Thursday, 20 April 2017

The gospel net that is being cast

Sermon notes from 12 February 2017
Matthew 13 verses 44 - 52
"Again the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea and gathered of every kind"

Chapter 13 of the gospel of Matthew is taken up with parable teaching.  The Lord is teaching through parables.  We are taught that a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.  It was something that he could picture or visualise, see it happening around him such as a crop growing in the fields or sowing seeds in the field.  He would point to that and tell a story about it but it would have a heavenly meaning attached to it.  Jesus turns it around and gives it that heavenly aspect - verse 47.  He has brought his disciples along the seashore and stopped where the fishermen are casting nets into sea.  They were dragging that net and all the fishes are being carried into the net and drawn to the shore.  That is the earthly story.  He wants to give a heavenly meaning.  Jesus likened it to the preaching of the gospel.  There is a visible church here on earth.  What is being caught in that net?  All the good being chosen out and the evil being thrown out of the net.  Many prophesize salvation in ths world are gathered into the visible church.  There is very little difference to look at but one day a great division will be made.  Only those who know their sins forgiven will be taken from this scene of time, taken into the clouds to meet those who have gone before.  God will one day bring this world to a close.  Hebrews 1 verse 12 "and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up" so God will one day call every child of his out of this world to be with him.  

Notice the first thing about the net - it was spread out.  The simple truth is the fish have their home in the sea.  The fishermen knew where to go to, not on the beach but in the sea.  They had to cast that net and gather it in by dragging it along.  The gospel must be preached, has to go forth.  In Acts 8 there was persecution in Jerusalem.  The Christians had to go elsewhere.  Where they went they talked about Jesus.  It didn`t matter where they went they were spreading the gospel net.  Tonight the gospel net is being cast forth.  The Holy Spirit will take your heart and mind, open up your eyes to the wonderful sight on the middle cross and see Jesus himself dying, bleeding and suffering for your sins and mine.  In Acts 17 Paul comes to the city of Thessalonica for 3 weeks.  He proclaimed the gospel of Christ, showing to them from the scriptures the one who is able to save them, make them new creatures in Christ, reasoning with them.  Everyone who came in heard that gospel.  The net was being dragged.  The line has to be in the water to catch fish.  The net has to be spread.  If we do not preach the gospel sinners will not be saved.  Romans 10 verse 14 "how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher?"  You might never have an opportunity to get saved.  The gospel needs to be spread where sinners are.  The gospel is being spread.  When Jesus gathered his disciples together he told them he was going back to his father in heaven and left them a great commission "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel." (Mark 16 verse 15)  We shall never ever tire lending our hand to the spread of the gospel net.  We are responsible for telling them, sharing the gospel  message.  1 Corinthians 1 verse 17 "For Christ sent me not to baptise but to preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect."  There was a great gulf fixed in the Garden of Creation when God created man in his own image.  God placed breath into his lungs.  When Adam and Eve ate of the tree in that garden there was a way closed up to us.  A way back to God we could never open until the day when Christ took on himself the form of a servant.  He died there for us to open up that door once again.  A great gulf was fixed that day but we must never tire of trying to get people into the kingdom of God.  Peter mending his net, the Lord came to him and said cast out your nets again.  Peter was out all night and caught nothing.  The Lord said to Peter "cast out yor net again, let it down.  He obeyed the voice of God and caught a great multitude of fishes.  There is someone waiting on you coming to Christ.  You need to spread the gospel net tonight.

The net is sufficient.  The fishermen took great care of the net.  He made sure it was sufficient for the amount of fish there would be caught.  When Jesus found his disciples he found them mending their nets, making sure they had enought net for the catch of fish.  When Jesus came one day they had been fishing all night.  He instructed them to cast forth the net again.  When they did so the nets broke.  That is a Greek interpretation, not that the net broke.  The net was sufficient for the amount of fishes caught.  It was in danger of breaking, not broke completely.  God has given us a message sufficient to save that soul of yours by his grace.  Paul said "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation."  It will not fail you, let you down.  If you come to Christ you will be saved.  If you trust Christ you will be saved.  This message is not for a few or for a certain number.  It is sufficient for all the world.  "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."  Imagine Paul coming out with that.  I am sure it was true for him.  It is sufficient to do the job it is supposed to do.  No doubt our minds are bombarded with all sorts of information about people.  He will meet all the arguments and philosophies and he is all we need.  If you believe that it will be sufficient for you.  On the day of Pentecost 2000 people wanted to get saved.  The next day it reached 3000.  The net was able to hold them.  Jesus made his way through Samaria and stopped with a woman.  An immoral woman standing with a pitcher ready to draw water.  Is the gospel sufficient for her?  Yes it is.  What class or crowd you are doesn`t matter, it is for you tonight.  Take you away from the well to Caesarea to a different man sitting on his knees.  Well thought of in his household, reads his bible, a religious man, prays, he knows he is not saved because there is an emptiness in his heart.  An angel comes and says your prayers are heard, send for Peter for he will tell you words whereby you might be saved.  The net is cast out and it is sufficient for the catch.  

There was a great separation.  When it was full they drew the net to shore and sat down and gathered the good into the boat but cast the bad away.  "So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."  All sorts of fishes were gathered into the net.  The fishermen are only looking for certain types of fish.  There is a gospel net that is being spread out.  There are those being faithful to the gospel message.  People genuinely coming to Christ and trusting Christ are being gathered in tonight.  There is however another gospel.  Paul spoke of it to the Galatian church.  It is being proclaimed and preached tonight, being dressed up, disguised, camouflaged tonight.  All you have to do is do the best you can and God will not ask no more of you.  Turning over a new leaf.  The gospel message is that of true repentance, owning up to your sin, acknowledging your sin, turning away from sin, coming to the cross, seeing how you have sinned, trusting in him and him alone for salvation.  Like the field with wheat and tares growing together.  There are many who are so similar in this night.  Jesus is talking about preachers who will be cast away.  Jesus pointed to that last day and to people who will say "did we not preach in your name?"  The person you followed for years may be cast aside.  There will be those who sat at the communion table but Jesus will say of them "I never knew you."  Do you want to be serious about your soul tonight?  Not in the ability of a preacher, nor in a church.  We will show you your need of salvation, need of God and how can be saved.  Will you come and trust him?

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