Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The minority

Matthew 7 verses 13 – 23
“Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it.”
The minority

There’s much talk of minority groups.  Sometimes we don’t like to be in the minority.  There is the minority of Mensa, a group of a very highly intellectual people.  Maybe we would find the names of the men and women who are the most affluent people in the world, listed for all the millions they are worth.  Another minority are those who have received a distinguished award in the face of great danger.  One category I am pleased I am in the minority in is the group of the church of Jesus Christ.  Not the church of Independent Methodists, but born again of the Spirit of God, washed in the blood of the lamb, on way to heaven and home.  Are you in that group?  There is a road mapped out here that will take us to heaven if we follow the road.  “Few there be that are on it”.  Minority not the majority.  There are only a few that are travelling on this road to heaven and home.  In the corresponding portion of scripture in Luke 13 Jesus is asked a question “are there few that be saved?”  There’s a more poignant question than that.  Not the question of how many will be saved but will you be saved?  Will your name be written in the Lambs Book of Life?  Will you be around the throne of God in heaven?  Jesus talked here of a gate that leads to eternal life, heaven and home.  Few there are that find it.  Not to say impossible or he makes it difficult.  It boils down to our decision – whether want to be saved or not.  The marks of those in this minority group.

The mark of the crisis each and every one of us face – to become a child of God.  No-one slips into the kingdom of God, it comes from a decision in the depths of your soul.  As the Holy Spirit comes to you either in a meeting or perhaps in every day life, he shows you that you are not saved.  Remember the crowd standing on the day of Pentecost when Peter preached the word of God.  The people were pricked in their hearts as they heard him preach.  We often pray that man cannot stir an anxious thought but here we read their hearts were torn apart.  It was not Peter who did it but the Holy Spirit beginning to work in their hearts.  Jesus likens it to a definite change of direction.  We are all on the broad road that leads to everlasting damnation.  We have to make a definite decision to get on the narrow road that leads to heaven and home.  It is reported that apparently the morning they found the body of Elvis Presley in his home he had in his hands a book with the title “A scientific search for Jesus Christ.”  He was scientifically trying to find the Lord.  He is not found by science but found in simple child like faith.  When you come to this crisis experience you leave the broad road and enter into the narrow road.  If you haven’t entered in to the minority you might come to this crisis point in your life.  Jesus told us to “strive to enter in because strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth to life and few there be that find it.”  It is all about finding this gate.  Both speak of man’s involvement.  God is a sovereign God.  He can do whatsoever he wishes and likes.  The Bible teaches on election and the other side of the coin of God’s sovereignty is man’s responsibility.  When we come face to face with this gate to the narrow road Jesus is pointing out, we cannot merely stand and look at it.  We have got to enter in through that narrow gate.  You have to strive.  It is an athletic term.  When the athletes get to that last lap there are 3 or 4 who want to make that finishing line.  You can see the expression on their face.  Their muscles become tense, nothing will deter them.  That is like what it will be when we come to Christ.  There will be a great battle.  Paul received letters from the high priest to go to Damascus.  If he found any who professed to be saved he would lock them up, put them to death just to destroy everything about the Lord.  He had hatred in his heart.  Something happened that brought him to his knees.  It was a crisis point.  I wonder – have you ever had that crisis point in your life?  When you realised you needed to be saved?  Nicodemus came to Jesus at night.  Jesus spoke to him about his salvation.  Nicodemus thought his religion was all he needed.  His own works would get him to heaven.  Jesus said “you must be born again.”  The Philippian jailer asked “what must I do to be saved?” 

The cost they encountered.  Not financially.  Maybe there are things we do that we profit from sinfully.  Yes there will be a cost involved.  David in the Old Testament had a sinful nature and it caught up with him.  He set out to make a sacrifice.  He met with the man who owned the land who told him he would give him the stones and the bullocks to make the altar but David told him “I cannot offer to the Lord something that cost me nothing.”  In the scriptures we read of a man who wanted to have eternal life but he couldn’t give up his wealth.  In John 9 the Lord met the blind man.  He had been blind from birth.  The Lord healed this man but it cost him his religious standing.  The religious leaders asked his parents “is this your son, was he blind?”  They then went on and said “how is it he sees?”  They knew if they said it was Jesus gave him his sight they would be cast out of the synagogue.  It cost him his place in his church.  They then questioned the man again who said “all I know is once I was blind and now I see, it is all down to Jesus Christ.”  “Thou wast altogether in sin and dost thou teach us and they cast him out.”

There’s the mark of the change in our lives - verse 15.  Outwardly professed to be saved but inwardly there is no change.  Salvation has got to touch the heart.  Jesus talked about no cost and no change – verses 15 and 16 then he said “wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”  They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  This is the diversion tactics of the devil.  Whenever we come to the end of the gospel meeting something will happen.  The devil will use diversion.  Maybe take your eyes and minds to someone who professes to be saved but you are thinking “if that is a Christian there is something very wrong.”  It is a diversion tactic used by the devil to get you away from making a decision for Christ.  Maybe God has spoken to you, challenged your soul, ready to enter into the kingdom of God but the devil will throw in a diversion.

A mark of the confidence that is enjoyed – verses 22 and 23.  You will come to me and say “Lord Lord open the door of heaven and allow us to come in.”  We are in the minority group.  On way to heaven and home.  One day the doors will open wide.  Jesus will say “well done good and faithful servant.”  Are you in the minority group?  It is made up of people on the narrow way to heaven and home.

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