Sunday, 9 April 2017

The triumphant entry into Jerusalem

Sermon notes from Sunday morning 9 April 2017
Matthew 21 verses 1 - 11

Here in Jerusalem we see the triumphant entry of Jesus.  It begins a week of much happening that is worthy of such study.  It ends with the triumphant victory of Jesus over sin, death and the grave.  Jesus had left Jericho and the benefits and blessings there.  The Lord comes into our house today and leaves benefits and blessings that we should know he has been with us.  In Jericho he touched the lives of Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus.  He touched Bartimaeus and healed him of his blindness.  It reminds us that there is nothing we can do for ourselves.  We have loved ones unsaved but there is nothing we can do for them - only to reach out to Christ and ask for his help.  We see Zacchaeus up the tree and Jesus stopped with him saying "make haste and come down."  He was in a hurry to speak to Zacchaeus.  Maybe the Lord wants to speak to us of things in our lives.  He wants us to come and talk to him today.  Those homes in Jericho were never the same again.  Wouldn`t it be marvellous if God left a blessing for us today?  That he touched many lives in years to come as a result?  The crowd had been picking up now as he entered into Jerusalem.  Then certain people came out to meet him.

A spectacular event.  Here in Jerusalem the people were there to celebrate this feast of the Passover.  That took them back to Egypt when the children of Israel were in bondage to Pharaoh.  God told them to take a lamb and sprinkle the blood on the doorposts to be safe.  Now years later they gathered to remember that occasion.  When they arrived in Jerusalem they were in the midst of a spectacular event.  Do we come with that great picture on our minds?  What has he done for us?  He suffered, bled and died to deliver us from our sins and heaven will one day be our home.  Can we say that God`s presence is here today?  Here were a people who associated the presence of Christ with the scriptures.  We have lost the awe of God today, knowing the presence of God in our lives.  When I read of those who experienced revival in days past there was awe in the presence of God.  They couldn`t stop from singing, they felt the presence and power of God.  Here the people were following the commandment of God in Deuteronomy 16 and going to celebrate this great feast.  It was one of the pilgrimage feasts when people had to make their way to Jerusalem.  It didn`t happen in any other year like this.  They saw Christ coming seated on the ass with a colt running alongside.  There were people there who no doubt were familiar with the word of God.  It took them back to the prophecy of Zechariah 9 verse 9 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion, shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold thy king cometh unto thee: he is just and having salvation, lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a colt the foal of an ass."  That was written some 700 years before this day yet right up to date with the last detail.  Remember the sign at the birth of Christ.  The wise men came from the east right into Herod`s palace with one mission in their hearts and minds - looking for the king.  Are we looking for the king today?  To enrich our lives?  Herod gathered all the religious leaders and scribes and asked them who it was these men were looking for.  They were able to turn to the scriptures and 600 years before the prophet Micah wrote as God moved him to - "But thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting." (Micah 5 verse 2)  One day when Jesus returned to the place where he had grown up, Nazareth, he was handed the word of God and he read from Isaiah how the servant of God would come into this world and he would speak of setting captives at liberty, the sight of the blind would be restored, that the deaf would hear, the lame would walk and the word of the Lord would be heard from one quarter to another. (Isaiah 61 verse 1)  Then he looked at all that were gathered that day and said "this day is the scripture fulfilled in your ears." (Luke 4 verse 21) To associate the word of God with God himself is important in our lives.  Do we treat the house of God with respect?  Do we treat the word of God with respect?  Are we looking for the King of Kings in all the Old Testament Scriptures?  Do we take time to meditate on God`s word? These people could see this spectacle coming down the road.  This was scripture being fulfilled here.

A submissive experience.  This didn`t just end with these people worshipping.  They did something truly wonderful.  Something for their souls.  A sense of submission.  They took their garments and laid them down on the road.  They were claiming Christ`s rightful place in their lives.  Here was the King.  By their actions they were declaring this was the King.  When a king entered into a village the people would cast their garments at his feet to show they were his loyal subjects.  That is what was happening in Jerusualem.  In the Old Testament we read of Jehu the son of Jehosophat who was crowned king of Jerusalem.  When he went out and told his servants what had happened they were in the upper room at the time.  The servants realised something very special had happened.  Scripture records "they hasted and took every man his garment and put it under him on the top of the stairs, and blew with trumpets saying Jehu is king." (2 Kings 9 verse 13)  Here in Jerusalem the people were in principle laying down their lives and saying "you are our king, our God, we are going to be looking to you."  We see a spectacular event but also a submission to Christ as king of their lives.  Are we submitted this morning?  Do we lay down our lives at his feet?  Or are there things we are holding back today?  When I came as a sinner to Christ, took him as Saviour, looked on his bleeding wounds that he gave his life for me, left the cross with my sins forgiven ... but was there a moment when we take him as king, that he tells me what to do, shows me what I must do?  That our allegiance is to him?  Is there something in our lives that we need to lay down today?  Are we prepared to let go of our ambitions for Christ?  Are we willing to cast our lives at his feet?  If we are not prepared to leave them there then he is not king of our lives.  Jonah was such a man.  He was not prepared to set aside his own personal ideas.  Think of Peter who argued with God on the rooftop.  There was someone in Caesarea, a Gentile home that needed him.  Peter realised that being Jewish meant he couldn`t enter into that home.  The Lord showed him a vision of a sheet and unclean animals on it.  The Lord told him to kill and eat but Peter said "not so Lord". (Acts 10 verse 14)  Are we ready this morning to submit our all to God?

The singing enjoyed.  The crowd went and sang their hearts before the Lord.  They couldn`t keep it in.  They were so full of joy at the scene.  O that God would show us today something of his great power.  In the Acts of the Apostles Philip came down to Samaria because there was great persecution in Jerusalem.  He didn`t leave his profession behind nor his testimony.  He came down into Samaria and he preached Christ to the people there.  The city was given over to idolatry and witchcraft.  When Philip began to preach something wonderful happened.  Men and women began to trust God, demons were cast out and there was great joy in that city as a result. (Acts 8 verse 8)  That is what happens when people get filled with the Holy Spirit.  There will be times of difficulty.  We will still have problems but there is a joy and peace that comes to our hearts.  That is how the Psalmist put it in Psalm 40. The Psalmist spoke of being in an awful clay pit.  He waited for the Lord and the Lord reached down and he lifted him up, set his feet on the solid rock and put a new song in his mouth even praise unto God.  That is what salvation does.  Even though we are going through difficult time, a hard time but when we leave our garments before Christ he fills our heart with a song.  Maybe like the children of Israel of old who hung their hearts on the willows.  They didn`t have that joy any more.  Not prepared to own him as king.  Remember Paul and Silas in the prison house in Philippi, beaten sore, locked up but they sang praises unto God.  Why?  because God was with them.  God hasn`t changed a bit.  He is still king seated on the throne of heaven today.  He is in charge and in control.  At Antioch there was a great stir when the disciples preached.  They were filled with joy.

The search that ensued.  "And when he was come into Jerusalem all the city was moved saying who is this?"  Of course they saw him coming and were gaging the worship of the people because they heard the people singing, saying who is this worthy of such praise.  This is Jesus the king of heaven.  Perhaps the impact we have today will move somebody.  That people can see how you have submitted to him, that there is joy in your heart even though you are going through difficult times.  Maybe they will say "if he can do that in your life I want him to do it in mine."

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