Friday, 30 December 2011

The message of the angels to the shepherds

Notes from a sermon on Sunday 18 December 2011

Luke 2 verse 8 – 20

Oblivious to all that is going on in Bethlehem, on the mountain side the shepherds were going about their normal business minding the sheep. It is possible to be in this world, in this town, in this meeting and yet oblivious to all that happened not only at Bethlehem but also to what happened outside Jerusalem on a hill where the Lord died on Calvary’s hill.

The angels made a great proclamation. The shepherds were oblivious to what did happen. The God of heaven sends the angels to the very hill where the shepherds were guarding their sheep. God sends his Holy Spirit to convince men and women of their sin. God comes to where we are at. If he was to wait until we came to him we would never come. “There is none righteous no not one; there is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.” (Romans 3 verses 10 and 11) God has to come to awaken our hearts. God came to a woman in Philippi by the riverside as she sat listening to the apostle Paul. Paul began to preach and proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ. There was one woman, Lydia, as she listened to the message preached on that particular day for whom God opened her heart. God sent his angels to where these men were. None of us would be capable to reach God in our own right. When God sent his angels to the shepherds he was sending them to the least of all. They were considered outcasts. The religious leaders wouldn’t give them a second thought. They were immediately unfit, unclean to enter into God’s house at any time. Yet God chose them to tell them of the baby born to be Saviour of the world. God sent them to where they were at exactly. On one occasion when Jesus took up the offer to sit with publicans and sinners his disciples were set upon by the religious leaders. They didn’t think much of him because he sat with publicans and sinners. Jesus answered them by saying “they that be whole need not a physician but they that are sick …. For I am not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Matthew 9 verses 12 and 13) Saul of Tarsus was an enemy of the church of Jesus Christ yet thought he was doing God a favour locking people up and putting them to death, signing their death warrant. As he set out on the road to Damascus on that particular day the light of the glorious gospel shone on his heart and God met him where he was. God stopped him in his tracks that day.

The peace that is offered. The angels came and the shepherds were afraid. They were used out under the canopy of the night sky, used to warring off beasts and animals yet something made them afraid. The angels told them “fear not”. A message of peace coming to their troubled souls. Sometimes God troubles us. We can have a sort of false peace about us but then God comes and reveals out great need. The shepherds were told by the angels “fear not”. We live in a world where there is little peace. We read of trouble and strife on our television screens and in our newspapers. The message of Christmas is this – it can afford a peace to our hearts. A peace that we can never understand. Jesus said one day “come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” The disciples were concerned about tomorrow, whenever the Lord spoke to them he told them to look at the lilies in the field “for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.” (Matthew 6 verse 32) We can cast our burden aside when we trust God – why – because he cares for us and supplies our every need. A young man came to Jesus one day and said “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He was concerned about eternity. What is the next step? When the Lord was about to leave this scene of time he knew his disciples would be worried and concerned but he told them “let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me.” You can put your full weight on him. “In my Father’s house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you.”

The priority that is spoken of here – “this day”. The shepherds were unaware of what had already taken place but they have to act and act urgently. Paul said “now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation.” Jesus talked of a man who prepared a great supper and told his servants to go out with invitations “come for all things are now ready and they all began to make excuses.” Noah was given the order to build the ark. Throughout the time he built it he told the people to be ready. People were going on about their own business. The ark was placed to one side. No priority was given to it until the rain came. In the city of Sodom Lot would not leave until God reigned in judgment. There is a priory in your salvation.

There was a promise to be claimed. “For unto you is born this day a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.” Have you heard that Jesus loves you and gave his life for you on the cross of Calvary? Will you trust him as Saviour and Lord?

The wise men

Notes from a sermon on Sunday 18 December 2011

Matthew 2 verses 1 – 12

I want us to think about these men who came to seek after the Lord Jesus, the wise men as make way to Jerusalem then to Bethlehem then into the little home were Mary was. Many things we do not know about these men – only that they were coming from the east. There is a great debate who they were. Some say they were eastern astrologers who made their livelihood from the stars. Others say they were Jewish descendants – they had been carried away to Babylon and many did not return under Cyrus’ reign. We don’t know exactly who they were. We don’t know how many there were in number. There is much said about them here that we need to look at the reason they have come to Bethlehem.

They came with heartfelt conviction for truth. That is why they were there. That is why we read about them in the word of God. They came in search of Jesus Christ. They came to the counsellors of Herod and asked “where is he that is born king of the Jews.” What a conviction they had in their hearts. It was only stirred by God himself. God had placed the star in the sky and that star told these men that a king was born and they must go in search of him. The moment they set off to find this king went with one errand – to search for Jesus Christ. God had given them a glimpse better than anything else in their lives. Only thing in their minds was that they might find Christ the king, the Messiah. Isn’t that a wonderful way to come into God’s house? That the only thing in our hearts and minds is Christ - that we might find him. Have you come with that great conviction today? To set our hearts on fire for Christ? In Acts 17 Paul made his way into the city of Athens. It was a city of learning and culture, a deeply religious city. The people had a tremendous faith. Everyone had their own faith. Paul noticed as he travelled around the city it was given over to idolatry. As Paul searched through that city he found many altars there. It was a sign of their religion. The gods they were sacrificing to were ones made up in their own minds. Paul says it was a religious city but the people still had a conviction there was something more. They had a hunger, a void, emptiness. Paul found an altar with the inscription “to the unknown god.” Paul says I found these people are so superstitious, they are so religious, worshipped every deity but just in case there was one they had never heard of they raised an altar to this one they had never heard of. Paul says let me tell you about this God, the God of heaven who created the heaven and the earth, put the fishes in the sea, the birds in the sky, took an handful of clay and out of it made man, then breathed into him to make him a living soul. He loves us with an everlasting love. This is the God of heaven who gave his son on the cross of Calvary that he might reconcile a lost mankind. That every person would be reconciled back to God and might have a home in heaven. This is the God I want to tell you about. This is the God you worship ignorantly. There are many today for whom the God of heaven is still an unknown God, an unknown Saviour. The wise men came with conviction to find Christ. Let’s not be content with outward religion, intent until we find him the author and finisher of our faith. When Paul had pointed out this altar to the unknown god he said forget about them. Acts 17 verse 27 “seek the Lord if haply they might feel after him and find him, though he be not far from every one of us.” Jesus is only a prayer away, he waits for you to invite him into your heart and take away your sins.

They came convinced of his presence. They left their homes and families keen to know the truth, hungry to know the truth, convicted they would find the one they were searching for. That is still true today. If these men were Jews coming down from Babylon they would no doubt have had access to all the ancient transcripts of the word of God. Watching and waiting then one day saw the star. Maybe as they looked up at the star something stirred in their minds. That is what God sometimes does – stirs us through incidents, brings us back to the truth of his word. As these men discussed this star with each other found in their records nothing of this star. Maybe they talked about it to each other then someone came up with the idea “lets get back to the word of God.” When they went back to the book of Numbers and the prophet Balaam they read “I shall see him but not now I shall behold him but now nigh that shall come a Star out of Jacob and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.”(Numbers 24 verse 17) Balaam was looking for the Messiah to come, a king, the prince of glory. As men looked at these stars found the truth though God’s word. God sets the example about what we need to do more – study the truth for ourselves. Convicted of the presence of God. Nothing would hold them back. Now going in search of the Lord. Not content until they found and worshipped him. When the angels came down to the hillside and the shepherds they told them about what was happening in Bethlehem. The shepherds thought of what they had heard. Then it says “they came with haste.” (Luke 2 verse 16) They wanted to find him, to rejoice in his presence. That is what you need today. A desire to come into God’s house – “where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18 verse 20) Let’s not be content with outward appearance. Convinced they would find the Messiah, realised in their heart that God was born, wanted to find it for real. We do become familiar with hymns, prayers, outward appearance but to get through to God is a different matter. We need to start to get through to God. Jeremiah 29 verse 13 “ye shall seek me and find me when ye search for me with all your heart.” The wise men left everything to go in search of the Lord. We have to do the same. Think of Jacob when he deceived his father and brother. After that he had to leave his home and go to his uncles house. When on the move to that home he stopped one night for a rest. He made up his bed then he lay down and fell fast asleep. He had a dream in which he could see a ladder going all the way from heaven to earth then God spoke to him in the stillness of the night. Next morning he was getting ready to move and he realised that something had happened to him. “Surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not.” (Genesis 28 verse 16) He missed out on the presence of God. Wouldn’t that be awful – to come into God’s house and miss his presence? Maybe begin to think of all he had done to his father and brother, blocked out the presence of God. Maybe began to think of tomorrow. So many things going through his mind. God was in this place and I knew it not. God is in many a situation that we fail to realise. He is in the disappointments. God was in it and I didn’t know it. Wouldn’t it be awful to come into the house of God and go away never knowing his presence in our lives? Paul said to Corinthian church they were to meet together, to come around the Lord’s table, in breaking the bread it reminded them of the body broken for them, the cup reminded them of the blood shed for their sins. Paul says it is possible to live for the present rather than for the God of heaven as a result of partaking in these emblems. As the disciples battled on the sea of Galilee with all the waves battering the boat they felt on their own but the Lord saw them. We maybe are rowing against the tide at this very time. Maybe feel no-one else knows or cares. There is one today who does care and does understand. The wise men were determined to find his presence. Why did they come? Came soul desiring – “we are come to worship him” (verse 2). They never knew their visit would be recorded for generations to come. Didn’t realise that we might be sitting reading about them, thinking about them now so many years later. They came to worship the Lord. Just because you have come into his house to worship him, to feel his presence, maybe countless others will be blessed as a result of what you have done in coming to God’s house. They came to worship not to impress others. Verse 11 “and worshipped him”. Notice what they did. Mary didn’t have a wonderful role in bringing the Lord into the world. They worshipped the baby not her. They opened their treasures. Today are we giving him what is rightfully his? They didn’t come to get but to give to the Lord. Can we say to the Lord “take what I give this morning and use it for the blessing of others?” Will we give our time, tithes, finances, so much to the Lord? Will we ask him to take them and use them for his glory?

Their coming brought a great controversy. Herod was disturbed, his religious order was disturbed as a result. If we come through with God there will be many who will be disturbed as a result. One person - that is all it takes. God asks us to open our treasures to him today. The example they left – how they went away was totally different. Are we living convicted that Christ is here? Is the cause of our coming to worship the Lord?


Notes from a sermon on Sunday 11 December 2011

Isaiah 9 verses 1 – 9

Chapter 9 of the book of Isaiah opens up with one of the most loveliest words you could find in the word of God – “nevertheless”. Every child of God needs that word. In Psalm 46 the Psalmist spoke of “the mountains being carried into the midst of the sea” yet if that did happen he didn’t have to fear. Why? Because my God is the God of heaven and He is my refuge and strength. The word needed in Isaiah’s day brought cheer and contentment to the peoples heart. The situation had been brought about by their own neglect and stubbornness. They had disobeyed God. God sees all of this and says “nevertheless”. Maybe you need that word today. Maybe there has been a faltering, a growing cold. God comes and looks at it all and says “nevertheless”. The God of heaven loves you. That is why the word is so important. God is still in control. Chapter 8’s final verses are marked by practice and personality but as you go into chapter 9 they are changed to privilege and promise. It is to that word promise I want to think of today. There is a picture of God’s determination. That is what that word means to me today. God looks back on time of rebellion and says “nevertheless”. He has determined from a time of this darkness now they have seen a great light – verse 2. God has determined a great light to come. The people were sitting in darkness and then seen a great light. As the Lord walked through the streets of Jerusalem and preached the word of God the people saw that great light. He told them I am the light of the world. “The god of this world hath blinded the eyes of them which believe not less the light of the glorious gospel of Christ should shine unto them” (2 Corinthians 4 verse 4). He keeps the gospel so that no matter how hard we witness or try to preach the god of this world has blinded their eyes. He covers their minds less the glorious light of the gospel shall shine in. Thank God today that light is available. In Matthew 4 verse 14 we see the very fulfilment of this prophecy of Isaiah. 500 years before the birth of Jesus Christ Isaiah was specifying Jesus coming into the world. God’s promise teaches us he sees everything that is happening. God would determine that time when Christ would come into the world. Maybe there is something in our lives in this present time, a determined time, a dark time, we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. God has the time determined. God knows all about it. He determines how long it will be. He is controlling the situation as you go through it. In this passage we see a darkness brought on by the people by their own unbelief and disobedience. Chapter 8 verse 19 the people turned away from God, they wanted to know the future. They were going to familiar spirits who could speak to the dead. It is a knowledge only God has - our future, our plans, the way we should take. The people were not content to wait for God. Remember King Saul who went to the witch of Endor. The same thing is very popular today – horoscopes in the newspapers and on television but they are from the very pit of hell. They bring a darkness to our minds. The knowledge people are seeking after only God can give that. This verse is saying there is a time determined by God. Maybe you are going through a difficult time – remember God is in control and you can leave it with him. He knows all about it. He has it determined. 2 Kings 19 show something of the determination of God. The King of Assyria came up against the nation of Israel. Hezekiah goes into the room and spreads a letter he has received before God. In verses 32 and 33 of this chapter we see God sets the limits for the King of Assyria. Look at Job chapter 1 verse 12. God gave to Satan the power on his family and house but not on Job himself. The bounds were set for Satan. In chapter 2 Satan wanted God to touch this man’s body with disease. In verses 5 and 6 the God of heaven said to the devil my child is in your hand but save his life. You can take his body but you cannot take his life – why – because God is in control. God determines the time. In Acts 18 Paul is preaching at Corinth but people were opposing him. God came to him that night and told him “no man shall set on thee to hurt thee for I have much people in this city.” God had put a determination on him. That is his promise. God said to the nation of Israel “you have rebelled and as a result you are experiencing a time of darkness but there is a great light coming on this situation.

God delivers – verse 4 of chapter 9 “for thou hast broken the yoke of his burden and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian”. God is now stepping in. Now it is a day of trouble. One of these days God will step in. Job went through all that suffering. Some expositors would say it lasted for 2 years then finally in chapter 38 God steps in. It took 500 years before God stepped in to the nation of Israel. Maybe tomorrow or the next day or next week but God will step in. There is only so much suffering and temptation we will go through. When in the midst of it God will make a way of escape from it Paul said. God has promised this people a time of delivery. The yoke was something put on 2 heifers to keep them together. God says I will step in and break that yoke for Israel. It was a yoke of darkness and unbelief. There are many yokes that burden us and rob us of our freedom. Paul preaching to the city of Galatia saw many people saved, they were full of rejoicing and the joy of the Lord but then something happened. Unbelievers came in, taught the wrong way so that the people lost their freedom and brought them into bondage. The moment you take the Lord as Saviour, openly confess your sin, ask the Lord to take away your sins, forgive you, make you his child of God you feel wonderful. In those tender years immediately after this happens you need to be careful and watch the path we take. People give you so many rules and regulations about how you should live as a Christian. Following these will bring you so much bondage. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba Father.” (Romans 8 verse 15) The reference to Midian in this verse goes back to Gideon in Judges. An angel came and told him he would deliver this nation. Gideon knew there was an army of 32,000 men and thought this would be sufficient to defeat the enemy but God had other plans. He cut the number right down to 300. God went into the camp of Midian before Gideon and the people fled. God will deliver you in a way that you will look back and say to yourself “how did I ever get through that? Daniel in the lions den was delivered by God. Maybe you are in the lions den at the moment – God will go through it with you. There is a great light that has been shone into this world.

God delights. God delighted in Job and gave him something far better than ever he had. God will bring you through whatever trouble you are going through and he will delight us with all he has for us.

Jesus is the light of the world

Sermon notes from Sunday 4 December 2011

John 8 verses 11 – 20

In John’s gospel chapter 8 verse 12 we have one of the greatest statements of Christ. Throughout the gospel there are stepping stones – I am the bread of life, I am the door and I am the Good Shepherd. The great I am statements of Christ. When we think of the light we think of the light we know so well. Light divides in the darkness. Light makes its presence felt. If you go outside at night it is very dark, hit the light and all of a sudden the darkness is divided. Genesis 1 whenever God was creating this world it is recorded for us “the earth was without form and darkness covered the earth.” God said “let there be light and the light divided the world.” Jesus said “I am the light of the world.” After Zacchaeus climbed down from the tree Jesus told him “I am come into this world to seek and to save that which was lost.” He was coming into the world to make division. Light divides. In John 7 verse 43 we read “there was a division among the people.” Jesus was going up to the feast of tabernacles when he found a great crowd in Jerusalem. On the final day there was a celebration of water ceremony when the high priest would carry water through the town. Jesus said “If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink.”(verse 37) Jesus was making a division because of that. There is always a division amongst men when Christ is mentioned. Jesus asked “whom do people say I am?” The disciples replied who people thought he was. Jesus then said “but whom do you say that I am?” They replied “you are the Christ.” Division of his testimony. In John 9 we see a division in his teaching. Jesus comes to the city and saw a man that had been blind. The disciples asked “master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind?” A misconception of sin that is what disciples had. We were born in sin shapen in iniquity. Does not matter how good a person we are, we are sinners by nature and practice. This is why He had to send his son into the world, to take our place on the middle cross of Calvary. That was his purpose in coming into this world. Caused a division as a result. Verse 3 “neither hath this man sinned nor his parents.” Jesus was explaining that it was not because of who the person was or who his family were. Jesus took and spat on the ground, then he made it into clay and he anointed the eyes of the blind man. He told him to go and wash in the pool and he came back seeing. The Lord restored unto him his sight that day. There is one thing we do not have as we are born into this world – eternal life. Not born with it but have to come to the foot of the rugged cross. That is the only place we can receive eternal life.

There was a division about his teaching. Verse 19 – speaking to those who would know about shepherding sheep. They knew the shepherd would take them into good pasture and bring them in to clear waters. The shepherd would risk his life for the sheep. You and I can come to a dividing point as sit under the Lord’s word. At this place outside Jerusalem on the hill called Calvary look on the middle cross see the one who shed his blood that we might be saved. There have been multitudes who have looked on the Saviour and have turned away. They have finished hundreds of miles away from Christ. A lost eternity. For others they have been saved by God’s grace.

Not only does light divide but light draws. Jesus Christ divides and Jesus Christ draws. When you go back to warm evening, leave the light on you will see the flies gathering around it. The light has drawn them to itself. When Jesus went out into the wilderness people came from everywhere to hear him preach. “It was noised abroad that he was there and people came to hear him.” The illustration to Nicodemus took him back to the Old Testament scriptures – children coming out of Egypt disobeyed God. God sent serpents into their midst and people died as a result. God told Moses to make a brazen serpent on a pole and place it right in the middle of the camp. If any man looked to that serpent they would be healed. Those who were bitten were drawn to the pole for there they could be healed. Jesus uses the same illustration to Nicodemus and said “if I be lifted up I will draw all men to myself.” The Lord Jesus was lifted up between heaven and earth, spat on, brutally treated but he was doing it so that he might draw you and I to himself. Which part of the dividing line do you come down into tonight? When Jesus came into the world he made that division. There are those going out into a Christless eternity. The Lord wants to draw you to himself.

The light divides, draws but it also delivers. Red lamps spell danger to road users using any particular road. They are there for a reason – that you be warned of them. Take another road. The lighthouse sends its beams across the waves and the captain knows to steer away from the rocks. The Lord can save to the uttermost all them that come unto him. No man cometh to the father but by me. Read in the scriptures of the farmer who had sown his seed and it grew well. He thought of the harvest, he hadn’t one other thought in his mind but to pull down his barns and build greater “then I will take my ease for I have much left in store for years to come.” God said “thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee.” Whose will everything be then? Missed all the warning signs through life. What has Christ done in your life? Have you allowed him to do anything to make that division? No longer on way to Christ and eternity. Have you allowed him to draw you to the foot of the cross?

The future of the church part 2

Notes from a sermon on 4 December 2011

2 Corinthians 5 verses 1 – 10

What is happening to the church throughout the tribulation period lasting a total of 7 years? The church has been lifted out. What terrible activities will take place during this time of 7 years? The church is in the presence of the Saviour – giving an account. That is what Paul is saying in verse 10 – “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad.” There are 3 judgments mentioned but not a general judgment as there is no such a thing as a general judgment.

3 judgments – first of all Matthew 25 verse 31. At this particular point we are looking at the rapture has already taken place and the church is in the presence of Christ. The 7 years of tribulation on earth have finished. The Lord is now back again standing on the Mount of Olives outside Jerusalem. The Mount of Olives is divided in 2 as found in Zechariah. Jesus will now set up the 1000 year reign. Before that 1000 years he will have the judgment of the nations. Verse 31 shows that in to this kingdom he is taking those who are saved. That is one of the judgments.

In Revelation 20 verse 7 we now see the Lord is talking about the judgment after the 1000 years when Satan will be set free. During the 1000 years reign he will be bound. It will be a time of peace, no fighting on earth. After that 1000 year period Satan will be released from prison. We see in verse 11 after the 1000 years he sets up another judgment. That is for those who have died in sin. They are now called before God of heaven, not for second opportunity but judgment upon them.

In 2 Corinthians 5 we see a third judgment called the Bema Judgment. Same judgment found in Romans 14. We have looked at the rapture now we come to the review of the church. Romans 14 verse 12 everyone of us shall give an account of ourselves. Purpose is to review our service and labour from the day saved unto this particular day. The sin of the believer has been dealt with at the cross of Calvary. “It is appointed unto man once to die but after this the judgment.” (Hebrews 9 verse 27) That judgment was taken care of at Calvary. He died on Calvary to reconcile us back to God again. From the moment you are saved you are saved from sins but now you have to give an account of life you lived for him until now. 1 Corinthians 3 our work and service can be divided into 6 categories. Verse 10 Paul laid the foundation in the city of Corinth when He preached the gospel of Christ. He laid the foundation of the building – whose responsibility was it to build upon it – gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay and stubble? Whenever you stand before God at the judgment your work will be tested. What happens when set before fire – it burns up and there is nothing left. This is only going to be our works or deeds reviewed here, in other words how we build our lives – on the Lord Jesus. From the moment we trust him, from that point have we built on it? We have got to give an account. What am I really building into his work is what we need to ask, will it stand the test of eternity? The man of the parables who had given his servants talents he wanted to see it built upon. There were those who worked well, 5 talents were doubled to 10 talents. One person, well he still loved his master, but he said “I was so afraid I would fail that I went and dug a hole and buried the talent you gave me. Here it is I have kept good care of it until now.” The master looked at it and said “such a slothful servant, what a wicked servant I gave you that talent and you could have gave it to the bankers and have at least doubled it.” You have nothing. When the Lord says to you and I “what about the gift I gave you, did you use it to the best of your ability?” Will you say “I didn’t like to do very much because I felt I couldn’t do it, I thought others would be critical of me.” You will give an account before God. Every work of the child of God’s shall be made manifest, even that which is hidden will be made manifest on that day. “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink inn my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you he shall not lose his reward.”(Mark 9 verse 41) Even a cup of cold water in that day will not be forgotten about. Review of the work. Paul said in Thessalonians “What a day of rejoicing that will be when I see you standing around the throne of God and I know I have had a part of you being there.” Our gifts, talents will be reviewed. Have we identified the gifts God has given us to use? We must use them in different ways and means. All will be reviewed. The great evangelist D L Moody and Spurgeon will stand at this judgment. Those men preached to thousands and tens of thousands will be there but others who have had the opportunity to speak just a word in the ear will also be there to give an account of whatever gift has been given to you and used for him. The service you have done for the Lord is what we are talking about.

Not only a review but a reward. We are going to be rewarded on that day when the Lord takes a look at the work done. There will be a reward for it. In 2 Timothy we read of Onesiphorus. Pau said there were those who had deserted him and he talks about them first. They had turned away from the Lord. Paul is commending Onesiphorus for his worth. 2 Timothy 1 verse 16 “Onesiphorus oft refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains.” This means he encouraged Paul. It is great to be an encourager. To be able to say to some soul “come on keep going”. That is what this man did for Paul. Paul says “the Lord grant unto him that he might find mercy of the Lord in that day and in “how many things he ministered unto me at Ephesus. There are those who have taken from this passage the idea of praying for the dead. They assume Onesiphorus is dead and therefore this gives the doctrine of praying for the dead. Paul was not saying that. He was commending this man for his service. Maybe Onesiphorushe will be there just before us on that day of reward. Matthew 10 verse 41 “He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.”. In other words get behind people who are trying to reach people for Christ. Even the smallest snippet of service will be recounted. We have something to give today and it is not going unnoticed. It is wonderful that the Lord can keep such great accounts. There is a crown of life and a crown of righteousness. These are the rewards available on the judgment day. There is also n incorruptible crown, the shepherds crown and the soul winners crown. Why not begin today to make sure on the Bema Judgment Day there will be great reward for you and I. The Lord has promised and he will do it. Let us strive for that crown on that particular day.

Thursday, 29 December 2011

What did John the Baptist think of Christ?

Notes from a sermon on 27 November 2011

Matthew 11 verses 1 to 6

In verse 2 the John referred to is John the Baptist. What was going on in the hearts and minds of John the Baptist? At this particular time Jesus asked his disciples once “whom do men say that I am?” They replied “some say you are a prophet, a great teacher, a prophet of old.” So many different ideas were brought back from the market place and streets, from the common man in the city. Then Jesus said “whom do you say that I am?” That narrows it down. That is the most important question. It doesn’t matter what someone else thinks of the Lord Jesus Christ. I want us to think of what John the Baptist thought. He sent 2 of his disciples to ask Jesus that very question. John is in prison not for any wrong he has committed. John here is in prison because he is guilty of disturbing the peace of Herod. Herod was living in a wrong relationship with his sister-in-law. John was like a thorn in the flesh. Herod wouldn’t let him off with it. John kept saying to him “this relationship is not right” so much so that Herod had him arrested and thrown into prison because he disturbed the peace.

First thing to note is the interest John had. John is lying in a prison cell not sitting in a comfortable pew. He has been arrested, cut off from family and friends and community at large. Cast into prison for one reason only – preaching the word of God. Herod didn’t like it at the time, had him arrested and put in prison. As a result there was something stirring in John’s heart. “when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ”. Was he thinking of the day when the prison door would be opened and he would be released? How many visitors did he have on that particular day? What conversation did people bring to him? There is only one thing on his mind. It was this – he heard about the works of Jesus. That is picture of the type of person that is on their way to God’s salvation. They begin to hear about Jesus and his mighty work. Their heart begins to be stirred. Did that ever happen to you? Did God ever stir your heart? When you began to hear about Christ and his mighty works, how one day he looked on sin cursed world, took the best ever had to offer in the form of a little baby, watched over him growing up going on the way to the cross of Calvary. Watched him beaten, tortured until his skin was peeled of his back and face. Watched him as took him to Calvary, nailed to a wooden cross, lifted up onto the cross and put down into the ground, darkness flooded the world for 3 hours as God turned his back on him. What a time that was when he cried out “my God my God why hast thou forsaken me?” He was forsaken of his father. Is your heart ever stirred that he would do that for you? That he loved us with an everlasting love and he would do that for us? Have you ever felt that stirring in your heart? Remember Rahab the harlot. She had a tavern in the city of Jericho. A place where people frequented. She heard of a nation of people. Heard they had been delivered from the land of Egypt. Preserved and fed of God through wilderness. God would bring them across the river to her city. She followed these accounts. Rahab said “as soon as we heard of those things our hearts did melt within us.” God was beginning to work in the hearts of these people. Acts 16 Lydia was selling her goods in the city of Philippi. There was a little prayer meeting going on in Philippi. Not a flourishing church but rather it met by the river side. Lydia makes her way there. She is sitting amongst the woman folk. Apostle Paul stands up and brings the word of God to them. Something begins to happen in Lydia. She knew what it was to have the scriptures read and expounded. There she was listening intently. As she listened the God of heaven reached down and opened up her heart. She was gloriously saved that day. Have you ever had that experience? There is also a counterfeit experience that the devil can give you. John wanted to know with assurance. The interest John had. Have you any interest in the Saviour? In the one called Saviour? He came to seek and to save you.

The inquiry he made. The interest deepens into an inquiry. Verse 2 “art thou he that should come or do we look for another?” Interest deepened into enquiry. Confusion maybe has set into his life. God had gave him the prophecy that he would be the one to go before the Messiah. Sometimes God does that. The interest goes into inquiry. Have you an interest tonight? That is the query. Have you got that interest in the things of God? The Philippian jailer cried out to Paul and Silas “what must I do to be saved?” He was interested in getting saved. He could hear them singing praise to God of heaven. He realised they had something he hadn’t got. He rushes in after the earthquake trembling. “What must I do to be saved?” From the depths of his soul that came. Was there a time when you had an inquiry? Sometimes we make the mistake because we have attended church that is it, that we belong to that people. That is it. I am ready for heaven. I believe in God, in the Lord Jesus Christ, that he died on the cross. Can believe but not receive it. John the Baptist asked “are you the one or do we look for another?” Have you ever made this inquiry in the stillness of your heart? “I have always believed in the Saviour a deacon said to his minster one day. The minster asked him “are you saved, do you believe in the cross of Calvary and Christ’s atoning blood?” “Yes” the deacon said “I believe all that. The minister said “so did I 10 years before I was saved, before I put my trust in him I believed all that.” It is possible to believe all that and yet not be saved. We need to be careful, looking to him and not another, not putting a substitute in their hearts. The inquiry. Hebrews 2 verse 3 “how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” When you set aside God’s salvation, don’t have to spurn it, condemn it, criticise it, all you have to do is neglect it, forget about it. Remember how the angels came on one particular evening to the shepherds on the mountainside. The chorus was all about the Saviour born in Bethlehem. Remember what the shepherds did when the heavenly host was gone back into heaven – began to consider the message heard. What will we do? Let’s go down into Bethlehem, find out if these things are so as the angels spoke of. Maybe that is where you are. Is God softening your heart? Are you longing to know the way to get saved?

The instruction that was given. Jesus answered the inquiry in verse 4 “tell John all of that, go back and show him.” It would be easy to show supernatural miracles, something that would have proved beyond shadow of doubt that he was Messiah. You tell John what you see happening. “I have come that the blind have received their sight, the lame are walking, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them.” Isaiah 61 verse 1. Luke 4 verse 18. “The Holy Spirit is come upon me he has sent me to do all things that are recorded.” Here John was sent message and that would have taken him back into word of God. We cannot look any where else, not to the communion table, good deeds we do, just the word of God. There we find Gods salvation. Pharisees asked for a sign. Jesus told them the only sign he would give them was of Jonah. He was swallowed by a whale for 3 days and 3 nights – a sign of the Lord. He was crucified, buried in tomb for 3 days and 3 nights, raised to life again. You and I have sinned and come short of the glory of God. On the cross he dealt with my sin. If I want to be saved I have to turn away from my sin, come to Christ by faith. This is able to make us wise onto salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This book will take me to the foot of the rugged cross and there I will place my trust in him. Don’t settle for anything less. Wouldn’t it be awful to go through life with anything less thinking you are on way to heaven and home only to be turned away at the last fleeting breath.

The implication that was intended. When you take this to John weigh it up. There is enough here to bring him to that conclusion – this is the Messiah. John’s question answered “this is the Son of God.” Apostle Paul reasoned in the synagogue on the Sabbath day – Acts 17 verse 13. Paul is opening up and alleging Christ is the son of God. He is going back in the Old Testament scripture picking it one on another so there is no doubt that they know who Jesus is. Think of the poor man in Luke 16 who made an awful fatal final mistake. He was sitting at the gate of a rich man who fared well every day. He had food on his table but one day the rich man was taken out. He lifted up his eyes in hell. He had discussion about beggar man that laid at his gates in life. He asked for Lazarus to come and dip his finger on his tongue. It couldn’t be done. The rich man began to pray for his brothers “send Lazarus to home of my brothers lest come into this particular place.” An hour before he never thought anything of this place yet now he sees the reality. He is told they have Moses and the prophets if didn’t believe them how will they believe if someone came back from the dead? They had the word of God. If you are lost cannot blame anyone but yourself. All you need is the word of God – you don’t have to believe one word said tonight. Read this word of God, read and ponder it. Show you were you need to come. Jeremiah 31 verse 33 “I have loved thee with an everlasting love.“

10 lepers healed

Notes from a sermon on 27 November 2011

Luke 17 verses 11 – 19

We are coming to one of the greatest highlights in the word of God. One of those incidents would have been talked about for days and days to come. This was something very special. The Lord was on his way to Jerusalem not for a weekend to do something that was special for you and I. The Lord had taken on himself the form of a servant. Jesus was on his way through Samaria to face the old rugged cross. Going in that direction for you and I because of the state we were in. Christ died that he might save us, forgive us our sins, that one day we would be with him in heaven. 10 men living out in the mountains separated from families desperate to die because leprosy plagued them until one day when Jesus came to their home. They had heard so much about him. Right away they cried out for healing. In one word Jesus healed every one of them. Is this not something that would be talked about for days to come? Would people not point to them in the street? When we look on the outcome and see their unselfishness and ingratitude the whole thing turns again – why – because until we find verse 15 “and one of them”. There were 9 of them who went away and said nothing. 9 walked away as if nothing had happened to them but one turned back and began to worship the Lord. His heart was so full of adoration and praise to this man. He did something very great and tremendous. It doesn’t take any more than one who is prepared to take their stand for the Lord and who will be used by the Lord. Only one boy with a lunch fed 5000 men. Even Andrew says there’s no point in taking that. Maybe you are saying that. What have I to offer the Lord? The Lord puts his finger on what you have. Only one woman at the well of Samaria yet she went and told everyone around about what Jesus had done for her and was the beginning of great revelation in her region. The Lord said in verse 19 “thy faith hath made thee whole.”

The expectation of his faith. He came expecting something. The moment he saw Jesus he wanted something to happen. In his mind he had thought and heard. He no doubt felt at a slight disadvantage - how could he approach the Lord? He was a Jew and I am a Samaritan. In this man’s mind he was brought up in such a way to feel a second class citizen. This man was at a disadvantage. Sometimes we feel like that when we come into God’s presence. We are not as good as the next man beside us or behind us. I have nothing to give thanks to God. He is no respecter of persons. He doesn’t look at our backgrounds. As the Lord looks at us sees those who are his children and those who are the devils. Jesus said “I came into the world to save that which was lost.” I am sure he felt at a disadvantage, that he could receive nothing of the Lord. The Lord was merciful, powerful, knew something special about him. He expected something at the hands of Jesus that day. The Samaritans were a mixed breed of people. The Assyrian king in 2 Kings 17 carried away the children of Israel. He took members of his own community brought them and planted them in the land of Samaria and they married. They became a mixed race of people because of that. The Jews had nothing to do with them. Remember the woman at the well – “you are a Jew and I am a Samaritan”. Jews had nothing to do with Samaritans. He feared he could receive nothing. God has something for you. He wants you to come with an expectant heart. In John 8 the religious leaders came to Jesus after a tremendous miracle “say we not well that thou art a Samaritan and hast a devil.”(verse 48) This man came expecting something of the Lord Jesus. I am sure he left that day knowing it was good for him to be there that day because he had lost his leprosy. He was able to go back to his old life, home, family. Is that something you want to hold onto in your old life? Remember Jairus who was a leader in the synagogue. He had a daughter who was dying. Wonder how he felt as he sat at her bedside. If only I could get to the Saviour he would come right into this home, touch my daughter and she would be whole. An expectation of faith. Is that how we come to the house of God? Really expecting God to do something for you?

The evidence of his faith. Here’s a man who has living testimony of what God can do in a persons life. He is not healed and on his way to the priest. Jesus told them to do that as it was written in Leviticus 14. The Lord didn’t overstep that mark. You go and show yourself to the priest and take the offering necessary. He didn’t overlook the law but came rather to fulfil the law. Here’s a man cleansed of leprosy and the blood of the sacrifice is applied to his life. He is a living testimony. Verse 14 “and it came to pass that as they went they were cleansed.” It didn’t happen suddenly – only as they went on their way away from the Saviour. Leprosy was taken away, fully cleansed. He believed the word of God. Didn’t see outward signs. We may not see any outward signs. Need to believe what God tells us. Sometimes we want the proof or the evidence. We are asked to go a certain way and we ask God to open up the way for us. God says I will not until you walk. Sometimes if there is a problem in our lives we pray about it. God says take the first step. No matter what problem we have God will open up a way for it. Peter in the fishing boat fished all night and caught nothing. Next morning he was mending and washing the net and the Lord says to him “did you catch anything?” How long where you out? All night. Now Peter go out and launch out into the deep. Peter was an experienced fisherman, he knew you didn’t fish in the day and he knew where exactly to catch the fish too but he doesn’t say anything of these things to the Lord. “I have toiled all night but nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” The evidence of faith. Are we really at the place God will want us to be at? The women folk at the first day of the week came to anoint Jesus body, they were talking to one another “who will roll away the stone?” It didn’t stop them from coming though. If there is a problem and a hindrance preventing it don’t let it keep you back. We need to keep on going. John 9 the blind man went to the water and “the man came seeing.” Not on his way to but his way from. Proof of what had happened. The Roman centurion said to Jesus “I am not worthy but at thy word.” Do we believe the word today? We need to step out. When the priests put their feet into the Jordan it was only then that the water moved back.

The exercise of faith "and as they went they were cleansed.” Here’s this man in amongst this number of men. 10 of them came to be healed and the Lord tells them to go their way. All 10 turn to walk away except this one. Man turns back again. He was going with the crowd then something strikes at his heart. 4 lepers in the Old Testament said “we do not well this day.” This man has cleansed me, here I am walking away, turning away from God. This man stepped out of the crowd, made his way back to the feet of Jesus Christ. They all didn’t possess the same spirit. 9 of them had the spirit of ingratitude. 9 couldn’t wait to get away, they wanted to start the 7 days of separation to be able to go back to family. One man says “hold on, there is something to be done first, we need to go back to the Saviour. Here’s a man who exercised his faith. “I cannot go with this crowd, I have to go back to the Saviour.” Moses forsook Egypt, the good name of Pharaoh’s daughter, gave up all the wealth and power that goes with it. Hebrews 11 verse 27 “by faith he forsook Egypt not fearing the wrath of the king, for he endured as seeing him who is invisible. He exercised his faith.

The expression of his faith. With a loud voice he glorified God. Fell down on his face. The first thing that happened – this man God opened his mouth to praise his God. This man sat at the feet of the Saviour. We have so much to thank the Lord for in this world. You will have tribulation but I have overcome the world. You will have many a tear and a heartbreak this side of eternity. Christ suffered at Calvary for us. The shame, loneliness he suffered for us. Will you not thank him because he has made us a child of God? Saved us from a lot and a Christless eternity.

The clarity of God's call to discipleship

Notes from a sermon on 6 November 2011

Luke 9 verses 18 – 27

As we come to Luke 9 verse 18 we see that the Lord is alone and praying. His disciples were with him – a contradiction of speech? Jesus is apart from his disciples and he is praying. He sees the disciples standing there and asks them, he is interested to hear what people thought of him. What do we think of Christ tonight? Not what the world thinks of him but “who do you say that I am?” Challenge is brought around – verse 23. Many commentators see the character of the Christian from this text whereas others take this verse as the cost of discipleship from the verse. The cost of discipleship is being cheapened today. For many today it is a matter of raising your hand, lifting your head, coming out to the minister’s room. We really need to think of the cost of our salvation. It was up to Jesus to procure salvation for you – to make a place in heaven. It cost him everything he had. It cost him his life. He shed his blood that I might go free, that I might spend all eternity with him. He died to make that sacrifice that I might be brought near to God. We see in these verses the clarity of God’s call to discipleship.

The discipleship Jesus gives – verse 23. “If any man will come after me.” Here is Christ giving out the call worldwide. He is speaking universally, going out to every person. That gives me confidence to speak to any man or woman. I know that if a person desires in their heart to be saved there is no barrier in heaven. If you have a desire to get right with God God will open his arms and accept you. This salvation is for all not just for a few. “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. It doesn’t matter if rich or poor, pauper or king. That is an encouraging statement. This is the course we must follow. If we desire to be saved. Sometimes we wrestle with the scriptures in such a way that we makes them out to what we want them to be. If the greatest sinner in the world were to show a desire to follow Christ then he may. Revelation 3 verse 8 says “behold I have set before thee an open door that no man can shut”. The door for salvation. There is also an open door for service. The Lord is not picky or choosy. Remember the woman who had suffered for 12 years with affliction in her body. One day she realised Jesus was passing by her. If she could just reach forth and touch his garment then she would be healed. She took her opportunity and immediately she was made whole. Just because she touched the hem of his garment. Then the Lord turned around. There were people all around him swaying in around him. The Lord stops in his tracks and he turns around saying “someone touched me.” There was no barrier around the Lord then. If you were just to come to the cross of Calvary and take Jesus as Saviour and Lord there would be no barrier. Remember Nicodemus who came by night to the Lord. Then there was Saul of Tarsus, a righteous Pharisee who sat on the Council of the Jews. If anyone could be saved it could have been these 2 men. We could look to the cross of Calvary, see that old thief dying on the cross. Hear the people rallying around him. Mocking and ridiculing the Lord who came into the world to save them. Then all of a sudden one turns to the other “we are doing something wrong but this man has done nothing amiss.” He is the last man you would ever think of being saved yet Jesus said “if any man”. It includes this thief. He asked Jesus “remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” Jesus replied “today thou shalt be with me in paradise.”

Now Jesus is speaking of the decision that has to be made. “If any man will …” Now he is speaking of the decision that has to be made. Salvation is not something we drift into. The Lord Jesus says salvation has to be a decision. Has to come from the depths of being. Jesus locates this spiritual battle. It is going on day and daily for the soul of men and women. There is a devil today. He is going about as a roaring lion seeking to devour. The devil has one desire – he has blinded your heart and mine. He wants to keep it that way until one day you drop into hells pit for ever and ever. That is the battle going on today. Thank goodness Jesus stands with outstretched arms and says “if any man will.” There is a battle of will. Jesus said of the Pharisees “you will not come to me that ye might have eternal life.” They could have told you about the Old Testament laws and sacrifices but they missed out on Jesus Christ. We have put the church as god, then doing the best we can. We have forgotten about the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus doesn’t coerce. He gives us proof of who he is and what he has done. Search the scriptures then come and follow after me. “Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst.” He asks us if he may come into our heart. Will you open the door of your heart and allow him to come in? Remember Moses how he went up in the mountain meeting with God when he came down into the valley and heard the singing in the Israelite camp. When he got down and saw Aaron had made them a image, a golden calf. Who is on the Lord’s side he asked. It called for a decision, caused the people to think – had to step out by themselves.

See something of this clear denial. What does it take to come to Christ? The call is going out. It if for any man – “if any man will come after me.” A decision to be made. It is difficult to deny yourself. Remember even in the Garden of Eden when Satan came to Eve he caught her off guard and began to talk to her. He appealed to selfish desires of human heart. You know what will happen when you take of this fruit. Something began to happen. Great ambition in her heart. When the woman saw the fruit of the tree she couldn’t deny herself. As we come to the cross the Lord is asking you to step out, to deny yourself. Can you say no to all your selfish ambitions? To those things that you might be saved? That is what happened to Achan. When he went into the battle he thought the spoils are mine but he was told by God not to take anything for himself. The selfish ambitions of the lusts of the flesh. David couldn’t deny himself of the lusts of Bathsheba. Couldn’t turn away from her. Achan did the same. He saw the gold, the garments and took both out and buried them in the midst of his tent. He had to pay the price for his sin.

There is the duty that Jesus opposes. “If you will follow me you must take up your cross.” You see the cross was the symbol of poverty and death. It was the cruellest death anyone could be associated with. Everyone is asked to associate themselves with it. Paul talked about daily taking up the cross.

There is a determination. The Lord says you have to do it daily. Not getting saved and walking as you want. Not looking back 20/30 years ago. What are you doing today?

There is direction – Jesus says the man who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. Will you take the challenge?

The purpose of Noah's ark

Notes from a sermon on 13 November 2011

Genesis 6 verses 14 – 22

The enemies of the word of God would love to be able to disprove the book of Genesis. No other book comes under such attack time and time again. We never fail to hear on the radio or see on the TV and see the onslaught on the very first verse. We have it recorded “in the beginning God”. He created everything around us. Yet enemies of God’s word would seek to bring down this whole idea of creation. Evolution is more acceptable to the minds we hear. As search through this great book of Genesis we come face to face with pictures of Jesus Christ. Here in the chapter 6 we have the ark Noah was told to build. It is the most wonderful picture of Jesus himself who has saved us from this sin cursed world.

First thing I want to point out is the reason for the ark. What was it? By reason of man’s rebellion and rejection of God’s world. The world stood guilty and condemned of God. So there was a need for something that would make a way of escape. God was going to make deluge of flood to come on the earth. Every creature, man and woman would be destroyed. There was a need to do that. He had to provide a way of escape. Verse 5. Here’s the God of heaven looking down into this world, looking into the hearts and depths of man, sees and knows thoughts, knows everything about man. That knowledge is far beyond our comprehending. Knows whether you are a child of God tonight. Whether saved by his mercy or still in the family of the devil. Comes into the meeting tonight and beckons you to follow after him. This is the very world God had made out of nothing. God separated day from night. The heavens from earth. Every living creature in the depth of the seas. Every flying object in the sky. Then to crown it all off he made man and woman . This is the same world he looks down on and sees. The world so corrupt and evil. God looked down on everything and saw that it was very good. Now in Genesis 6 it has gone astray. Sees the thoughts and minds of men are only evil continually. God saw how far man had fallen since the Garden of Eden. God had pronounced his declaration on it. Verse 5 everything in the earth shall die. He sees a world gone astray from him. Satan came with all his subtlety and deception. Satan deceived Eve in the Garden. “If you take of this fruit you will be like gods.” God of heaven doesn’t want that. Eve ate of the fruit and fell into sin. As a result that is why you need a Saviour to save your precious soul. That is why God would send his only son, that he would die and shed his precious blood for every person because he wants to save you. The only way of escape for this world was the instruction God gave to Noah in verse 14. The means of salvation to the world. Reason to keep certain people and animals from the flood. The Lord had only one ministry through coming into the world. He has come into this world to seek and to save that which is lost. Couldn’t do it through teaching of his word, through preaching, healing or the miracles he performed. Only could do it on the cross of Calvary by the shedding of his precious blood. Giving his life. The only way the God of heaven could save that soul of yours and mine, remove that sin of yours was by sending his only son to the cross of Calvary. He was making the way for you to come back to God, from the broken relationship to be rescued. The reason for the ark was to save every living creature.

Refuge of the ark. God said to Noah “make thee an ark.” One ark was sufficient to save a lost world. Only one price for safety and refuge was inside the ark. We know Noah was a just man, who found grace in the eyes of God. Saved through faith. Peter tells us Noah was preacher of righteousness. Can almost imagine Noah building it. As he built he preached. The theme of his message was the ark he was building. Noah would take men and women, point them to the ark, tell them of the flood that was coming, how God was grieved at their sin. People must have laughed. There never was rain nor a shower or dark cloud in the sky. They laughed at him. For 120 years he built that ark. He preached the great word of God. The people laughed and scorned. Jesus in Matthew 24 likened the people of the age to come to the people of Noah’s day. Eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, building and working and going on until the day the flood came. They hadn’t one thought to what Noah was preaching. Never gave it one consideration. They listened I am sure for a moment or 2. Being the type of man Noah was he would stop his hammering and begin to tell them what he was doing. “This is what God is preparing for you, God wants to save you from this flood.” The people would watch and see him very day. They would pass on by, go to their shop or work place, meet up with friends, enjoy company of friends and families, pushing this whole thing to the back of their mind. How many times have you heard that preached tonight? There is only one place for sin and it is in the Lord Jesus himself. Remember Moses – lifts the peoples eyes to the brazen snake on a pole and points them away to the place of healing. John the Baptist pointed out to the crowd “behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” The only refuge for sin. We are talking about serious issues. Issues about heaven and hell, being saved and being lost. Salvation and perishing soul. What category are you in? Moses pointed to the only refuge as did Noah. The ark was the only thing that could save them. We can be so nearly right, so nearly there and yet we could be lost for all eternity. Not talking about something that is trivial but something that is serious.

The resources God gave Noah. The dimensions he had to follow. Verse 14. The pitch had 2 fold reason. So that the water wouldn’t seep in and soak the inside. Also for all the animals in the ark it was preventative for the smell and stench. The word “pitch” is where we get our word atonement from, means to cleanse or to purge. When God died on the cross he atoned for our sins. When he looked at the ark he saw the pitch. When he looked at the cross he sees his son dying for our sins. When God looks at the sinner he sees Christ the son as a lovely aroma. Talks of the door just inside of the ark. No dimensions, no limitations. All the animals will go in through the door. The Lord said “I am the door by me if any man shall enter in he shall be saved.” The window was at the top not in the side so no-one had to look at the water but rather had to look up. That is what we have to do – look up to Jesus. Everyone was safe in this ark. We are safe too for ever more. People say “I couldn’t keep it” but God has every sufficiency to keep you.

The rejoicing when Noah and his family stepped out from the ark. They had a burnt sacrifice, praised God for keeping them through that time of judgment for ever. Child of God we need to rejoice in our salvation. Thanking him for saving us from a lost and Christless eternity. The ark was able to save. The Lord Jesus is able to save too. All who will come to him he will save to the uttermost. Christ waits for you to step out and come to him – be saved for all eternity.

A man to stand in the gap!

Notes from a sermon on 13 November 2011

Ezekiel 22 verse 23 – 31

“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none.” Ezekiel 22 verse 30

One of the most famous faces and one that is most distinguished and well known is Lord Kitchener during the term of World War I. On many posters he was depicted looking out with his army cap and finger pointing out. The caption on the poster said “your country needs you”. Those were years of crisis and many answered the call and went forth and fought for freedom. The freedom of future generations. What a call that was – to secure our future to lift up the word of God, to read and study it, to come together and worship and pray. What a tremendous blessing that is and if you haven’t experienced that for yourself ask God to make it real to you today.

In this chapter God sees the condition of the nation in Ezekiel’s time. The nation was in crisis. It is the God of heaven who sends out a call in verse 30. There have been many men who have gone out to fight in wars down through the years, to fight against dictators and tyrants. In this chapter we see a call from God to send out someone. That call is the same today. God is calling for a man or woman to do battle against the powers of darkness. God is reaching down into fellowships and putting his finger on individuals and is saying “I need you, will you go forth, will you do battle for me?” There will be a great sacrifice. What are the qualifications God requires from the person God wants to use today?

That man or woman needs to be firstly sensitive. What to? To the voice of God. You going to have to be listening, to get beyond the sacred page, beyond the voice of the preacher. Just like Elijah as he listened in the cave so long ago. He heard the thunder, saw the lightning and fire but God wasn’t in any of these. God was in the still small voice. Sometimes we believe God comes in the emotional rising of a meeting yet God comes in the still small voice. Have you heard that still small voice today? We have to be sensitive. This was a dark hour for the nation. Israel was beginning to break up. Ephraim had gone into captivity and now Judah was on the brink of disaster. Can God get our attention today? Are we in the position that we might hear the voice of God today? A man in touch with God through these troubled times. Listening to God, sensitive to all that is happening around us? Someone who will lift up his voice to God for the nation and turn the tide. In chapter 22 we see a nation turned from God right from the top to the bottom. The kings, prophets, priests, landowners and rich men had turned away from God. They wanted nothing more to do with God. They had turned their backs on God. They had gone through a time of prosperity and didn’t need God any longer. Verse 12 speaks of the greed and deception in the nation. Verses 3 and 4 speaks of turning to idols. Verses 10 and 11 speaks of sexual immorality. This was the God who had taken them out of Egypt, through the wilderness and into the land of Canaan. It was a land of great riches and prosperity. Israel grew rich day by day, year by year and they forgot about God. That could happen in our lives today. We could go through a time of ease, prosperity, a time of good things, a time when we find we don’t need God. Hezekiah was a young man who became king at 16 years of age. God strengthened him through his years but in old age his head was lifted up to pride and his heart was turned from the God of heaven. When God took his people into the promised land he gave them a warning – be careful in case you forget your God (Joshua 24 verse 20). There was a false message going out. The priests said everything was alright. The princes were causing wars here there and everywhere. The rich were gathering in a harvest but refusing to pay the wages of the people who worked for them. The people were spiritually dead to Christ. The answer lay in only one person if could find him. A man who could pray. God is still looking for that man today, who will get before God in honest prayer. An intercessor who will pray for the needs of the people, to see God moving in a meeting with reviving power. God wants to open our eyes today that we might have a realisation of what is happening in our nation. Habakkuk was spoken to by God. He had opened his eyes but needed to bring his needs to God in prayer. God wants a sensitive man or woman just to listen to God’s voice today. There is a spiritual battle going on today. The god of this world has blinded the eyes of people to the things of God.

Got wants a separated man or woman. The appeal during World War 1 was for young people to step out as their country needed them. For them to leave their family, nation, land and go to foreign fields to do battle. They had to be separated. God is seeking for a separated man to do battle to stand against the enemy of this day. A man like Isaiah the prophet. One day as he stood in the temple he saw the Lord as never seen before. He described it this way “I saw the Lord high and lifted up and his train filled the temple.” The doorposts shook in Isaiah’s temple. Isaiah heard God’s voice and knew he was being asked to do something. “Whom shall I send and who will go for me?”(verse 8) what did Isaiah say “woe is me for I am undone.”(verse 5) God was showing him his heart. That is what has to happen. He also shows Isaiah the Lord and his sacrifice. We must be saved, have sins forgiven at the cross of Calvary. There is no other way. Isaiah had that experience. He went on to say “I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips.” He went on to say “here am I send me.” Isaiah had to be separated, enlightened to everything that would stop him from serving the God of heaven. Isaiah asked to put his own future in the hands of God. Remember the widow woman Elijah visited. She hadn’t anything left in her barrel but a small portion for her and her son. God told her to sustain the prophet Elijah and she said yes to the Lord. She had to put her next day in the hands of God. Maybe it is not like that for us, we know what will be on our table tomorrow and the next day. This woman didn’t – she baked a cake and before feeding herself she gave to Elijah first. That is what God is asking us to do. Lay our all on the altar for the Lord. There was only one widow who God could use although there were many widows living in Elijah’s land. Are we willing to be separated for the work of God?

The man or woman needs to be sympathetic to the needs of others. The verse clearly asks for one to “stand in the gap before me for the land.” The man needs to feel for the needs of others. Jonah heard the call of God and surrendered to his call. He was separated by God to go to Nineveh. He wasn’t sympathetic to their needs, rather he was willing to stand back and let them be lost. The person God is choosing needs to bring everything to God. John Knox was a mighty man of prayer. Mary Queen of Scots said of him that she didn’t fear the armies of Europe as much as she feared John Knox on his knees before God. In his last hours on earth John Knox spent his time on his knees in prayer. He told his friends “I am going to battle for the church.” Battles start when we get on our knees before God. Are we sympathetic to the needs of others? In Daniel 10 we read that Daniel spent 3 weeks on his knees before God. Nehemiah went down to the people of Jerusalem to build the walls again. Daniel preferred to stay in Babylon while this was happening. Why did he stay there? “I ate no pleasant bread neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth neither did I anoint myself at all till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” At the end of the time an angel came to him and said “Fear not, Daniel for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy God thy words were heard …” The angel went on to tell Daniel however that he had a great battle in heaven to get to Daniel and tell him this. Nehemiah had to go forth and build but needed Daniel to pray. The church of God goes out to reach men and women but they need the prayers of others. The price of prayer is to drive forth the mighty battle. It takes a Daniel to pray like this.

God needs a steadfast and a strong man or woman. Paul talks about putting on the whole armour of God “having done all to stand, stand therefore …”(Ephesians 6 verses 13 and 14)

We will need to stand steadfast knowing what God has called us to. Jeremiah was put in prison, accused, lied about, criticised but he stood his ground.

The scarcity of the man of God. God was looking for one man but he found none. Will we answer the call of God to step out, to do his biding? Don’t underestimate your decision today.

The rapture of the church part 2

Notes from a sermon on 6 November 2011

2 Peter 3 verses 1 – 13

We might well live in the days that Peter talked about in verses 3 and 4. Peter is telling us in the last days there will be those saying “where is this promise we have heard so much preaching about?” In Daniel chapter 3 an angel came to Daniel who was in the attitude of prayer asking what would befall the nation of Israel. The angel opened up the scriptures and showed him what the programme for them was. The angel Gabriel said there was 70 weeks determined on the people of Israel. 70 times 7 years meaning 490 years. The prophet of old Nehemiah was building Jerusalem – he noticed that 483 years passed and then something happened. God’s programme was interrupted. That was the time Jesus was taken and put to death. That 7 year period has still to run. It is still somewhere out in the future. This was God who came to Daniel. He was reading what would happen, God was giving him all the interpretation that he might look back on them and see what was recorded. In Daniel 2 and the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, when Daniel was standing before him giving him interpretation of his dream said “I haven’t any more intellect than these other men, the God of heaven has given me the interpretation.” Chapter 9 verse 3, then look at verse 21 and 22. Here’s Daniel on his face before God when Gabriel comes to give enlightenment on the nation of Israel. Point that out for a specific reason – people will say how did this Bible come about? Peter said “holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1 verse 21). That is how we have this Bible before us. This is the God of heaven who has given it to us. Peter talked about deceivers coming in the last days. We are looking to this 7 year period which is featured by the rule and reign of the anti-Christ who is rising up in the midst of Europe, rising to great power. He will bring about a time of great trouble on this earth. You and I as the church of Jesus Christ, saved by God’s grace and mercy, where will we be at when all this trouble is going on in the earth? Think of the rapture today.

The rapture will take part in 2 stages. Not one stage. Think of the second coming of the Lord Jesus, a literal leaving of Christ leaving heaven’s glory. He will leave the angels and come to the air and receive the saved men and women, boys and girls of this world. 1 Thessalonians 4 verse 17 “caught up” means rapture. Matthew 24 verse 24 and 29. We know the Lord is coming. We don’t know exactly when but told to be ready for his coming. Read of the 70th week in Daniel still to come, speaking of the 7 year period. He calls it the great tribulation. There never was a time like it before nor like it again. An unprecedented time of trouble. Where is the church of Jesus Christ in relation to this week? First there are 3 different ideas about this rapture. Firstly we have the post tribulation school. Matthew 24 verse 29. The Lord Jesus will come after the 7 year period. If that be the case where’s the church? These people believe that saved men and women will go through this time. According to this post tribulation theory at the end of time the Lord will come and take us to heaven. There is also the mid tribulation period. The Lord will come in the middle of the 7 year period. He will come and take home the church. This will be the time when the anti-Christ will set up an idol in the temple and demand the worship of all people. The third and major theory is that the church will be taken out before the 70th week begins. The rapture will actually bring in this terrible time of trouble when the Lord comes back and takes out his church. The spirit of anti-christ is already in the world and only he will take out the spirit of Christ dwelling in the hearts of every saved man and women. God’s spirit will be taken out of the world and the spirit of anti-Christ will reign in the world. There is one certain thing today – Jesus is coming back again and we need to be ready today. Jesus is coming back again and we need to be ready when Christ comes back. Will we be found working for the Lord, separated for the call of the Lord, ready to be taken home? You and I can start well – have the greatest testimony of saving grace, lifted from the depths of sin and mire but when Jesus comes will we be found working for him? These are the theories and we need to look at each theory and compare the scriptures, see what God has planned for us.

Keep in mind that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming again and it will be in 2 stages. I believe that the scripture teaches the Lord comes before the tribulation period and ushers in the tribulation period whereas the other theory is he comes at the end and puts an end to the tribulation period. What had happened in Thessalonica? Paul had preached, the believers believed then people wrote and said people had missed out on the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul writes to correct this – verse 15 “prevented” go before or hinder. Speaking of those who had died and in the ground. The second coming of the Lord is mentioned in verses 15 – 17 - where is the Lord coming to in that verse? The clouds and the air. The Lord is coming to the air with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God. He is coming to the air. Zechariah 14 verses 1 – 4. We read in 1 Thessalonians of the day of rapture. Here it is telling us plainly coming to the mount of Olives. 2 different aspects of his coming. 1 Thessalonians 4 verse 17 the dead in Christ shall rise first and we which remain alive will rise after them. 1 Corinthians 15 will take place in the twinkling of an eye then he says the dead in Christ shall rise. We shall be caught up together to meet him in the air. He is gathering his saints to meet him in the air. Another verse in Jude 14. 1 Thessalonians he is coming for his saints. Now according to this verse he is coming with his saints. He is coming for his saints at the beginning of the tribulation and then with his saints at the end of the tribulation. It is not one literal coming - that is where confusion lies. 1Thessalonians 4 it is the Lord that comes and it is to him we will gather at his coming. That the dead rise and we after them to meet him in the air. At the second stage of his coming in Matthew 24 what happens then. Verse 31 he shall send his angels out into the 4 corners of the earth to gather his elect. When it comes to the church of Christ it is the Lord who will bring his saints. 2 different stages – coming for the church then coming with the church at the end of the age. Chapter 4 is the Lord. Dealing with the church at the end of the age. Chapter 4 is the Lord dealing with the church. Matthew 24 dealing with the Israelite and Gentile nations – that is the confusion.

Also a comfort to look for too. You will find a theme comes through with the apostle Paul “comfort ye one another with these words.” 1 Thessalonians 4 dead in Christ arise … then finishes off with the words “comfort one another with these words.” If I was to go through that time of pain and slaughter there wouldn’t be a great deal of comfort about it. The Lord will come again, coming for me and the church, those saved by the blood, washed in his blood, where do we stand in the light of God’s salvation? Have we trusted Christ the Saviour, are we waiting for his coming again? 1Thessalonians “how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his Son from heaven”.

The future of the church

Notes from a sermon on 23 October 2011

Matthew 24 verses 42 – 51

The future of all those who have come and put their trust in Christ for the salvation of their soul.

The church is not just a building but it is rather the child of God saved by God’s matchless grace. In Acts chapter 2 the disciples waited for the promised Holy Spirit coming on them in that day. They were all joined together in one body through the power of the Holy Spirit. The function of the church was to go out into all the world and preach the gospel. That is still the same today. The features of the church through the New Testament. This is a mighty body. This is a body whose head is the Lord Jesus Christ. Not tied to anything else. The funding of the church. How is it funded? The apostle Paul’s pen “those saved by the grace of God we are to give to this body to continue in this world." All of that is for the here and now but what is the future of this body – are we mostly going about this world not caring? The future of this church has 4 different aspects – rapture, reception and review.

1 Thessalonians 4 verse 17 “caught up”. This is the word for rapture. Talking about when the Lord comes. When the dead arise from the grave – only the bodies will rise as the souls are already departed and in the presence of the Lord already. This is our inheritance – when we close our eyes in death it is not the end. The body goes to the ground but the soul into the presence of the Lord. When the Lord returns to the air he brings the souls with him and the body is called out from the grave. Both are reunited. The word Paul uses is caught up in the air. Remember the parable of Jesus of a man working in the far country who leaves his servants in charge. The servants lead a riotous time. Jesus likens that to you and I. We can lose sight of the things that matter and be caught up in some other activities that are not pleasing to the Lord. Wouldn’t that be awful if that were to happen to us? We know nothing of the hour or day the Lord will return hence the reason for saying “watch therefore.” Are you watching, waiting for the Lord to return? Daniel 9 he is in the attitude of prayer verse 1. Daniel was a young man taken out of Jerusalem. Many years later when he is old he is living in Babylon still. He had been educated in the king’s palace. He took his stand for the Lord when the servants brought in the food and wine of the kings house. Daniel refused to eat or drink of these things because he felt he would be contaminated if he did. 70 years later he is still living for God. Daniel is a student of God studying the word of God “understood by books”. He was studying a certain topic from the word of God which was the promise given to Jeremiah. The number of years children will be away from Jerusalem in captivity would be 70 years. Daniel is asking God what will happen next. Daniel has a concern for the people. We need to have that same concern today, a compassion for people. He wants to find out what will happen in the future - verse 3. Daniel knew something of what it was to pray, he hadn’t forgotten, he was determined. The same phrase “set my face” was used of Jesus when he did that in relation to his death on the cross of Calvary. When he opened up what would happen to his disciples Peter jumped up and said “not so Lord.” The Lord replied “get thee behind me Satan.” There will always be something to hinder us whenever we get down to the place of prayer or study the word of God or even to get to various meetings. Daniel shows us the urgency and importance in these verses. Daniel wanted to know 70 years spoken of to Jeremiah. We find here that when he gets to prayer Daniel gets an unusual answer. The answer was widened out into a programme, God’s programme that is foretold. Daniel receives an answer but it is an answer that is widened out. God opens his calendar to show what would happen not just in the next 70 years but right down the generations. Verses 24 – 27 marks out 3 distinctive schedules. Verse 24 = 70 weeks. Verse 25 = 7 weeks 3 score and 2 weeks. Verse 26 = 3 score and 2 weeks. Verse 27 = 1 week. Language used here is figurative. Language of weeks are really years. The word “weeks” is the Hebrew word “hepta” which means 7. God used the word “hepta” to speak of 7. Whenever he speaks of 70 weeks it means 70 groups of seven years or 490 years in total. Daniel is getting before God and praying. God is opening up his own schedule and showing what would happen in generations to come. Need to be careful again not only does he tell Daniel 490 years but when it would begin – verse 25. 7 weeks 3 score and 2 weeks. 69 in total. Started off with 70 now we have a week missing. Timescale to start this programme was whenever Jerusalem would be rebuilt again. From that time it took 69 years. God is showing Daniel here something that is important. The very day when the Lord would be hailed as prince on Palm Sunday when Jesus rode into Jerusalem, put palm leaves down in front of him and they hailed him as king was the day God spoke of here. 500 years before that event God said it would be happening. Verse 26 after he was hailed prince then he was rejected, ridiculed and crucified on the 70th week. Verse 27 speaks of the 69 weeks plus 1 which adds up to 70. That which God began to talk of would happen after the programme was interrupted. The Lord was crucified, rejected of man and set aside. The final week is still to come. That final week hasn’t started. Robert Anderson’s book “Daniel in the critics den” calculated it all out. When Jesus began his public ministry he was 30 years old. He was 33½ years when he died. What about this week – verse 26. Messiah was cut off from you and I. Threescore and 2 weeks is 62. “and the people of the prince shall come and shall destroy the city and the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with a flood and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.” The people of the prince – this was destruction of Jerusalem. After Jesus died armies of the prince came to destroy the temple of the Lord. In Jerusalem Roman soldiers did exactly that. Jesus said not one stone would be left. There was only one way they could get the gold out from between the stones in the temple and it was to dismantle it one stone by one stone. No prince but it was the people. Not one stone would be left Jesus said. Verses 27 “and he shall confirm the covenant” who is the “he” mentioned here? He is none other than the anti-Christ. “with many for one week” that is the week that is missing = 7 years. Christ is coming again. As you look at the papers, listen to the news, see the downfall of nation after nation, the financial fall, famines, earthquakes, pestilences and rumours of war. These are the signs the anti-Christ is on his way. Before those things come to pass, before 7 years of his being on this earth the church is going out is that 70th week. It is so close but how much closer shall the coming of the Lord be to take his people home.

The rapture of the church

Notes from a sermon on 30 October 2011

2 Thessalonians 2 verses 1 – 12

Thinking of the church being taken out of this world to the time whenever the child of God, every man or woman saved by God’s grace will leave this scene of time. There will be a reality of these verses. Such a reality if it was to happen at this moment of time. Those saved by God’s grace would go out to meet the Lord in the air. Those who are not God’s will remain on this earth. That is what Jesus speaks of in Matthew. 2 will be in the factory, 2 will be in the field, one will be taken and the other left. One that is a believer shall be taken and the other left. That is the reality of this book we read from. Remember the 70 weeks mentioned in Daniel. The 70 weeks are not a literal week but rather a group of 7 years. They amount to 490 years. This is the time designated for the people of Israel. When that time comes the Lord will come into the world. When Jesus died 483 years had already taken place but the remaining 7 years had not come into play as yet. James said in Acts that God will call out a people unto himself. Then he will see the rebuilding of the temple of Israel. Romans 9, 10 and 11 God has left off his dealings with Israel to call out a people to himself – you and I. He is building his church which will one day be called home to himself in heaven. Then God will deal with Israel once again. Daniel 9 verses 26 and 27. The “he” mentioned is the prince mentioned in verse 26. The people of the prince will come into Jerusalem and totally destroy Jerusalem. That happened in AD70. Rome marched into Jerusalem and totally destroyed the city with fire. They never left one stone intact.

The 7 year period is characterised firstly by the introduction of a man – verse 27. The coming prince. Here’s a man coming on the scene, stepping onto the world stage. He is mighty, a superman, the devil’s man. 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 3. Paul realised he couldn’t come yet, he was still in the future then and is still in the future now. Is it possible that this man is alive in this world today? We do not know the day or hour when Jesus will come again. That is kept secret even from the angels in heaven. God gives us 2 views from the scripture. Remember Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2? He had seen an image set up before him. His head was of gold, his arms and breast was of silver, belly was of brass, legs of iron and his feet made of both clay and iron. Daniel came in and gave the interpretation of the image. All the various empires that will rise down through the centuries. Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom was represented by the head of gold. The breast of silver and arms signified that his reign will not be for ever. It will be given to Medes and Persians. They will reign for a while. Out of the breast or rather out of the Persian empire will rise another empire. The legs signified the armies of Rome while the feet and toes are still in the future. Then in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream there was stone that came from the mountain which smote the image. This signified the day when God will come to set up his own kingdom that will last for ever and ever. In Daniel 7 God gave Daniel a look at the kingdoms down through the centuries. He saw a lion, a bear and a leopard. Then there is another beast that is so dreadful to describe. As Daniel looks at this 4th beast he notices it has 10 horns. Out of the horns rises another smaller horn. This man is coming out of this kingdom, out of the Roman empire. There will be the raising of 10 kings. One person will take the power and authority and subdue them. Out of the structure in Europe this man will come forward. This is the kingdom raised up in the last days. This 7 year period will be characterised by this man.

He will have great intellectual ability for leadership. This man is coming to reign and rule. Revelation 13 verse 2 takes us back to the vision Daniel had. The same description is given – “and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority.” The dragon is another name for Satan. This man is energised by the devil. 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 9 and 10. This man has all the traits and characteristics and this man is being empowered by the devil. We have the anti-Christ. Verse 11 the false prophet then the dragon. We have the father, son and Holy Ghost. In these 7 years we will have the devil who will represent God, the son who will be represented by the beast and the Holy Ghost represented by the false prophet. We have got a false trinity working on the earth. At this time he will have all the power the devil can give to him. When the devil took Jesus up into the mountain and said “I will give you all these kingdoms if you bow down and worship me.” Jesus said no to him. Here’s a man who gives allegiance to the devil and in turn he will give him the key to the world. Daniel 9 verse 27 he will set up a covenant in this 7 year period. In this 7 year period we will see a treaty set up with Israel. He will bring peace to the Middle East. He will sort out all of the worlds financial problems. Daniel 11 verse 43. He will sort out the worlds military and religious problems. Is this not the man the world is crying out for today? Daniel 11 verse 21 he will come on the scene peacefully and with great flatteries. He knows how to work with people and will gather them around him. If you look in Revelation 6 to the reference to the anti-Christ you will notice he has no arrow in his bow. This man will come to the world with great peace. We have seen many dictators arrive in the past but there has never been one like this man. This is the devils man and the devil will take him to the very pinnacle. His number is 666 according to Revelation.

This week is characterised by an interruption. Daniel 9 verse 27. He will set up this covenant but half way through this 7 year period he will break the covenant. He will demand everything for his own glory. Jesus spoke of this man in Matthew 24 verse 15. He will set of an image of himself in the house of God and demand everyone to worship him. Revelation 17 great apostate system is being set up in the churches today. The beast and his empire will close the apostate system down because he wants to be number 1. Revelation 12 turns to speak of the nation of Israel. Revelation 12 not the church spoken of there. This man will turn his attentions against the nation of Israel. God has prepared a place away from this man. 1260 days divided by the Jewish year of 360 days in a year equals 3 ½ years. This period is characterised by the intervention that is coming. Revelation 19 I saw the heavens open and the man on the white horse which is Jesus. This is the appearing of the Lord. He takes the false prophet and beast and casts them into the lake of fire where Satan has been. That is the end of that period. The only way to escape that period is to trust in Christ. We are warned in scripture that there has never been a time like this before nor will be again. A time of terrible suffering.

The man with the withered hand

Noves on a sermon from 30 October 2011

Luke 6 verses 6 – 11

The man with the withered hand. The hand was no use to him. The first thing to notice is – here’s a man who has come under the ministry of the word of God. He comes into the synagogue and takes his place with the rest of the people. The Lord takes up the word of God and teaches. Is he here out of habit? This was the day of the Sabbath when the synagogue would be open. The rabbi would open up the Old Testament scriptures and read them. Was it out of habit that he was here? Not a bad habit to be in on a Sunday. Maybe like Lydia in Acts of the Apostles who worked in the chief city of Macedonia, Philippi. She sold her wares at a market stall but on the Sabbath day she was drawn to the prayer meeting by the riverside. Maybe the Holy Spirit was drawing her there. Maybe that is what has happened to you today. Somehow the Spirit of the living God has whispered for you to come into God’s house to hear his word? Maybe the eunuch in Acts 8 had a longing in his heart. He was on his way down from Jerusalem to worship God. Maybe this man knew the Lord would be there in the house of God on this particular day. This man got to hear about Jesus and realised here was his opportunity. He knew that the Lord could touch him and heal him and do something for him he could never do for himself. Maybe it is possible the enemies of Christ were going to use this man him against Christ. Maybe asked him to come into the synagogue on that particular day. Perhaps wanted to use it to criticise Christ. Here was a man under the ministry of God’s word. Whatever the reason that brought this man in he was in the synagogue on this particular day. In a place where something could be done for him. Not only for him but for eternity. Here in this place there is a work that can be done in your heart that will stand the test of time and eternity. The Bible says “for by grace are you saved through faith.”(Ephesians 2 verse 5) Grace means something unmerited. That is how you are saved. Not because you start to go to church or become a minister. It was grace bestowed to me but it was by faith that I received Christ as Saviour and Lord. The Bible says “faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10 verse 17). Here was a man under the ministry of the word of God.

This man realises now that he mattered to God. Here he is in the house of God (verse 8) sitting listening. Jesus spoke to him and said “rise up and stand forth in the midst.” After finishing his teaching the Lord spoke. As the meeting came to a close Jesus starts to speak to this man. Here’s a man and he realised that he was important to the Lord. He mattered. Didn’t matter why he was there but that he was there in the first place. A lot of people feel they don’t matter to anyone. They have no-one in this world they can turn to but the Lord Jesus loves you so much that he left heaven’s glory just to die on Calvary’s cross. We are important to God. We have a soul that is important. “What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”(Mark 8 verse 36) When God created man he was different. God breathed into him and he became a living soul. One day that soul must leave your body and make its way into 1 of 2 places – the glorious presence of Christ or the fathomless pit of hell. Remember how Jesus looked over Jerusalem. He wept “how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings and ye would not.”(Matthew 23 verse 37) You can almost see the tremor when he preached in the streets, the passion in the voice when pleaded with men and women in the market place. How many times Jesus looks over this meeting and sheds tears over your soul. How often I would have saved you but you would not. You matter to him. Old Bartimaeus mattered to him. He was just a blind begging man. People didn’t give him a second thought but when the Lord came to him he called and said “come here what would you have me to do for you?” He became the servant of the beggar man in that moment. When he took his place on Calvary he took his place as servant for you and I. He died that I might be in heaven one day. We matter to him. Make no mistake about it. We matter that he would step aside his Father’s glory. That is how much you matter to God. This man realised that. As they nailed Jesus to the cross, as he looked at those who cursed him, beat him and tortured him, he said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” The God of heaven loved this world and wanted to reach the world for himself.

This man experienced a miracle from Jesus. He was going to leave this house a different man all because of a meeting with Christ. We can come and go but if we don’t have a meeting with Christ we will go away the same. If we do have a meeting with Christ we will be changed. This man had a hand that was no use to him, couldn’t lift a glass with, couldn’t cut his dinner with, no use whatsoever. Until he had a meeting with Christ, found as he come under the ministry of the word that God would do a mighty miracle in his life. Restore unto him all those years that his hand was withered. Verse 8 as the man stood up the attention went from the Pharisees but then in verse 9 Jesus spoke to the religious leaders. This man was taking his stand while Jesus spoke to the Pharisees. Then the Lord turned again and said “stretch forth thy hand” and within a second it was changed. Every time a person gets saved it is a miracle of grace just like the miracles in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit points us to the Lord, to the blood shed by Christ for us. He makes us realise that we are sinners on our way to a lost eternity.

He realised the malice in the madness of the people around him. People were mad at what Jesus had done to this man. There will always be those who will mock you, ridicule you but thank God you will be covered by that blood. You will be in the palm of his hand. Will you come to Christ and trust him? The man obeyed as Jesus asked him to. Will you obey his voice?