Sunday, 23 April 2017

Resurrection Evening

Sermon notes from 23 April 2017
John 20 verses 19 - 31

We return once again to the empty tomb and the events leading from that.  Here we find it is late in the evening - the resurrection has taken place and the disciples have been scattered.  Now in verse 19 we read "the same day at evening being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews."  This was resurrection evening.  We usually at this point talk about Thomas and begin to address the issue of why he was not there.  We are not told what was wrong but simply that Thomas wasn`t with the rest of the disciples.  I want to instead look at not what he missed on that particular evening but what the disciples gained by being here.  Look at what they said to Thomas when the found him - "we have seen the Lord". (verse 25)  What a gain for them, they profited from that.  They had looked into the face of Jesus, seen his eyes, touched his hands - that is our privilege when we meet in his house today.  

There was the word that was proclaimed.  When the Lord came to Samuel in his day we are told "there was no open vision".  One day the people will be in starvation, not of food or bread but rather of the food of the word of God.  The disciples had gathered together on the first day of the week which corresponds with our Sabbath.  These people were waiting expecting something.  In Luke 24 we gain a fuller picture.  We read of the 2 disciples on the Emmaus road.  They had witnessed all that had happened in Jerusalem and had heard that the women folk now said that Jesus was not in the tomb.  As they walked on the road Jesus drew near to them.  He came alongside them and explained the scriptures to them.  What did they do?  They wanted to tell the other disciples what had happened.  As they did that Jesus himself came into their very midst.  How important it is for the word of God to be proclaimed.  We are getting into a time when our services focus more on other aspects rather than the anointed word of God.  Remember what Paul said to Timothy - "preach the word" (2 Timothy 4 verse 2).  Remember the time when Paul and Barnabas went to Antioch and they went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day (Acts 13).  The rulers of the synagogue read from the books of the law and the prophets, then sent word to Paul and Barnabas that if they had any word of exhortation they were to say it.  Paul used that opportunity to open up the word of God to the people that were gathered there.  Maybe that elder realised something had happened and these people needed a word from the Lord so turned to those saved by God`s grace, had a passion for those before him.  What a privilege to have the word of God.  Paul writing to the Thessalonians about people who had departed from this scene of time, stated that one day Christ would come to the air.  He would on that day call those who had known their sins forgiven and had died, they would be reunited with their souls into a new resurrected body.  (1 Thessalonians 4 verses 13 - 17)  The Lord came into this room on the resurrection evening in a glorified body.  He came right through the door to stand in their presence.  Think of how it wil be when Christ comes to the air.  How will this body be lifted from this earth, how will we rise to meet him?  Paul said "we will not all sleep, we shall all be changed in the moment, in the twinkling of an eye." (1 Corinthians 15 verse 52)  There will be no time to get ready when he comes.  You will be lost and lost for all eternity if you are not ready on that day.  You can come to the foot of the rugged cross, acknowledge your sins before him, trust him, invite him into your life right now.  He will change your life and make you ready for heaven and home.  Paul said to Timothy "all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3 verse 16)  The 2 disciples on the Emmaus road were testifying to what they had seen and heard and now Christ came and stood right in their very presence.  As we gather together maybe we gather for different reasons.  These disciples met in a shut room "for fear of the Jews".  Is there that same fear in your heart today?  Zacchaeus came to Jericho because he wanted to see the Lord. (Luke 19 verses 1 - 10)  Have we come with expectation - to see the Lord Jesus?  Jairus came with a burden, his daughter was at home sick.  What brings you into the house of God?  Is it because you are burdened today?  2 disciples telling the others and their faith is increased.  When Jesus told the story of the parable of the sower in Luke 8 he told his hearers to be careful of what they hear. (Luke 8 verse 18)  We need to be listening and hearing the word of God in all its fulness.

The witness of his presence.  The other disciples enjoyed this but Thomas missed it.  We should never dismiss a gathering of God`s people - why - because God is there.  You should never set aside a meeting if you are a child of God - why - because it is the presence of the Lord that is there.  Here was Thomas missing out on the Lord`s presence because he wasn`t there.  As the others listened to the testimony suddenly the Lord stood in their midst.  They were listening for the word of God and had the presence of God with them.  Think of Jonah in the Old Testament.  God told him to go to Ninevah but he didn`t want to go.  "The word of the Lord came to Jonah" we read but then we also read "Jonah got up to flee from the presence of the Lord."(Jonah 1 verses 1 and 3)  Where you have the the word of God you have the presence of God.  Both are associated together.  That is how important the word of God is.  We should never neglect the assembling of ourselves together because we miss the presence of God.  The presence of God is nothing to do with the amount of people.  The word of the Lord came to Jonah.  As he meditated on that word he was there on his own.  Jeremiah was in a prison house when the word of the Lord came to him (Jeremiah 33 verse 1).  "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18 verse 20)  God`s presence has nothing to do with numbers nor the attitude people live in.  Two people on the Emmaus road are here in the midst of these disciples.  On the road to Emmaus their hearts were down, sadened, their minds were on the cross, the burial, the empty tomb.  It was then that Jesus came.  These 2 disciples thoughts were on the Lord Jesus.  As we open up the word of God today he is in our midst.  That is the benefit we get from this meeting today.  The one who came into the world, grew up and died on the cross is standing with us today.  There is a pain not too big he cannot deal with.  Peter called to the house of Cornelius went in and opened up the word of God.  The Holy Spirit fell on them that heard the message of the word of God. (Acts 10 verse 44)  As we come to this portion of scripture this is what these disciples benefitted from.

They wanted the peace of God - verse 19 "Jesus said peace unto you" and verse 21 "then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you; as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you."  There is a peace that comes to our hearts when we gather together.  It is no vain thing to come with a heavy heart into the place of worship today.  Imagine how these 2 felt, there was violence in the air and they met together fearful that the slightest noise might mean the Romans were coming to arrest them.  Now just as they met Jesus is there.  Is there some fear in your heart?  Jesus has the answer.  We might criticize Thomas for not being there but just look at the condition the other disciples came in.  Remember when they were caught in a storm out on the boat and the Lord was asleep contented.  The disciples came down running to him "Lord carest not that we perish?"  The Lord got up and rebuked the storm.  He looked at the disciples and asked "where is your faith." (Mark 4 verses 36 - 41)  Is your faith real only on a Sunday but not the rest of the week? 
"Things that once were wild alarms
Cannot now disturb my rest;
Closed in everlasting arms,
Pillowed on the loving breast.
O to lie forever here,
Doubt and care and self resign,
While He whispers in my ear,
I am His, and He is mine.`
While He whispers in my ear,
I am His, and He is mine." (Loved with Everlasting Love)

The works of the people - verse 25.  They heard the words, felt his presence, knew his peace and now had a work to do.  We see the disciples gathered on this particular evening with heavy hearts and in turmoil, comforting one another.  They look and realise that Thomas is not there and they begin to question where he is.  Then we see what happens, they listened to the words of these 2 disciples and suddenly Jesus comes into their midst.  They are filled with his peace.  They are not going out to criticise, we never read of them asking Thomas why he was not there.  They go out and find him, love him, care for him and want to make sure he is with them the following week.  That is the work of the people.  Now there is something they must do.  He must see what they have seen and hear what they have heard.  They are out in the streets looking for him.  Are we active in the service of God?  We come in on Sunday morning and evening but are we active during the week?  Do we tell others of the joy we have found?  The Saviour we have?  The meetings we have as we listened to the word of God?  Are we telling others about it as we meet together?  The 2 disciples came from Emmaus and told how they had met with the Lord, how he had explained the scriptures to them.  "We felt his presence Thomas, we saw him, he is alive and he is alive for evermore."  Where was Thomas found the next week?  He was found in the meeting.  Are we active today?  Are you inviting others to hear the word of God, to meet the Saviour?  What did these disciples do - got out of the meeting and did a work that would stand the test of time.

Friday, 21 April 2017

When life gets too much to cope with

Matthew 14 verses 22 - 36

Matthew, Mark and John`s gospels record this incident of the disciples in the little boat out on the waters in the Sea of Galilee when a storm arose.  They were told to enter into the ship and go to the other side of Capernaum.  All was well then things began to change.  The winds could be felt getting up.  The waters started to beat into the boat.  John tells us that it was dark.  Imagine being in a boat in these conditions.  Everything you try to do you cannot do, you cannot escape from it, the darkness begins to impede into your being.  You are in desperation and become depressed.  It is dismil.  The Lord is not with them.  He has left them.  He is up in the mountain praying.  He has them in his view. He knows where they are.  The Lord knows where you are tonight, even in the darkness of your soul.  There was also a fear in the disciples hearts too.  There is maybe that fear in your heart too.  A fear of the future.  Peter in that boat, once he knows the Lord is coming to him he shouts.  "Lord if it is you bid me to come to you."  The Lord bids you to come to him tonight.  He wants to save your soul.  Peter got out of the boat, all fear seemed to have gone.  He began to walk to the Lord and then he began to sink. In the midst of our circumstances Christ is calling us.

The uncertainty of the times.  How quickly for these men did the times change.  Hours earlier they were sitting on the mountainside listening to what Jesus was saying.  A great multitude was sitting listening to Jesus.  How quickly times changed.  How uncertain times are.  Your time is uncertain.  "It is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgement."(Hebrews 9 verse 27)  We are born in iniquity and one day we must stand before him and give an account.  Nothing is hidden from his eye.  Maybe things are beginning to change for you right now.  Maybe things don`t look as they used to look.  Maybe the future is uncertain for you.  See these men earlier in the day gathered with the crowds.  The people had no food and the journey home was long.  Jesus told the disciples to feed them but what would they feed them with?  They found one boy with 5 loaves and 2 fishes and with those the disciples fed all the people sitting on the hillside.  An unfailing supply.  We find an unfailing satisfaction in the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Lord is able to save to the uttermost, break every power in your life.   These men found great blessing in and out of the crowd.  As Jesus disperses the crowd he tells his disciples to get into the boat.  That is when things began to change.  The times are uncertain.  We do not know what another day may bring forth.  We have an opportunity of closing in with God`s offer of mercy.  We see all around us nothing we can depend upon in this world.  You only have to watch the news, hear the radio, the pound in our pocket is fast losing its value.  So uncertain.  Pension is gone.  The health we thought we had is all uncertain.  Now as the days go on the day begins to fail.  See it through the pages of scripture.  See Job coming out every morning, see him looking down through the fields, seeing the servants there doing a days work when all of a sudden everything is taken away from him.  He lost everything in a day.  Life has become so uncertain.  Don`t we see that in the old Philippian jailer.  He had a good job then at midnight everything started to fall around him.  In 2 Kings 4 the Shunamite woman saw Elisha passing her house every day.  One day she said to her husband "lets do something for this man."  She put in that room a little bed, somewhere for Elisha to rest.  God gave her a son.  God gave her the blessings that particular day but how quickly it turned.  That young man one day out in the field took a pain in his head and before his mother came for him he was dead.  What are you depending on?  On something that will one day crumble and leave you?  On that final day when Christ comes again will you be left behind?  All because you never been to the cross of Calvary, come in repentance and trusted Christ as your own personal Saviour.  The uncertainty of the times.

Peter as he stepped out is unable to manage  - verse 30 "and beginning to sink".  Peter realises he was unable to manage in these uncertain times.  Jesus says to us "without me you can do nothing."  Have you got him tonight?  Is he in your heart tonight?  Was there a moment when you allowed Christ to come in and cleanse you from your sin.  Jesus comes tonight and he has done everything you need.  He will satisfy the longing in your soul.  He will one day take you into the splendours of heaven to be with him for all eternity.  Sadly tonight you haven`t opened the door to him.  Sometimes life gets too much for people.  Peter looked at the storm and he began to sink.  Could do nothing for himself.  He cried out "Lord save me."  Jesus is however still coming.  In the story of the Philippian jailer in Acts 16 when everything was falling around him he felt nothing more he could do.  He wanted to kill himself with his sword.  He came to that point in his life where there was nothing more to live for.  The end of the journey is at hand.  Life meant nothing to him any more.  Peter found in the gloom a hand that would not fail him.  A master who would listen to him.  There is one who is ready to listen to you.  Ahithophel was a counsellor of David. Whenever this man spoke he spoke with the oracles of heaven. (2 Samuel 16 verse 23)  It was as if David was listening at the very knees of God.  When Absalom turned against his father David, Ahithophel went with Absalom.  His counsel was no longer respected or desired.  He went out and hung himself. (2 samuel 17 verse 23)  Couldn`t handle the unchanging times.  Don`t take any chances tonight.  If you have not taken Christ as Saviour and Lord take him as your friend and Saviour now.

The urgency of the action.  Peter did the only thing he could do.  He cried out "Lord save me".  That is all we can do.  For a time Peter was OK but then he began to sink.  The Psalmist said "this poor man cried and the Lord heard and saved him out of all his troubles".  We might criticise Peter for all sorts of things, getting out of the boat, crying out but he was at the Lord`s command.  He called in time.  One day time will slip out into eternity.  maybe you will have left it too long, put it off so long that the opportunity passes you by.  Your call will be too late.  You can believe on him tonight.  There is an urgency - today is the day of God`s salvation not tomorrow.  He wants to save you tonight.  He got into uncertain waters and he cried out "Lord save me."

An unfailing hand.  "and immediately" verse 31  When he began to call out he was saved immediately.  You will never be saved until you come to the fact that you realise you are lost in your sin.  It was immediate for Peter and it will be for you too when you cry out to God to save you.  Christ reached forth with a hand that was unfailing.  "No man will pluck you out of my hand." (John 10 verse 28)  Remember the old thief on the cross "Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom".  The Lord said to him "today you will be with me in paradise".  Do you want to be saved tonight?  To be sure of heaven tonight? Trust Christ now.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Experience, evidence, expression and enthusiasm of faith

Sermon notes from 19 February 2017
1 Thessalonians 1 verses 1 - 10

We see here in this letter a church reaching out for God, bringing the gospel to their neighbours and friends - verse 8 "for from you sounded out the word of the Lord."  Paul was speaking of every day people who had heard the message of God`s love and his death and had accepted him as Saviour and Lord.  He is using the word "sounded" as in using a trumpet such as the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy describe.  They sounded out to share the message of the Lord.  Sounded out also in danger to warn the people of an enemy coming on them.  Chapter 1 verses 1 and 2 Timothy has come back to Paul with a report from this church.  I wonder if someone was to come and live in my house, then took a report back to someone else how would it read?  How did that report read to Paul?

Notice the experience of their faith.  Paul addresses the issue of how they came to faith in Christ.  "Knowing brethren beloved your election of God."  They had come to saving faith in Christ.  Remember when Paul came to Thessalonia in Acts chapter 17.  They began to preach the word in a synagogue and there were those who came to trust in Christ.  They got together and formed a prayer meeting, then a church.  That is how the church came into being.  It didn`t please certain people in that city and they raised up in opposition.  Paul had to leave Thessalonica and go to Berea which was 50 miles away.  Some people from Thessalonica came and upset the work there, such was their hatred for the gospel.  Maybe we don`t see that same hatred too much today but it is there none the less.  As a result Paul endeavoured to come to them.  1 Thessalonians 2 verse 18.  Paul hadn`t time to teach them but wanted to come back.  Every time he tried to Come back Satan hindered him - chapter 3 verses 1 and 2.  He sent Timothy with instructions to go down and investigate what was happening there.  Out of that came back a report to which Paul is now responding.  He saw a people with a genuine faith.  There can be a false profession of faith today.  Some can live in that very happily.  Just like the wheat and tares growing together, they couldn`t be recognised or distinguished but had to wait until the harvest.  In the last day when God calls his people to account there will be a evident separation.  We cannot see that transforming faith changing lives completely.  "ye received the word" verse 6  Acts 17 brings them back to the days of the synagogue when Paul preached the word of God to them.  It is very serious to have a meeting without the word of God.  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the preaching of the word of God.  There has to be that genuine experience.  Acts 17 Paul went in before the Jewish people in the synagogue and opened up the word of God.  He built the truths one on another from the beginning of Genesis right to the point of Jesus` sufferings and they believed.  We need to take time to point people to the scriptures.  Acts 17 verse 4 "some of them believed" and Acts 17 verse 5 "which believed not".

There was evidence of their faith.  What did Timothy see when he went back to Thessalonica?  He saw a people who experienced saving faith in the Lord and it is now displayed.  A light cannot be hid under a bushel Jesus said.  "So let your light so shine before men so that others may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven."  Verse 9 "and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God."  That was evidence of a true and saving faith.  "And to wait for his son from heaven" in their hearts was instilled the word of God.  They turned from idols to serve the true God.  James said "show me your faith."  It is no good talking about it.  Ephesians 2 verse 10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works."  This is the evidence of that faith.  They turned away from the books they were reading, worshipped other idols, toyed with black magic, able to do spells but when the gospel came and Paul told them to turn away from them, they realised they had to get rid of these books, bring them to the centre of the city and burn them.  Their attachment to the old life was now gone.  Sometimes we can get genuinely saved but there is something that we hold onto in our old life.  Every time these people read these books it took them back into life they had followed before.  The devil can trap us and snare us.  Whenever we think of Paul there was a time when he persecuted the church of God.  He thought he was doing no harm, he had everything in his power to put down the word of God, he had signed letters to ensure Christians were arrested and put in prison or killed.  When Paul got saved the Bible tells us there were those who never saw his face "but they heard of him that he which persecuted the church in times past now preached the faith which was once destroyed."

There is an expression of their faith.  They were serving the living God.  W hen faced with the truth of Christ they realised what they believed was wrong and turned to Christ.  Now they were motivated into a work of faith.  Motivated by an inward change.  God had a task for them.  Are we holding back today?  Has the Lord got our all today?  Are you allowing the Lord to have full control in your life?  They laboured in their faith to the point of exhaustion.  Sometimes we come to that point that we are so tired and weary in telling others about Christ.  Verse 3 "patience of hope" now their lives are showing.

The enthusiasm of their faith.  So enthused that they were not prepared to sit back.  They were enthusiastic about sending forth the message.  To be prepared to spend time in prayer for individuals.  Does God see that enthusiasm and expression of our faith today?

The gospel net that is being cast

Sermon notes from 12 February 2017
Matthew 13 verses 44 - 52
"Again the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea and gathered of every kind"

Chapter 13 of the gospel of Matthew is taken up with parable teaching.  The Lord is teaching through parables.  We are taught that a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.  It was something that he could picture or visualise, see it happening around him such as a crop growing in the fields or sowing seeds in the field.  He would point to that and tell a story about it but it would have a heavenly meaning attached to it.  Jesus turns it around and gives it that heavenly aspect - verse 47.  He has brought his disciples along the seashore and stopped where the fishermen are casting nets into sea.  They were dragging that net and all the fishes are being carried into the net and drawn to the shore.  That is the earthly story.  He wants to give a heavenly meaning.  Jesus likened it to the preaching of the gospel.  There is a visible church here on earth.  What is being caught in that net?  All the good being chosen out and the evil being thrown out of the net.  Many prophesize salvation in ths world are gathered into the visible church.  There is very little difference to look at but one day a great division will be made.  Only those who know their sins forgiven will be taken from this scene of time, taken into the clouds to meet those who have gone before.  God will one day bring this world to a close.  Hebrews 1 verse 12 "and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up" so God will one day call every child of his out of this world to be with him.  

Notice the first thing about the net - it was spread out.  The simple truth is the fish have their home in the sea.  The fishermen knew where to go to, not on the beach but in the sea.  They had to cast that net and gather it in by dragging it along.  The gospel must be preached, has to go forth.  In Acts 8 there was persecution in Jerusalem.  The Christians had to go elsewhere.  Where they went they talked about Jesus.  It didn`t matter where they went they were spreading the gospel net.  Tonight the gospel net is being cast forth.  The Holy Spirit will take your heart and mind, open up your eyes to the wonderful sight on the middle cross and see Jesus himself dying, bleeding and suffering for your sins and mine.  In Acts 17 Paul comes to the city of Thessalonica for 3 weeks.  He proclaimed the gospel of Christ, showing to them from the scriptures the one who is able to save them, make them new creatures in Christ, reasoning with them.  Everyone who came in heard that gospel.  The net was being dragged.  The line has to be in the water to catch fish.  The net has to be spread.  If we do not preach the gospel sinners will not be saved.  Romans 10 verse 14 "how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher?"  You might never have an opportunity to get saved.  The gospel needs to be spread where sinners are.  The gospel is being spread.  When Jesus gathered his disciples together he told them he was going back to his father in heaven and left them a great commission "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel." (Mark 16 verse 15)  We shall never ever tire lending our hand to the spread of the gospel net.  We are responsible for telling them, sharing the gospel  message.  1 Corinthians 1 verse 17 "For Christ sent me not to baptise but to preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect."  There was a great gulf fixed in the Garden of Creation when God created man in his own image.  God placed breath into his lungs.  When Adam and Eve ate of the tree in that garden there was a way closed up to us.  A way back to God we could never open until the day when Christ took on himself the form of a servant.  He died there for us to open up that door once again.  A great gulf was fixed that day but we must never tire of trying to get people into the kingdom of God.  Peter mending his net, the Lord came to him and said cast out your nets again.  Peter was out all night and caught nothing.  The Lord said to Peter "cast out yor net again, let it down.  He obeyed the voice of God and caught a great multitude of fishes.  There is someone waiting on you coming to Christ.  You need to spread the gospel net tonight.

The net is sufficient.  The fishermen took great care of the net.  He made sure it was sufficient for the amount of fish there would be caught.  When Jesus found his disciples he found them mending their nets, making sure they had enought net for the catch of fish.  When Jesus came one day they had been fishing all night.  He instructed them to cast forth the net again.  When they did so the nets broke.  That is a Greek interpretation, not that the net broke.  The net was sufficient for the amount of fishes caught.  It was in danger of breaking, not broke completely.  God has given us a message sufficient to save that soul of yours by his grace.  Paul said "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation."  It will not fail you, let you down.  If you come to Christ you will be saved.  If you trust Christ you will be saved.  This message is not for a few or for a certain number.  It is sufficient for all the world.  "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."  Imagine Paul coming out with that.  I am sure it was true for him.  It is sufficient to do the job it is supposed to do.  No doubt our minds are bombarded with all sorts of information about people.  He will meet all the arguments and philosophies and he is all we need.  If you believe that it will be sufficient for you.  On the day of Pentecost 2000 people wanted to get saved.  The next day it reached 3000.  The net was able to hold them.  Jesus made his way through Samaria and stopped with a woman.  An immoral woman standing with a pitcher ready to draw water.  Is the gospel sufficient for her?  Yes it is.  What class or crowd you are doesn`t matter, it is for you tonight.  Take you away from the well to Caesarea to a different man sitting on his knees.  Well thought of in his household, reads his bible, a religious man, prays, he knows he is not saved because there is an emptiness in his heart.  An angel comes and says your prayers are heard, send for Peter for he will tell you words whereby you might be saved.  The net is cast out and it is sufficient for the catch.  

There was a great separation.  When it was full they drew the net to shore and sat down and gathered the good into the boat but cast the bad away.  "So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."  All sorts of fishes were gathered into the net.  The fishermen are only looking for certain types of fish.  There is a gospel net that is being spread out.  There are those being faithful to the gospel message.  People genuinely coming to Christ and trusting Christ are being gathered in tonight.  There is however another gospel.  Paul spoke of it to the Galatian church.  It is being proclaimed and preached tonight, being dressed up, disguised, camouflaged tonight.  All you have to do is do the best you can and God will not ask no more of you.  Turning over a new leaf.  The gospel message is that of true repentance, owning up to your sin, acknowledging your sin, turning away from sin, coming to the cross, seeing how you have sinned, trusting in him and him alone for salvation.  Like the field with wheat and tares growing together.  There are many who are so similar in this night.  Jesus is talking about preachers who will be cast away.  Jesus pointed to that last day and to people who will say "did we not preach in your name?"  The person you followed for years may be cast aside.  There will be those who sat at the communion table but Jesus will say of them "I never knew you."  Do you want to be serious about your soul tonight?  Not in the ability of a preacher, nor in a church.  We will show you your need of salvation, need of God and how can be saved.  Will you come and trust him?

Search me O God

Sermon notes from 12 February 2017
Psalm 139

As we read through this Psalm somehow we can see the wonderful words the Psalmist uses here.  There is a real thing developing here as we look through these words.  I can see a man getting before the God of heaven, opening up his prayer time to God.  He wants to spend time in the presence of God.  A man confirms his faith in God of heaven through these verses.  A man who has confidence in his God as he sits before him.  He allows his mind to reflect back to where he is sitting under the mountainside guarding the sheep for his father.  A lion and a bear come into the flock and with the help of God he delivered those sheep from these animals.  Do we come with confidence in God?  Do we affirm our faith?  He comes with confidence but he also affirms his faith.  Not to take sides with the enemies.  Innn Psalm 1 I see a man who is not complacent, content with the place he is in.  He wants to grow and desires to give all to God of heaven.  We often sing the hymn "O for a closer walk with God."  Is that our desire today?  In our hearts to go on with God, to go through with God, to get close to God, to have communion with God?  As he comes into the presence of God he says in verse 23 "search me O God and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting."  

An honest petition.  Do I come with that honesty today?  This prayer is more than letting God know what we think we need.  God doesn`t need to know any of that.  Our heavenly father knoweth what we need before we ask him.  The Lord is near today.  Here we have an exercise of close communion with God.  A man who wants to grow in grace and knowledge of who God is.  The reality of these things.  He got down before God in his private time.  We don`t know the background to this Psalm.   Maybe can identify some of these times when the enemy is coming against us.  A time when we were down and discouraged.  Come and worship the Lord.  We don`t realise what is behind this Psalm.  He doesn`t want anything to come between him and God.  "if I regard iniquity in my heart God will not hear me."  He wants to come with a clean heart before God.  He wants to be cleaned by God himself.  In Psalm 40 this man cried and the Lord "inclined unto me and heard my cry".  The Lord lifted him out and set his feet on a rock.  He put a new song in his heart.  Do we remember that day when we cried?  We were in the pit of sin, couldn`t get out of that pit.  The only way out was to leave that pit, to go out into a lost and Christless hell for all eternity.  We cried out though and the Lord heard us.  He lifted us out of the pit and set our feet on a solid rock.  He gave us a new song in our hearts.  "I have loved the habitations of thy house, the place where thine honour dwelleth." (Psalm 26 verse 8)  He loved God`s house, loved getting among God`s people, fellowship and communion with them, drawing closer to God of heaven.  Here is a man with a heart felt prayer.  Many would rather gather around a screen that hear God`s message rather than be in God`s house.  Unlike Saul the king who was raised up yet disobeyed God.  He was told to kill Amalek and his people, to get rid of everything .  He didn`t do it.  Samuel asked him when he came "why did you do this?"  Saul blamed all the people around him.  God has left you, deserted you, Samuel told him, there is going to be a new king in Israel.  Saul got down on his knees - "do me the honour and go back into the camp with me before the elders." (1 Samuel 15 verse 30)  He was more concerned about what they thought of him than what the God of heaven thought.  We can be guilty of that this morning.  I can be more desiring of what people think of me than what God thinks of me.  David says  "Lord search me."  No outward evidence.  David comes in his own way willingly, asks God if there is something in his heart to take it from him.  Think of the solemn place around the Lord`s table, a place whenever we think of the bread and wine.  When I look at the table I look at the body that was broken on the cross of Calvary, beaten, rejected and hanged on an old middle cross.  That body was marred more than any man.  When the Lord was on the cross of Calvary he wasn`t even recognisable as a human being.  Imagine that.  Such was the treatment he endured.  Think of that body - reminds us of the blood of Christ flowing from his wounded side to take away our sin.  Paul says "let a man examine himself." (1 Corinthians 11 verse 28)  David is not saying this for himself but asks the Lord to look into his heart and see if there is something that should not be there and then show it to him.

A humbling practice.  David recognises there is a higher authority.  Saul knew his sin because Samuel brought his sin before him.  He was the king and he didn`t obey God.  Knew it was in his heart and was more concerned about his standing.  We sometimes don`t face up to our sin because we are more concerned about our standing.  Saul said "I don`t want to be made little of in front of all the nations, I was chosen and have served this nation and now I do not want to be humiliated in front of these people.  David was more concerned with getting right before God.  Sometimes we can be innocent of something in our hearts and lives then when we get down to prayer God puts something in our hearts.  Maybe something you said which was said innocently but when you thought back on it maybe sounded ok but was all wrong.  Maybe someone has said something to us that is out of place.  Saul was more concerned about his standing before others.  David just wanted to be right before God.  When David sinned with Bathsheba she became pregnant and David planned and plotted to kill her husband.  He had him placed in the battle.  For some 12 months this troubled him.  Nathan the prophet came in and told him a story, a parable.  David fell as a result.  Psalm 51 tells us that David acknowledged his sin before God - verse 7 - will you purge me, cleanse me, forgive me.  He had one thought in his mind - "cast me not from your presence, nor take not thy holy spirit from me." (Psalm 51 verse 11)  He didn`t want the break of the relationship with his God.  The Psalmist didnt want anything to hinder his relationship with God.  Sometimes we need God to put his finger on it.  Joshua stepped into Moses` shoes and took the people across the river and into the Promised Land.  God told him how to take that great city Jericho.  He followed the instructions and nation after nation fell under his leadership.  Then came Ai, an insignificant place.  Someone came to Joshua and told him they didn`t need all these men to go up.  Joshua agreed and sent the men up.  The men were defeated.  Joshua fell down on his knees and began to cry and lament about what the other nations would think of them.  They would begin to think that God had left them.  God told him before you pray anything more get your priorities right.  What are you doing lying on your face - there is sin in Isarel.  Is that what has defeated us?  A man called Achan took what he shouldn`t have taken thinking no-one would know but God knew.  A garment and a bit of gold.  It was rebellion and disobedience to what God had said.  It brought defeat.  

A hungry pursuit.  He is serious in going on with God.  He doesn`t want anything to stand in his life.  David asked God to look into his very thoughts.  Maybe there is something we look at and the devil uses that image to create thoughts.  The Psalmist wasn`t interested in that.  Remember when David looked at Bathsheba - Proverbs 23 verse 7 "For as he thinketh in his heart so he is."  The words "try me" mean to test, it is the idea of metal being placed in the furnace.  The Psalmist is sitting before the God of heaven and says "search me O God and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts."

A hopeful persistance.  "Lead me in the way everlasting."  The Psalmist also said "who shall ascend the hill of the Lord, who shall stand in the holy place, them that have a clean hands, a pure heart and hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully." (Psalm 24 verses 3 and 4)  What an example he set for us today coming into God`s presence. 

Thursday, 13 April 2017

A widow woman used by God

Sermon notes from Sunday 26 March 2017
1 Kings 17 verses 8 - 16

In these verses today we meet this striking character Elijah.  It is funny we always pick out some of these great characters in scripture.  Think of Moses, Samuel, Samson, Gideon, David, Elisha and then we come to Elijah.  We see this man who knows nothing of fear - standing in the presence of the most evil king to tell him what God has laid on his heart yet James sets him into perspective, he describes him as a man of prayer even the very heavens closed because of his prayer but he was a man with "like passions as we are." (James 5 verse 17 and 18) He had the same doubts and fears as we have yet God used him mightily.  Not going to look at this great man of the scriptures but I want to turn your attention to a little home.  Maybe if you met her in the street you would pass her by.  This woman is being spoken to by God.  She was a mother.  I want to take a look at this woman and the impact she has in her home.  Think of her as a mother yes but as an individual and the impact she had on others.  What is the influence you have on another person?  Maybe in the workplace, in the community you are living in.  What is that influence today? Look through the eyes of a son today.  Verse 2.  This woman is thinking of her son.  The influence and impact she will have on her son.  

First of all she has a listening ear.  That is maybe a rare thing.  It was not just a listening ear for those around her but listening here for God.  When this woman was in danger who had been standing in before King Ahab?  The Lord told Elijah he was to hide by the brook Cherith, a place of safety.  As he rested by the brook he was keeping his eyes on the blessings of God but all of a sudden they seemed to dry up.  What was God doing - he was working it all out.  He was told to go to Zarephath and a widow woman - verse 9.  God told Elijah he had the ear of a woman in that city who was going to keep him nourished, would safeguard him.  A woman with a listening ear.  God had it all worked out.  Maybe we feel our lives are beginning to collapse around us but God is working it all out in the quietness of a bedroom.  She would get away and get down on her knees praying.  not only was she praying but listening too.  Some times we come into God`s presence rushing in and out.  We don`t have time to listen to him.  We rush into church and away again.  Sometimes we don`t have time to listen for God.  This woman had a listening ear.  God is still communicating his will to us through his word as we read.  Many voices in societies are beckoning for our time.  This young son would see his mother going into the place of prayer.  What an influence that is, what a privilege to have a mother who prayed, a father who prayed, a granny who prayed.  God doesn`t look at our circumstances.  She was a widow woman, had a mouth to feed.  God doesn`t look at our circumstances.  God doesn`t say there is someone I could use because they have a great intellect, they have so many degrees and qualifications, God only looks for our obedience.  Jeremiah was locked in a prison house.  The word of God came to him a second time.  God didn`t turn his back on Jeremiah simply because he was locked up.  He had a listening ear.  The Lord is looking for you to hear what he has to say to you.  We make the excuses "if only I was well enough I could do so much for the Lord" or "I am too busy."  God spoke to Samuel one night.  God doesn`t look at our circumstances.  He doesn`t say "I need a senior man or woman with experience."  God is looking for a man who will give his heart to the Lord and obey him.  God called Samuel.  He thought it was another one calling him.  Eli told him it was God himself.  How many times have you heard the voice of God.  Wouldn`t it be awful to hear it for the final time?  

Not only did she have a listening ear she was going to go through a learning experience.  God spoke to this woman, explained the situation and the woman agreed to what God said.  There were "many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land but unto none of them was Elias sent save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow." (Luke 4 verses 25 and 26).  No-one else was able to do this task.  She lived in the midst of difficult times.  The heavens were closed for 3 1/2 years and there was a great famine.  She lived through all that but she didn`t have a living experience that Christ was living with her.  Are you trusting Christ today?  There are only 2 places prepared for us today - heaven or hell.  You can come to Christ, be in heaven for all eternity.  He has prepared it with his own hands just for you.  She had this living experience.  Times can be difficult, it is not easy to live for God in this modern society, not easy to be in business today, to be a Christian in the workplace.  Here`s a boy in the home seeing his mother coming to trust in the God of heaven for every day.  We live in a really difficult time for our children.  The battle for our children is beginning early.  The devil loves the souls of men and women and he wants to damn your soul in a Christless hell.  It is true whenever that battle begins in the lives of children.  Satan knows the importances of scripture.  "From a child thou hast known the scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation." (2 Timothy 3 verse 15)  That is why the devil puts up barriers to keep children away from the things of God.  The devil is in that home, blinds their minds.  It is our responsibility to teach our children.  Scriptures commands it - "teach your children and your children`s children". (Deuteronomy 4 verse 9)  "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22 verse 6)  Not a command but a responsibility.  The devil wants their souls and it is up to you and I.  It is not up to the pastor but to every one of us to get into the battle.

She had a living expression.  His mother looked on him first.  When Elijah came here to that place where the woman was living what was she doing?  Verse 12.  They had nothing left, that is what Elijah came to.  There was nothing in the house whatsoever.  God`s challenge doesn`t always come where we feel we have a lot to give.  Maybe God spoke to this woman sometime back "I am going to bring my prophet to you and I want you to sustain him."  Maybe she could open the larder with plenty of food then she could say "no problem I will do it" but now when the challenge comes there is nothing in the larder.  What will she do?  Now she gives it to the Lord.  What a thought - she gave it to the Lord.  Something else about her - she lived in Zarephath, the heartland of Jezebel the enemy of Elijah.  Jezebel had promised to kill him.  Another thought for this woman "I am living under Jezebel`s reign, I am going to entertain this enemy and that will make me an  enemy - will I put God first?  By putting God first the blessing would fall on her home - verse 16 "and the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord which he sapke by Elijah."  Can you imagine this through the eyes of her son?  She was going to give him the last they had to eat, bake the cake and give him first but when Elijah came she gave God first.  Are we giving God all that we have today?  Are we putting him first?  She was a living example.  She proved God before the eyes of her son.  I`m sure this son didn`t appreciate it at the time but I imagine him later in life thinking of it and it would never leave his mind.  That his mother would do all this for him.  Paul commended the Philippian church for the many times they sent help to him. (Philippians 4 verse 15) Dorcas, a woman in the New Testament church died.  She was a widow woman but she made garments which were shown to Peter when he came to raise her to life again. (Acts 9 verse 39)  Are we a living example to our family?  To those around us through living expression and a living experience day by day stemming from a listening ear?  Have we allowed God to speak to us today?  Will we do as Samuel "speak for thy servant heareth."  If not true with the Lord we will not work for the Lord.  We need to leave all on the altar for him today.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

And sitting down they watched him there

Sermon notes from 9 April 2017
Luke 23 verses 26 - 33

It tells us here in verse 26 "and as they led him away".  The scriptures pick up on this point - a procession making their way from Pilate`s judgment hall to where they would crucify Jesus.  The cross was laid on this man Simon of Cyrene, a visitor to Jerusalem.  Out of curiosity Simon had joined the crowd to see what was going on. The soldiers arrested him and laid the cross on him.  Jesus had been tortured and abused for some hours in the judgment hall and maybe was so weak now that he couldn`t bear the cross.  This man was drafted in to help.  Every thief, condemned prisoner carried his own cross but Jesus knew no sin.  He was not guilty of any sin.  We catch a glimpse of this procession in verse 33 "and when they were come to the place which is Calvary there they crucified him."  When they came to this place - it is the preachers task to bring his hearers always to the place where Jesus died.  If we miss the cross this meeting is of no benefit.  Paul said he was sent to preach the gospel "not with enticing words of man`s wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." (1 Corinthians 2 verse 4)  It is the way of the cross that leads home.  If you miss the cross you could miss heaven`s glory.  I want to bring you face to face wiht the cross.  Oswald Chambers said "all heaven is interested in the cross, all hell is terrified of the cross and guilty man shuns the cross."  Maybe that is what you have been doing, maybe you have now come face to face with this issue of eternity, maybe you have been shunning the cross as if it doesn`t exist.  Look at this place they came to.

A place of watching.  In Matthew 27 verse 36 it says "and sitting down they watched him there."  Those soldiers who had mocked, beaten him, nailed his hands to the cross, lifted the cross into the air, those were the same who sat down content and well.  They watched every movement because they were warned that the disciples might move in and take Jesus down from the cross.  I wonder have you sat down with the word of God before you, gone through the words of scripture and watched how the Saviour died for you and me?  It was a place of watching.  As they watched every movement no doubt they looked around them.  They observed those who also came to spectate, what their attitude was to what was happening.  The religious leaders were gathered around.  They had watched him to trap him when he preached in the villages.  They saw the people come, those who were blind, lame and sick.  The Pharisees watched to see if they could trap him in his words, whether he would heal on the Sabbath day.  The soldiers would gaze up into his face, when he called out for a drink of water, when they thought he called out for the great Elijah, watched when the darkness came over the whole earth.  We can get a view of Jesus as a teacher, a miracle worker, a prophet but the most important look is to see him at Calvary.  Have you ever come to this place called Calvary as Jesus died on the cross just for you?

A place of weeping.  The women folk and disciples who followed Christ came here weeping in their heart and on their faces.  Their friend, master, son was dying on this cross.  They could hear those in the crowd broken hearted.  "Weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children." (Luke 23 verse 28)  Why were these people weeping?  Perhaps because of the torment meaured out to Jesus.  As they watched this man who they had followed for 3 years they knew the abuse he had suffered.  A body beyond virtual recognition yet Jesus says "weep not for me."  Maybe they had a wrong view of Calvary.  Have you got a right view of Calvary for the saving of the precious soul?  Whenever Peter told the crowd on Pentecost "this is the divine plan of God."  This was God`s plan in dealing with your sin, that he must be taken and nailed to the cross.  This was the plan of salvation.  "Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4 verse 12)  Have you the right view of Calvary?  As he died he was dying for your sin and mine.  We could miss that.  There is an enemy for your soul tonight.  He is a master of disguise, he blinds the minds of them that believe not less the glorious light of the gospel should shine in their hearts.  He wants to damn your soul for all eternity.  One look from Calvary could remedy that situation.  Christ took the holiness of God and the sinfulness of man.  Somehow he has held them on the cross that a sinful world could hear the message of God.

A place of wounding.  Isaiah the prophet some 700 years before said "his visage was marred more than any man." (Isaiah 52 verse 14)  The Lord was wounded for you and me.  Christ was stripped naked, humiliated in front of the soldiers, tied to a stake, spread eagled in the shape of a cross, scourged with a strap and on it at the end was a piece of bone.  The Roman soldier would come against the back of Jesus and strike him, wrapping that stick with the strap on it around him.  The soldier would rip off the little bones and they would go into the flesh of Christ.  He was given some 39 lashes.  His back was like a ploughed field.  The crown of thorns was placed on his head.  The thorns that were the length of a nail.  Those thorns were plaited into a crown and placed on the Lord`s head.  The soldiers smote that crown of thorns into his head.  It punctured his brow.  The cross was laid on the ground, spikes were driven into his hands and feet.  He was lifted up onto that cross.  This was a place of wounding.  Then as the day wore on death came  on.  The soldier took his sword and pierced his side.  That is what these soldiers were watching.  Isaiah said "he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities." (Isaiah 53 verse 5)  How often have we heard about the sufferings of Christ yet it goes over our head, turn our back on the cross and say "it is not for me, I am going to get to heaven my own way."  No church will ever take you to heaven nor any minister can talk you into heaven.  If you die in your sin, you have turned your back on Christ and will go to a place of hell.

A place of wickedness.  The soldiers would have heard the cries of the Jewish people "away with him, we don`t want him to reign over us."  They watched the cruelty of the priests as they came up and ridiculed him, calling him down and then they would believe.  What they were seeing was man`s really worse against heaven`s very best for you and I.  We need to be careful.  This was God in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.  Rembrant, the famous painter painted the 3 crosses at Calvary.  Art critics tell us as they look at this painting somehow your mind is taken to the middle cross.  The eye is automatically attracted there.  Then they go on to tell us the attention is drawn to each and every person standing around.  Here`s the wonderful thing - a little shadow is standing at the edge of the painting.  That was Rembrant.  He represented himself in that picture.  He realised it was his sin that nailed Jesus there.  He wanted to be there that day to own his wickedness and sin.  It is where your sin and mine were poured out on Christ, that he died for you.

A place of witness.  Notice what happens when a man gets a right view of Calvary.  The soldiers were watching the Saviour right throughout the day.  They witnessed the thief ridiculing him all day then all of a sudden something happens.  The thief looked at the Lord and realised there was an eternity in front of him and he would soon be stepping into it.  He looked at the Lord and saw something different in him.  He asked to be remembered when he came into his kingdom.  Jesus replied "today thou shalt be with me in paradise".  That witnesses to me that you can be saved through the cross of Calvary.  He realised Jesus was the door of the kingdom.  "I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved." (John 10 verse 9)  Jesus said you may not have another day of opportunity.  This man found the door of heaven before it closed on his soul.

A place of worship.  As they came to this place these men were watching.  They did not realise what they would be watching all day long.  The centurion who was watching what was happening, when the darkness fell, when Christ uttered his last words and offered up his spirit in the hands of God.  The centurion said "surely this was the Son of God."  He weighs up everything he has witnessed and realises who Jesus really is.  This is your opportunity.  It doesn`t matter who you are, how deep in sin you are in, how old or how young you are.  This is the night to get saved.  Trust Christ tonight.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Make haste and come down

Sermon notes from 2 April 207
Luke 18 verses 35 - 37, 19 verses 1 - 7

We have read of Jesus entering into the city of Jericho.  Passing through the city he met with 2 individuals - Bartimaeus a blind poor man and Zacchaeus a rich man and a sinner.  Jesus entered into this mission 2 weeks ago to give men and women an opportunity.  He is still passing by.  The poorest man of Jericho got saved and so did the richest man.  Everyone in between has the same opportunity.  We have a God of mercy and love, not willing that any should perish but that all shall come to salvation.  Everyone who came to Jericho had the same opportunity to call and seek the Lord.  Isaiah 55 verse 6 "seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon the Lord while he is near."  In chapter 18 we see one seeking for the Lord and one calling for the Lord in chapter 19.  

The rich man in Luke 19 Zacchaeus - some commentators say he was so crooked he could hide behind a corkscrew.  He must have been an upright man because how could he pay back 4 times what he owed.  Whatever you think of him he was a sinner - verse 7.  That is why the Lord left the splendours of heaven.  He came down into this world to save sinners.  I want us to think of this man, something said of this man that is not said of any other man in scripture - this man wanted to see Jesus.  What a desire.  I wonder are you here tonight because you really want to see Jesus?  He is a tax man.  The first thing that could come into your head is he wanted money.  In Matthew 17 verse 27 the Lord said to Peter "go down to the seashore and cast in a line, when you catch a fish in its mouth will be a coin.  I want you to pay my dues and your own."  Jesus paid his taxes.  Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar`s and unto God the things which be God`s." (Luke 20 verse 25)  There are people buying lottery tickets to get a bit of cash.  The Lord never left the splendours to make us rich.  Maybe wasn`t cash at all but curiosity.  Remember the other tax collector Matthew who sat at the seat of custom.  The Lord walks past and says `Follow me`.  He closed the book up and followed Jesus.  Why could such a man give up such a lucrative job to follow Jesus?  What kind of man was he?  Maybe he had heard about the wonderful miracles Jesus performed, the people raised to health and strength even perhaps Bartimaeus being healed of his blindness.  People today do not understand why people give up lucrative jobs to go out and serve the Lord in a foreign land, suffer persecution, all kinds of torture, maybe possibility of being thrown into prison.  Does that not fill your heart with curiosity?  He wanted to see Jesus.  Maybe there was concern in this mans heart.  He had a lucrative job, could see this multitude of people following after Christ.  He was the Son of David.  Bartimaeus called this name out.  This multitude now are talking about rebellion against the Romans.  I will lose my job, not be able to earn the same money I have.  There are many concerns today with the political situation in our land.  People are concerned and maybe rightly so.  This man could have been concerned.  What brought this man to Christ?  He was convicted about his soul.  Where would it be in eternity?  You would think for such conviction it would be made easy for them to find Christ.  Certainly not for this man.  He couldn`t get through because of the press and he was little of stature.  The hindrances - the old devil comes at that particular moment when someone has a desire to meet with Christ.  Sometimes in this mans case it was the crowd, the multitude of people.  He couldn`t see through them.  Maybe you can`t get beyond the crowd.  Sometimes the crowd can be our friends that would hinder us from coming to Christ.  If I got saved my friends wouldn`t speak to me again.  The friends you lose are nothing to the friend you will gain.  He will never forsake you, never let you down in any circumstance.  This man got beyond the crowd.  It could be friends or family or foes.  People can be a hindrance.  Pilate as he tries Jesus knows in his heart of hearts he wants to let Christ go.  The crowd says you cannot be a friend of Christ and be a friend of Caesar.  He chose the wrong one, chose the relationship with Caesar rather than with the God of heaven.  It might even be family that keeps you from Christ.  It was his circumstances.  He was a small man and he couldn`t change that.  He said "if i could get above the circumstances."  He is now taller, way beyond the crowd.  If you want to go on as a Christian you will still need to stay above and beyond the crowd, to be close to the God or heaven.  Don`t get involved with them.  Not only says this man wanted to see the Lord.  He waited to see the Lord.  Don`t know how long this man waited.  He came into Jericho to see Christ.  He wasn`t going home without him.  Suddenly he could see the multitude of people coming down the street.  Then he gets his eyes fixed on Christ.  Even at the end of the meeting or this mission would you be willing to wait, to go through for Christ?  Sometimes waiting can be dangerous, putting it off.  Man somehow put off what God is saying to them.  In the Old Testament you will read the story of Moses going down into Egypt to bring the children of Israel out.  He comes to Pharaoh and tells him God had sent him and he wanted him to let his people go.  Pharaoh says "who is the Lord that I should listen to him."  Pharaoh refused to let the people go.  Different plagues then came on Egypt.  Pharaoh sent for Moses "would you pray that God would take this away."  Moses prayed and God took the plague away then Pharaoh hardened his heart, wouldn`t let the people go.  God sent even more plagues and each time Pharaoh asked Moses to take the plagues away.  Seven times he hardened his heart and when it came to the eighth and ninth plagues God hardened his heart.  God gave him his last opportunity of mercy.  "He that being often reproved hardeneth his neck shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy." (Proverbs 29 verse 1)  In Daniel 5 Belshazzar threw a party with over 1000 guests.  They were drinking and Belshazzar commanded the vessels from the temple be brought to drink out of.  Suddenly a hand appeared writing on the wall.  His very knees were knocking and rightly so because God was speaking and challenging him.  Daniel was sent to interpret and he told him "thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting. The kingdom will be taken from you."  The last meal he has enjoyed.  In Luke 12 there is a rich fool, a farmer.  Can see him standing out in the front garden watching the harvest of wheat.  He thinks to himself "God has been good to me, I need to build bigger barns."  He made great plans for the future.  Thinking of the pleasures of life.  He was thinking of the prosperity.  Nothing wrong with any of that.  This man forgot about God.  God said of him "thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee." (Luke 12 verse 20)  That man received his last message.  What would happen if God said that to you tonight?  Everything you have will always be left behind.  Nothing will be taken with us.  Pharaoh`s last offer of mercy.  Belshazzar`s last meal.  The rich farmer`s last message.  Judas betrayed the Lord Jesus.  He was enjoying the last supper with Jesus and the disciples, listening to the final message Jesus would give to them.  How he would go to the cross, lay down his life, rise again.  He is attending his last meal.  You would think tonight that if the preacher was none other than the Lord somehow people would listen.  That man Judas, when Jesus took the sup out of the dish and handed it to him it was his last offer of mercy.  The one he gave the sup to is the one who will betray me.  He could have changed his mind.  This man we are thinking of tonight waited for the right reason, waited because Jesus was passing that way.  He wasn`t going home without Christ.  It didn`t matter who saw him, who laughed at him, didn`t matter, all he wanted to see Christ.  He is welcomed by the Lord.  When Jesus came to the place he looked up and saw him and said unto him "Zacchaeus make haste and come down for today I must abide at thy house."  A Saviour that still welcomes us today.  He invites you to come.  In speaking to this man he knows his name.  He knows your name tonight.  He doesn`t mix you up with anyone else.  He knows your nature, whether you are a shy person or up front.  He knows your need tonight, he knows the very number of hairs on your head.  The Lord knows everything about us and he loves us just the same.  He says "come".  we have always got to come to the place called Calvary.  There is always an urgency.  He told Zacchaeus "make haste".  Surely he would have had 5 minutes to climb down the tree.  When it comes to salvation there is always an urgency because we are not guaranteed the next moment.  "Boast not thyself of tomorrow." (Proverbs 27 verse 1)  We are here one moment and gone out to eternity the next moment.  That is why the Lord says "make haste and come down."  Tomorrow could be too late.  You are not guaranteed a tomorrow.  Tomorrow might never come your way.  There is the urgency but also the simplicity - "come".  In simple repentance and faith.  Confessing his flaws and failures in life.  Things he has done wrong he is sorry about them, willing to turn his back on them and make them right.  Repentance is not just being sorry for sin but being sorry enough to leave them behind.  "No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him" (John 6 verse 44) "for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (Hebrews 11 verse 6)  That is faith.  This man believed that this man was God manifested in the flesh.  There are 700 invitations in the bible.  Genesis 7 "come now and all thy people into the ark."  In Revelation 22 verse 22 there are 3 invitations just before God closes time and scripture - "the spirit and the bride says come", "let him that is thirsty come", "come for all things are now ready."  "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden", "Come now and let us reason together."  You don`t have to change anything.  If you come to Christ he will do the saving.  He was welcomed by the Lord.  There was an urgency, a simplicity but also a humility.  "He made haste".  He didn`t take time to come down.  He jumped down, scrambled down but he made haste and he came down to the feet of Christ.  He falls down at the feet in humility.  He was acknowledging something of the holiness of Christ.  It says in verse 7 "he was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner."  He went home with the Saviour.  He came to Jericho without the Lord that morning and he went home with the Lord that night.  Psalm 23 "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."  If we have Christ with us he will take away the fear of death.  He will take us through and safely home.  Would you recognise his voice tonight?  "Today if you hear his voice harden not your heart." (Hebrews 3 verse 15)  God wants you to be saved.  He is pleading with someone here tonight.  "Make haste and come down" God is saying.  Do you have that same determination Zacchaeus had?  Would you come and trust Christ?

The triumphant entry into Jerusalem

Sermon notes from Sunday morning 9 April 2017
Matthew 21 verses 1 - 11

Here in Jerusalem we see the triumphant entry of Jesus.  It begins a week of much happening that is worthy of such study.  It ends with the triumphant victory of Jesus over sin, death and the grave.  Jesus had left Jericho and the benefits and blessings there.  The Lord comes into our house today and leaves benefits and blessings that we should know he has been with us.  In Jericho he touched the lives of Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus.  He touched Bartimaeus and healed him of his blindness.  It reminds us that there is nothing we can do for ourselves.  We have loved ones unsaved but there is nothing we can do for them - only to reach out to Christ and ask for his help.  We see Zacchaeus up the tree and Jesus stopped with him saying "make haste and come down."  He was in a hurry to speak to Zacchaeus.  Maybe the Lord wants to speak to us of things in our lives.  He wants us to come and talk to him today.  Those homes in Jericho were never the same again.  Wouldn`t it be marvellous if God left a blessing for us today?  That he touched many lives in years to come as a result?  The crowd had been picking up now as he entered into Jerusalem.  Then certain people came out to meet him.

A spectacular event.  Here in Jerusalem the people were there to celebrate this feast of the Passover.  That took them back to Egypt when the children of Israel were in bondage to Pharaoh.  God told them to take a lamb and sprinkle the blood on the doorposts to be safe.  Now years later they gathered to remember that occasion.  When they arrived in Jerusalem they were in the midst of a spectacular event.  Do we come with that great picture on our minds?  What has he done for us?  He suffered, bled and died to deliver us from our sins and heaven will one day be our home.  Can we say that God`s presence is here today?  Here were a people who associated the presence of Christ with the scriptures.  We have lost the awe of God today, knowing the presence of God in our lives.  When I read of those who experienced revival in days past there was awe in the presence of God.  They couldn`t stop from singing, they felt the presence and power of God.  Here the people were following the commandment of God in Deuteronomy 16 and going to celebrate this great feast.  It was one of the pilgrimage feasts when people had to make their way to Jerusalem.  It didn`t happen in any other year like this.  They saw Christ coming seated on the ass with a colt running alongside.  There were people there who no doubt were familiar with the word of God.  It took them back to the prophecy of Zechariah 9 verse 9 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion, shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold thy king cometh unto thee: he is just and having salvation, lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a colt the foal of an ass."  That was written some 700 years before this day yet right up to date with the last detail.  Remember the sign at the birth of Christ.  The wise men came from the east right into Herod`s palace with one mission in their hearts and minds - looking for the king.  Are we looking for the king today?  To enrich our lives?  Herod gathered all the religious leaders and scribes and asked them who it was these men were looking for.  They were able to turn to the scriptures and 600 years before the prophet Micah wrote as God moved him to - "But thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting." (Micah 5 verse 2)  One day when Jesus returned to the place where he had grown up, Nazareth, he was handed the word of God and he read from Isaiah how the servant of God would come into this world and he would speak of setting captives at liberty, the sight of the blind would be restored, that the deaf would hear, the lame would walk and the word of the Lord would be heard from one quarter to another. (Isaiah 61 verse 1)  Then he looked at all that were gathered that day and said "this day is the scripture fulfilled in your ears." (Luke 4 verse 21) To associate the word of God with God himself is important in our lives.  Do we treat the house of God with respect?  Do we treat the word of God with respect?  Are we looking for the King of Kings in all the Old Testament Scriptures?  Do we take time to meditate on God`s word? These people could see this spectacle coming down the road.  This was scripture being fulfilled here.

A submissive experience.  This didn`t just end with these people worshipping.  They did something truly wonderful.  Something for their souls.  A sense of submission.  They took their garments and laid them down on the road.  They were claiming Christ`s rightful place in their lives.  Here was the King.  By their actions they were declaring this was the King.  When a king entered into a village the people would cast their garments at his feet to show they were his loyal subjects.  That is what was happening in Jerusualem.  In the Old Testament we read of Jehu the son of Jehosophat who was crowned king of Jerusalem.  When he went out and told his servants what had happened they were in the upper room at the time.  The servants realised something very special had happened.  Scripture records "they hasted and took every man his garment and put it under him on the top of the stairs, and blew with trumpets saying Jehu is king." (2 Kings 9 verse 13)  Here in Jerusalem the people were in principle laying down their lives and saying "you are our king, our God, we are going to be looking to you."  We see a spectacular event but also a submission to Christ as king of their lives.  Are we submitted this morning?  Do we lay down our lives at his feet?  Or are there things we are holding back today?  When I came as a sinner to Christ, took him as Saviour, looked on his bleeding wounds that he gave his life for me, left the cross with my sins forgiven ... but was there a moment when we take him as king, that he tells me what to do, shows me what I must do?  That our allegiance is to him?  Is there something in our lives that we need to lay down today?  Are we prepared to let go of our ambitions for Christ?  Are we willing to cast our lives at his feet?  If we are not prepared to leave them there then he is not king of our lives.  Jonah was such a man.  He was not prepared to set aside his own personal ideas.  Think of Peter who argued with God on the rooftop.  There was someone in Caesarea, a Gentile home that needed him.  Peter realised that being Jewish meant he couldn`t enter into that home.  The Lord showed him a vision of a sheet and unclean animals on it.  The Lord told him to kill and eat but Peter said "not so Lord". (Acts 10 verse 14)  Are we ready this morning to submit our all to God?

The singing enjoyed.  The crowd went and sang their hearts before the Lord.  They couldn`t keep it in.  They were so full of joy at the scene.  O that God would show us today something of his great power.  In the Acts of the Apostles Philip came down to Samaria because there was great persecution in Jerusalem.  He didn`t leave his profession behind nor his testimony.  He came down into Samaria and he preached Christ to the people there.  The city was given over to idolatry and witchcraft.  When Philip began to preach something wonderful happened.  Men and women began to trust God, demons were cast out and there was great joy in that city as a result. (Acts 8 verse 8)  That is what happens when people get filled with the Holy Spirit.  There will be times of difficulty.  We will still have problems but there is a joy and peace that comes to our hearts.  That is how the Psalmist put it in Psalm 40. The Psalmist spoke of being in an awful clay pit.  He waited for the Lord and the Lord reached down and he lifted him up, set his feet on the solid rock and put a new song in his mouth even praise unto God.  That is what salvation does.  Even though we are going through difficult time, a hard time but when we leave our garments before Christ he fills our heart with a song.  Maybe like the children of Israel of old who hung their hearts on the willows.  They didn`t have that joy any more.  Not prepared to own him as king.  Remember Paul and Silas in the prison house in Philippi, beaten sore, locked up but they sang praises unto God.  Why?  because God was with them.  God hasn`t changed a bit.  He is still king seated on the throne of heaven today.  He is in charge and in control.  At Antioch there was a great stir when the disciples preached.  They were filled with joy.

The search that ensued.  "And when he was come into Jerusalem all the city was moved saying who is this?"  Of course they saw him coming and were gaging the worship of the people because they heard the people singing, saying who is this worthy of such praise.  This is Jesus the king of heaven.  Perhaps the impact we have today will move somebody.  That people can see how you have submitted to him, that there is joy in your heart even though you are going through difficult times.  Maybe they will say "if he can do that in your life I want him to do it in mine."

To you is the word of this salvation sent

Sermon notes from 28 March 2017
Acts 13 verses 26, 38 and 39, Romans 5 verse 12, 6 verse 23, Hebrews 11 verses 24 - 27
"To you is the word of this salvation sent"

The gospel is sent to you in particular, not the person beside you or behind you or in front of you.  There is nothing you could do to ever merit God`s salvation yet he wants to give it to you.  1 Corinthians 15 verses 3 - 8 "Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, he was buried and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. And then he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve. After that he was seen of above 500 brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James then of all the apostles.  And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time."

Romans 5 verse 12 - the portal of sin, how that sin entered into the world
Hebrews 11 - the pleasures of sin
Romans 6 - the penalty of sin
Acts 13 - the pardon of sin

The portal of sin.  We are all familiar with how Adam and Eve listened to Satan, when Satan said to Eve "did God say".  Adam and Eve began to question the word of God, they began to question the authority of God.  Satan then said "ye shall not die".  There never was a shadow cast over the human race as this one did.  One of the turning points for all humanity for us to understand all that is going on in this world.  Sin brings heartache, trial and trouble as well as much sorrow.  It all started in the Garden of Eden.  How could we ever explain it.  When we hear the news of the deaths of thousands in our world, taking out into eternity because of a great disaster is it fair that God should condemn every man because of what Adam did in the Garden?  Adam did it willingly.  He partook of the fruit.  Through him sin entered into the world.  It is not only fair but it was wise and gracious for God to condemn the world through that one man.  If God had tested us we would have come up with the same results.  Even if God examined my life under the 10 commandments I would be as guilty as the next man.  The very thoughts we have could condemn us already.  The results of sin brought death, destruction, disobedience.  If all are dead in Adam God is able to save through one man.  All who live in Christ Jesus are become the children of God.  Sin entered and sin has escalated.  Down through the centuries of time the heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked, no-one knows how far men and women would go in offending God. (Jeremiah 17 verse 9)

The pleasures of sin are only short lived, only for a short season.  This desire to always have pleasure and leisure.  We can watch the great advertisements and see all the great pubs and clubs, all the great entertainment places.  You will find happiness even there but they are only for a season.  They are only a sham.  They might look good but the end is not good.  Casinos are opening all around us.  Gambling can be done in your own front room when no-one can see you.  Men are getting into desperate debt because of a few moments of pleasure.  Things that were despised a few years ago have become common practice.  There is however no real satisfaction.  We have "tried the broken cisterns Lord they mocked me as I wailed."  Pleasures are soon gone.  Many work 5 or 6 days in a week living for the weekend just to get out, just to say on Monday morning they enjoyed it.  Hebrews 11 verse 25 "choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enoy the pleasures of sin for a season."  Think of all the pleasures availabe to Moses.  He was a prince, high up in a society that had all kinds of morality.  Moses chose to follow Christ.  It is amazing that even in the Old Testament Christ has always been present.  Moses somehow could see Christ and he was far better.  He made a clear choice - "when he was come to years".  An understanding that it was better to follow Christ.  "I`d rather have Jesus that silver or gold."  "Moses choose".  It is important to note that trusting Christ was a personal decision and a powerful decision.  To be like the Psalmist "the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want".  I shall never want anything that I need for eternity.  Christ has paid it all, given it to me.  It was a powerful choice.  Moses had nailed his colours to the mast.  He was not afraid of what the Egyptians thought.  You cannot choose both.  We must be like Christ or nothing else.  A perfect choice.

The penalty of sin.  Whenever we look down through the scriptures, Mark 7 verse 21 gives us a catalogue of sins already within the heart of man.  "Out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile the man."  The heart of the problem is sin and the problem of the heart is sin.  It will take you further than you ever want to go.  Sin will cost you more than you ever wanted to pay. The alcoholic never started out to be an alcoholic.  The drug addict never started out to be a drug addict.  Sin will take you further than you ever intended to go.  The catalogue of sin, the course of sin, is on a collison course with the death and judgment of God.  You might be getting pleasure out of sin but there is a penalty for those who reject Christ.  The penalty of sin is forever and ever.  In Revelation 20 we read of the second death - "whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."  You would be lost and lost forever.  To be separated from God for all eternity.  What a tragedy.  To lose ones wealth is much, to lose ones health is more but to lose ones soul is such a loss that nothing can restore.  If you die in your sin you will also earn wages - to be lost from God, to be separated from God for all eternity.

The pardon of sin.  There is forgiveness for sin and it is found in the person of Christ.  Maybe you have enjoyed the pleasures of sin, maybe have started to think of the penalty, wonder how you could ever have your sins forgiven.  The Lord died on Calvary`s cross.  You have to realise he died for your sins, he took your place, he took the burden upon himself.  "He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities." (Isaiah 53 verse 5)  The pardon of sin is free, there is nothing you need to pay for it has been paid and paid in full by the person of Christ.  It is essential if you are ever going to enjoy the sunshine of heaven that you must be saved.  Acts 4 verse 12 "neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."  "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile." (Psalm 32 verses 1 and 2)  In verse 24 of Romans 3 we read "Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."  There is nothing to do, nothing to pay, simply trust in Christ.  Redemption is a release effected by the payment of a ransom.  Our ransom has been paid in full by the Lord.  His name is written in the Lamb`s book of Life.  He has been justified, born anew - "old things have passed away behold all things have become new."  The fire of God`s death could only be quenced when the demands of his justice were satisfied.  "He shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied." (Isaiah 53 verse 11)  God was satisfied with what Jesus accomplished at Calvary.  All who believe are justified.  "Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool." (Isaiah 1 verse 18)  God could not pass the sinner by.  His sins demanded that he must die.  Mercy is dispensed.  The sinner who believes is free.  The soul that sins shall die.  Sin had to be punished and punished eternally.  Death was the sentence.  Christ declared the penalty was paid and paid in full when Christ took my place.  Jesus died that we might be forgiven, that we might go at last to heaven, saved by his precious blood.  Has there ever been a moment when you got down on your knees and thanked the Lord for dying for you?  He took my punishment that I deserved because of his great love.  He endured the cross, despised the shame and today he is seated at the right hand of God.  As far as the east is from the west so far hs he removed your sins from you. (Psalms 103 verse 12)  God has cast our sin into the sea of his forgetfulness.  Acts 13 verse 38 "through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins. And by him all that believe are justified from all things from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses."  John 5 verse 24 "he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life."  The responsibility falls on your shoulders.  What are you going to do with the gospel message?  Are you going to receive him or reject him?  Choose Christ like Moses did then your name will be written in heaven.  Your sins will be forgiven - will you believe

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden

Sermon notes from 27 March 2017
Matthew 11 verses 20 - 30
"Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest."

 I suppose as we read through these chapters there are a number of things mentioned.  Verses 20 and 21 speak of the repentance and responsibility that falls on men and women when they hear the gospel.  To those who have never repented a great judgment will fall on them.  Verses 25 and 27 speak of revelation.  Whenever it comes to the gospel message we seek to reveal Jesus as the only Saviour that others might see who he is.  Jesus was not just a man but God manifested in the flesh.  In verses 28 to 30 there is the great thought of rest.  This is one of many invitations throughout scripture.  It doesn`t come from a man but from the God of heaven - the Lord Jesus.  "Come unto me" that is where we are to come to.  One of many invitations - 700 in scripture.  Genesis 7 God speaking out of a finished work - "come thou and all thy house into the ark".  He is invited to come into a finished work.  The last one is found in Revelation 22 as Jesus brings the pages of scripture to a close - verse 17 gives an invitation "let him that has a great thirst come" "let him that heareth say, come."  The God of heaven wants to save you.  That is why the invitation goes out.  The gospel has come out, perhaps around the doors to come to the mission.  Invitation has gone out because men need to come to Christ.  The scriptures say we need to come unto God because he invites us to come, longs for us to come.  There is no point in coming to any other - "neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name given among men whereby we must be saved". (Acts 4 verse 12) We need to come to him.  John 14 verse 6 "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me."  The scriptures tell us to come to Christ.  Also because of the seriousness of sin.  Sin is a very serious problem because it has affected the very heart of God.  It separates man from God.  It will keep us eternally separated from God.  It cost his son - God is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. (Habakkuk 1 verse 13)  As God looked down from heaven before destroying the world with a flood he realised man`s heart was only evil continually.  He is a God of love and mercy.  He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked yet he promises the soul that sins it shall die because of his holiness and righteousness.  God hates sin but he loves the sinner. Sin is the things we do wrong, breaking the laws and commandments of the God of heaven.  The severity of the sentence is horrendous.  Sometimes when children do wrong we tell them to go and sit on the naughty step by way of punishment.  Whenever we think of men and women committing horrendous crimes and are sent to prison for 20/30 years, yes some deserve to be there but it is nothing because at the end of their time they will get out.  The punishment and seriousness of punishment.  It is an eternal punishment to finish in an awful place called hell where the fire will never be quenched, there will be continual burning but nothing shall ever be consumed, where the worm dieth not. (Mark 10 verse 43, 46, 48)  In that place there is weeping and wailing and knashing of teeth.  After 10,000 years we will realise we are only beginning to suffer.  Tonight we have a soul that will last for the lifetime of God.  Either finish enjoying all the pleasures of heaven or finish in the pits of hell suffering eternally.  A place of eternal suffering and darkness.  We need to come to Christ because of the simplicity of salvation.  He wants to save you.  "Come unto me and I will - tremendous promise.  He will indeed save you though the Bible tells us because of the person of Christ and because of the price paid to purchase it.  It was the Lord who had to go all the way to Calvary.  We are not redeemed with corruptible things but with a Lamb without blemish and spot.  You can have your sins forgiven. (1 Peter 1 verse 13)  Acts 13 verse 38 "through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins."  The man who receives Christ has his sins forgiven.  It doesn`t have to be worked for.  He paid for it all.  Completely finished.  Not only do people need to come to Christ but thank God you can come because of this great invitation.  Those who have rejected Christ are still invited.  Maybe done that in weeks, months, years gone past because of his love.  The invitation comes again.  He is longsuffering and merciful.  God has still extended the day of salvation, gives you another opportunity.  Regardless of your culture or nationality.  There are no limits to it.  John 10 verse 9 "if any man enter in, he shall he saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture."  2 Corinthians 5 verse 17 "if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new."  We can only come on Christ`s terms.  Reading here of the thought of repentance.  One of the great terms that Christ will save you under.  You have to repent of your sin.  Repentance is doing an about turn.  Facing a different direction.  Facing God again.  Not just being sorry for your sin.  Sorry enough to leave them behind.  Mark 1 verse 15 the Lord said "repent and believe the gospel."  Luke 13 verse 5 "except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish."  Remember how on the great day of Pentecost when Peter got up and preached "repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out." (Acts 3 verse 19)  One of the terms of repentance but also faith.  "Without faith it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11 verse 6)  "Lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2 verse 9)  Faith has got to be exercised.  If you think about it, believe in your heart, when you put your faith and trust in Christ,  the moment we come to Christ and put all in his hands.  He is the one who does the saving and keeping.  Only come on Christ`s terms and in Christ`s time.  When we read the scriptures it is always with the word "now".  "Behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation". (2 Corinthians 6 verse 2)  God may have spoken to you yesterday, maybe spoke to you today but he says "my spirit shall not always strive with man." (2 Corinthians 6 verse 2) "Boast now thyself of tomorrow for you do not know what a day will bring forth." (Proverbs 27 verse 1)  You have an opportunity tonight to repent of your sin and to come unto Christ.  "Come now let us reason together says the Lord" (Isaiah 1 verse 18)  In Job 22 verse 21 we read "acquaint now thyself with him and be at peace."  Cannot promise opportunity tomorrow but you have the opportunity tonight because God is here.  The invitation goes out "him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out." (John 6 verse 37)  You can come tonight.  Will you come?  Not only in Christ`s timing and in Christ`s terms.  You can only come because of Christ`s triumph.  Think of all he has accomplished at Calvary.  A personal work only Jesus could do.  "He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him." (Isaiah 53 verse 5)  We will never understand how deep the wounds were and how dark that night was when God laid on him the sins of the world.  He entered into darkness alone, experienced all the pain and suffering alone.  He was forsaken of God, left alone that you and I might not be alone.  It was a personal work.  It was a priestly work.  Hebrews 10 verse 12 "after he had offered a sacrifice for sin forever."  The great high priest in the Old Testament went in once a year but never without blood.  It is a permanent work, once for all sacrifice never needs to be repeated.  It is enough that Jesus died and that he died for me.  That is the great truth of the gospel.  Christ Jesus died for the sin of the world.  The just for the unjust to bring us to God.  The invitation goes out to you.  As God will plead with you.  Not everyone will come to Christ.  John 4 verse 40 "ye will not come to me that ye might have life."  The gospel is very clearly preached across our land.  The invitation is clearly given.  Thought of responsibility comes on us.  The moment you hear the opportunity or invitation then you have to make a decision.  The responsibility falls on your shoulders.  The decision is yours tonight.  The invitation has gone out in the gospel tonight.  "The light has come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light for their deeds are evil." (John 3 verse 19)  People need to come to Christ because of the seriousness of sin.  The severity of the gospel.  He will not cast you out.  It doesn`t matter what you have done in life.  We can give you the opportunity, the invitation to come.  God`s desire is that you will come and that you will be with him at the end of life`s journey.  The promise is I will give you rest.  Not might but he will.  Come in genuine repentance and faith and trust in him.