20 MARCH 2022 pm
ACTS 3 VERSES 1 – 11
We see this was a
wonderful day in the experience of this man.
This was a day like any other for him.
He was carried to the place at the Beautiful Gate at the temple. It would not end like any other day
though. He would normally have been
carried back to his home in the evening time by his friends. On this occasion what a transformation. We are told he was not only walking but
leaping and singing and praising God.
His family life would be transformed.
All lives can be changed because of what God has done. Have you ever had that experience? A moment in your life when you bowed your
knee at the foot of the cross, heard the gospel, how God’s son came into the
world, died on the cross of Calvary for you?
This man was 40 years of age. He
had never walked before. Let’s look at
that transformation.
The provident hand
of God in this man’s life. I believe
that this is the very first step in God’s salvation in bringing you to
himself. It is not something we could
have manufactured. It is God who draws
you to himself. This man is being
carried by friends every day just to beg money from people who passed bt. He couldn’t walk because he had no strength
in his feet and ankle bones. These
people set him down as easily as they possibly could. These friends can do so much to relieve his suffering,
but they couldn’t save. Two of God’s
servants are going to come that way. This
was the hand of God. God has brought you
here that you might be totally transformed, changed. To hear of the gospel of saving grace, to
hear of the one who bore your sins on Calvary.
How often we would have put this incident down to coincidence? It is not mustered up by church ministry or
anything of man, not of any denomination.
God begins to open up your heart and mind, to see the sin we have been
born with, brings that convicting hand of God on us. There is always the unseen element working in
God’s salvation. Lydia in Acts 16 was in
Philippi on a particular Sabbath day when a prayer meeting was taking
place. The woman in John 4 came out to
the well to fill her water pot just as she had done every other day. Jesus was waiting at the well for her. God was working in that life. Think of the woman with the issue of blood. On the street that day Jesus met Jairus. He had a daughter that was sick. Jesus agreed to go with Jairus to his
house. This woman with the issue of
blood just happened to be on the same street that day. She reached forth her hand and touched the
hem of his garment and was gloriously healed.
Have you ever experienced the provident hand of God in your life?
The patience that
is demonstrated. Peter and John were
making their way to the temple. It was
the hour of prayer. They were obedient
to that time. They saw this man and
stopped with him. They saw the
need. It is important to be in the place
of prayer, setting time aside for the Lord.
This man needs to hear a message.
We might not meet a man begging.
I wonder have we given time to someone who needs to hear the word of
God? In Acts 8 we can see the provident
hand of God in Philip’s life but also see his patience. He was brought from Jerusalem to Samaria then
down the road to meet an Ethiopian eunuch.
Philip was seeing great things being done in Samaria but then the Spirit
of God comes and tells him to go down the desert road to Gaza. He didn’t question it. He set aside everything that he was doing
just to follow God. See him standing
there watching those chariots, focused on one man thinking deeply about his
soul. Have we ever thought deeply of our
soul? What claim will Jesus make on your
life today? That he should allow you
into heaven? He asks, “what have you
done with my son.?” He loved you so much
that he sent his Son to die for your sins.
What have you done with him? Will
you stand one day and say, “I didn’t need your son, I was a good person, I
belonged to a church, did so many things.”
This Ethiopian was sitting in his chariot was concerned about his
soul. Philip was patient and listened to
him. Philip asked if he understood what
he was reading. The man replied, “how
can I unless someone explain it to me?”
Philip stopped everything he was doing, stepped into the chariot and presented
unto him Christ.” One soul – so important
to God. We can never imagine how
important our souls are to God. He
sacrificed his son for your soul.
The presentation that
was made. In John 4 when he went through
Samaria there was one woman whose soul was in danger of being lost. The patience he had for the soul. Are you too busy today? Peter and John in verse 6 came to where this
man was lying at the gate. They stopped
and said “silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I unto you. In the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk.” They had nothing to give but Jesus. These 2 disciples had the answer to this man’s
plight. It would have been easy to be big
headed. Great things were happening on
the streets of Jerusalem. 3000 were
saved but now they are only working with 1 man, a beggar. He could have said he didn’t have time for
this one but not Peter. He presented the
gospel. This man was actually turning
Jerusalem upside down with the doctrine of saving faith, yet they had time to
stop with one man and tell him about the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you had time as a Christian believer to stop? Did you make time to stop and tell someone
about the Lord Jesus today? Peter could
have easily said “look I don’t have time to stop” but he didn’t. Chapter 4 verse 7 when both were before the
ruling body, they told them it was in the name of Jesus that he was healed. They assured this man of who Jesus was. These 2 men knew what this man needed to
hear. This man needed God. We dare not miss the gospel or the
presentation of it in our preaching for it is the power of God unto
salvation. “For the preaching of the cross
is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power
of God.” (1 Corinthians 1 verse 18) If you
are going to be saved you need to come by the way of the cross.
The power that was
experienced – verse 16 Peter explains it was the man’s faith that saved. This man realised Jesus could do something
for him. He reaches out his hand and
Peter lifts him to his feet. The power
of God transformed this man’s life. He
had to do something for himself. We can
hear the claims of the gospel night after night, day in day out but unless we
take that step, we will never experience the power of God in our lives.
The praise that
arose. Everyone could see this man was changed. 5000 people were saved as a result of this
healing that day.
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