Thursday, 29 December 2011

The clarity of God's call to discipleship

Notes from a sermon on 6 November 2011

Luke 9 verses 18 – 27

As we come to Luke 9 verse 18 we see that the Lord is alone and praying. His disciples were with him – a contradiction of speech? Jesus is apart from his disciples and he is praying. He sees the disciples standing there and asks them, he is interested to hear what people thought of him. What do we think of Christ tonight? Not what the world thinks of him but “who do you say that I am?” Challenge is brought around – verse 23. Many commentators see the character of the Christian from this text whereas others take this verse as the cost of discipleship from the verse. The cost of discipleship is being cheapened today. For many today it is a matter of raising your hand, lifting your head, coming out to the minister’s room. We really need to think of the cost of our salvation. It was up to Jesus to procure salvation for you – to make a place in heaven. It cost him everything he had. It cost him his life. He shed his blood that I might go free, that I might spend all eternity with him. He died to make that sacrifice that I might be brought near to God. We see in these verses the clarity of God’s call to discipleship.

The discipleship Jesus gives – verse 23. “If any man will come after me.” Here is Christ giving out the call worldwide. He is speaking universally, going out to every person. That gives me confidence to speak to any man or woman. I know that if a person desires in their heart to be saved there is no barrier in heaven. If you have a desire to get right with God God will open his arms and accept you. This salvation is for all not just for a few. “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. It doesn’t matter if rich or poor, pauper or king. That is an encouraging statement. This is the course we must follow. If we desire to be saved. Sometimes we wrestle with the scriptures in such a way that we makes them out to what we want them to be. If the greatest sinner in the world were to show a desire to follow Christ then he may. Revelation 3 verse 8 says “behold I have set before thee an open door that no man can shut”. The door for salvation. There is also an open door for service. The Lord is not picky or choosy. Remember the woman who had suffered for 12 years with affliction in her body. One day she realised Jesus was passing by her. If she could just reach forth and touch his garment then she would be healed. She took her opportunity and immediately she was made whole. Just because she touched the hem of his garment. Then the Lord turned around. There were people all around him swaying in around him. The Lord stops in his tracks and he turns around saying “someone touched me.” There was no barrier around the Lord then. If you were just to come to the cross of Calvary and take Jesus as Saviour and Lord there would be no barrier. Remember Nicodemus who came by night to the Lord. Then there was Saul of Tarsus, a righteous Pharisee who sat on the Council of the Jews. If anyone could be saved it could have been these 2 men. We could look to the cross of Calvary, see that old thief dying on the cross. Hear the people rallying around him. Mocking and ridiculing the Lord who came into the world to save them. Then all of a sudden one turns to the other “we are doing something wrong but this man has done nothing amiss.” He is the last man you would ever think of being saved yet Jesus said “if any man”. It includes this thief. He asked Jesus “remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” Jesus replied “today thou shalt be with me in paradise.”

Now Jesus is speaking of the decision that has to be made. “If any man will …” Now he is speaking of the decision that has to be made. Salvation is not something we drift into. The Lord Jesus says salvation has to be a decision. Has to come from the depths of being. Jesus locates this spiritual battle. It is going on day and daily for the soul of men and women. There is a devil today. He is going about as a roaring lion seeking to devour. The devil has one desire – he has blinded your heart and mine. He wants to keep it that way until one day you drop into hells pit for ever and ever. That is the battle going on today. Thank goodness Jesus stands with outstretched arms and says “if any man will.” There is a battle of will. Jesus said of the Pharisees “you will not come to me that ye might have eternal life.” They could have told you about the Old Testament laws and sacrifices but they missed out on Jesus Christ. We have put the church as god, then doing the best we can. We have forgotten about the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus doesn’t coerce. He gives us proof of who he is and what he has done. Search the scriptures then come and follow after me. “Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst.” He asks us if he may come into our heart. Will you open the door of your heart and allow him to come in? Remember Moses how he went up in the mountain meeting with God when he came down into the valley and heard the singing in the Israelite camp. When he got down and saw Aaron had made them a image, a golden calf. Who is on the Lord’s side he asked. It called for a decision, caused the people to think – had to step out by themselves.

See something of this clear denial. What does it take to come to Christ? The call is going out. It if for any man – “if any man will come after me.” A decision to be made. It is difficult to deny yourself. Remember even in the Garden of Eden when Satan came to Eve he caught her off guard and began to talk to her. He appealed to selfish desires of human heart. You know what will happen when you take of this fruit. Something began to happen. Great ambition in her heart. When the woman saw the fruit of the tree she couldn’t deny herself. As we come to the cross the Lord is asking you to step out, to deny yourself. Can you say no to all your selfish ambitions? To those things that you might be saved? That is what happened to Achan. When he went into the battle he thought the spoils are mine but he was told by God not to take anything for himself. The selfish ambitions of the lusts of the flesh. David couldn’t deny himself of the lusts of Bathsheba. Couldn’t turn away from her. Achan did the same. He saw the gold, the garments and took both out and buried them in the midst of his tent. He had to pay the price for his sin.

There is the duty that Jesus opposes. “If you will follow me you must take up your cross.” You see the cross was the symbol of poverty and death. It was the cruellest death anyone could be associated with. Everyone is asked to associate themselves with it. Paul talked about daily taking up the cross.

There is a determination. The Lord says you have to do it daily. Not getting saved and walking as you want. Not looking back 20/30 years ago. What are you doing today?

There is direction – Jesus says the man who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. Will you take the challenge?

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