Genesis 6 verses 14 – 22
The enemies of the word of God would love to be able to disprove the book of Genesis. No other book comes under such attack time and time again. We never fail to hear on the radio or see on the TV and see the onslaught on the very first verse. We have it recorded “in the beginning God”. He created everything around us. Yet enemies of God’s word would seek to bring down this whole idea of creation. Evolution is more acceptable to the minds we hear. As search through this great book of Genesis we come face to face with pictures of Jesus Christ. Here in the chapter 6 we have the ark Noah was told to build. It is the most wonderful picture of Jesus himself who has saved us from this sin cursed world.
First thing I want to point out is the reason for the ark. What was it? By reason of man’s rebellion and rejection of God’s world. The world stood guilty and condemned of God. So there was a need for something that would make a way of escape. God was going to make deluge of flood to come on the earth. Every creature, man and woman would be destroyed. There was a need to do that. He had to provide a way of escape. Verse 5. Here’s the God of heaven looking down into this world, looking into the hearts and depths of man, sees and knows thoughts, knows everything about man. That knowledge is far beyond our comprehending. Knows whether you are a child of God tonight. Whether saved by his mercy or still in the family of the devil. Comes into the meeting tonight and beckons you to follow after him. This is the very world God had made out of nothing. God separated day from night. The heavens from earth. Every living creature in the depth of the seas. Every flying object in the sky. Then to crown it all off he made man and woman . This is the same world he looks down on and sees. The world so corrupt and evil. God looked down on everything and saw that it was very good. Now in Genesis 6 it has gone astray. Sees the thoughts and minds of men are only evil continually. God saw how far man had fallen since the Garden of Eden. God had pronounced his declaration on it. Verse 5 everything in the earth shall die. He sees a world gone astray from him. Satan came with all his subtlety and deception. Satan deceived Eve in the Garden. “If you take of this fruit you will be like gods.” God of heaven doesn’t want that. Eve ate of the fruit and fell into sin. As a result that is why you need a Saviour to save your precious soul. That is why God would send his only son, that he would die and shed his precious blood for every person because he wants to save you. The only way of escape for this world was the instruction God gave to Noah in verse 14. The means of salvation to the world. Reason to keep certain people and animals from the flood. The Lord had only one ministry through coming into the world. He has come into this world to seek and to save that which is lost. Couldn’t do it through teaching of his word, through preaching, healing or the miracles he performed. Only could do it on the cross of Calvary by the shedding of his precious blood. Giving his life. The only way the God of heaven could save that soul of yours and mine, remove that sin of yours was by sending his only son to the cross of Calvary. He was making the way for you to come back to God, from the broken relationship to be rescued. The reason for the ark was to save every living creature.
Refuge of the ark. God said to Noah “make thee an ark.” One ark was sufficient to save a lost world. Only one price for safety and refuge was inside the ark. We know Noah was a just man, who found grace in the eyes of God. Saved through faith. Peter tells us Noah was preacher of righteousness. Can almost imagine Noah building it. As he built he preached. The theme of his message was the ark he was building. Noah would take men and women, point them to the ark, tell them of the flood that was coming, how God was grieved at their sin. People must have laughed. There never was rain nor a shower or dark cloud in the sky. They laughed at him. For 120 years he built that ark. He preached the great word of God. The people laughed and scorned. Jesus in Matthew 24 likened the people of the age to come to the people of Noah’s day. Eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, building and working and going on until the day the flood came. They hadn’t one thought to what Noah was preaching. Never gave it one consideration. They listened I am sure for a moment or 2. Being the type of man Noah was he would stop his hammering and begin to tell them what he was doing. “This is what God is preparing for you, God wants to save you from this flood.” The people would watch and see him very day. They would pass on by, go to their shop or work place, meet up with friends, enjoy company of friends and families, pushing this whole thing to the back of their mind. How many times have you heard that preached tonight? There is only one place for sin and it is in the Lord Jesus himself. Remember Moses – lifts the peoples eyes to the brazen snake on a pole and points them away to the place of healing. John the Baptist pointed out to the crowd “behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” The only refuge for sin. We are talking about serious issues. Issues about heaven and hell, being saved and being lost. Salvation and perishing soul. What category are you in? Moses pointed to the only refuge as did Noah. The ark was the only thing that could save them. We can be so nearly right, so nearly there and yet we could be lost for all eternity. Not talking about something that is trivial but something that is serious.
The resources God gave Noah. The dimensions he had to follow. Verse 14. The pitch had 2 fold reason. So that the water wouldn’t seep in and soak the inside. Also for all the animals in the ark it was preventative for the smell and stench. The word “pitch” is where we get our word atonement from, means to cleanse or to purge. When God died on the cross he atoned for our sins. When he looked at the ark he saw the pitch. When he looked at the cross he sees his son dying for our sins. When God looks at the sinner he sees Christ the son as a lovely aroma. Talks of the door just inside of the ark. No dimensions, no limitations. All the animals will go in through the door. The Lord said “I am the door by me if any man shall enter in he shall be saved.” The window was at the top not in the side so no-one had to look at the water but rather had to look up. That is what we have to do – look up to Jesus. Everyone was safe in this ark. We are safe too for ever more. People say “I couldn’t keep it” but God has every sufficiency to keep you.
The rejoicing when Noah and his family stepped out from the ark. They had a burnt sacrifice, praised God for keeping them through that time of judgment for ever. Child of God we need to rejoice in our salvation. Thanking him for saving us from a lost and Christless eternity. The ark was able to save. The Lord Jesus is able to save too. All who will come to him he will save to the uttermost. Christ waits for you to step out and come to him – be saved for all eternity.
First thing I want to point out is the reason for the ark. What was it? By reason of man’s rebellion and rejection of God’s world. The world stood guilty and condemned of God. So there was a need for something that would make a way of escape. God was going to make deluge of flood to come on the earth. Every creature, man and woman would be destroyed. There was a need to do that. He had to provide a way of escape. Verse 5. Here’s the God of heaven looking down into this world, looking into the hearts and depths of man, sees and knows thoughts, knows everything about man. That knowledge is far beyond our comprehending. Knows whether you are a child of God tonight. Whether saved by his mercy or still in the family of the devil. Comes into the meeting tonight and beckons you to follow after him. This is the very world God had made out of nothing. God separated day from night. The heavens from earth. Every living creature in the depth of the seas. Every flying object in the sky. Then to crown it all off he made man and woman . This is the same world he looks down on and sees. The world so corrupt and evil. God looked down on everything and saw that it was very good. Now in Genesis 6 it has gone astray. Sees the thoughts and minds of men are only evil continually. God saw how far man had fallen since the Garden of Eden. God had pronounced his declaration on it. Verse 5 everything in the earth shall die. He sees a world gone astray from him. Satan came with all his subtlety and deception. Satan deceived Eve in the Garden. “If you take of this fruit you will be like gods.” God of heaven doesn’t want that. Eve ate of the fruit and fell into sin. As a result that is why you need a Saviour to save your precious soul. That is why God would send his only son, that he would die and shed his precious blood for every person because he wants to save you. The only way of escape for this world was the instruction God gave to Noah in verse 14. The means of salvation to the world. Reason to keep certain people and animals from the flood. The Lord had only one ministry through coming into the world. He has come into this world to seek and to save that which is lost. Couldn’t do it through teaching of his word, through preaching, healing or the miracles he performed. Only could do it on the cross of Calvary by the shedding of his precious blood. Giving his life. The only way the God of heaven could save that soul of yours and mine, remove that sin of yours was by sending his only son to the cross of Calvary. He was making the way for you to come back to God, from the broken relationship to be rescued. The reason for the ark was to save every living creature.
Refuge of the ark. God said to Noah “make thee an ark.” One ark was sufficient to save a lost world. Only one price for safety and refuge was inside the ark. We know Noah was a just man, who found grace in the eyes of God. Saved through faith. Peter tells us Noah was preacher of righteousness. Can almost imagine Noah building it. As he built he preached. The theme of his message was the ark he was building. Noah would take men and women, point them to the ark, tell them of the flood that was coming, how God was grieved at their sin. People must have laughed. There never was rain nor a shower or dark cloud in the sky. They laughed at him. For 120 years he built that ark. He preached the great word of God. The people laughed and scorned. Jesus in Matthew 24 likened the people of the age to come to the people of Noah’s day. Eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, building and working and going on until the day the flood came. They hadn’t one thought to what Noah was preaching. Never gave it one consideration. They listened I am sure for a moment or 2. Being the type of man Noah was he would stop his hammering and begin to tell them what he was doing. “This is what God is preparing for you, God wants to save you from this flood.” The people would watch and see him very day. They would pass on by, go to their shop or work place, meet up with friends, enjoy company of friends and families, pushing this whole thing to the back of their mind. How many times have you heard that preached tonight? There is only one place for sin and it is in the Lord Jesus himself. Remember Moses – lifts the peoples eyes to the brazen snake on a pole and points them away to the place of healing. John the Baptist pointed out to the crowd “behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” The only refuge for sin. We are talking about serious issues. Issues about heaven and hell, being saved and being lost. Salvation and perishing soul. What category are you in? Moses pointed to the only refuge as did Noah. The ark was the only thing that could save them. We can be so nearly right, so nearly there and yet we could be lost for all eternity. Not talking about something that is trivial but something that is serious.
The resources God gave Noah. The dimensions he had to follow. Verse 14. The pitch had 2 fold reason. So that the water wouldn’t seep in and soak the inside. Also for all the animals in the ark it was preventative for the smell and stench. The word “pitch” is where we get our word atonement from, means to cleanse or to purge. When God died on the cross he atoned for our sins. When he looked at the ark he saw the pitch. When he looked at the cross he sees his son dying for our sins. When God looks at the sinner he sees Christ the son as a lovely aroma. Talks of the door just inside of the ark. No dimensions, no limitations. All the animals will go in through the door. The Lord said “I am the door by me if any man shall enter in he shall be saved.” The window was at the top not in the side so no-one had to look at the water but rather had to look up. That is what we have to do – look up to Jesus. Everyone was safe in this ark. We are safe too for ever more. People say “I couldn’t keep it” but God has every sufficiency to keep you.
The rejoicing when Noah and his family stepped out from the ark. They had a burnt sacrifice, praised God for keeping them through that time of judgment for ever. Child of God we need to rejoice in our salvation. Thanking him for saving us from a lost and Christless eternity. The ark was able to save. The Lord Jesus is able to save too. All who will come to him he will save to the uttermost. Christ waits for you to step out and come to him – be saved for all eternity.
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