plucking the very hairs of his face, that he would allow those men to take him to the hill of Calvary to be allowed to be raises up, have his feet and hands nailed to a cross, every joint pulled apart.  That is the lengths Jesus went to.  Think of the grave as they came there that morning, saw the stone rolled away, the angels saying `he is not here he is risen`.  He comes to where you are tonight.  He reveals to you your greatest need tonight.  We looked at Jairus, the greatest need for his home was the presence of Christ.  He had a daughter lying at the point of death.  He realises what his family needed, what that little girl needed.

The compassion that he brings - verse 13.  As Jesus looked at the procession, at the crowd as they carried this man, how his eyes caught this woman behind the procession.  He saw the consequences and results of sin.  The apostle Paul in Romans 5 verse 12 said "wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world ... all have sinned."  The Lord was looking at the results of sin and the consequences was death which brought sorrow to this young woman.  When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden he disobeyed God.  Through one channel sin entered into the world.  The soul that sinneth it shall die.  The wages of sin is death.  The importance of a meeting with the Lord.  That is what salvation is tonight.  Not coming into church, raising your hand, speaking with the pastor but meeting with the Lord and experiencing the Lord for yourself.  When the Lord saw her he had compassion and said unto her "weep not."   The Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus one day.  She had been caught in the act of adultery.  They told him what Moses said - she should be put to death for this act.  Jesus told them "let him that is without sin cast the first stone."  One by one they all started to leave.  Why?  Because they were sinners.  When the Lord looked at the young woman he asked her "where are those that condemn you."  She told him they were all gone.  Then Jesus said "neither do I condemn you."  He was looking at her with the eyes of compassion.  The ways of sin are death.  You see the Bible says "For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved."  Are you saved by the grace of God?  Here`s a woman through sin she had lost everything.  Her heart was broken.  Every possession she thought precious had been taken from her.  Maybe tonight you can put a brave face on, you can talk with others, be the life and soul of any where you go, people are glad to see you coming.  Maybe deep down in that heart you are empty.  There is a longing in that soul, a vacuum that nothing can fill.  The riches of this world cannot fill you.  Have you got the Lord?  He is the only one who can fill the void.

The command - verse 14.  He came and touched the coffin and they that bare him stood still and he said "young man I say unto thee arise."  He was addressing the very problem.  What is he doing here?  He is putting his finger on the source of this young woman`s sadness, his finger on the consequences of sin.  That is what the Lord does still today.  It is the problem of sin still today.  This is not something of an encounter in a church, not church loyality, not putting envelope into the plate or taking communion.  A transforming experience coming to the life of a man or woman.  John 4.  Jesus Christ made his way into Samaria and sat on a well.  A woman came out with her waterpot as she did every other day.  She met the Lord that day.  He began to speak of water that would mean she would never thirst again.  As he spoke her heart was opened.  She wanted to get saved.  What a day that was for her.  The Lord said to that young woman "go and call your husband."  She replied "I don`t have one."  The Lord said "you have rightly said so, you have 5 husbands and the one you are with now is not your husband."  He was putting his finger on the life of this woman.  If we don`t get to the place where we acknowledge our sin we cannot be saved.  That is easy believism today.  Men are trusting Christ but have no change.  They haven`t acknowledged the sin that they are born in.  They have not left it behind to trust Christ simply for salvation.  The Lord has to bring you to that place.  The prophet went into David.  He had taken Bathsheba and sent her husband out to the battle just to get killed.  The prophet told him a parable about a lamb taken from the man, the only possession he had.  He looked at David and said "thou art that man."  He had to realise the sin he had committed before he could find repentance and peace in his life. Jesus said to this young man "arise."  The Lord is still calling young men and women, middle aged men and women, old men and women, calling them to his salvation.  Maybe you have realised he is calling you tonight.  Nicodemus looking into the face of the Lord said "how can a man be born when he is old?"  He wants you to be sure that you are saved by his grace.  The Lord spoke of the parable of the vineyard.  The man went out to employ labourers for his vineyard.  He went out early in the day which represents children who are called to faith in Christ early in life.  Then he went out at the sixth and ninth hour representing those of middle age, at the busiest times in life, going through university, marrying, setting up home, having families.  The man also went out at the eleventh hour and saw those standing waiting and he asked them "why stand ye idle?"  They replied "no man hath hired us."  He told them to go into the vineyard still at that late hour.  These people represented old age.  The God of grace and compassion is not willng to see you perish but wants you to come to repentance.  He calls once, twice, thrice and even a fourth time.  Maybe he is calling you tonight.

The change that came - "the Lord spoke to the young man and said arise."  The young man sat up and began to talk.  He didn`t have to be taught to talk.  He did it right away.  Sometimes we doubt the ability of God to save people.  The change was evident.  Here was a young woman who saw her son raised to life again.  They both went home rejoicing.  Every day they would go to that gate and thank God for the miracle that took place there.  You can do the same, point to this time in the future when you accepted Christ as Saviour and Lord.  Don`t take any more chances tonight.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Revelation 13

Sermon notes from Sunday 13 January 2019 am
Revelation 13

I want to remind you this morning as we look into Revelation that it is not some sort of novel.  We are reading about things that shall shortly come to pass.  The book of Revelation is looking forward today.  Our world today is looking forward.  Our world is looking for someone to be a representative, to sort out the mess the world is in.  This man is on his way.  We read about him here in this chapter.  These are the last of the last days we are living in, days of unprecedented evil.  We are entering into a time that will never be like it again.  The motivating power behind the evil of this world today.  Paul talked about a "restraining power" (2 Thessalonians 2 verse 6) upon the evil on this land.  He was showing how God has the power and control even today.  Surely this restraining power is the church of Jesus Christ.  When that power is taken out the devil will have a field day.  When the Lord comes to the air, when the trumpet shall sound, when the dead in Christ shall rise first and we which are alive shall be caught up in the air, then the restraining power will be taken out of this world.  It is then that the devil takes over.  This is the devil`s great moment.  In Revelation 13 verse 1 we notice the language used - refers to "the beast".  He is human but is described here as a beast.  In verse 4 we notice "the dragon" and in verse 11 "another beast".  This is Satan`s great moment when he deceives the world into thinking.  The Satanic trinity is at work.  He is imitating God`s trinity.  The beast is Satan himself, the antichrist is acting instead of Christ.  In verse 11 we have the reference to the dragon who is the false prophet.  He is imitating the Holy Spirit.  Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit as the one "who will glorify me."  In other words he will not speak of himself but point men and women to Christ.  The world today is crying out for a superman.  Imagine if someone could be raised up today and sorted out the various problems of our world - Brexit, the yellow jacket Brigade in France, the movement in London and lately in Belfast over government plans.

Notice his arrival.  John takes us back to the arrival of the beast on the world scene.  Satan himself is overseeing the whole affair - verse 1.  Whilst we read here the reference to John standing, he is actually pointing to someone else - the devil himself.  This is the rising of one man, a man Satan has nurtured.  Now John is confronted with this beast.  This beast has 7 heads and 10 horns and on each of the horns are 10 crowns.  In chapter 17 we read of 7 kingdoms - verse 10.  This refers to these same heads in verse 1 of Revelation 13.  John in Revelation 17 verse 10 refers to 5 kings who are fallen, one who is now and the other who is not yet come "and when he cometh he must continue a short space."  We are looking into the future remember when this man will come and when this man will stand in this land.  The reference to 5 fallen kings is John looking back to the various empires.  The Egyptian empire was first and then defeated by the Assyrian empire.  They became the world empire but then Babylon rose up.  These are the 7 heads John is seeing here.  In Daniel we see the same thing, the little horn coming out of the big horn.  The last one to reign on this earth.  He thinks of the Medes and Persians, then the Grecian empires.  These are the empires referred to as "five are fallen".  John is living in the day of the Roman empire, that is the one who is referred to as "the one is".  Then he refers to "the other who is not yet come and when he cometh he must continue a short space."  This beast will reign over the 3 1/2 years of world histroy.  John was there to experience this great situation arising.  Chapter 13 verse 1 refers to this beast rising up out of the sea.  Do we take that literally?  The interpretation of the sea can speak of nations and people, we see that again in Revelation 17 in the reference to "many waters".  The sea often refers to troubled nations - Isaiah 57 verse 20.  2 Timothy 3 verse 1 this is the antiChrist.  He is standing in the place of Christ.  This is Satan`s man ready to rule.

His ability.  John sees this one reign and has authority but also notices his ability in verse 2.  This description is similar to Daniel chapters 7 and 8.  God was showing him the kingdoms that would evolve right down to the very last kingdom, a time then we see the 10 horns appearing.  Notice here in verse 2 chapter 13.  Go back to Daniel and you will see a part of every kingdom wrapped up in this man.  The first description is "like unto a leopard" meaning he is beautiful, speaking of his appeal to others as well as his subtly.  You can see this when he sneaks up on his prey.  Notice also his feet - he has the feet of a bear.  That speaks of strength and stability yet with great cruelty how he would tear apart his prey.  "And his mouth as the mouth of a lion" speaks of the cunningness and boldness to act with great voracity.  This man will be able to stand up and make great speeches that will attract many people.  As he speaks every ear is on him.  He will negotiate peace, delivery for the Middle East problem.  He will bring leaders together one day but that peace deal will be short lived as he himself will break the covenant with these people.  Daniel 8 verse 24 "and his power shall be mighty but not by his own power."  Revelation 13 verse 2 "and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority."  Daniel 8 verses 24 and 25 "and he shall destroy wonderfully and shall prosper and practise and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand and he shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy many, he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes but he shall be broken without hand."  This will be a financial, political, military and religious genius.

His acceptance.  Will the world accept him?  Yes.  The scene is being set for this man.  We can see that all around us today.  In verse 11 we are introduced to the false prophet.  He is busy leading men and women to the beast in verse 1.  He will bring hope and comfort to people if only they will follow after him.  The devil gives the false prophet power, position and prominence but also position - verse 13 "and he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth."  At some point there will be an assassination attempt made.  It will be reported widely that this man has been put to death but he will be raised up again from the dead.  This is imitating the Lord Jesus Christ`s resurrection from the dead.  The world waits and one day the antiChrist will appear.  Revelation 17 verse 8.  Remember the 2 witnesses on the streets of Jerusalem?  The beast came out of the pit and warred against these 2 witnesses and put them to death.  Imagine what the world is thinking - an assassination attempt has been made on his life and now he is brought back from the dead.  Who can make war with this man?  Not even the God of heaven.  The world is wondering about him.  In chapter 9 we seen that the bottomless pit was opened up.

His associates.  Remember the Lord has complete control throughout the book of Revelation even when the devil seems to have achieved control on the earth.  In chapter 19 heaven is opened up again.  Verse 20 there is a third one - the false prophet and the beast.  Chapter 20 verse 1 12 false prophet and antiChrist in the lake of fire and the devil is bound for 1000 years.  He is let loose after this.  In verse 10 he is cast into the lake of fire, exactly where the beast and the false prophet are also.  They are still there 1000 years later.  Now the devil is cast into the same place.  They that received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped the image were cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.  What a tremendous God we have today.  We are waiting for him today, not the antichrist nor the beast or the false prophet.  Are we waiting for God to call us home today?  Are you saved and ready to go home today?

Wednesday, 9 January 2019


Notes from Prayer Meeting on 3 January 2019
Joshua 14 verses 10 - 14

Caleb is speaking in these verses, he is looking back on a number of years that have gone so quickly.  He is looking into the land of Canaan, he has not set his foot on it yet.  Similarly as we look at this new year we reflect on the past.  We have been through so much, done so much for the Lord.  Caleb and Joshua along with the 10 spies went out into the land of Canaan.  They were brought to the brink and the Lord showed them a land flowing with milk and honey.  He had brought them out of captivity into the land of blessing.  Sometimes we wander in the wilderness and fail to get into full blessing of the Lord.  Isn`t it amazing that God had promised this land yet he had to send out spies into the land to prove it to the people.  Sometimes we need to take the Lord by faith.  We have to go through the valley at times but God is with us.  40 days after they had set out the spies came back and told the people all about the land.  The but came however in that the spies told the people they would never be able to win it as the cities were fortified and the people so big.  Joshua and Caleb said no to this, if the Lord is with us we will succeed.  Numbers 14 verse 6 - 10.  Joshua and Caleb told the truth about the land.  After 40 years they were now back on the brink of the land of Canaan.  They could not enter in because of their unbelief.

In these chapters we notice his testimony - verse 9 he "wholly followed the Lord God of Israel."  He was a man that went through with God, he followed God with all his heart.  May that be our goal and aim tonight, whatever God would ask us to do we would surrender to him, that the Lord would go before us, that it might be said of us we "wholly followed the Lord."  It was said of Joseph when he was sold down into Egypt and Potiphar`s house that Potiphar did not have to worry about his house, he realised the Lord was with Joseph, all was taken care of.  Joseph could have been full of spite and bitterness and envy, sold from his land into a foreign land and to this man Potiphar, but he lived as God would have him live.  Then things turned sore again and he is cast into prison itself.  While there the prison officer sees something different about him and realises the Lord was with him.  Wherever he was his life did not change.  He was out and out for the Lord.  When his brothers came down he could have sought revenge on them but instead he said "you meant it for evil but the Lord meant it for good." (Genesis 50 verse 20) As we go into this year wouldn`t it be great to have the testimony that we "wholly followed the Lord."  Whether in the darkest days or days of sunshine?  Paul testifying in Acts 22 talked about Ananias and how he was sent to where Paul was.  Paul gave God the glory for him being there.  He was a "devout man", a religious man, there was something special about his life, was totally in the Lord`s hands. (verse 12)  Although Ananias heard so much of this man Saul of Tarsus, he was prepared to trust the Lord to take him to where Saul was.  He was an example to the other believers.  No wonder Paul loved to testify about him.  Wouldn`t it be great to be that example in the places we go and the things we do?  Like the woman of old who said of Elijah "surely this is a man of God" when he passed by her house continually. (2 Kings 4 verse 9)  It was others who would not go with Caleb to enter into the land.

Notice Caleb`s trial.  For some 45 years he never lost sight of the promise of God.  Joshua 14 verse 10.  He has held onto the Lord.  God`s word never mentions anything about giving up.  Caleb was going to go through with the Lord.  What was the promise the Lord gave to him in that day - Deuteronomy 1 verses 34 and 36.  Sometimes we take God`s promises and play about with them.  Here was a generation God would let go into the land of Canaan because they hadn`t the faith.  They would die in the wilderness as a result.  After 40 years he is still holding onto that promise that he would see this land.  There have been trials over these 40 years, times when he was downhearted.  He held onto the promise that God would one day fulfil this promise - "I will bring you into this land because you have wholly followed me."  The promise was as flesh to him each and every day.  Jairus had a daughter of 12 years of age.  She was at the point of death.  The man came out of the house and told him the girl was dead.  The Lord turned to Jairus and told him "be not afraid, only believe". (Mark 5 verse 36)  He held onto that promise.  There were certain disciples of Jesus who turned away from the Lord and Jesus asked the remaining disciples "will you go away as well?" (John 6 verse 67)  Sometimes there are things to come in and discourage us, that put up barriers.  We need to watch these do not happen.  Peter walked away from the Lord but he came back again.  Peter on one occasion was working on his nets.  Jesus spoke to him telling him to let down his nets and launch out into the deep.  Peter reminded him that they had fished all night but "nevertheless at thy word we will do it." (Luke 5 verse 5)  Let`s look above the things that discourage us and put our faith in Christ alone.  Caleb put every failure into the past and asked to be given this land promised to him.  He had to battle for everything.  He had God on his side.  We have that same testimony, that God will be with us throughout the coming year.

Caleb`s triumph - verse 14 "Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb."  Let`s stand tonight as Caleb did, standing on the promises that God will fulfil his word.  Let`s pray that God would make us the Caleb`s of 2019.


Notes from Prayer Meeting on 8 January 2019
2 Timothy 1 verses 12 - 18

Last week we looked at the man Caleb who stood firm for some 40 years holding onto the promise that God would give him a portion of the Promised Land.  Caleb was a might man in the Old Testament.  Here we have another man in the New Testament, not a lot is said about him, he is not mentioned in the book of Acts.  He is mentioned here in verse 16 Onesiphorus.  Paul held him in high regard and esteem.  Although we don`t read much about him anywhere else it is good to take a moment to bring this man into the same category.  The apostle Paul holds this man up in the ministry.  In Romans 12 verse 1 Paul is exhorting the Christians "I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."  In verse 4 he talks about the various people being part of one body and in verse 5 the various ministries they are involved in.  In verse 6 he talks about the various gifts.  Some of us have gifts which are different from others.  The apostle Paul is holding up the ministry and wants us to see that we have a ministry, a gift, a talent of some description.  He has already encouraged Timothy to stir up the gifts within him.  Sometimes the gift will die, in particular if we don`t use it.  Paul talks to Timothy about recognising in him something of the gift that is dying down.  He comes to this man Onesiphorus, lets us see his ministry.  If you were talking to Onesiphorus he would say he was an ordinary man, nothing special in what he was doing yet Paul holds him up that we might simulate him, exercise what we have - our gift.  Paul holds the ministry of this man up, something similar to Caleb.  He wouldn`t give up, he persevered for 40 years, holding onto the promise of God that he would give him a portion of the land of Canaan.  Onesiphorus was a man who similarly persevered to the end.  John Wesley said one of the greatest prayers "Lord let me live until I am useless."  

What sort of ministry did Onesiphorus have - a ministry of friendship.  Paul proved this man to be a friend.  When Paul writes to Timothy he makes the point about friendship - verse 18.  Paul is telling Timothy "don`t allow your measurement of friendship to be hindered in any way, don`t be ashamed."  Paul is waiting on the executioner to come through the prison.  He is writing to Timothy to think of his leadership in these churches, talking here of the value of friendship.  Verse 15.  He knows about half hearted friendships, those who don`t stay in the hard times.  This is a friendship that goes back - verse 18 - some 10 years to when he ministered in Ephesus.  He preached there for some 3 1/2 years.  No doubt he made friends with him when he was there.  "He refreshed me" that is what a friend does.  Acts 18 verse 3 Aquilla and Priscilla "he was of the same craft and he abode with them."  He came into their home and everything was shared with Paul as a result.  A friendship that lasts.  Supportive and you can depend on that ministry of friendship.

A ministry of forcing.  Paul is in the prison house - "he sought me out".  He had an interest in Paul.  He missed Paul and couldn`t find him.  Not content merely to think about him.  He sought him out very diligently.  If he was in trouble then he wanted to know about it.  At this stage points to ministry of forcing.  He was prepared to go the extra mile and with a good friend, a friend that matters.  If we notice someone missing are we concerned about that?  Maybe we need to seek the Lord for that same concern.  Paul speaks of this man in verse 18.  He often refreshed him not just on one occasion but often.  Maybe we need to pray for that forcing.

His ministry was fearless.  He sought me out very diligently.  There was no fear here.  We are not told why.  This young man was going around all the believers homes visiting and enquiring about Paul, knocking the doors and finding out what was happening to Paul and where he was.  Then he went to the magistrates, those who would know something about him.  He didn`t give up.  That would have taken a fearless nature.  He doesn`t get anywhere there either.  Then perhaps he goes around the jails and prisons.  He doesn`t give up.  We need to hold onto the ministry we have that we might exercise it.

This ministy was fruitful - verse 17 "he sought me out very diligently and found me."  That is what we need to be doing this year - seeking diligently whether in or out of the fellowship.  This man was being led by God himself.  He pursued it, no giving up.  As we go into this year let us go in with the stature of this man, never giving up, holding onto the promise of God and seeking God`s will in our ministry.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

It is time to seek the Lord

Sermon notes from Sunday 6 January 2019
Hosea 10 
"Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteouness upon you." verse 12

Whenever we turn to the book of Hosea we are looking at a category of preachers known as the Minor Prophets.  Reading them we realise they are not so minor in that sense.  Hosea, when he was called to the ministry and message, was involved in calling the nation of Israel back to where they should be.  The Lord had not forgotten his people.  They had turned away from him, rebelled against him.  The thrust of Hosea`s message was the love of God.  The indifference of God`s people to that love.  We see that demonstrated through Hosea`s message.  He was to take a wife, a wife who would walk out on him but Hosea`s love never faltered for that woman.  When we look at that relationship we see reflected in it the relationship between God and his nation Israel.  He doesn`t cut them off.  He tells them it is "time to seek the Lord."  In 2 Chronicles Solomon prayed "if this people turn their backs on you, fail you and forget about you what will you do then?"  The Lord said "if my people which are called by name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7 verse 14)  May that be our perogative in this new year - seeking after the Lord.  We could really write John 3 verse 16 over this chapter 10 of Hosea. It doesn`t matter where people come from, even from the depravity of sin itself, even if they turn unto me, they will be saved and I will give them everlasting life.  John 1 verse 11 says "he came unto his own and his own received him not."  They looked at the love of God and threw it back in his face.  We can have all the religiousity in the world yet not know God personally .

The love of God that is demonstrated to us here.  The love of God in his heart for each one of us.  He is not willing that any should perish.  God`s love is demonstrated by his intervention.  He doesn`t love us in distress.  He sees a nation who raised up 2 golden calves to worship them and other various gods to worship too.  Instead of cutting them off he gives them a warning but also an invitation.  God comes and intervenes.  We need an intervention by God most of all in these days.  If only we could get a glimpse of the power and love of God.  In 1859 God intervened in this province so much so that revival swept the land.  This was real Holy Ghost power.  We need that same today.  We see it throughout the scriptures.  King Hezekiah was going through a dark time, the Assyrian forces were at his door, ready to carry him captive.  Hezekiah forgot about his planning, took the letter from the enemy and went into God`s presence and spread the letter before him.  God intervened in that day and 185,000 Assyrian forces lay dead at his gates.  God does not leave us to our own devices and distresses.  He says simply "it is time to seek the Lord."  There are people lost in this world.  He tells us it is time now to seek the Lord.  Not simply saying a few prayers but heartfelt repentence, sorrow and shame to seek after the Lord.  Elijah felt that intervention before King Ahab and again on top of Mount Carmel.  He was under attack from the enemy.  We then find him sitting under a juniper tree in the wilderness.  His heart is down.  He asks for the Lord to take his life.  God intervenes, doesn`t leave him to his distresses or devices.  As we go into 2019 it is a good time to stop, to examine our lives.  What does God expect of us for 2019?  This is an ultimatum that comes to us.  Romans 12 verse 1 "I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service."  God doesn`t kidnap us, he doesn`t lift us from where we are but asks us to do it.  The people of Hosea`s day felt that God would be satisfied with outward ritualism.  God wants our all today.  If we are God`s children we need to take heed - will you offer yourself as a living sacrifice?  See that intervention in relation to the people who worship in the churches of Asia.  God steps into their lives and says of them "nevertheless I have somewhat against you."  Time and time again he says that to them.  Is God saying that about us today?  What an indictment that is.  The Philadelphian church was going on so well.  They were not a big congregation but because of their service God said to them "I have set before you an open door."  In John 15 Jesus is speaking of the vine and branches and the relationship with Christ.  We see those branches in the vine are bearing fruit.  If not bearing fruit they are cast away.  He prunes them that they might bring forth more fruit.  The Lord wants to do even more with us today.

The love of God is demonstrated by the instruction given.  There is no point sowing if the ground is not properly prepared.  He says here "sow in righteousness".  You are to go out and live for me, then you will reap in mercy.  If we sow we reap.  When you take out an invitation we are sowing a seed.  The Lord is speaking of you and I today about our hearts and lives.  As the word of God goes out does it find a place where it can then bring forth fruit or is there so much in our heart that there is no time for the word of God?  It is choked and destroyed.  We can only open our hearts and let God work in it.  Moses up in the mountain heard a noice in the camp below.  The Lord told him to go back down because the people had corrupted themselves.  They had turned away quickly, left the way and made gods which they said had brought them out of Egypt.  That brought great death in the camp that day - "they have turned aside quickly."  In Acts 17 we read of Athens, a city of religion and dogma, false doctrine.  They had to take everything that attached them to an old way of life and bring it out and burn it.  There can be things hindering in our lives that need to be dealt with.  Sometimes there are times God has to give that jolt and he was giving it here to the nation of Israel.

God`s love is shown here by the immediacy of the action.  God is looking at his people.  He tells them they still have time.  Paul told the people of Athens God is watching them and has preserved them.  With a broken heart he said "the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men every where to repent."  When we repent we have to do it with a sincere heart, let`s not be half hearted.

God`s love is demonstrated by the implication that is shown.  He will "rain righteousness upon you."  God says it is time to get serious - it is time to seek the Lord.

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Comparing the Jewish sacrificial system to Christ's once for all sacrifice for sin

Sermon notes from Sunday 30 December 2018 pm
Hebrews 7 verses 15 – 28

When we look through the book of Hebrews we might well call it the book of comparisons.  In this passage the thought is of looking back into the old ceremonial laws of the Jews and comparing them with the New Testament.  There was great persecution against these Hebrew Christians.  Many were turning away from their faith, turning back to the old religious system of the Jews.  Here the author tried to affirm who Jesus is – he is better than the angels, he is better than Moses, he is better than any animal sacrifice, he is better than the law.  Consider here in these verses the work of salvation is explained.  He wants to point us back to the Lord.  Wouldn’t it be awful to miss out on Christ and his sacrifice for sins?  These verses bring us back to the sacrifice the Lord made.

A sacrifice that was faithful.  The Bible tells us the Lord came into the world “to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19 verse 19)  He didn’t come “into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved.” (John 3 verse 17)  He came for a purpose – to become the sacrifice for sin, your sin and my sin.  You and I were in an awful state, born in sin and shapen in iniquity, our faces were towards hell.  The Lord left the praise of angels and came down to this earth, he took the form of a servant and was nailed to that middle cross.  Nailed into his hands and feet, his side was wounded – what was it for?  For you and I.  Verse 26 here’s a sacrifice suited exactly to our needs.  We need a Saviour and he is the only Saviour, he became obedient unto death even death on the cross.  How faithful he was to his father.  John 17 Jesus lifted up his voice and said “I have finished the work that thou hast given me to do.” (verse 4) In the Garden of Gethsemane he sweat great drops of blood.  If there was any other means he asked if the cup could be passed from him but then added “nevertheless not my will but thine be done.” (Luke 22 verse 42) He prayed and pleaded and would not defer from the cross.  “He set his face stedfastly to go to Jerusalem.” (Luke 9 verse 51)  In the Old Testament the priest did 2 jobs – he represented the people to God in the Holy of Holies and he represented God to his people.  On the cross Jesus Christ the sinless lamb of God was dying for you and I.  He knew about rejection and ridicule during those final hours of his life yet nothing would stop him going there.  Remember when he announced his plans to his followers how he must go to Jerusalem, suffer at the hands of the high priests, he would suffer and die and be buried, then on the third day he would rise again.  Peter said “not so my Lord don’t let this happen.”  The Lord turned to him and said “get thee behind me Satan.” (Matthew 16 verses 21 – 23)  He knew Satan was behind this plan to hinder him from going to the cross but he was faithful.  Every suggestion and attempt to keep you from the cross is from the devil.  It may come from a friend or a family member, a loved one, someone you really trust and they have been trying to put you of, hindering you from getting to the cross of Calvary.  That is a plan from the pit of hell itself.  It is a different thing to be told about your eternal destiny.  Many are quick to tell you that if you die having done the best you can heavens door will open for you.  Why would Christ have wept in Gethsemane?  He knew the suffering before him yet willing to do it for you.  Would you not trust the Lord tonight?

This sacrifice was faultless – verse 26.  We find that Jesus was in every way tempted as we are yet he did not sin.  This man was exactly suited for our needs.  The Bible tells us how far down we were, how we missed the mark for heaven.  “All have come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3 verse 23) The sin we were born in, we have missed the mark for heaven, that God wants to share with us for eternity but Christ dying on Calvary brings us right up to that mark.  Remember that night in Egypt the Lord told the Israelites all the first born would die unless they applied the remedy of a lamb.  It was to not just be any ordinary lamb.  It was to be according to the size of the household.  The Lord meets our needs in the same way.  He was the perfect, sinless sacrifice.  His sacrifice will save all who come to him.  This lamb was also without blemish.  When the priest came to sacrifice the lamb it had to be perfect, had to have no cuts or blemishes.  It was put to death for the firstborn in Egypt that night, to lift the death penalty that night.  The lamb had to meet the requirements of God “who through the eternal spirit offered himself to God.” (Hebrews 9 verse 14)  When the Lord died on the cross he was faultless, offering this sacrifice on your behalf, offering it to God, satisfying the just demands of a righteous God.  No-one else could do it.  “It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgement.” (Hebrews 9 verse 27)  The Lord took our judgement on himself.  We see Christ in the Passover Lamb offering himself to God on our behalf as the sinless lamb of God dying on the cross for my sins on his own body.  Will you thank God for that sacrifice tonight?  Lay your sin on him tonight, take eternal salvation from him tonight?  “What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus my Lord, he hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, what a wonderful Saviour is he.”

This sacrifice was a finished sacrifice.  In the Old Testament the people would bring a lamb or bullock to the priest, his sin would be transferred to the animal.    Hebrews 10 verse 4 “it is not possible that the blood of bulls and lambs should take away sin.”  Only one way was through the blood of Christ.  If we are depending on anything else we will be sorry, missing out.  If you take him as Lord and Saviour tonight you will be saved for all eternity.  Pilate said “I find no fault in this man.” (Luke 23 verse 4)  Judas said “I have betrayed innocent blood.” (Matthew 27 verse 4) Presenting to you a sacrifice that is faithful, faultless and finished.  In verse 27 we read how these offerings had to be repeated but not Christ.  In verses 11 and 12 we see the comparison.  The priest would take the lamb, put it to death but the one who is guilty would still have to keep coming back again.  When Christ died on the cross he died once for all time.  Jesus on the cross cried “it is finished”.  Religion today that offers Christ crucified without that can be no salvation and saving of sins.

A sacrifice that was fruitful – verse 25.  Christ takes away our sins and they are never remembered any more.  Remember the woman with the issue of blood, for 12 years she had tried every doctor but one day she heard that Jesus was passing by.  She reached forth and touched the hem of his garment and was immediately healed.  Today we try to do everything possible to please God but it fails.  When we trust the Lord for salvation he make us a new creature.  Sin shall have no more dominion over us.  What a victory we have in Christ.  You have to come and trust him as your own personal Saviour though.