Notes from a sermon heard on 1 September 2013
Luke 18 verses 35 – 43
of a special day in the life of Bartimaeus because it was the day the Lord not
only entered into Jericho but his life touched others in Jericho. “And he cried, saying Jesus thou son of David
have mercy on me.” (verse 38) He was
sitting in his blindness, his darkness.
He was lifted by his friends and taken to this place sitting with his
bowl crying out as people passed him by.
Somehow he would be able to receive pennies. One day Jesus Christ came. One day he lifted up his voice. One day he cried to the Lord. Was there a day like that in our lives? A day when we heard the Lord passing by, when
we cried out to him, invited him into our hearts and lives?
was a blind cry. It came out from the very depths of the soul
of a blind man. He couldn’t have seen
the Lord passing by. He had to be told
about it. He could only depend on others
leading him around. That is what the
Bible says about us today. As you and I
come into this world you are blinded. We
can see the things around us. We cannot
see into the depths of our heart. Do not
know what lies within that heart. What
lies there is the sin nature. We have
been born again the Bible says. Everyone
has sinned, broken God’s laws, broken God’s commandments, come short of what
God would have for us today. This man is
crying out for the darkest depths of despair.
David was a young shepherd boy guarding his sheep. One day he had to defend the whole nation of
Israel, went on to become great King of Israel.
He went through an awful time of despair, discouragement, deep
despair. I’m sure there are times we can
look back on our lives, can say they were difficult for us to endure. David looked on it like a horrible pit,
couldn’t get out of it by his own will power. The Bible says “I waited patiently for the
Lord and he inclined unto me and he heard my cry. Jesus says it doesn’t matter who the person
is, if that person comes to me I will not pass them away. Here was a man felt was in a horrible pit,
all he could do was lift up his voice and cry.
Remember how the children of Israel in Egypt under hardship,
taskmaster. The people of God got to the
place of despair and discouragement. The
Lord took Moses out into the wilderness.
I have a very special job for you.
I want you to go down into Egypt and bring my people out of that
land. He had to have seen the affliction
they are under. I have heard their cry. Not until they cried out would God move in to
take them out of that situation. Maybe
you realise you need to be saved. There
is sin in your heart, never be in heaven because of that sin. You really need to get saved. Not prepared to call or cry. The Lord would not break in without you
crying. “Behold I stand at the door and
knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in.” Manasseh king is Israel his father Hezekiah
brought the nation of Israel back to the Lord.
Father and mother do you see a family underneath you going out into a
lost and Christless hell for eternity.
Are you concerned about it today?
Hezekiah did everything in his power to set an example in his home. Manasseh didn’t want that example. Don’t blame yourself if one in your home is
starting to go the opposite way from you.
What you will answer for is the example you have set before them. Manasseh did everything in his power to do
the opposite of his father, to turn the people away from the Lord. The Lord spoke to him again and again but he
wouldn’t turn. The Lord sent the enemy
against him. They took and put him in fetters. 2 Chronicles 33 verse 12. From the pit God heard David. God heard Manasseh.
was a begging cry. Have mercy on me. He was begging for mercy. This man had nothing to bargain with just
helpless. A poor blind beggar to cry
that somehow God would look on him with favour.
Mercy was not something we deserved because we have sinned, turned our
backs on God, broken his law. The soul
that sinneth it shall die but God extends his mercy to us. He took his only son and he sent him in into
this world on that cross of Calvary there he died and suffered for you and
I. He suffered for your sins and my
sins, died for your sins and my sins, died to pay the price of them that you
would not have to die for them. Whenever
we cry out to the Lord he comes and saves us.
The prodigal son in scriptures came to himself, came to his senses and
decided to go back to his father. He
planned what he would say to him. Now he
was returning empty and a beggar hoping to be given the servants position but
no the father hugged him, kissed him, put a ring on his finger and a robe on
his back and shoes on his feet. He
welcomed him back into his home.
Bartimaeus could hear the noise and questioned what it all meant. He cried out asking what it all meant. The people told him Jesus of Nazareth was
passing by. All he had to do was cry out
to Jesus and he would save him. Christ
has died for you. He wants to save you,
come into your heart and life. Forget
about a profession you made in the past.
was a believing cry. Bartimaeus knew who Jesus was. Maybe he had knowledge of who he was. Somehow this man knew the word of God. Maybe you know the word of God, know
everything I am saying. On the cross of
Calvary Jesus died for you but you just haven’t come. Maybe you know the story, brought up in a
home where you were taught the story of Jesus, how he was crucified but it is
all a story for you today. Why not make
it a reality. That is what Bartimaeus
did. It was a believing cry. David thou son of David have mercy on me. When we come to Jesus we must believe that he
is God and Saviour. He is the only
remedy. He is the only mediator between
God and man. Believe he is a diligent
rewarder of them that seek him. I wonder
are you ready to call out with a believing heart for Christ today?
was a beneficial cry. Jesus stopped right where he was and called
Bartimaeus to himself. Do you see Christ
calling today? Telling you you need to
be saved? It is important that you are
saved. Here was a man who heard, was
stirred by faith, he cried. Unless your
heart is stirred you will never cry. You
will go out into a Christless eternity.
If you can hear the Lord saying you need this, you need to cry out. Bartimaeus came to the feet of Jesus. He asked him “what will you that I do unto
you?” Bartimaeus said “that I might
receive my sight”. Jesus told him “thy
faith hath saved thee”. It was his faith
not works that saved him. All because he
cried to Jesus that day. You will never
be in heaven because you go to church, read your Bible or pray. You will only be in heaven if you trust the
Lord as Saviour and Lord. The
consequences are to be lost in a Christless hell for eternity. Will you come like Bartimaeus of old crying
out to him, ask him into your heart and life to be your Saviour and he will do
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