Notes from a sermon heard on 12 May 2013
Luke 15 verses 1 – 7
subject of Luke’s gospel chapter 15 would be LOST. In Luke’s gospel chapter 15 we find 3
sections – a lost sheep, a piece of lost silver and then a lost son. Look tonight at the lost sheep but not
concentrating on the sheep itself but the loving shepherd. We want to contrast that to John chapters 10 and
11 where it talks about the Good Shepherd and what he says about himself – “the
good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”
We see Christ as he comes into this world, as he walks along the
laneways of the towns and villages, see him on the middle cross dieing for you
and I. 4 specific thoughts:
A thoughtful endeavour. The people
are gathered together in chapter 15 verse 1.
They are drawn to the Lord.
Something special about this man.
The way he preaches and teaches.
He can draw men and women to himself.
He brought publicans and sinners to hear him. Read there of the Pharisees in verse 2 came
and murmured. They didn’t like what he
said. They didn’t like people praising
him, bowing at his feet. Just as the old
scribes tried to hinder people coming to the Lord so too will the devil do all
in his power to hinder you coming to Christ.
Maybe you have already realised that you are not ready for heaven and
home. Are you willing and ready to do
something about it? Are you longing to
make Jesus Saviour and Lord as your own?
If so you will be in a fierce battle because the devil will do all to
rob you of the good seed of the word of God.
He will do all to hinder you to come to Christ. Has God been opening your heart to the claims
of salvation, that your soul is standing in the balance? You need to do something about it. This man was tired and weary. He couldn’t rest until he found that one
sheep that was lost. Jesus cannot rest
until he has found you. He has you on
his heart and mind. The only thought he
had on his heart was that the little sheep is on the mountainside. Spiritually speaking the day is far
spent. The night time of judgment is
coming on this old earth. The devil and
the demons of hell roam the streets of this world seeking to devour whom he
may. We can point you to the one who
came into the world to seek and to save the world. That on the cross he might die for you and
me. The devil tempted Jesus to come up
to the pinnacle, the highest point to prove who he was. “Every kingdom of the world I will give to
you if you bow down and worship me.” The
old devil was defeated on that day on the mountain. The only thing on Jesus’ mind that day was
your soul and mine. In the Garden of
Gethsemane, in the darkness of the night Jesus comes to his father and says
“nevertheless not my will but thine be done.”
Are you concerned about that soul of yours? The mind of the Lord is what Paul paints for
us in Philippians 2. He did not strive
to seek himself equal with God, “he made himself of no reputation and took upon
him the form of a servant.” The shepherd
had one sheep on his mind. God had one
thing on his mind and soul – you. Jesus
wept over Jerusalem one day and said “how often would I have gathered you as a
hen does gather her chicks.” He went
into the market place and started to plead with men and women to come to him
but they didn’t come. How many times has
God spoken to you about your need of salvation?
Has he reached into that heart of yours?
Have you turned your back on God and said no to the Lord? On his heart and mind tonight is your
precious soul. Christ looked at those
who had hammered the nails into his hands on the cross and prayed “Father
forgive them for they know not what they do.”
The devil had blinded them. How
many times has he to pray for you as you walk away from his offer of mercy?
His tireless efforts. He began to
look for this sheep which was lost. He
put actions to his thoughts. He wants to
find this sheep. Almost can imagine the
shepherd, picture him as he goes out to find it, going back over all his
ground, seeking for this little sheep.
The Lord doesn’t give up on us.
He didn’t give up on his journey to the cross. Throughout his life he was tireless in his
efforts. Think of John 4 and the encounter
with the woman at the well. “Jesus must
needs go through Samaria.” Why? There is a woman who needed to be saved. She was living a sinful, wreckless life. Just to save her soul he would have come into
the world just to save her. He has come
into the world just for you. As he
approaches this area he was weary and tired and hungry. He rested on the well. The woman comes out, lost in her sin yet the
Lord doesn’t say just give me a breather.
He begins to speak to this woman.
He has time for her. He has time
for you tonight. When Jesus came into
one of the villages parents wanted the children to be touched and blessed by
him. The disciples thought
differently. They tried to turn them
away but Jesus said “forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God.” (Mark
10 verse 14) If you have a moment to
give to Christ he will meet you there. In
Luke 14 and the parable of the feast we see the sufficiency of the feast and
the scope of the feast. The man had a
son getting married so he sent out invitations “come for all things are now
ready.” Everyone he sent out an invitation
to wouldn’t come to the feast. They turned
their backs on it. There is a invitation
that goes out today for the gospel – “come and receive Christ as Saviour.” As we read of this feast we know the feast is
a picture of the nation of Israel who turned their back on the Lord. “He came unto his own and his own received
him not.” The gospel was then opened up
to you and I. The servants were to go
out to those who were invited, then to go out into the cities and villages to
bring in the lame, the halt and the blind.
They were go to everyone and everywhere while there is still time. There is a tireless effort going out tonight
to bring men and women into the kingdom of God.
There is a tireless effort made for your soul. He has you on his mind. He has come in search of you.
A triumphant experience. When he found
the lamb in verse 5 he laid it on his shoulders. The shepherd searched until he found the lost
lamb. A tireless effort took the Lord to
the cross where you and I are saved. I
see the devil rubbing his hands with glee.
He feels he has unleashed his master plan to get rid of Christ. He gets the nation of Israel to reject
Christ. All the religious leaders build up
a case against Christ then Judas Iscariot receives a few silver coins to betray
the Lord. The devil seems to be in
control then when he gets the opportunity to enter into the soul of Judas. He only has to tell Pilate your friends will
turn against you if you don’t reject this man.
Psalm 22 every demon in hell gathering around the cross then Jesus cries
triumphantly “it is finished”. The great
plan of God’s salvation is completed and the devil is defeated for all
eternity. The Lord Jesus spoiled the principalities. He delivered us from the powers of darkness
and translated us into the kingdom of his son.
Maybe like the sheep you think you are safe, everything is well but you
are lost. With the next breath you have
you could drop into the depths of hell for all eternity. Thank God he triumphed at the cross of
Calvary to save your soul.
A thankful expression. The lamb was
put on his shoulders and he went home telling his neighbours “come and rejoice
with me this lamb was lost but now is found.”
All heaven awaits for your decision tonight. If you were to come to Christ all heaven will
sing over the sinner coming in repentance tonight. Will you come tonight?
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