Sunday, 24 April 2022

A missed meeting - "But Thomas ... was not with them when Jesus came."






What a difference a week makes!  Verse 10 “Then the disciples went away again unto their own home.”  They had turned from the tomb and went home.  Mary was different – she waited and had a wonderful experience.  She saw the risen Saviour.  A real meeting with the Lord that day.  Peter and John missed it.  Thomas also missed out on a meeting a short time later.  He didn’t gather with the disciples on that first Lord’s Day.  Let’s look at some lessons from a missed meeting.


Thomas learned about the failure in his attempts – verse 24 “But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus (meaning twin), was not with them when Jesus came.”  It was a costly error for him.  The disciples gathered together.  Imagine what it was like.  They went into the Upper Room, closed the doors behind them and turned the locks.  They sat around talking about what had happened.  Their master had been taken from them.  For 3 years they sat with him, walked with him, talked with him, ate with him but now he was gone.  They were afraid of what might happen now their master had been crucified on the cross – what would the leaders do to them?  Imagine them making that decision to come together and discuss all that had happened – verse 19.  “Then the same day … came Jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.”  But Thomas was not present.  We don’t know why he missed the meeting.  Some commentators are very critical of Thomas.  Things hadn’t gone the way they had planned when they last gathered to share a meal together.  The disciples noticed Judas leaving earlier and were not sure why. Jesus takes them outside, through the brook Kidron and into the Garden of Gethsemane.  Then as they sat in the garden, they could see the soldiers coming with their lanterns and shouting.  Again the disciples wondered what it was all about, they don’t understand what is happening.  Judas.  there in front – why is he there?  He is one of our friends, he had sat with them, he had seen the miracles being done.  He came into the Garden and went straight to Jesus kissing him.  The disciples see Jesus being arrested, being manhandled out of the Garden by this mob.  Peter draws a sword and cuts off the ear of Malchus.  Thomas cannot understand what is happening.  Each of the disciples make their way away from Christ.  They have had enough.  Thomas sees Peter following the mob, moving to the Judgment Hall, denying the Lord.  Now he hears about this meeting of the disciples, but Thomas decides not to go.  The very meeting, he misses was the meeting he needed.  He found that out in his failure to attend.  He needed to be where the Lord was.  The Lord said, “where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst.”  We are coming together as the people of God in his name that the Lord should be in the midst – that is the purpose of meeting together today.  Thomas decided not to go.  In Acts 4 we see there was so much going on that they came to their own company and began to pray.  The disciples were concerned about Thomas.  He missed out on the meeting with the Lord.  The disciples were concerned about him that they went out to look for him and tell him about that meeting with Christ – “We have seen the Lord” Verse 25.  The Lord appeared in their midst, coming to where they were.  We pray for God to break into our meeting, to come in all his power but do we tell others about our meeting with the Lord?  The disciples didn’t talk about how they met together but rather what happened in the meeting.  This was a special meeting for the fact that the Lord had come.  Imagine if they had met together and the Lord never came?  Thomas missed the meeting, and his faith was damaged, not because of having the meeting without him or because of who was present but rather by the presence of Jesus.  Thomas wanted to see the nail prints, to actually touch them – then he would be convinced.  This was the same man who sat with Jesus when he talked about going back to heaven.  Thomas had asked “how can we know the way?”  The scriptures tell us about the missing of a meeting.  Hebrews 10 verse 25 explains why we do come together – to encourage one another.  That is the purpose of our coming together today.  We can be encouragers today, and God can encourage us too.  Thomas wasn’t there and his faith was damaged as a result.  Our responsibility is our spiritual welfare.  To be in the place where we are nurtured in the things of God.  Many have been damaged as a result.  For some long COVID has affected them badly, physically and mentally.  Many have been isolating, haven’t spoken to anyone.  Without regular attendance at the fellowship our spiritual welfare declines.  There are those who have never come through COVID spiritually speaking.  Now it is even easier to miss out altogether.  There is no substitute to coming to the house of God.


Thomas learned that his focus had changed.  The focus shifts from Jesus to Thomas.  He is doing what he wants to do.  Now his desire is to stay away from that meeting.  It doesn’t say for what reason.  When we cut ourselves off from the Lord self becomes more important, we forget about the Lord.  It doesn’t happen instantly.  It is a gradual decline.  It becomes easier to miss the meeting.  Our focus changes.  Thomas had been a faithful follower of the Lord.  In John 11 word came that Lazarus was sick.  Mary and Martha had sent word and Jesus told the disciples later of his death.  Jesus decided to visit Mary and Martha, but the disciples questioned whether he should go because the last time they were there the Jews wanted to stone him.  Look at what Thomas said in response to that decision – “then said Thomas, which is called Didymus unto his fellow disciples, let us go that we may die with him.”  His focus now has shifted.  He didn’t want to be present.


Thomas learned about the feature he had missed.  He was not going to miss the meeting now 8 days later.  He was present this time when Jesus came.  Jesus stepped in and said, “Reach thither thy finger and behold my hands and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless but believing.”  Thomas immediately answered, “my Lord and my God”.  It didn’t take him long to realise Jesus was there in his very presence.  The reality – it didn’t matter where they met or how many were present, it was the presence of Jesus that was important.  In chapter 21 verse 2 we read that Thomas was present later when Jesus met them for breakfast and again in Acts 1 verse 13 when they met to wait on the presence of the Holy Spirit to come.  We don’t read why Thomas missed the first meeting, but we learn the lesson of a missed meeting!

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Mary Magdalene and the Empty Tomb

JOHN 20 VERSES 1 - 14

We are turning our thoughts to the empty tomb, the proof of the resurrection.  What does it mean to you?  Let's look through the eyes of Mary Magdalene, a solitary figure standing here.  She wasn't the only one there because there were others no doubt.  She is left pondering her life, contemplating what this is before her eyes.  She is gazing into the tomb with tears in her eyes and her heart is broken.  They have taken away her master and she doesn't know where he is.  What does the empty tomb mean to you in this year 2022?  In a society moving so fast and quickly, with so many things to draw us from the word of God.  1 Corinthians 15 speaks of the foundation of the gospel. "Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.  And that he was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures."  Think of our reaction as we gaze into this empty tomb today.

Mary and her work.  This woman had dedicated her life to follow the Lord Jesus and gave her substance to him.  She was ready and willing to give her all to her Lord.  Out of her life were cast 7 demons from hell itself.  From the day Jesus delivered her she was totally transformed and she gave of her life to him.  We don't know the mess that she was in, the torment that she felt.  We don't know the evil she had to endure or was involved in.  We know nothing of the sickness in her body but there was a day in her life when the Lord delivered her from these demons.  Isn't that a wonderful day to look back on?  She came into contact with the Lord, when those demons were told to leave her body for ever.  Isn't it wonderful to look back on a day when we were made new creatures in Christ?  When those chains and fetters that held us have been snapped  and we have been set free.  When those demons were cast out from her.  Are we still following as closely as that day when we bowed the knee, took the Lord as Saviour and Lord, realised that we had sinned and come short of God's glory, that heaven would never be my home, accepted what Christ did for us on the cross and he saved us?  Are we still walking as closely to him today or are we like Peter walking afar off?  Paul said of his conversion, of what it meant to him, to trust the one who died on the cross and rose again. "I am a debtor, I cannot enjoy this salvation and not tell others."  Mary was dedicated to following after Christ and following after him wholeheartedly.  She was so thankful.  Are we giving God our time, our talents to him today?  This woman did not believe in any of these easy believism beliefs we see today.  The Christian life can be a tough journey today.  As we gaze into the empty tomb it should remind us of what Christ has done for us and what he gave for us.  As I look on Calvary I see his pain and suffering that he endured.  As I look at the empty tomb I see the peace and sufficiency for me.  Remember when Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisees house and the woman began to wash and wipe Jesus' feet with her hair, then kissed him repeatedly.  The Pharisee was furious.  He began to think within himself "if this man knew who this woman was he would not allow her to do this."  Jesus knew what he was thinking and said to him "you gave me no water to wash my feet but this woman washed my feet with her tears.  You did not give me a kiss of acceptance but she has not stopped kissing me."  She has been delivered from much and she has been forgiven much.  You have been forgiven little and love little as a result.  The demonic that Jesus healed - remembered how much he had been delivered from and he wanted to go with Jesus and serve him.  Jesus told him instead to go back into his own village, his home, his own family and tell them of the great things he had done for him.  He wouldn't have had to do very much because his whole life was evidence of the change in his ife.  He had previously had to leave his home because of his violence but now he was at peace.  There are many ways to serve God today but are we serving him?  Are we following as closely as we once were?  The fishermen forsook everything, they left their nets to follow the Lord.

How Mary watched.  She is watching throughout her walk with him.  She was giving her substance.  She was ready to see a need and give of that need whatever it was.  She was there alongside the others.  She watched at the cross, sitting while those nails were driven into Jesus' hands and feet.  She was there when that crown of thorns was placed on his brow.  She heard the ridicule and slander all around.  She watched it all.  She watched Nicodemus and Joseph taking Jesus down from the cross and carrying him into the tomb.  Here we find her again on the third day at the tomb.  She is come to anoint the body of Jesus.  Mary was doing this out of a heart that was so thankful.  The woman in the Pharisees house was so thankful.  Mary was so thankful for Jesus had cast out 7 demons.  She was not one of those today who having put their hand to the plough then take it away again.  her hand never came off the plough.  She was there through it all, in his ministry at the cross and at the tomb once again.  Are we watching what is happening around us today?  Paul in the prison cell, his mind was working overtime.  He was thinking of the difficult and hard times from the day he was saved on the Damascus road.  He could have walked away but he didn't do it.  "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4 verse 7)  We live in a world where it is easy to put our hand up in a meeting and believe we are saved.  People are told not to worry about consecration or sanctification.  The Lord wants to do great things in your life.  He will do it all for you.  When the road gets difficult the old plough is forgotten.  Demas left it, he went back into the world, he loved the pleasures of the world.  For John Mark when the going got difficult he walked away.  Mary watched Jesus on the cross.  Are you watching?  Are you working?  Is that what the empty tomb means to us today?

Mary wept.  "She stood without at the sepulchre."  She stooped down and looked into the sepulchre.  She was sharing in the ministry Christ displayed.  She is weeping over the results of sin.  She is looking into the tomb, the body of Christ is not there.  Jesus paid the price of sin on the cross when he died for our sins.  She is weeping over his death because of the sinful life of many.  When was the last time I wept over the sin of my family?  Jesus made his way trimphantly into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  The people cast their clothes down in front of him, they cut down palm leaves.  They were glad to see him and welcomed him  When Jesus beheld the city he wept over it.  He could see something they could not see.  This was their day of visitation.  He wept because of the sin in their hearts.  Their minds were blinded.  See him standing at the grave of Lazarus as he weeps.  He was weeping at the consequences of sin.  Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." (James 1 verse 15) This woman was weeping at the results of sin.  When you look at your family do you see those who are lost in their sin - are you weeping for that sin?  

Mary waited - John 20 verse 11 "she stood without weeping."  She was willing to wait at the sepulchre.  Peter and John ran into the sepulchre, looked all around and then left.  As we think of the resurrected Saviour how will we leave today?  As if nothing happened?  Mary didn't do that.  She waited and as she did so the Lord comes to her.  She was thinking of what it all meant.  Remember Thomas - he stayed away from the disciples one night and Jesus came into their midst.  He missed the opportunity to meet with Jesus.  Peter and John ran to the tomb, looked all around and went home again.  They missed Jesus coming to Mary.  Thomas missed the blessing of meeting with Christ.  We never know the moment when Jesus will step into our midst and pour out his blessing on our lives.  Are we waiting for it today?  Praying for a revival to come?  Imagine if it came in a day when we decided to miss the meeting.  What a tragedy - for God to come as he did to the room of disciples and we are not there.  There is blessing for those who are prepared to wait.

Mary worshipped - verse 16.  She turned herself and saith unto him Rabboni; which is to say, Master."  Does the cross and the empty tomb put our lives into perspective?

Mary witnessed - verse 18 "Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and that he had spoken these things unto her."
What does the empty tomb mean to us today?  Are we going out to tell others as a result of the empty tomb? 

Sunday, 10 April 2022

What shall I do with Jesus?




Pilate has to pass judgment on Jesus Christ.  He asks an important question, a question we must also come face to face with in our lifetime.  The crowd wanted rid of Jesus  They asked for Barabbas to be released and Jesus be crucified.  The important question - "what shall I do with Jesus which is called Christ?"  Before you step out into God's great eternity what are you going to do with Christ?  Jesus was brought first to Annas then Caiaphas and then Herod.  Finally he came to Pilate.

The encounter Pilate had - verse 11 "and Jesus stood before the governor."  He could have called the angels from heaven to take him back to his father's side but he didn't.  He set his face to go to that cross.  Jesus said "if I be lifted up I will draw all men to myself."  Every one of us was lost in our sin, on our way to a Christless eternity.  "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life."  A gift to us - eternal life.  This man was having a privileged interview with Jesus.  He was standing before him.  "Where 2 or 3 are gathered together there am I in the midst."  The bible says the Lord himself said "behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in."  He wants to be your Saviour, he died for you.  Until you accept that word you will never know Christ for yourself personally.  Jesus had been arrested, questioned by the religious leaders and rejected by them.  Pilate was advised of the situation.  He was watching everything very carefully.  He had heard of his preaching and teaching, heard of his miracles, how the blind were given back their sight, how the lame were able to walk again.  He even heard of those who had been raised to life again.  Now was his opportunity to meet him.  He realised he must make a decision now at this moment.  We are looking at the one who came into the world, the sinless Lamb of God, taken and was made sacrifice for sin for you and me.  We stand in Pilate's shoes and we must answer the question "what am I going to do with Jesus?" The Christian life begins with an encounter with Jesus Christ.  It does not begin in a home were all the family is saved.  It does not begin there.  The Christian life does not begin with a church membership, where you sign your name on a piece of paper and you become a Christian.  Christianity begins with an encounter with Jesus.  The realisation of who I am, what I have done but what Jesus had done for us.  The centurion at the cross said "surely this was the Son of God."  Christianity does not begin at a communion table but with an encounter with Christ.  Remember Zacchaeus who had a real encounter with Jesus.  He had heard a lot about him.  One day he had heard Jesus was coming to Jericho.  He wanted to see him and hear more about him.  There is no point in coming into a church to find out more about a denomination but rather hearing more about Jesus himself.  Zacchaeus ran down the street and got up in the sycamore tree.  The Lord knew he was there.  He called his very name.  He knew where he was at hiding in the tree.  The Lord knows all about you, where you stand with Christ, whether you are one of his or a backslider or even one of his own and obeying him.  Jesus stopped with Zacchaeus at that tree and told him to come down because he wanted to go to his house that day.  Jesus met with Zacchaeus.  He was a changed man that day.  There were those who despised Zacchaeus from then on.  Remember the story with Matthew, another tax collector who gathered the taxes for the Roman authorities.  Jesus told him to follow him and he left all to follow Christ there and then.

The evidence that was present.  This man had a mighty decision to make.  When you have such a decision to make you need evidence to point you in the right direction.  Pilate addressed the crowd but there was no-one to help .  He thought the crowd would pick Barabbas because he was an evil man but the crowd called out for Jesus, the innocent one.  Maybe you are concerned about your soul.  Maybe you are backslidden, cold at heart.  Maybe you are not even saved, not ready for heaven tonight.  Maybe you are considering what you shall do.  You are asking others, debating with them whether to get saved or not.  Maybe you are saying "I have pondered over this question".  Pilate looked to 5 different pieces of evidence.  First to Judas - he had betrayed Jesus.  Why?  For a few pieces of silver.  Conviction overtook him afterwards and he threw the money back.  "I have betrayed innocent blood."  Did Pilate hear about this?  His wife was the other evidence.  She told him "have nothing to do with this just man, I have suffered many things this day by way of a dream because of him."  Herod himself told him "I find nothing worthy of death in this man whatsoever."  Pilate looked to the crowd and asked "what do you want me to do?"  They cried "crucify him".  Finally Pilate looked to his own conscience and said "I find no fault in this man"  You could look at others and find so may faults but none in Christ.  It is him you want to trust in tonight.  This man had the benefit of all this evidence.  It didn't matter what any of these pieces of evidence showed him.  He had to make a decision for himself.

The error he makes.  Pilate knew the season was the Passover and that a prisoner would be released.  Barabbas was brought in.  He asked the crowd who they would choose.  The crowd cried out for Barabbas to be released.  He was left with Jesus and the question - "what shall I do with Jesus?"  He knew he had something to do - himself - personally.  You have to do one of 2 things tonight.  Will you say "no my church is good enough, God will not prevent me from getting into heaven because of all the works I have done in my lifetime."

The expression he makes.  Pilate surrenders to the crowd.  He hands Christ over to be crucified.  Then he calls for water and dips his hands in to the water and washes his hands.  Verse 24.  Water would never erase the mistakes he made on this day.  He would remember this day down through the ages of eternity forever.  Will you take the Lord or reject him again? 

The night of Jesus' betrayal



JOHN 18 VERSES 1 - 14

Jesus and his disciples make their way to this Garden.  It was the night of the great betrayal, when the religious society would turn their backs on the Lord.  Verse 4 the events we look at today didn't take the Lord by surprise but the disciples stood aghast at what was happening.  They couldn't understand what was going on.  Circumstances changed so quickly for them.  They had entered into the Garden and all was calm, within an hour everything was changed.  How quickly that can happen in our own situations, in our families, in our homes, in our country.  We know not what a day may bring forth.  How do we deal with that?

Here was a terrifying time for the disciples.  If you had asked any one of them, I am sure they would have spoken of the fear that gripped their hearts, never experienced it before.  I want us to look through their eyes and see what was happening.  We have the privilege of knowing the end of the scene but the disciples didn't.  They were going through this whole situation without that benefit.  As Jesus led them in to the Garden it was a tranquil time of prayer, a peaceful place that they could meet together and Jesus gets down to pray.  Matthew 26 verse 36 "then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane and saith unto the disciples sit ye here while I go and pray yonder"  This was a place where Jesus often went to - verse 2.  The enemy knew where Jesus would be with his disciples.  They were there to pray.  Satan knows those quiet places.  That place where you meet with the Lord and will do everything in his power to prevent you doing that, to disturb the peace.  Whenever you get down to the word of God and a time of prayer the devil has his spies, he knows exactly what you are trying to do and will prevent you from succeeding in prayer.  Daniel prayed for 21 days before the angel came to him and said "for from the first day that you set your heart ot understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard." (Daniel 10 verse 12)  We need to ensure that Satan does not have a foothold in our fellowship and in our lives.  Such was the peace of the Garden that the disciples fell asleep.  Matthew 26 Judas allowed Satan to enter that tranquil place.  Paul writing to Timothy said "grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord."  You and I as believers we need that mercy and grace every day to walk and be strengthened but more than anything we need the peace that passeth all understanding.  Paul brought the elders out of Ephesus, his heart was troubled, he knew what would happen once he departed.  He told the elders to be careful and  be aware of what was coming.  He said "also of your own selves shall men arise." (Acts 20 verse 30)  These would not be strangers that would come in but from their own company.  The enemy would destroy the peace of the fellowship and divide it.  Would draw men out of the fellowship.  Here was peace in the garden when Jesus took his disciples to pray.  A place of safety and security but all of a sudden they saw the lanterns coming in the distance, could hear the riot chanting and cheering, coming with their swords and staffs.  The peace was interrupted.  Everything was disturbed.  How quickly circumstances changed.  Think of the life of Job.  Going about his normal days business, living life, he loved God, minded his own business but something was happening behind the scenes.  He didn't know anything about it.  He had fellowship with God.  He walked with God, He knew the peace of God.  Behind the scenes the devil had come into God's presence to accuse his servant.  "He is the accuser of the brethren." (Revelation 12 verse 20)  He tries to turn you from God.  "Satan hath desired to have you but I have prayed for you" Jesus told Peter one day.  Job in a matter of hours was brought down from being a wealthy rich man, from being healthy and prosperous until he had nothing left.  The devil took it all away, left him crumbling.  He didn't know what was happening.  Remember the disciples in the little boat.  When they set out on their journey across the lake everything was blue but suddenly a storm arose.  We need our faith in more than circumstances.  We need God to be the central one, to be the one we turn to.  Satan attacks us personally, in our families and in our fellowship.  Matthew 26  verses 56 "then all the disciples forsook him and fled."  It must have been a terrifying time on that boat.  They cried out "we are going to perish".

A troubled time.  While Jesus prayed and the disciples watched all they can see is the band of men coming into the Garden with their staffs and swords.  The band of men had instructions to arrest this trouble maker that disturbs the peace.  Fear gripped the disciples hearts.  When the disciples saw what was happening they were so afraid.  In John 14 Jesus said to his own disciples before he left this scene of time "Let not your hearts be troubled, ye believe in God believe also in me."  He was bringing soothing words in a terrifying experience.  Jesus spoke of his death.  He would go back to heaven but he told them of a peace he would leave with them.  "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you, let not your hearts be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me."  It takes the peace of God that passeth all understanding.  It is not something we can muster up.   A peace that can only be found when we trust fully in the Lord Jesus.  The disciples jumped to their own defense.  Peter drew a the sword  The bible tells us "lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6)  Paul said "let the peace of God rule in your hearts" (Colossians 3 verse 15)  Hebrews 12 verse 2 "looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith."   Sometimes we get our eyes on the trouble, like Peter who got his eyes on the waves when he stepped out of the boat.  When he cried out to the Lord it was only then that he got his eyes back on the Lord.  The disciples in the Garden saw the crowd coming down the hill.  Leading them was Judas.  I am sure they wondered when they saw him.  They had eaten with this man, shared fellowship with him, prayed with him, seen miracles performed with him.  What was happening now?  Judas wa a trusted friend yet he was ready to sell Jesus out.  The disciples saw the true heart of Judas that night.  Judas had been the disciple who took care of the money in the group.  A trusted friend but now the one to turn against them.  Spurgeon said "the kiss of the deceiver wounded our Lord's heart as much as the nails wounded his hands."

A testing time.  The disciples were wondering in themselves what they would do.  It is only in difficult times that we are really tested.  Peter's reaction was to defend himself.  Sometimes we try to do something similar.  Remember Paul and Silas in the prison house in Philppi.  They lifted their voices in praise and prayer to God.    Their friends were gone.  The people couldn't be reached.  They were in a a cold damp cell but they lifted their voices in praise to God.    Spurgeon said "we are not tried in the light but in the darkness. Anyone can sing when they see the hymn sheet but in the dark times that is where it counts."  Job could say in his dark times "though he slay me yet I will trust in him." (Job 13 verse 15)    Yes there were times when he did falter and had dark thoughts, sometimes he lost patience with his friends but his character stood the test.

Triumphant times.  The disciples didn't have to fight their way out.  The Lord has acquired our redemption today.  "It is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment." (Hebrews 9 verse 27) Jesus died to take that judgment away from us.  He has taken our place and died in our stead.  Jesus was still in control of this situation.  This is the day we think of the Lord riding into Jerusalem in triumph.  That Garden must have been mayhem but Jesus was in control.  Verse 4 "knowing all things that should come upon him."  Nothing took him by surprise  The disciples were disturbed about the crowd.  They needed to feed the 50o0 one day and Philip came to Jesus and asked how they could feed such a crowd.  Jesus himself knew what he would do but he was testing them at that moment in time.  God is still in control.  We need to keep pressing on towards the mark that is set before us.  

Monday, 4 April 2022

Who hath believed our report?





“Who hath believed our report?”  A question that could just be asked of any person of any age.  Isaiah is summing up his whole ministry and adds in the word “our”.  Jeremiah had a wonderful expression in chapter 7 verse 13 “I spake unto you, rising up early and speaking but ye heard not and  I called you but ye answered not.”  For Isaiah it is as if he is holding up his hands in despair yet he says “who hath believed our report?”  Souls are hanging in the balance tonight over this very question.  What have you done with this question?  “Who has believed the report” God has for them. 


This report speaks of a person – he points to a person in each verse time and time again.  He is coming back to a person.  He wants the people to focus and believe on the Lord himself.  Isaiah is saying “hearing is one thing but believing is another”.  Jesus as he addressed the disciples before he left them gave them a commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel.  “He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16 verse 16) These are the words from the lips of Christ.  As we hear the gospel of saving grace Jesus says “If you believe it you will be saved, if not you will be damned.”  John 3 verse 18 “He that believeth on him is not condemned.”  If you are in this meeting and you are saved, trusting in Christ for salvation you are not condemned, you have believed the report God has for you.  What about those who do not believe.  “He that believeth not is condemned already.”  Why – because you haven’t believed the gospel of saving grace.  People ask “is it not until you go to the other side and are condemned” – no you are condemned already.  The ostrich hides its head in the sand, he thinks he is in no danger.  So do sinners.  They close their eyes to the judgment of God here and now. The one who Isaiah speaks of in this passage has taken your judgment on the cross of Calvary, has suffered, bled and died that he might atone for your soul.  “The soul that sinneth shall die”. (Ezekiel 18 verse 20)  Jesus took that punishment of that one sinner and died – that one sinner is you and I.  How many times have you heard that report and not believed it?  The person is Jesus.


The punishment – “he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed.”  He was offered for us.  The shepherds outside Bethlehem believed the report the angels gave – “unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.”  They went and found the baby lying in a manger.  The wise men believed the report and came to worship the king.  Have you believed that report?  Think of the 2 on the road to Emmaus, making their way home from Jerusalem on the day of resurrection.  All that had taken place was on their minds.  They had watched him being crucified, then taken down from the cross and laid in the tomb.  On the third day he rose again.  They couldn’t comprehend it all.  Jesus drew near and he walked with them.  When he heard what was concerning them he said “O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.  Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and entered into his glory?”  Time and time again he took them back to his sufferings and death.  Do we believe on the person?  On the punishment?  The Son of God, the sinless Son of God was being punished for our deeds.  He took the penalty due to us when he died on the cross.  “For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life.”  We could speak of the teachings of Christ.  That was true for Nicodemus but they will never save your soul.  We could speak of the miracles of Jesus – just like Nicodemus himself said “no man can do these miracles except he be from Christ.”  What miracles they were – the lame walking again, the blind able to see, the dead being raised but none of them would save your soul.  What you need is to hear how Jesus suffered and died, how he took your sins on his body.  Remember the eunuch in Acts 8.  Philip saw him coming up from Jerusalem, sitting in his chariot reading the word of God from the same passage we read tonight.  Perhaps he had seen something in Jerusalem, witnessed something in that city.  He was reading this portion in his chariot, pondering on the suffering of this man in this passage.  The religious leaders would have taught him who this one was referring to.  Perhaps it was referring to Isaiah or Jeremiah.  The eunuch asked Philip “of whom speaketh he, of himself or another?”  Philip opened the scriptures and spoke of Jesus.  This is the suffering servant who died on the cross.  Isaiah paints this picture some 700 years before Jesus’ birth.  Do you see the person of Christ tonight?  Do you see the punishment he is bearing?


The purpose – “he was wounded for our transgressions.”  We are seeing here a substitute.  The eunuch could see someone who was standing in to be punished but he didn’t understand who it was.  Jesus stepped in and took our place  He stood in for you and I.  Whenever heavens door is open to us that is the only thing that will stand for eternity – that we trusted in the person of Jesus.  Pilate said of Jesus “I find no fault in this man.”  Judas when he had the coins in his hand said “I have denied the innocent blood of Jesus.”  God was preparing the eunuch’s heart.  The Holy Spirit was moving in his heart.  He was in an inquisitive mood.  It didn’t satisfy him.  He wanted more.  God was opening up his mind to the great truths, speaking to him, showing him his great need.  He is ready to open his heart and life when Philip came to him in his chariot.  Are you saved tonight for all eternity?


The pardon – the iniquity of us all was laid on him.  “He shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities.”  Jesus was mending the relationship I have with God.  Reconciled to God.  The relationship has been broken by sin.  In Acts 16 the jailer came before Paul and Silas and asked “what must I do to be saved.”  He realised something – he had to be saved. There was nothing he could do.  There is nothing you and I can do to be saved.  That man simply took Christ as Saviour.  Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life tonight?  That is the question you must answer.  An important question.  “Who hath believed our report?”  Have you believed in the person, the punishment and the pardon?  Are you saved by God’s grace? 

Sunday, 3 April 2022

The thief who rejected Christ



LUKE 23 VERSES 39 – 43

Jesus being led out to Calvary was unrecognisable as a human.  Simon from the crowd was brought out to bear the weight of the Saviour’s cross.  They were making their way up Golgotha.  3 crosses were standing erect.  Jesus was in the middle with 2 malefactors on either side.  One of those malefactors turned in his dying moments and trusted the Lord as his Saviour.  The second malefactor is the one we want to focus on tonight.  You don’t see this man crying out to the Lord.  We can draw our own conclusions at this point.  He went out into a Christless eternity.  The last moments in the life of this thief.  As I read this portion again, I asked myself – what does a man or woman have to reject, to go out into a Christless hell for all eternity?

Firstly, he must reject the scene that he watched.  Imagine him hanging there looking around the people gathered at this scene.  Not for one moment does he consider this is the Messiah come to seek and to save that which was lost.  Verse 39 “if thou be Christ” not the Christ “save thyself and us.”  He was more concerned about getting down from the cross itself.  How unlike the woman at the well.  She came out from her home.  It was the hottest part of the day.  She came to fill her water pot with water.  There she stopped at the well and entered into conversation with Jesus.  She found Christ that day.  When she went out to blaze around “come and see a man who told me all things whichever I did, is not this the Christ?” This man watched the scene before him.  Matthew 27 verse 36 “and sitting down they watched him there.”  The Roman centurion watched and guarded the cross, afraid that the disciples would come and take Jesus’ body.  John 3 verse 16 not in God’s mind to change things.  There was no escape now.  The plan was to suffer, die, be buried and rise again the third day.  The religious leaders gathered around watching as well.  At one point thought would be divine help from heaven.  Jesus was sufficient for our every need.  We need a Saviour not a teacher or a philosopher or a doctor.  Jesus came into the world.  On the cross he suffered and bled and died for your sin.  The Lord laid every sin on Christ that day.  It didn’t need any other intervention.  The woman were there, broken hearted.  The angels were waiting around the throne of heaven waiting for him to die.  Matthew 26 verses 53 and 54.  All eyes were transfixed around the hill of Calvary.  How often have we pondered on what Christ has done for us?  This man was in a privileged position.  He had not thought for Christ though.  Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and me.  He was buried and rose again on the third day.  He ever liveth to make intercession for us.

He rejected the word that he heard.  He turned his back on the scene before him but also to the words Jesus uttered to him.  As we listen to the word of God the Holy Spirit shows to your heart your need of Christ.  Did you repent of your sin?  Did you trust Christ?  Was there a change in your life?  Did you see a change?  Salvation is all about that.  The thief repented of his sin.  He turned from his sin and that day he accepted Christ as his Saviour. That day he went to be with Christ in heaven.  This man however turns his back on the words spoken that day.  The first words Jesus spoke were words of forgiveness.  His first prayer was “Father forgive them.”  This old thief would have heard from Jesus’ lips words of forgiveness.  This man would have heard words of compassion and assurance – “Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom today.”  Jesus told him “today thou shalt be with me in paradise.”  Jesus was looking at this thief and told him he would be in paradise.  The other thief turned his back on him.  Will you turn your back on God, to go to a Christless eternity?  Jesus called out “it is finished”.  What was he speaking of?  He realised on that particular day the way back to God was opened up.  He had come into the world as a baby, grew up amongst men, now he was finishing his work.  The way of salvation is finished tonight.  God does not expect anything more.  He only asks you to repent of your sin, trust Christ with all your heart, soul and mind.  Not a wee bit of religion plus Christ.  It is Christ alone.  You are giving your all to him.  That is what he is expecting.  This man turned his back on the words Jesus spoke.  Herod the king rejected the words of God.  When he put John the Baptist to death Herod’s wife’s daughter danced before him. She pleased him.  Herod asked what she wanted, and she asked for the head of John the Baptist.  He quelled the voice of God.  When Jesus came before him, he was pleased because he wanted to see a miracle, but Jesus never spoke a word to him.  He had rejected God’s word already.  Jesus can be rejected tonight.

He rejected the witness of the other thief.  He didn’t take heed to the change in the other thief.  The day started up with both rallying against Jesus but one saw something different.  As the day went on, they realised this man was not all they thought he was.  One man knew he was stepping out into one of 2 places.  He realised Jesus was king of heaven.  He cried out to the Lord and that day he received the assurance he would be with Jesus in heaven.  The other man rejected the word and witness.  Perhaps we have known individuals in our families and seen changes in their lives.  Remember the demonic living amongst the tombs.  He cried out day and night.  One day he met Jesus who delivered him from his demons.  The people came to see the change.  He was sitting clothed and in his right mind.  The young man wanted to follow Christ, but Jesus told him “no you go back and show your friends what God has done for you.” 

He rejected the wonder of heaven
.  Think of the young man in the scriptures who was good, clean, upright.  He was sitting at the feet of Jesus one day and asked the question “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  He knew all about eternal life.  One day he would step out into eternity.  He felt the religion he had would never be enough.  Jesus told him he would have to give away everything he owned and follow Christ.  He couldn’t do it.  He rejected that way.  We don’t know if he ever came to that same place again.  He came to the very door of heaven though and he turned away.  Where do we stand tonight?  Have we got just that bit of religion hoping it will take us through this life?  It will take us to the sight of the grave but never beyond.  There is only one who can do that – Christ.  How do we stand tonight?  Do you know with assurance that you are saved by the grace of God or are you just not sur

The man in the crowd





Jesus is drawing this man out to himself.  The Lord still does that.  He will draw men and women to himself and save their souls “thou art not far from the kingdom of God.”  Jesus knew his heart.  Are you in that same position – just a step away but you have never taken that final step. 

 First of all notice the company he had.  Although he is religious and devoted yet he is not saved.  This man is moving in religious circles.  He jumps at the opportunity to come into Jesus’ company.  One of the scribes had respect and would have been revered.  Like Cornelius, one morning on his knees before the God of heaven.  Yet with all his good works and religiosity he wanted to be saved.  God saw and heard him.  He sent an angel to tell him to send for Peter in Joppa.  “He will show you through his words how Jesus suffered and bled and died then rose again for your sins.”  This man was like Cornelius, among the religious company of that day.  He had a great knowledge of the day.  Verse 28 “perceiving that he had answered them well”.  He was listening to the questions and answers given by Jesus, adding them up to the scriptures.  He knew Jesus was answering well.  Like the Bereans when Paul preached – they searched the scriptures to see if these things were so.  Remember Nicodemus when he came to the Lord by night.  “We know thou art a teacher come from God.”  There was no doubt he had gone through every message preached by Jesus.  He came to the conclusion that there was something special about Jesus.  Jesus is something special tonight.  He is the one who came into the world to seek and to save precious souls.  The Lord came into the world to seek and to save you.  He came into the world just for you.  He shed his blood just for you.  Remember when the wise men came searching for the newborn king.  They assumed he would be born in a palace, be a king.  They went in before Herod.  What was Herod’s reaction?  Did he call for his counsellors – no the religious people of that day. The scribes knew the word of God, knew the history of the Jewish religion.  Where is this king that is to be born?  The scribes stepped forward with the scrolls and opened them at Micah “in Bethlehem Judah for thus it is written by the prophet 600 years ago.”  It was written.  The scribes knew the word of God.  The good company they were in.  With all his learning it didn’t matter, with all his religiosity.  A good company, a knowledge of the scriptures yet Jesus said he was not far, not saved.  It is possible to be so near the kingdom and yet not in it.  Paul in Philippians tells what he was like an unconverted man, “circumcised the eighth day, he was of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews, as touching the law he was a Pharisee.  Ccncerning zeal he persecuted the church” yet not saved.  Is it possible you have been convicted of your sin?  Know what to do but never made it to the cross, never been saved?  It is possible to be an elder in the church, a Sunday School teacher, a minister in the pulpit but not saved.

The concerns this man had.  This man had concerns with the word of God.  It matters what God has to say – “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”  Galatians “what saith the scriptures?”  It is not what the preacher had to say.  The Sadducees and Pharisees questioned Jesus.  This young man listened intently to what they had to say.  He knew they had answered well.  He turned and asked Jesus one question – “which is the first commandment?”  It was bothering him.  Maybe he used it as a way of tricking Jesus.  He wanted to know more.  Zacchaeus in the city of Jericho was going about his normal business, gathering in money for the Roman empire.  He had heard about the Lord, how he healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, even raised people from the dead.  Zacchaeus wanted to know more.  He heard he was coming to Jericho, his very city, his very door.  The crowd was so great.  He couldn’t see the Lord.  He was small in stature.  He decided to climb the sycamore tree for he knew the Lord would pass that way.  He was interested in the things of God.  Remember Lydia.  She set everything aside just to go down to the river.  She heard Paul preaching about God, how sin came into the world.  Maybe there is a misunderstanding of our sin.  We were born in sin and shapen in iniquity.  Are you concerned about the word of God and what it says about you?  Paul opened the word of God and Lydia’s heart was opened.  She received it into her heart.  It has nothing to do with the preacher.  He cannot save a soul.  As Paul preached about how sin came into the world, how God deals with sin, pointing to Christ who gave his life for the sin of the whole world.  Lydia was a religious woman but this was news to her.  The religious leaders of that day had rejected Christ.  This is the remedy for sin.  Lydia had never heard anything like this before.  She had the desire to be there, to hear the word.  We can be so religious, sit in church, be at the Lord’s table, put our weekly offering into the plate but there is only one way to be saved.

He was convinced of the biblical truth – verse 32.  “Master thou hast said the truth.”  Jesus says in verse 34 “thou art not far from the kingdom of God.”  He used his wits to realise that the Lord was answering so well.  He had a knowledge of what the bible says.

The challenge that came to him – verse 34.  Jesus looked at that young man, saw he answered discreetly to him “thou art not far from the kingdom of God”  Are you far from the kingdom tonight?  Abner came to the city of refuge.  He was only one step away.  The enemy called him back.  A dagger was placed in his heart and he died there.  Just one step from the city.  Did this young man ever make it?  Did he ever take that final step?  No man on earth, no angel in heaven, no demon in hell can answer this question – “how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?”  Are we sure tonight?  Have we come to the cross tonight?  Taken the Lord as Saviour?  Do we know our sins forgiven?  Are you forgiven tonight?  Jesus said “you are not far”.


I will: be thou clean





A leper coming to Christ.  “when he was in a certain city”,  Maybe he left it behind because the leper wouldn’t be allowed inside the city.  Here we find this man coming to Christ.  Did this man hear something of the power of Christ, hear something of the stories going about?  Had something attracted him to Christ?  We can see how often the Lord healed some person and he told that person not to tell anyone about it but that man would go and blaze it abroad.  He cannot hold it in, what God had done for him.  Remember in Capernaum how it was “noised abroad that he was in the house”.  This man became interested in hearing what God could do for him.  Here was a man who set out that day.  He was full of leprosy.  Jesus healed him that day.  It was a bright new day for this man.  Isn’t that what the bible says – “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, the old things have passed away and new things have begun.”  When you put your faith and trust in Christ you become a new creature in Christ.  In Ephesians we are told that there was a time in this world when you were without God, without hope but now ye are in Christ.  “For by grace are ye are saved through faith.” (Ephesians 2 verse 8).


Notice something of the extremity of his condition.  This man was an extreme case of leprosy.  The important thing is that this man came to the reality of the extremity of his situation.  He came to face the fact that there was no human help for him.  This man suffered.  There was no known cure to be found in the medical world.  A serious complaint for him.  This is why he came to find the Lord Jesus.  The Lord is a seeking Saviour tonight.  This man no doubt had many years to think of his situation, it didn’t come on him overnight.  Maybe he saw himself getting worse over the days, months and years.  Maybe he had tried every physical possibility to find a cure.  This man had to be healed by the Lord.  He had to find Jesus, to cry out to him.  The only remedy for sin is the Lord tonight.  We might try to do the best we can.  Travel around the various churches to find him.  There is no remedy from sin but in Christ.  This leprosy would eventually destroy his body, take his life.  Luke however tells us he “was full of leprosy”.  From his head to his toes.  Leprosy was at an advanced stage, riddled with it.  Leprosy began small.  Sin like leprosy begins small in the human heart, in a baby.  We have taken the sinful nature of Adam back in the Garden of Eden.  Every person has been conceived and born in sin.  Something separates that little heart from God for all eternity.  Sin will cut us off God.  “If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” (1 John 1 verse 8)  Rejecting the idea of sin makes God a liar.  You and I have been born in sin.  Adam never thought of the extremity of his situation when he took of the fruit.  He ran away and hid from God.  He tried to get as far from God as he could.  Eve never thought of the extremity of sin in her life.  Never thought for one moment one born in her family would become a murderer.  Proverbs 14 verse 9 “fools make a mock at sin; but among the righteous there is favour.”  Isn’t that what happened to David?  He should have been out in the battle rather than lying on his bed.  He got up and saw Bathsheba.  He lusted after her.  Afterwards he had her husband put out into the front of the battle and he was killed.


The exclusion this condition cost.  A man wouldn’t walk down the same street.  He was very much in isolation from everyone.  That was the condition of a leper.  Totally cut off from everyone.  Lived in a leper colony.  Cut off from his family and friends.  When we pause and consider this man’s life, it is unbearable to think of it.  That is what leprosy was like.  Not allowed near people or cities or families.  Just like sin cuts us off.  This man had his living among the tombs.  He had a violent temper, cut himself continually.  No-one would go near him.  Sin cuts us off from God.  Remember in the book of Joshua the young man Achan.  He heard the word of God, that when he went into the battle of Jericho, he was to remember the battle was the Lord’s and the spoil was the Lord’s too.  Achan though saw the garment and gold and coveted it all.  He took it and hid it in his tent.  He didn’t realise God saw him.  He was cut off from God for time and eternity.  That is what sin does – cuts us off from God for time and eternity.  John 7 verse 34 Jesus said to the Pharisees and leaders “ye shall seek me and shall not find me and where I am thither, ye cannot come.”  These men were so caught up in their own religiosity, good deeds, keeping the law.  How different was the Lord’s prayer for you and me who are saved.  The prayer he prayed before he went to the cross “let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me.” (John 14 verse 1)  He was talking of heaven when he said “I am going to prepare a place for you.  I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am ye may be also.” (John 14 verse 2)  God’s word is real, He will receive us one day unto himself and where he is we will also be.  In John 17 Jesus was praying to his Father in heaven about you and me.  Verse 24 “Father I wilt that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am.”  Jesus longs for you and me to be in the place where he is.  All because of the cross of Calvary.  He died for you.  He shed his blood, gave his life a ransom.  Only he could pay the debt.  Only he could cry “it is finished”.  He finished the work of God.  The thief cried out “remember me”.  Jesus told him “today thou shalt be with me in paradise.”  What a difference to what he said to the religious leaders.


The expectancy of his coming.  This man came with his heavy burden – “Lord if thou wilt”. There was no question about it.  He didn’t come saying “is it possible that you can heal me, to cleanse this leprosy?”  He came with faith in his heart.  His trust and faith were in Christ.  The moment he got down before Jesus, he could heal him.  I don’t read of anywhere no one persuaded him to come.  He came of his own accord.  Do we realise the extremity of the situation?  That we have sinned and come short of God’s glory?  We realise what happened on Calvary, that he loved me and gave himself for me.  There on the cross he shed his blood that we might be saved.  We don’t come doubting or hoping.  We cry out for mercy because the word tells us he is able to save all who come unto him.  What a wonderful Saviour.  Here he was boldly saying “if thou wilt.”  He didn’t wait for an invitation.  He didn’t know if he would be turned away or not, but he knew Jesus could do it.  The woman with the issue of blood had faith.  “If I could touch the hem of his garment I will be healed.”  We come expecting God to move in our hearts and lives.  He shows 2 steps to faith – first of all you have to realise that there is someone big and strong, ready to catch you.  The second step is that you are ready to accept Christ.  Hebrews 11 verse 6 “Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”


The experience of his cleansing. Look what the Lord did for this man.  Jesus said in verse 13 “I will, be thou clean.”  “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”  He would have been cast out of the temple, out of the sight of the religious leaders but not Jesus.  In his compassion he reached out to this man and pronounced him to be clean.  Remember the woman caught in the act of adultery.  See those people taking her out to be stoned to death.  Jesus had compassion on her though.  Jesus took our sin that separated us from God for all eternity and laid it on his own body.  Will you accept it?  He reached forth his hand and touched the man.  When did it happen?  How did it happen?  Instantly.  You are saved in an instant but grow gradually.  The moment you cry you are saved by God’s grace.  Make sure you have the real thing tonight.  Don’t settle for the look alike.  Come to Christ, trust him with all your heart and you will be saved.