Thursday, 13 April 2017

A widow woman used by God

Sermon notes from Sunday 26 March 2017
1 Kings 17 verses 8 - 16

In these verses today we meet this striking character Elijah.  It is funny we always pick out some of these great characters in scripture.  Think of Moses, Samuel, Samson, Gideon, David, Elisha and then we come to Elijah.  We see this man who knows nothing of fear - standing in the presence of the most evil king to tell him what God has laid on his heart yet James sets him into perspective, he describes him as a man of prayer even the very heavens closed because of his prayer but he was a man with "like passions as we are." (James 5 verse 17 and 18) He had the same doubts and fears as we have yet God used him mightily.  Not going to look at this great man of the scriptures but I want to turn your attention to a little home.  Maybe if you met her in the street you would pass her by.  This woman is being spoken to by God.  She was a mother.  I want to take a look at this woman and the impact she has in her home.  Think of her as a mother yes but as an individual and the impact she had on others.  What is the influence you have on another person?  Maybe in the workplace, in the community you are living in.  What is that influence today? Look through the eyes of a son today.  Verse 2.  This woman is thinking of her son.  The influence and impact she will have on her son.  

First of all she has a listening ear.  That is maybe a rare thing.  It was not just a listening ear for those around her but listening here for God.  When this woman was in danger who had been standing in before King Ahab?  The Lord told Elijah he was to hide by the brook Cherith, a place of safety.  As he rested by the brook he was keeping his eyes on the blessings of God but all of a sudden they seemed to dry up.  What was God doing - he was working it all out.  He was told to go to Zarephath and a widow woman - verse 9.  God told Elijah he had the ear of a woman in that city who was going to keep him nourished, would safeguard him.  A woman with a listening ear.  God had it all worked out.  Maybe we feel our lives are beginning to collapse around us but God is working it all out in the quietness of a bedroom.  She would get away and get down on her knees praying.  not only was she praying but listening too.  Some times we come into God`s presence rushing in and out.  We don`t have time to listen to him.  We rush into church and away again.  Sometimes we don`t have time to listen for God.  This woman had a listening ear.  God is still communicating his will to us through his word as we read.  Many voices in societies are beckoning for our time.  This young son would see his mother going into the place of prayer.  What an influence that is, what a privilege to have a mother who prayed, a father who prayed, a granny who prayed.  God doesn`t look at our circumstances.  She was a widow woman, had a mouth to feed.  God doesn`t look at our circumstances.  God doesn`t say there is someone I could use because they have a great intellect, they have so many degrees and qualifications, God only looks for our obedience.  Jeremiah was locked in a prison house.  The word of God came to him a second time.  God didn`t turn his back on Jeremiah simply because he was locked up.  He had a listening ear.  The Lord is looking for you to hear what he has to say to you.  We make the excuses "if only I was well enough I could do so much for the Lord" or "I am too busy."  God spoke to Samuel one night.  God doesn`t look at our circumstances.  He doesn`t say "I need a senior man or woman with experience."  God is looking for a man who will give his heart to the Lord and obey him.  God called Samuel.  He thought it was another one calling him.  Eli told him it was God himself.  How many times have you heard the voice of God.  Wouldn`t it be awful to hear it for the final time?  

Not only did she have a listening ear she was going to go through a learning experience.  God spoke to this woman, explained the situation and the woman agreed to what God said.  There were "many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land but unto none of them was Elias sent save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow." (Luke 4 verses 25 and 26).  No-one else was able to do this task.  She lived in the midst of difficult times.  The heavens were closed for 3 1/2 years and there was a great famine.  She lived through all that but she didn`t have a living experience that Christ was living with her.  Are you trusting Christ today?  There are only 2 places prepared for us today - heaven or hell.  You can come to Christ, be in heaven for all eternity.  He has prepared it with his own hands just for you.  She had this living experience.  Times can be difficult, it is not easy to live for God in this modern society, not easy to be in business today, to be a Christian in the workplace.  Here`s a boy in the home seeing his mother coming to trust in the God of heaven for every day.  We live in a really difficult time for our children.  The battle for our children is beginning early.  The devil loves the souls of men and women and he wants to damn your soul in a Christless hell.  It is true whenever that battle begins in the lives of children.  Satan knows the importances of scripture.  "From a child thou hast known the scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation." (2 Timothy 3 verse 15)  That is why the devil puts up barriers to keep children away from the things of God.  The devil is in that home, blinds their minds.  It is our responsibility to teach our children.  Scriptures commands it - "teach your children and your children`s children". (Deuteronomy 4 verse 9)  "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22 verse 6)  Not a command but a responsibility.  The devil wants their souls and it is up to you and I.  It is not up to the pastor but to every one of us to get into the battle.

She had a living expression.  His mother looked on him first.  When Elijah came here to that place where the woman was living what was she doing?  Verse 12.  They had nothing left, that is what Elijah came to.  There was nothing in the house whatsoever.  God`s challenge doesn`t always come where we feel we have a lot to give.  Maybe God spoke to this woman sometime back "I am going to bring my prophet to you and I want you to sustain him."  Maybe she could open the larder with plenty of food then she could say "no problem I will do it" but now when the challenge comes there is nothing in the larder.  What will she do?  Now she gives it to the Lord.  What a thought - she gave it to the Lord.  Something else about her - she lived in Zarephath, the heartland of Jezebel the enemy of Elijah.  Jezebel had promised to kill him.  Another thought for this woman "I am living under Jezebel`s reign, I am going to entertain this enemy and that will make me an  enemy - will I put God first?  By putting God first the blessing would fall on her home - verse 16 "and the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord which he sapke by Elijah."  Can you imagine this through the eyes of her son?  She was going to give him the last they had to eat, bake the cake and give him first but when Elijah came she gave God first.  Are we giving God all that we have today?  Are we putting him first?  She was a living example.  She proved God before the eyes of her son.  I`m sure this son didn`t appreciate it at the time but I imagine him later in life thinking of it and it would never leave his mind.  That his mother would do all this for him.  Paul commended the Philippian church for the many times they sent help to him. (Philippians 4 verse 15) Dorcas, a woman in the New Testament church died.  She was a widow woman but she made garments which were shown to Peter when he came to raise her to life again. (Acts 9 verse 39)  Are we a living example to our family?  To those around us through living expression and a living experience day by day stemming from a listening ear?  Have we allowed God to speak to us today?  Will we do as Samuel "speak for thy servant heareth."  If not true with the Lord we will not work for the Lord.  We need to leave all on the altar for him today.

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