20 VERSES 19 TO 31
a difference a week makes! Verse 10 “Then
the disciples went away again unto their own home.” They had turned from the tomb and went
home. Mary was different – she waited
and had a wonderful experience. She saw
the risen Saviour. A real meeting with
the Lord that day. Peter and John missed
it. Thomas also missed out on a meeting
a short time later. He didn’t gather
with the disciples on that first Lord’s Day.
Let’s look at some lessons from a missed meeting.
learned about the failure in his attempts – verse 24 “But Thomas, one of the twelve,
called Didymus (meaning twin), was not with them when Jesus came.” It was a costly error for him. The disciples gathered together. Imagine what it was like. They went into the Upper Room, closed the
doors behind them and turned the locks.
They sat around talking about what had happened. Their master had been taken from them. For 3 years they sat with him, walked with
him, talked with him, ate with him but now he was gone. They were afraid of what might happen now their
master had been crucified on the cross – what would the leaders do to
them? Imagine them making that decision
to come together and discuss all that had happened – verse 19. “Then the same day … came Jesus and stood in
the midst and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.” But Thomas was not present. We don’t know why he missed the meeting. Some commentators are very critical of
Thomas. Things hadn’t gone the way they
had planned when they last gathered to share a meal together. The disciples noticed Judas leaving earlier
and were not sure why. Jesus takes them outside, through the brook Kidron and
into the Garden of Gethsemane. Then as
they sat in the garden, they could see the soldiers coming with their lanterns
and shouting. Again the disciples
wondered what it was all about, they don’t understand what is happening. Judas. there in front – why is he there? He is one of our friends, he had sat with
them, he had seen the miracles being done.
He came into the Garden and went straight to Jesus kissing him. The disciples see Jesus being arrested, being
manhandled out of the Garden by this mob.
Peter draws a sword and cuts off the ear of Malchus. Thomas cannot understand what is happening. Each of the disciples make their way away
from Christ. They have had enough. Thomas sees Peter following the mob, moving
to the Judgment Hall, denying the Lord.
Now he hears about this meeting of the disciples, but Thomas decides not
to go. The very meeting, he misses was
the meeting he needed. He found that out
in his failure to attend. He needed to
be where the Lord was. The Lord said, “where
2 or 3 are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst.” We are coming together as the people of God in
his name that the Lord should be in the midst – that is the purpose of meeting
together today. Thomas decided not to
go. In Acts 4 we see there was so much
going on that they came to their own company and began to pray. The disciples were concerned about Thomas. He missed out on the meeting with the Lord. The disciples were concerned about him that
they went out to look for him and tell him about that meeting with Christ – “We
have seen the Lord” Verse 25. The Lord
appeared in their midst, coming to where they were. We pray for God to break into our meeting, to
come in all his power but do we tell others about our meeting with the
Lord? The disciples didn’t talk about
how they met together but rather what happened in the meeting. This was a special meeting for the fact that
the Lord had come. Imagine if they had
met together and the Lord never came?
Thomas missed the meeting, and his faith was damaged, not because of
having the meeting without him or because of who was present but rather by the
presence of Jesus. Thomas wanted to see
the nail prints, to actually touch them – then he would be convinced. This was the same man who sat with Jesus when
he talked about going back to heaven.
Thomas had asked “how can we know the way?” The scriptures tell us about the missing of a
meeting. Hebrews 10 verse 25 explains
why we do come together – to encourage one another. That is the purpose of our coming together
today. We can be encouragers today, and God
can encourage us too. Thomas wasn’t
there and his faith was damaged as a result.
Our responsibility is our spiritual welfare. To be in the place where we are nurtured in
the things of God. Many have been
damaged as a result. For some long COVID
has affected them badly, physically and mentally. Many have been isolating, haven’t spoken to
anyone. Without regular attendance at
the fellowship our spiritual welfare declines.
There are those who have never come through COVID spiritually speaking. Now it is even easier to miss out altogether. There is no substitute to coming to the house
of God.
learned that his focus had changed. The focus
shifts from Jesus to Thomas. He is doing
what he wants to do. Now his desire is
to stay away from that meeting. It doesn’t
say for what reason. When we cut ourselves
off from the Lord self becomes more important, we forget about the Lord. It doesn’t happen instantly. It is a gradual decline. It becomes easier to miss the meeting. Our focus changes. Thomas had been a faithful follower of the Lord. In John 11 word came that Lazarus was
sick. Mary and Martha had sent word and
Jesus told the disciples later of his death.
Jesus decided to visit Mary and Martha, but the disciples questioned whether
he should go because the last time they were there the Jews wanted to stone
him. Look at what Thomas said in
response to that decision – “then said Thomas, which is called Didymus unto his
fellow disciples, let us go that we may die with him.” His focus now has shifted. He didn’t want to be present.
learned about the feature he had missed. He was
not going to miss the meeting now 8 days later.
He was present this time when Jesus came. Jesus stepped in and said, “Reach thither thy
finger and behold my hands and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my
side; and be not faithless but believing.”
Thomas immediately answered, “my Lord and my God”. It didn’t take him long to realise Jesus was
there in his very presence. The reality –
it didn’t matter where they met or how many were present, it was the presence
of Jesus that was important. In chapter
21 verse 2 we read that Thomas was present later when Jesus met them for
breakfast and again in Acts 1 verse 13 when they met to wait on the presence of
the Holy Spirit to come. We don’t read
why Thomas missed the first meeting, but we learn the lesson of a missed