Notes from sermon heard on Sunday 19 June 2016
Genesis 11 verses 1 - 9
There is the unfinished building. As we turn to chapter 11 there is before us foundations laid, blocks laid, mortar brought, and a building has been started. Somewhere in the midst of it all God stops the building of this great tower. An unfinished building. I am told in the parliaments of the European Union there is a painting of this particular tower displayed. It is taken as a symbol of their work. Europe is an unfinished work. A continuing work. We are running up to that referendum vote this week. I want to bring a few simple thoughts on the nation of Europe. Have heard much of what the in camp has to say and on the other side says better out of Europe. What saith the scriptures? They must be the final rule for our lives. In Genesis 11 we have a clear picture of what the world desires, what the world really wants. A community with no responsibility of God. That is what happened here in Genesis 11. There are those who don`t want to think that one day they must stand before God. Is it possible that you might have to say why you rejected his son Christ Jesus? You have never been saved, known sins forgiven, known what it was to have the blood of Jesus cleanse you from all sin. You might be the best of a person, you might be walking that middle ground but still on the broad road, on the way to a lost eternity. It is possible to come to God tonight and close in with his offer of mercy. Look at this community in Genesis 11.
This great confederacy. Here we see the gathering of a people together. We find that the world has been destroyed by a flood. God had to pour out his wrath on this world. The very thoughts and imaginations of man`s heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6 verse 5) Sin entered into the world and death by sin passed to all generations. God moved to destroy the world. In chapter 9 verse 1 gave instructions to his servants Noah. In Genesis 11 verse 1 the people came to the place of Shinar, there they settled and then came this plan into being. Verse 4 man says God will not dictate to us, tell us what to do. Man looked into heaven and said we are not going to be scattered into all the earth just because you have said it. Here we will build a tower that will build up into heaven. It is wonderful how man makes up his own mind, makes up his own schemes. Genesis 10 Nimrod was the architect of this great building - verse 10 "and the beginning of his kingdom was Babel." "He was a mighty man before the Lord." His father was who - the son of Ham who had been cursed by God himself. It was his idea to build a tower. "There is a way that seemeth right but the end thereof are the ways of destruction." (Proverbs 14 verse 12) What way you are building tonight? The bible says there is one way. Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14 verse 6) "There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4 verse 12) There are 2 ways tonight - broad and narrow way. We can do what we please on the broad way. Nimrod was buiding a tower and his goal was to build it unto heaven. This broad road leads to hell for all eternity. The narrow way has a gate and few there be that find it. it is only the few on the way to heaven and home because the way to heaven is the gate that is narrow. Excludes everything else. Your works, your righteousness. We have to go through the narrow gate. Nimrod says we will build a tower lest we be scattered abroad in the earth, then God came down and confused their language. One in the beginning but God scattered them. That is the origin of where our languages come from. The European Union would seek to reverse that work of God. "Many tongues but one voice" is their motto. Seek to say we are greater than you God. We can give the people one voice, many languages but speak with one voice. As you go through scriptures a tower is a symbol of strength and steadfastness. Europe is building that which feel is the same shared common policies.
A conspiracy. In Genesis 10 we read that Nimrod was the grandson of Noah. We read in verse 8 "he began to be a mighty one in the earth". He fought to be in that position. The beginning of his kingdom was Babel. In Genesis 11 there is no mention of Nimrod. Here is a conspiracy going on. These people are carrying out Nimrod`s wishes. He would rule supreme over all. This seed of confederacy planning in the background. This confederacy of world dominance. There is a greater than Nimrod. Satan is planning a master plan for this world. World dominance has always been his agenda. Satan is a created being. He has been created not like God. There was a time when he was created by God himself. Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 24 make it clear. The person we are talking about is the devil, Lucifer. He was the most gifted and most beautiful of all God`s creations. He led the praise of God`s heavenly choir. He brought sin into the world. There was a time when he was perfect in all his ways. The bible tells us his heart was lifted up because of his beauty - "I will ascend above the heads of the clouds, I will be like the most high." He wanted to be in heaven, seated above God. He wanted the praise and glory of the angels. When he didn`t get it he was cast down. He wanted the dominance of the world. Satan moved in the Garden of Eden. He brought Adam and Eve into disobedience with God. It has been his aim to oppose all that God was doing. Satan will have his man the antiChrist. In Genesis 10 verses 10 and 11 there was the beginning of the kingdom of Babel. A gateway to God. It must be an awful thing to go to a lost and Christless hell from a church pew full of thoughts of righteousness. That word Babel becomes into use in false religion. Think of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar and raising up of the image. Everone had to come and bow down. Remember the Babylonian garment which became an attraction to Achan. In Revelation 17 the woman described there has the name Babylon the great. Satan will give the antiChrist power so that the whole world will be attracted after him. "Who is like unto the beast" will be the cry from their hearts. What a man is coming on the scene of time for the confederacy in Europe. Before he comes the church of God will be taken home. Jesus is coming back again. There is a confederacy coming together, all the nations together. The conspiracy through this confederacy - the devil is bringing his man to bear on this world.
The complacency. These people are happy to build this tower. We see so many prepared to just sit still, comfortable for any move from this great European machine, afraid of the threats to jobs that will be lost, money lost through subsidies that will no longer be available. The complacency of politicians, kings, rulers, business men. This system will be judged when Christ himself comes to reign. Men and women will realise what they have been following. A religious tower but also a commercial tower. In Revelation 17 we see the religious Babylon judged for what it is and cast out for all eternity. There is a great movement today through the European Union to bring one world system of government, a monetary system and a religious move to bring churches together. Revelation 18 verse 2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of evey unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies." Then in verse 23 we read "And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee and the voice of the bridgegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee; for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived." The master planner is Satan himself. God says tonight "do not be complacent." Do not get comfortable in a seat like this with the religious aspect. Make sure you know which road you are on, on your way to heaven and home. Come to the foot of the cross, confess your sin, take him as your Saviour and Lord. What does God say - Revelation 18 verse 4 "Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" God says don`t be involved, get as far away from the ecumenical movement as you can. Might seem good, might look God but has the curse of God on it. God will bring it down. God is interested in us. He doesn`t want us to be deceived.
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