Thursday, 29 December 2011

The rapture of the church

Notes from a sermon on 30 October 2011

2 Thessalonians 2 verses 1 – 12

Thinking of the church being taken out of this world to the time whenever the child of God, every man or woman saved by God’s grace will leave this scene of time. There will be a reality of these verses. Such a reality if it was to happen at this moment of time. Those saved by God’s grace would go out to meet the Lord in the air. Those who are not God’s will remain on this earth. That is what Jesus speaks of in Matthew. 2 will be in the factory, 2 will be in the field, one will be taken and the other left. One that is a believer shall be taken and the other left. That is the reality of this book we read from. Remember the 70 weeks mentioned in Daniel. The 70 weeks are not a literal week but rather a group of 7 years. They amount to 490 years. This is the time designated for the people of Israel. When that time comes the Lord will come into the world. When Jesus died 483 years had already taken place but the remaining 7 years had not come into play as yet. James said in Acts that God will call out a people unto himself. Then he will see the rebuilding of the temple of Israel. Romans 9, 10 and 11 God has left off his dealings with Israel to call out a people to himself – you and I. He is building his church which will one day be called home to himself in heaven. Then God will deal with Israel once again. Daniel 9 verses 26 and 27. The “he” mentioned is the prince mentioned in verse 26. The people of the prince will come into Jerusalem and totally destroy Jerusalem. That happened in AD70. Rome marched into Jerusalem and totally destroyed the city with fire. They never left one stone intact.

The 7 year period is characterised firstly by the introduction of a man – verse 27. The coming prince. Here’s a man coming on the scene, stepping onto the world stage. He is mighty, a superman, the devil’s man. 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 3. Paul realised he couldn’t come yet, he was still in the future then and is still in the future now. Is it possible that this man is alive in this world today? We do not know the day or hour when Jesus will come again. That is kept secret even from the angels in heaven. God gives us 2 views from the scripture. Remember Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2? He had seen an image set up before him. His head was of gold, his arms and breast was of silver, belly was of brass, legs of iron and his feet made of both clay and iron. Daniel came in and gave the interpretation of the image. All the various empires that will rise down through the centuries. Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom was represented by the head of gold. The breast of silver and arms signified that his reign will not be for ever. It will be given to Medes and Persians. They will reign for a while. Out of the breast or rather out of the Persian empire will rise another empire. The legs signified the armies of Rome while the feet and toes are still in the future. Then in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream there was stone that came from the mountain which smote the image. This signified the day when God will come to set up his own kingdom that will last for ever and ever. In Daniel 7 God gave Daniel a look at the kingdoms down through the centuries. He saw a lion, a bear and a leopard. Then there is another beast that is so dreadful to describe. As Daniel looks at this 4th beast he notices it has 10 horns. Out of the horns rises another smaller horn. This man is coming out of this kingdom, out of the Roman empire. There will be the raising of 10 kings. One person will take the power and authority and subdue them. Out of the structure in Europe this man will come forward. This is the kingdom raised up in the last days. This 7 year period will be characterised by this man.

He will have great intellectual ability for leadership. This man is coming to reign and rule. Revelation 13 verse 2 takes us back to the vision Daniel had. The same description is given – “and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority.” The dragon is another name for Satan. This man is energised by the devil. 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 9 and 10. This man has all the traits and characteristics and this man is being empowered by the devil. We have the anti-Christ. Verse 11 the false prophet then the dragon. We have the father, son and Holy Ghost. In these 7 years we will have the devil who will represent God, the son who will be represented by the beast and the Holy Ghost represented by the false prophet. We have got a false trinity working on the earth. At this time he will have all the power the devil can give to him. When the devil took Jesus up into the mountain and said “I will give you all these kingdoms if you bow down and worship me.” Jesus said no to him. Here’s a man who gives allegiance to the devil and in turn he will give him the key to the world. Daniel 9 verse 27 he will set up a covenant in this 7 year period. In this 7 year period we will see a treaty set up with Israel. He will bring peace to the Middle East. He will sort out all of the worlds financial problems. Daniel 11 verse 43. He will sort out the worlds military and religious problems. Is this not the man the world is crying out for today? Daniel 11 verse 21 he will come on the scene peacefully and with great flatteries. He knows how to work with people and will gather them around him. If you look in Revelation 6 to the reference to the anti-Christ you will notice he has no arrow in his bow. This man will come to the world with great peace. We have seen many dictators arrive in the past but there has never been one like this man. This is the devils man and the devil will take him to the very pinnacle. His number is 666 according to Revelation.

This week is characterised by an interruption. Daniel 9 verse 27. He will set up this covenant but half way through this 7 year period he will break the covenant. He will demand everything for his own glory. Jesus spoke of this man in Matthew 24 verse 15. He will set of an image of himself in the house of God and demand everyone to worship him. Revelation 17 great apostate system is being set up in the churches today. The beast and his empire will close the apostate system down because he wants to be number 1. Revelation 12 turns to speak of the nation of Israel. Revelation 12 not the church spoken of there. This man will turn his attentions against the nation of Israel. God has prepared a place away from this man. 1260 days divided by the Jewish year of 360 days in a year equals 3 ½ years. This period is characterised by the intervention that is coming. Revelation 19 I saw the heavens open and the man on the white horse which is Jesus. This is the appearing of the Lord. He takes the false prophet and beast and casts them into the lake of fire where Satan has been. That is the end of that period. The only way to escape that period is to trust in Christ. We are warned in scripture that there has never been a time like this before nor will be again. A time of terrible suffering.

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