Sunday, 17 April 2022

Mary Magdalene and the Empty Tomb

JOHN 20 VERSES 1 - 14

We are turning our thoughts to the empty tomb, the proof of the resurrection.  What does it mean to you?  Let's look through the eyes of Mary Magdalene, a solitary figure standing here.  She wasn't the only one there because there were others no doubt.  She is left pondering her life, contemplating what this is before her eyes.  She is gazing into the tomb with tears in her eyes and her heart is broken.  They have taken away her master and she doesn't know where he is.  What does the empty tomb mean to you in this year 2022?  In a society moving so fast and quickly, with so many things to draw us from the word of God.  1 Corinthians 15 speaks of the foundation of the gospel. "Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.  And that he was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures."  Think of our reaction as we gaze into this empty tomb today.

Mary and her work.  This woman had dedicated her life to follow the Lord Jesus and gave her substance to him.  She was ready and willing to give her all to her Lord.  Out of her life were cast 7 demons from hell itself.  From the day Jesus delivered her she was totally transformed and she gave of her life to him.  We don't know the mess that she was in, the torment that she felt.  We don't know the evil she had to endure or was involved in.  We know nothing of the sickness in her body but there was a day in her life when the Lord delivered her from these demons.  Isn't that a wonderful day to look back on?  She came into contact with the Lord, when those demons were told to leave her body for ever.  Isn't it wonderful to look back on a day when we were made new creatures in Christ?  When those chains and fetters that held us have been snapped  and we have been set free.  When those demons were cast out from her.  Are we still following as closely as that day when we bowed the knee, took the Lord as Saviour and Lord, realised that we had sinned and come short of God's glory, that heaven would never be my home, accepted what Christ did for us on the cross and he saved us?  Are we still walking as closely to him today or are we like Peter walking afar off?  Paul said of his conversion, of what it meant to him, to trust the one who died on the cross and rose again. "I am a debtor, I cannot enjoy this salvation and not tell others."  Mary was dedicated to following after Christ and following after him wholeheartedly.  She was so thankful.  Are we giving God our time, our talents to him today?  This woman did not believe in any of these easy believism beliefs we see today.  The Christian life can be a tough journey today.  As we gaze into the empty tomb it should remind us of what Christ has done for us and what he gave for us.  As I look on Calvary I see his pain and suffering that he endured.  As I look at the empty tomb I see the peace and sufficiency for me.  Remember when Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisees house and the woman began to wash and wipe Jesus' feet with her hair, then kissed him repeatedly.  The Pharisee was furious.  He began to think within himself "if this man knew who this woman was he would not allow her to do this."  Jesus knew what he was thinking and said to him "you gave me no water to wash my feet but this woman washed my feet with her tears.  You did not give me a kiss of acceptance but she has not stopped kissing me."  She has been delivered from much and she has been forgiven much.  You have been forgiven little and love little as a result.  The demonic that Jesus healed - remembered how much he had been delivered from and he wanted to go with Jesus and serve him.  Jesus told him instead to go back into his own village, his home, his own family and tell them of the great things he had done for him.  He wouldn't have had to do very much because his whole life was evidence of the change in his ife.  He had previously had to leave his home because of his violence but now he was at peace.  There are many ways to serve God today but are we serving him?  Are we following as closely as we once were?  The fishermen forsook everything, they left their nets to follow the Lord.

How Mary watched.  She is watching throughout her walk with him.  She was giving her substance.  She was ready to see a need and give of that need whatever it was.  She was there alongside the others.  She watched at the cross, sitting while those nails were driven into Jesus' hands and feet.  She was there when that crown of thorns was placed on his brow.  She heard the ridicule and slander all around.  She watched it all.  She watched Nicodemus and Joseph taking Jesus down from the cross and carrying him into the tomb.  Here we find her again on the third day at the tomb.  She is come to anoint the body of Jesus.  Mary was doing this out of a heart that was so thankful.  The woman in the Pharisees house was so thankful.  Mary was so thankful for Jesus had cast out 7 demons.  She was not one of those today who having put their hand to the plough then take it away again.  her hand never came off the plough.  She was there through it all, in his ministry at the cross and at the tomb once again.  Are we watching what is happening around us today?  Paul in the prison cell, his mind was working overtime.  He was thinking of the difficult and hard times from the day he was saved on the Damascus road.  He could have walked away but he didn't do it.  "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4 verse 7)  We live in a world where it is easy to put our hand up in a meeting and believe we are saved.  People are told not to worry about consecration or sanctification.  The Lord wants to do great things in your life.  He will do it all for you.  When the road gets difficult the old plough is forgotten.  Demas left it, he went back into the world, he loved the pleasures of the world.  For John Mark when the going got difficult he walked away.  Mary watched Jesus on the cross.  Are you watching?  Are you working?  Is that what the empty tomb means to us today?

Mary wept.  "She stood without at the sepulchre."  She stooped down and looked into the sepulchre.  She was sharing in the ministry Christ displayed.  She is weeping over the results of sin.  She is looking into the tomb, the body of Christ is not there.  Jesus paid the price of sin on the cross when he died for our sins.  She is weeping over his death because of the sinful life of many.  When was the last time I wept over the sin of my family?  Jesus made his way trimphantly into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  The people cast their clothes down in front of him, they cut down palm leaves.  They were glad to see him and welcomed him  When Jesus beheld the city he wept over it.  He could see something they could not see.  This was their day of visitation.  He wept because of the sin in their hearts.  Their minds were blinded.  See him standing at the grave of Lazarus as he weeps.  He was weeping at the consequences of sin.  Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." (James 1 verse 15) This woman was weeping at the results of sin.  When you look at your family do you see those who are lost in their sin - are you weeping for that sin?  

Mary waited - John 20 verse 11 "she stood without weeping."  She was willing to wait at the sepulchre.  Peter and John ran into the sepulchre, looked all around and then left.  As we think of the resurrected Saviour how will we leave today?  As if nothing happened?  Mary didn't do that.  She waited and as she did so the Lord comes to her.  She was thinking of what it all meant.  Remember Thomas - he stayed away from the disciples one night and Jesus came into their midst.  He missed the opportunity to meet with Jesus.  Peter and John ran to the tomb, looked all around and went home again.  They missed Jesus coming to Mary.  Thomas missed the blessing of meeting with Christ.  We never know the moment when Jesus will step into our midst and pour out his blessing on our lives.  Are we waiting for it today?  Praying for a revival to come?  Imagine if it came in a day when we decided to miss the meeting.  What a tragedy - for God to come as he did to the room of disciples and we are not there.  There is blessing for those who are prepared to wait.

Mary worshipped - verse 16.  She turned herself and saith unto him Rabboni; which is to say, Master."  Does the cross and the empty tomb put our lives into perspective?

Mary witnessed - verse 18 "Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and that he had spoken these things unto her."
What does the empty tomb mean to us today?  Are we going out to tell others as a result of the empty tomb? 

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