Sunday, 3 April 2022

Seek ye first the kingdom of God




This passage is found as part of the Sermon on the Mount.  Verse 33 has been our text for the past couple of weeks “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”  As we go through difficult and discouraging times, we see tragedies all around us.  The war in the world and the hunger associated with it.  There are decisions to be made by ourselves.  We have rising costs in supermarkets and fuel depots.  Heating oil – how much can we really afford? Gas prices are going up, households are left in a dilemma of whether to heat their homes or put food on their tables.  Then we are told that later this year the charges will go up again. We find ourselves in this situation of worry and concern and anxiety.  Looking at this wonderful promise we read “but seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  That is the advice Jesus gave to his own disciples.  As we look out into this dark and discouraging day we are told to “seek first the Lord.”  The Lord has in mind “these things” verse 32 – twice it is repeated and once again in verse 33 “and all these things”.  The Lord knows what these things are.  He knows exactly what we need today.

The things that are sought.  Jesus is very clear in his teaching to his disciples following after him.  He seeks to bring this sermon to them.  He knows their anxiety, the worry that is on their minds.  He also sees the danger in their lives.  This is not a flippant exercise but serious.  “Get your eyes on the kingdom of God where the Lord reigneth, where he alone maketh intercession for us, where he distributes all the good and perfect gifts necessary for our lives.”  Where are we looking today – to others?  The Psalmist made that mistake.  “I looked on my right hand and beheld, but there was no man that would know me; refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.” (Psalm 142 verse 4)  You and I will find people will forsake us but not the Lord.  What are you anxious about?  Be careful you do not get your eyes off the Lord today.  These are dark days.  Keep your eyes on the Lord today.  We are living in days when Christians are falling away, when they can attend a meeting or not if they so decide.  They are forsaking the house of God today.  Nehemiah was so effective in his day – he seen the walls of Jerusalem built and secured and the people were blessed as a result.  He returned some time later and asked “why is the house of God forsaken?” (Nehemiah 13 verse 11)  They had allowed things to creep in again that prevented them from attending the house of God.  When the Lord returns to this earth will he find faith?  In Mark 8 verse 36 Jesus says man’s aim is to gain the whole world in terms of land, estates and money but in doing so gets his eyes off the Lord.  The disciples were questioning why if they had left all to follow Jesus how would they be fed or clothed.  Jesus tells us not to worry about those things because he will supply all of them.  Verse 32 comes with a challenge.  “The Gentiles seek after these things.”  Jesus meant the sinners of the world.  You have a heavenly Father who can supply them.  Your heavenly Father loves and cares for you.  These people seek after the things of the world.  You don’t have to do that.  In Luke 12 we read the parable of the rich farmer.  He worked his land so well that nothing would prevent him from having a good harvest.  The first thing that came to his mind when he saw the crop was that he needed bigger barns so he decided to pull them down and build bigger ones then he would have enough to take things easy for the rest of his life.  God said of him “thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee.  Then what will you do?”    The reason the Lord told that parable was because there was a young man in the crowd that day.  He sat and listened to the Lord preaching about heaven and hell.  This young man sat and listened to all Jesus had to say but there was only one question on his mind.  He had come into a situation where he and his brother had inherited something but he didn’t get the equal share.  He wanted Jesus to step into the situation.  Why?  After hearing what Jesus had said – why did he ask Jesus to do this?  He was only worried about his immediate wealth.  He was blinded by the god of this world.  The rich farmer had done so much but he went out into God’s eternity as a pauper.  All he had on his mind was what he could get out of this world.  How does anyone leave a meeting without being saved?  They are blinded by the god of this world.  Jesus told that young man “take heed, beware of covetousness for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of things which you possesseth.” (Luke 12 verse 15)


The things that are specific.  “for your heavenly Father knoweth that  ye have need of these things.”  The disciples were concerned and rightly so.  How would they manage for food and clothing?  God knows our need, the things we are worried about.  We worry about food, clothes, family, homes and there is no harm in worrying.  It is when we get over anxious.  Jesus spoke of the parable of the seed being sown into the ground.  The weeds choke the seed.  The weeds represent anxiety and worry.  We worry about things.  We cannot improve the situation but the Lord says leave it to me.  Paul reported on a time in Thessalonica when there were certain things he needed.  No-one knew what he needed only he and God.  God stirred up that little church at Philippi to send him gifts.  Paul said in chapter 4 “my God shall supply all your needs in Christ Jesus.”  God knew what was coming behind in their lives because of their love for God.  He knew that they hadn’t a superabundance of money but rather put God first in their lives.  They were able to send a gift to supply Paul’s need.  The widow woman of Zarephath had enough to make one meal but she put God first.  She agreed to feed the prophet first because God had asked her to do that.  Think of the 5000 who followed Jesus on the mountain side.  One little lad was brought out with his lunch.  Andrew even questioned how much it was among so many.  God used it to feed the multitude that day.  The little I can do in God’s hand is mighty.  We will always have the specific necessities of things but we need to put God first.


The things that are sufficient.  “all these things shall be added unto you.”  As you spend time putting God first they will be added unto you.  In that knowledge Jesus was teaching a desire for contentment.  You don’t have to worry about these things but your heavenly Father knoweth you have need of it.  As you rise each day God knows what you need for that day.  1 Timothy “and having food and raiment let us therewith content.”  You have a relationship with Christ.  A time when you came and trusted him as your Saviour and Lord.  He came into your heart and life, forgave you of your sins.  Keep your eyes on him and that will be enough.  “For the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” (1 Timothy 6 verse 10)  “Flee these things, and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.”  Hebrews – written to a people who had professed faith in Christ and the battle is on.  People are at the point of giving up – “be content with such things as ye have for he hath for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” (Hebrews 13 verse 5)  Remember what Paul and Silas did in the prison house – they lifted their voices to God in praise.  They were content in their circumstances.


The things that are supplied – note it says “all these things”.  All is from God’s abundant hand.  Remember that widow woman – what did she think as she lifted that cruise of oil?  She had to borrow all the vessels but as she started to pour what was she thinking?  The only time she couldn’t pour any longer was when she ran out of vessels.  Peter asked Jesus one day about the taxes they had to pay.  Jesus told him to go down and catch a fish.  In the mouth of the fish was the coin needed to pay for the taxes.  What an amazing, wonderful God we have today!


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