JOHN 18 VERSES 1 - 14
Jesus and his disciples make their way to this Garden. It was the night of the great betrayal, when the religious society would turn their backs on the Lord. Verse 4 the events we look at today didn't take the Lord by surprise but the disciples stood aghast at what was happening. They couldn't understand what was going on. Circumstances changed so quickly for them. They had entered into the Garden and all was calm, within an hour everything was changed. How quickly that can happen in our own situations, in our families, in our homes, in our country. We know not what a day may bring forth. How do we deal with that?
Here was a terrifying time for the disciples. If you had asked any one of them, I am sure they would have spoken of the fear that gripped their hearts, never experienced it before. I want us to look through their eyes and see what was happening. We have the privilege of knowing the end of the scene but the disciples didn't. They were going through this whole situation without that benefit. As Jesus led them in to the Garden it was a tranquil time of prayer, a peaceful place that they could meet together and Jesus gets down to pray. Matthew 26 verse 36 "then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane and saith unto the disciples sit ye here while I go and pray yonder" This was a place where Jesus often went to - verse 2. The enemy knew where Jesus would be with his disciples. They were there to pray. Satan knows those quiet places. That place where you meet with the Lord and will do everything in his power to prevent you doing that, to disturb the peace. Whenever you get down to the word of God and a time of prayer the devil has his spies, he knows exactly what you are trying to do and will prevent you from succeeding in prayer. Daniel prayed for 21 days before the angel came to him and said "for from the first day that you set your heart ot understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard." (Daniel 10 verse 12) We need to ensure that Satan does not have a foothold in our fellowship and in our lives. Such was the peace of the Garden that the disciples fell asleep. Matthew 26 Judas allowed Satan to enter that tranquil place. Paul writing to Timothy said "grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord." You and I as believers we need that mercy and grace every day to walk and be strengthened but more than anything we need the peace that passeth all understanding. Paul brought the elders out of Ephesus, his heart was troubled, he knew what would happen once he departed. He told the elders to be careful and be aware of what was coming. He said "also of your own selves shall men arise." (Acts 20 verse 30) These would not be strangers that would come in but from their own company. The enemy would destroy the peace of the fellowship and divide it. Would draw men out of the fellowship. Here was peace in the garden when Jesus took his disciples to pray. A place of safety and security but all of a sudden they saw the lanterns coming in the distance, could hear the riot chanting and cheering, coming with their swords and staffs. The peace was interrupted. Everything was disturbed. How quickly circumstances changed. Think of the life of Job. Going about his normal days business, living life, he loved God, minded his own business but something was happening behind the scenes. He didn't know anything about it. He had fellowship with God. He walked with God, He knew the peace of God. Behind the scenes the devil had come into God's presence to accuse his servant. "He is the accuser of the brethren." (Revelation 12 verse 20) He tries to turn you from God. "Satan hath desired to have you but I have prayed for you" Jesus told Peter one day. Job in a matter of hours was brought down from being a wealthy rich man, from being healthy and prosperous until he had nothing left. The devil took it all away, left him crumbling. He didn't know what was happening. Remember the disciples in the little boat. When they set out on their journey across the lake everything was blue but suddenly a storm arose. We need our faith in more than circumstances. We need God to be the central one, to be the one we turn to. Satan attacks us personally, in our families and in our fellowship. Matthew 26 verses 56 "then all the disciples forsook him and fled." It must have been a terrifying time on that boat. They cried out "we are going to perish".
A troubled time. While Jesus prayed and the disciples watched all they can see is the band of men coming into the Garden with their staffs and swords. The band of men had instructions to arrest this trouble maker that disturbs the peace. Fear gripped the disciples hearts. When the disciples saw what was happening they were so afraid. In John 14 Jesus said to his own disciples before he left this scene of time "Let not your hearts be troubled, ye believe in God believe also in me." He was bringing soothing words in a terrifying experience. Jesus spoke of his death. He would go back to heaven but he told them of a peace he would leave with them. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you, let not your hearts be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me." It takes the peace of God that passeth all understanding. It is not something we can muster up. A peace that can only be found when we trust fully in the Lord Jesus. The disciples jumped to their own defense. Peter drew a the sword The bible tells us "lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6) Paul said "let the peace of God rule in your hearts" (Colossians 3 verse 15) Hebrews 12 verse 2 "looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith." Sometimes we get our eyes on the trouble, like Peter who got his eyes on the waves when he stepped out of the boat. When he cried out to the Lord it was only then that he got his eyes back on the Lord. The disciples in the Garden saw the crowd coming down the hill. Leading them was Judas. I am sure they wondered when they saw him. They had eaten with this man, shared fellowship with him, prayed with him, seen miracles performed with him. What was happening now? Judas wa a trusted friend yet he was ready to sell Jesus out. The disciples saw the true heart of Judas that night. Judas had been the disciple who took care of the money in the group. A trusted friend but now the one to turn against them. Spurgeon said "the kiss of the deceiver wounded our Lord's heart as much as the nails wounded his hands."
A testing time. The disciples were wondering in themselves what they would do. It is only in difficult times that we are really tested. Peter's reaction was to defend himself. Sometimes we try to do something similar. Remember Paul and Silas in the prison house in Philppi. They lifted their voices in praise and prayer to God. Their friends were gone. The people couldn't be reached. They were in a a cold damp cell but they lifted their voices in praise to God. Spurgeon said "we are not tried in the light but in the darkness. Anyone can sing when they see the hymn sheet but in the dark times that is where it counts." Job could say in his dark times "though he slay me yet I will trust in him." (Job 13 verse 15) Yes there were times when he did falter and had dark thoughts, sometimes he lost patience with his friends but his character stood the test.
Triumphant times. The disciples didn't have to fight their way out. The Lord has acquired our redemption today. "It is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment." (Hebrews 9 verse 27) Jesus died to take that judgment away from us. He has taken our place and died in our stead. Jesus was still in control of this situation. This is the day we think of the Lord riding into Jerusalem in triumph. That Garden must have been mayhem but Jesus was in control. Verse 4 "knowing all things that should come upon him." Nothing took him by surprise The disciples were disturbed about the crowd. They needed to feed the 50o0 one day and Philip came to Jesus and asked how they could feed such a crowd. Jesus himself knew what he would do but he was testing them at that moment in time. God is still in control. We need to keep pressing on towards the mark that is set before us.
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