Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Consideration of the future

Notes from a sermon heard on Monday 14 October 2013

Luke 12 verses 16 – 21

This particular passage should send thoughts of eternity for everybody.  This man wanted to know the importance of soul preparation.  The seriousness of this subject is really needed in today’s climate.  No-one unsaved would want to be in the position this man found himself in.  We don’t know the day or hour but this very moment we sit in this harvest service could we be in that particular situation like this man?  Many people don’t want to focus on the situation this man found himself in.  Will you let that opportunity pass for the final time?  He found his soul drifted over the dead line.  Always thinking you can make that decision one day.  What will happen if the Lord was to call your soul as suddenly as he called this man?  "When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more, when the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore and the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there."  What would happen to your soul if the Lord spoke on your soul tonight?  We are still in the day of grace.  Will you make provision for your soul’s future?  Many people decide to leave eternal preparations to their deathbed.  Many have tried to put it off.  So dangerous as we are not promised tomorrow.  Verse 17 “and he thought within himself”.  Could that be written of you tonight?  As we are presented with the gospel message each of us will think within ourselves but that is not enough.  A decision has to be made.  Will we decide or reject Christ?  Have you thought similarly of consideration for the future?  I want you to answer his question within your own heart truthfully “what shall I do.”  3 areas that come into consideration .

First what shall I do – his earthly consideration – verses 17 and 18.  This man made a serious error in his judgement.  He was faced with a serious dilemma.  Great problem for him was to have too much produce.  God wasn’t punishing him for having a great harvest or great wealth.  The man thought it was all his own efforts that made this great harvest.  First thought was greed.  He wanted more space so decided to pull down his barns and build greater.  He wanted everyone to see how prosperous he was.  Greed and pride were both in his heart.  He had no thought for his soul.  This is maybe the stage you are finding yourself at.  Eternity seems so far away.  What shall I do?  Determines that eternal destination.  This man couldn’t see past the harvest.  He had amassed, prospered because he was a great farmer.  God didn’t come into his perspective.  Is God talking of a big bank balance?  No, he is talking of your soul bring right.  He is talking of the soul that will live for ever.  This man was successful, rich.  Christ would rather have regarded his material wealth in comparison to the enrichment of his soul.  Only cared about what could do to increase his wealth.

His eternal confusion – verse 19.  Earthly wealth confused his thinking about eternity.  When things are going well the soul is not thought of but when things go wrong the soul is thought of more.  I have plenty of time to think of that.  He thought within himself.  He was making a dangerous choice.  Is this something you have done before?  You have heard the Lord calling you yet you try to appease your soul.  How did he know he had plenty of time?  Not one person knew when the last breath would leave this man’s body.  The sad reality is God alone knows.  Have you heard the voice of God calling you?  Convicting you or your sin?  Genesis 6 verse 13 “my spirit shall not always strive with man.”  He found out his soul wasn’t ready.  His eternal destination was already set.  This man rejected for the last time without knowing it.  He said not yet.  God said “thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee”.

His everlasting condemnation – verse 20.    How sad for this farmer to be so rich physically yet poor spiritually to have it all on earth and nothing in eternity.  God spoke directly to his soul.  Notice the difference in the language – verse 19 “I will say to my soul”  the word “say” being the Greek word for tell.  Verse 20 when God speaks “but God said.”  It is the same variation of the Greek word command.  2 different conversations were going on with the soul.  God commanded the decision and he sends out that command out again.  Acts 17 verse 30.  God commandeth all men everywhere to repent.  God commands this man’s soul that is the definition of the call.  The decision had passes unheeded.  No-one to blame – why – because it was his own decision.  There is no excuse for rejecting the Saviour because it is your own decision.  What word comes up more often than any other – “I”.  It is up to you to get right with God, to have your name written in the Lamb’s book of life.  You will listen to the message taught, what to do for eternity .  If only we knew how much time we have how much easier it would be.  The day God will command every soul to be with him.  One moment he had everything, the next he lost it all.  “Then whose shall those things be?”  Harvest was still left on earth.  Whatever is holding you back let go.  God commands that soul of yours.  One moment he had everything, he lost his soul because rejected the Lord for the last time.  Absent from the body present with the Lord.  He always had other things on his mind.  Many will reject this message yet again.  Many will think they have another opportunity.  “Behold now is the day of salvation.”  What do you need to do to repent?  Turn from your sin, call to your Saviour.  The cry came out from the Philippian jailer “what must I do to be saved?”  Paul told him “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”  No excuses.  The way has been made at Calvary.  The blood has been shed.  The only thing holding you from getting saved is you.  Have you prepared for what is going to happen?

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