Sunday, 23 April 2017

Resurrection Evening

Sermon notes from 23 April 2017
John 20 verses 19 - 31

We return once again to the empty tomb and the events leading from that.  Here we find it is late in the evening - the resurrection has taken place and the disciples have been scattered.  Now in verse 19 we read "the same day at evening being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews."  This was resurrection evening.  We usually at this point talk about Thomas and begin to address the issue of why he was not there.  We are not told what was wrong but simply that Thomas wasn`t with the rest of the disciples.  I want to instead look at not what he missed on that particular evening but what the disciples gained by being here.  Look at what they said to Thomas when the found him - "we have seen the Lord". (verse 25)  What a gain for them, they profited from that.  They had looked into the face of Jesus, seen his eyes, touched his hands - that is our privilege when we meet in his house today.  

There was the word that was proclaimed.  When the Lord came to Samuel in his day we are told "there was no open vision".  One day the people will be in starvation, not of food or bread but rather of the food of the word of God.  The disciples had gathered together on the first day of the week which corresponds with our Sabbath.  These people were waiting expecting something.  In Luke 24 we gain a fuller picture.  We read of the 2 disciples on the Emmaus road.  They had witnessed all that had happened in Jerusalem and had heard that the women folk now said that Jesus was not in the tomb.  As they walked on the road Jesus drew near to them.  He came alongside them and explained the scriptures to them.  What did they do?  They wanted to tell the other disciples what had happened.  As they did that Jesus himself came into their very midst.  How important it is for the word of God to be proclaimed.  We are getting into a time when our services focus more on other aspects rather than the anointed word of God.  Remember what Paul said to Timothy - "preach the word" (2 Timothy 4 verse 2).  Remember the time when Paul and Barnabas went to Antioch and they went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day (Acts 13).  The rulers of the synagogue read from the books of the law and the prophets, then sent word to Paul and Barnabas that if they had any word of exhortation they were to say it.  Paul used that opportunity to open up the word of God to the people that were gathered there.  Maybe that elder realised something had happened and these people needed a word from the Lord so turned to those saved by God`s grace, had a passion for those before him.  What a privilege to have the word of God.  Paul writing to the Thessalonians about people who had departed from this scene of time, stated that one day Christ would come to the air.  He would on that day call those who had known their sins forgiven and had died, they would be reunited with their souls into a new resurrected body.  (1 Thessalonians 4 verses 13 - 17)  The Lord came into this room on the resurrection evening in a glorified body.  He came right through the door to stand in their presence.  Think of how it wil be when Christ comes to the air.  How will this body be lifted from this earth, how will we rise to meet him?  Paul said "we will not all sleep, we shall all be changed in the moment, in the twinkling of an eye." (1 Corinthians 15 verse 52)  There will be no time to get ready when he comes.  You will be lost and lost for all eternity if you are not ready on that day.  You can come to the foot of the rugged cross, acknowledge your sins before him, trust him, invite him into your life right now.  He will change your life and make you ready for heaven and home.  Paul said to Timothy "all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3 verse 16)  The 2 disciples on the Emmaus road were testifying to what they had seen and heard and now Christ came and stood right in their very presence.  As we gather together maybe we gather for different reasons.  These disciples met in a shut room "for fear of the Jews".  Is there that same fear in your heart today?  Zacchaeus came to Jericho because he wanted to see the Lord. (Luke 19 verses 1 - 10)  Have we come with expectation - to see the Lord Jesus?  Jairus came with a burden, his daughter was at home sick.  What brings you into the house of God?  Is it because you are burdened today?  2 disciples telling the others and their faith is increased.  When Jesus told the story of the parable of the sower in Luke 8 he told his hearers to be careful of what they hear. (Luke 8 verse 18)  We need to be listening and hearing the word of God in all its fulness.

The witness of his presence.  The other disciples enjoyed this but Thomas missed it.  We should never dismiss a gathering of God`s people - why - because God is there.  You should never set aside a meeting if you are a child of God - why - because it is the presence of the Lord that is there.  Here was Thomas missing out on the Lord`s presence because he wasn`t there.  As the others listened to the testimony suddenly the Lord stood in their midst.  They were listening for the word of God and had the presence of God with them.  Think of Jonah in the Old Testament.  God told him to go to Ninevah but he didn`t want to go.  "The word of the Lord came to Jonah" we read but then we also read "Jonah got up to flee from the presence of the Lord."(Jonah 1 verses 1 and 3)  Where you have the the word of God you have the presence of God.  Both are associated together.  That is how important the word of God is.  We should never neglect the assembling of ourselves together because we miss the presence of God.  The presence of God is nothing to do with the amount of people.  The word of the Lord came to Jonah.  As he meditated on that word he was there on his own.  Jeremiah was in a prison house when the word of the Lord came to him (Jeremiah 33 verse 1).  "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18 verse 20)  God`s presence has nothing to do with numbers nor the attitude people live in.  Two people on the Emmaus road are here in the midst of these disciples.  On the road to Emmaus their hearts were down, sadened, their minds were on the cross, the burial, the empty tomb.  It was then that Jesus came.  These 2 disciples thoughts were on the Lord Jesus.  As we open up the word of God today he is in our midst.  That is the benefit we get from this meeting today.  The one who came into the world, grew up and died on the cross is standing with us today.  There is a pain not too big he cannot deal with.  Peter called to the house of Cornelius went in and opened up the word of God.  The Holy Spirit fell on them that heard the message of the word of God. (Acts 10 verse 44)  As we come to this portion of scripture this is what these disciples benefitted from.

They wanted the peace of God - verse 19 "Jesus said peace unto you" and verse 21 "then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you; as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you."  There is a peace that comes to our hearts when we gather together.  It is no vain thing to come with a heavy heart into the place of worship today.  Imagine how these 2 felt, there was violence in the air and they met together fearful that the slightest noise might mean the Romans were coming to arrest them.  Now just as they met Jesus is there.  Is there some fear in your heart?  Jesus has the answer.  We might criticize Thomas for not being there but just look at the condition the other disciples came in.  Remember when they were caught in a storm out on the boat and the Lord was asleep contented.  The disciples came down running to him "Lord carest not that we perish?"  The Lord got up and rebuked the storm.  He looked at the disciples and asked "where is your faith." (Mark 4 verses 36 - 41)  Is your faith real only on a Sunday but not the rest of the week? 
"Things that once were wild alarms
Cannot now disturb my rest;
Closed in everlasting arms,
Pillowed on the loving breast.
O to lie forever here,
Doubt and care and self resign,
While He whispers in my ear,
I am His, and He is mine.`
While He whispers in my ear,
I am His, and He is mine." (Loved with Everlasting Love)

The works of the people - verse 25.  They heard the words, felt his presence, knew his peace and now had a work to do.  We see the disciples gathered on this particular evening with heavy hearts and in turmoil, comforting one another.  They look and realise that Thomas is not there and they begin to question where he is.  Then we see what happens, they listened to the words of these 2 disciples and suddenly Jesus comes into their midst.  They are filled with his peace.  They are not going out to criticise, we never read of them asking Thomas why he was not there.  They go out and find him, love him, care for him and want to make sure he is with them the following week.  That is the work of the people.  Now there is something they must do.  He must see what they have seen and hear what they have heard.  They are out in the streets looking for him.  Are we active in the service of God?  We come in on Sunday morning and evening but are we active during the week?  Do we tell others of the joy we have found?  The Saviour we have?  The meetings we have as we listened to the word of God?  Are we telling others about it as we meet together?  The 2 disciples came from Emmaus and told how they had met with the Lord, how he had explained the scriptures to them.  "We felt his presence Thomas, we saw him, he is alive and he is alive for evermore."  Where was Thomas found the next week?  He was found in the meeting.  Are we active today?  Are you inviting others to hear the word of God, to meet the Saviour?  What did these disciples do - got out of the meeting and did a work that would stand the test of time.

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