Notes from a sermon 7 April 2013
Matthew 27 verse 15 – 26
The great escape
This passage brings us right into
the judgement hall of Pilate. We see the
Lord standing before this Roman Emperor awaiting the verdict of what is going
to be done with him. Pilate comes to a
dilemma in his life. He really wants to release him because he has
investigated, has inquired and asked questions but he turns to the crowd and
asks “what shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?” I want to turn to the great escape we find
here. Barabbas steps into the presence
of Pilate and receives something on this day that he thought he never ever
would receive. He thought he would be
sentenced to death but rather he found freedom.
Freedom is found for everyone when we bring our sins to Christ, where he
paid the price of our sins, took them on his body and there he died as the
sacrifice. Is your name in the Lamb’s
book of life? Have you transferred your
sin to the Son of God?
Barabbas and his person.
Matthew tells us in verse 16 that he was “a notable prisoner”. He was in the cells so long, been there we
don’t know how long for but he was well known.
He was waiting for his just reward and everyone knew about him. He was notable because of his family. We are not sure what activity he had been
involved in. His name Barabbas – “Bar”
means “son of”. He was the son of
someone. The name “abbas” means “father.” It doesn’t tell us very much. Another example will help us see it more
clearly. Matthew 16 Jesus is asking the
question “whom do men say that I am?”
Verse 17 Simon Barjona – lets us know something of his family. This man is notable for something of
evil. Imagine being noted for being
bad. Someone they turn their backs
on. That is what it was for this man
Barabbas. He was noted for his exploits
as a criminal. Mark and Luke tell us he
was known for his riotous nature. He
maybe was involved in the planning of it. He had committed murder in that
riot. See this character and because of
Christ he was able to walk away free. Because
of what Jesus has done for you and I for his precious blood was shed for your
sin and my sin. Doesn’t matter how low
in sin we are, how often we have deflected the Lord in our lives, the Lord is
able to set us free if we only come and trust the Lord as Saviour, take from
him eternal life. Then your name will be written in the Lamb’s book of
Life. He had plummeted the very depths
he could go to yet he walked away free. Jesus
met a demonic who was known for his possession of a legion of devils. Jesus met him in Genesaret. When the Lord asked his name it was not the
man who spoke but the devils. “we are
legion” because we are many. The man
couldn’t live with his father and mother in his home, in his own village. The devil had taken him out of all that. The devil will still do that today, deceive
young people out into the world give them the taste for drugs and alcohol. He was known for his demonic activity, no-one
would go near him because he would shout.
If bound him he would break the fetters at the click of his
fingers. That was how he was known yet
one word from the Lord and he was delivered from all that. Here was a man Barabbus, sin was in his genes
because he was born in sin and shapen in iniquity. We were born the same way. As this man Barabas we are all of our father
the devil. That is what put it into
heart of Barabbas. Maybe not noted for
sin but we have sinned and come short of the glory of God tonight. The little
sins we feel we can keep locked away and no-one knows about them but the God of
heaven can see them. God sees our hearts
tonight. He knows where we stand before
God tonight, whether ready for heaven and home, whether been to Calvary for
sins forgiven.
Barabbas and his penalty.
Now he comes as it were to the death sentence. He is a notable prisoner. He has come to the penalty, rebelled against
the authority. He had murdered a
man. Some would say they have never been
in those depths and surely God would never keep me out of heaven. This man has come to the penalty. Sin deceives tonight. That is why you are saying God would not keep
me out of heaven because of the life I have lived. “Adam was not deceived but the woman being
deceived was in transgression” (1 Timothy 2 verses 14). Paul said the serpent deceived her into
thinking how great a folly it would be if she would not eat this fruit. She would actually be as God if she ate
it. Biggest sin tonight is deception and
that is how enemy can keep so many in the palm of his hand. He deceives people by telling them their sin
is ok. Paul used the same language in Romans
7 verse 11 “sin deceived me.” When sin
is finished it bringeth forth death. Now
Barabbas is standing condemned. Romans 3
“for the wages of sin is death”. As far
as Barabbas was concerned he was going out to receive the death penalty. The 2 thieves on the cross, one said “we are
here because of the deeds we have done but this man has done nothing
amiss.” Barabbas comes forth for his
penalty. The penalty of sin is resting
on you. Remember Achan in Joshua 6. He was deceived by what he saw. Eyes lit upon the gold, silver and the Babylonish
garment. He saw it and his heart had to
go after it. David lying on his bed
should have been in the army. He went
out onto the roof top and saw Bathsheba.
The devil used his eyes. Achan
was tempted with material wealth. The
devil knows how to tempt and deceive us.
David wasn’t deceived by material wealth, he was deceived by lust of the
flesh. Eve wasn’t deceived by this. She was deceived by private gain. How has the devil deceived you?
Barabbas and his pardon.
Imagine you are Barabbas standing there, chained, handcuffed, right into
the presence of Pilate. He is
guilty. You don’t have to see that he is
guilty. All he receives is a
pardon. This wasn’t a pardon that came
cheaply, it came at the expense of Jesus Christ. The only reason he got a pardon on this day
was the fact that Jesus would die on the cross, because the crowd voted for
Jesus to die and Barabbas to be set free.
The pardon for you tonight didn’t come cheaply. It took heavens very best, took the Lord for
him to die on the cross that you and I might be free. There is a great pardon going out for men and
women tonight. They are thinking about
it, toying with it. Men and women will
walk out and say I don’t want the pardon.
A pardon is only a pardon if you receive it. To refuse it could mean separation from God
for all eternity. Tradition has it
tonight Barabbas went straight to Calvary’s hill and watched Jesus die in his
The picture it gives. We see
a man who has been born in sin, shapen in iniquity blinded by the God of this
world, deceived to think it would bring pleasure and contentment but it is only
for a season. You and I are like
Barabbas, are under God’s condemnation.
We face God’s judgment but we can walk away like Barabbas a free man or
woman. Your salvation comes at the
expense of Jesus Christ. Will you come
to Christ tonight? Take him as Saviour
and Lord. Take this marvellous freedom
that Christ gives to you. Take every sin
and cast them into the sea of his forgetfulness, never more to be
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