Thursday, 29 December 2011

Trusting in the Lord at all times

Notes from a sermon on 4 September 2011

Judges 8 verses 1 – 12

In this portion of Scripture we find Gideon with 300 men following after him. This is really an outworking of Psalm 62 verse 8. In Judges 6 verse 11 we see a young man, Gideon, nothing special but God raised him up to do a great work for him. He was raised up to defeat the enemy. In chapter 7 verse 12 we see a great enemy coming against Gideon. Gideon could see them scattered over the valley below yet in verse 6 we read that Gideon’s men trusted in the Lord at all times. In chapter 7 verse 7 God told Gideon “By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you.” It was not by the multitude of 32,000 men he had before they were divided to reach the 300 men. Nor was it by their own ability or intelligence. Sometimes we get it wrong. We put our trust in people but let’s not do that. In chapter 8 verse 4 we read these men were “faint yet pursuing them”. They were tired yet were going to keep on. The battle had only begun. The battle does not finish the day and hour we get saved. It will continue until the day God takes us out of this world. When one battle is finished there is always another one starting. What of these 300 men?

It showed their condition. They had prepared themselves physically, mentally and spiritually for the battle before them. The battle was not over yet. Have we done what God has expected us to do? Is there something God has spoken to us and we have left it undone? God is challenging us about it or maybe we have done all God has asked us to do and now we feel weary, discouraged, cast down. These men were like that but yet willing to go on in the battle. C H Spurgeon the great Baptist preacher was given to great bouts of depression yet he was used of God to preach to thousands of people. He kept going on. He didn’t allow the enemy to put him out of the battle. Maybe there is something we need the victory over today. Remember Moses when he went up to the mountain. The Israelites were fighting a battle with the Amalekites in the valley. When Moses held his hands up the Israelites won the battle but when his hands grew tired and he held them down the enemy won the victory. Maybe you and I are growing weary in the place of prayer or witnessing. We need to keep going. These 300 men pursued the enemy to put them out of the land they had possessed. Today there is a battle. The devil is encroaching our land. People who have turned their back on God. We need to keep at it today. In John 4 we have the greatest example of weariness. Jesus came to the well of Samaria and rested. The Lord didn’t stop until he went to the cross of Calvary. He could have called a legion of angels at any time to take him back to heaven but in John 17 he said “I have finished the work that thou hast called me to do.” He finished the work of salvation that we might be saved. He paid the price of your sin in full. He could only redeem us from a lost and sinless hell. He grew weary but didn’t stop. Paul said “when I am weak then am I strong.”(2 Corinthians 12 verse 10) Elijah knew something of weakness and tiredness out in the wilderness. Maybe life’s battles have taken its toll on us and we cannot go any further. Three hundred men separated for God were weary and tired. It showed their condition.

It showed their courage. Imagine from the original 30,000 God had said they were too many and he couldn’t give the enemy into their hands because they would think it was their own ability rather than God’s. Those 30,000 were cut down to 10,000 and then to 300. God then says to Gideon that he has given the enemy into his hands. Imagine the courage of these 300 men. They saw the enemy in the valley, there were so many that they covered all the land. Sometimes we pray for courage and think God will take away all our fears but that is not necessarily true. God gives what strength we need to carry out the task he has for us. These men didn’t know what was around the corner but they knew the work was only half done and needed to be completed. There are many who need to hear God’s word today. What are we doing about it? God said he wanted to use this group of people that he might see souls saved for his kingdom. God spoke to Isaiah his prophet and said be of good courage. He challenged them and he strengthened them. “Behold your God will come with vengeance.”(Isaiah 35 verse 4) In the days of Elisha the enemy had come down to the mountains wanting to kill Elisha. The servant looked up to the mountains and saw the enemy all around. He said “alas master how shall we do this?” There were only 2 of them and he looked at the great host coming out against the 2 of them. Elisha puts his arm around him and tells him there are more with us than against us. No matter what fear you have, doubt you have there are far more with us because the God of heaven is with us. No matter what situation we find ourselves in God will use. Remember the Assyrian army when they came down to Jerusalem. Hezekiah came out and saw the host and his army as well. “Be strong and courageous be not afraid for there be more with us than with them.” The 300 men proved that. We need to prove that today too. We could ask for a multitude of people but that would not be right. Paul preached in the Corinthian city but not one person turned from their sins. He threw down his cloak and said that is it I am out of here. God came to him that night and said not to leave the city as he had many people for himself. Paul was about to give up yet God told him to keep on going. The moment they crossed the Jordan Gideon told them to come and pursue after the enemy. There are those who don’t want to be in the battle today. We need to get into the battle to see souls saved whether it be financially or practically. We need to be saying we are in this battle together.

It showed their confidence. They went in the strength of that verse. Here was God’s word. God had given them the victory and they were depending on it. Are we standing on God’s precious word today? Gideon sought the help of the men on the other side of the river and asked them to help him but that didn’t work. God would rather have one person standing on his word, obeying him, trusting in him. The little boy brought his loaves and fishes to Jesus. I am sure the people laughed at it. A meagre lunch held up to the Lord and asked to use. God fed almost 5000 people as a result. Someone might laugh at us today but God will use us.

It showed their crowning. They came back victorious. If they hadn’t gone into battle they wouldn’t have won it and gained a crown. If there are no battles there will be no victories and no crowns. Maybe you feel you cannot go on today – think of the promise of God to the man Gideon, look to the Lord today and trust him at all times. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6)

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