Thursday, 29 December 2011

10 lepers healed

Notes from a sermon on 27 November 2011

Luke 17 verses 11 – 19

We are coming to one of the greatest highlights in the word of God. One of those incidents would have been talked about for days and days to come. This was something very special. The Lord was on his way to Jerusalem not for a weekend to do something that was special for you and I. The Lord had taken on himself the form of a servant. Jesus was on his way through Samaria to face the old rugged cross. Going in that direction for you and I because of the state we were in. Christ died that he might save us, forgive us our sins, that one day we would be with him in heaven. 10 men living out in the mountains separated from families desperate to die because leprosy plagued them until one day when Jesus came to their home. They had heard so much about him. Right away they cried out for healing. In one word Jesus healed every one of them. Is this not something that would be talked about for days to come? Would people not point to them in the street? When we look on the outcome and see their unselfishness and ingratitude the whole thing turns again – why – because until we find verse 15 “and one of them”. There were 9 of them who went away and said nothing. 9 walked away as if nothing had happened to them but one turned back and began to worship the Lord. His heart was so full of adoration and praise to this man. He did something very great and tremendous. It doesn’t take any more than one who is prepared to take their stand for the Lord and who will be used by the Lord. Only one boy with a lunch fed 5000 men. Even Andrew says there’s no point in taking that. Maybe you are saying that. What have I to offer the Lord? The Lord puts his finger on what you have. Only one woman at the well of Samaria yet she went and told everyone around about what Jesus had done for her and was the beginning of great revelation in her region. The Lord said in verse 19 “thy faith hath made thee whole.”

The expectation of his faith. He came expecting something. The moment he saw Jesus he wanted something to happen. In his mind he had thought and heard. He no doubt felt at a slight disadvantage - how could he approach the Lord? He was a Jew and I am a Samaritan. In this man’s mind he was brought up in such a way to feel a second class citizen. This man was at a disadvantage. Sometimes we feel like that when we come into God’s presence. We are not as good as the next man beside us or behind us. I have nothing to give thanks to God. He is no respecter of persons. He doesn’t look at our backgrounds. As the Lord looks at us sees those who are his children and those who are the devils. Jesus said “I came into the world to save that which was lost.” I am sure he felt at a disadvantage, that he could receive nothing of the Lord. The Lord was merciful, powerful, knew something special about him. He expected something at the hands of Jesus that day. The Samaritans were a mixed breed of people. The Assyrian king in 2 Kings 17 carried away the children of Israel. He took members of his own community brought them and planted them in the land of Samaria and they married. They became a mixed race of people because of that. The Jews had nothing to do with them. Remember the woman at the well – “you are a Jew and I am a Samaritan”. Jews had nothing to do with Samaritans. He feared he could receive nothing. God has something for you. He wants you to come with an expectant heart. In John 8 the religious leaders came to Jesus after a tremendous miracle “say we not well that thou art a Samaritan and hast a devil.”(verse 48) This man came expecting something of the Lord Jesus. I am sure he left that day knowing it was good for him to be there that day because he had lost his leprosy. He was able to go back to his old life, home, family. Is that something you want to hold onto in your old life? Remember Jairus who was a leader in the synagogue. He had a daughter who was dying. Wonder how he felt as he sat at her bedside. If only I could get to the Saviour he would come right into this home, touch my daughter and she would be whole. An expectation of faith. Is that how we come to the house of God? Really expecting God to do something for you?

The evidence of his faith. Here’s a man who has living testimony of what God can do in a persons life. He is not healed and on his way to the priest. Jesus told them to do that as it was written in Leviticus 14. The Lord didn’t overstep that mark. You go and show yourself to the priest and take the offering necessary. He didn’t overlook the law but came rather to fulfil the law. Here’s a man cleansed of leprosy and the blood of the sacrifice is applied to his life. He is a living testimony. Verse 14 “and it came to pass that as they went they were cleansed.” It didn’t happen suddenly – only as they went on their way away from the Saviour. Leprosy was taken away, fully cleansed. He believed the word of God. Didn’t see outward signs. We may not see any outward signs. Need to believe what God tells us. Sometimes we want the proof or the evidence. We are asked to go a certain way and we ask God to open up the way for us. God says I will not until you walk. Sometimes if there is a problem in our lives we pray about it. God says take the first step. No matter what problem we have God will open up a way for it. Peter in the fishing boat fished all night and caught nothing. Next morning he was mending and washing the net and the Lord says to him “did you catch anything?” How long where you out? All night. Now Peter go out and launch out into the deep. Peter was an experienced fisherman, he knew you didn’t fish in the day and he knew where exactly to catch the fish too but he doesn’t say anything of these things to the Lord. “I have toiled all night but nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” The evidence of faith. Are we really at the place God will want us to be at? The women folk at the first day of the week came to anoint Jesus body, they were talking to one another “who will roll away the stone?” It didn’t stop them from coming though. If there is a problem and a hindrance preventing it don’t let it keep you back. We need to keep on going. John 9 the blind man went to the water and “the man came seeing.” Not on his way to but his way from. Proof of what had happened. The Roman centurion said to Jesus “I am not worthy but at thy word.” Do we believe the word today? We need to step out. When the priests put their feet into the Jordan it was only then that the water moved back.

The exercise of faith "and as they went they were cleansed.” Here’s this man in amongst this number of men. 10 of them came to be healed and the Lord tells them to go their way. All 10 turn to walk away except this one. Man turns back again. He was going with the crowd then something strikes at his heart. 4 lepers in the Old Testament said “we do not well this day.” This man has cleansed me, here I am walking away, turning away from God. This man stepped out of the crowd, made his way back to the feet of Jesus Christ. They all didn’t possess the same spirit. 9 of them had the spirit of ingratitude. 9 couldn’t wait to get away, they wanted to start the 7 days of separation to be able to go back to family. One man says “hold on, there is something to be done first, we need to go back to the Saviour. Here’s a man who exercised his faith. “I cannot go with this crowd, I have to go back to the Saviour.” Moses forsook Egypt, the good name of Pharaoh’s daughter, gave up all the wealth and power that goes with it. Hebrews 11 verse 27 “by faith he forsook Egypt not fearing the wrath of the king, for he endured as seeing him who is invisible. He exercised his faith.

The expression of his faith. With a loud voice he glorified God. Fell down on his face. The first thing that happened – this man God opened his mouth to praise his God. This man sat at the feet of the Saviour. We have so much to thank the Lord for in this world. You will have tribulation but I have overcome the world. You will have many a tear and a heartbreak this side of eternity. Christ suffered at Calvary for us. The shame, loneliness he suffered for us. Will you not thank him because he has made us a child of God? Saved us from a lot and a Christless eternity.

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