Thursday, 7 July 2016

Lessons from the prodigal son

Notes from a sermon heard on 1 May 2016
Luke 15 verses 11 - 24

Jesus is teaching here about things that are lost - in verse 4 a shepherd who had 100 sheep and one was lost, in verse 8 a woman who had lost one coin out of a collection, probably a necklace given by her husband as a token of their wedding and in verse 12 we find a man who had lost a son.  I want to talk about a man who might lose his soul.  That is serious.  Have you ever considered how serious it would be if you lost your soul?  In the next chapter the Lord speaks of 2 men who died, one was Lazarus and the angels came down and lifted him into the presence of God.  There was also a rich man who died, he was buried and he lifted up his eyes in hell being in torment.  Have you ever thought what it would mean if you lost your soul and somehow stepped out into eternity, lost for ever? Consider for a moment this young man contemplating going home in verses 17 and 19.  He had taken everything his father had given him and spent it on riotous living.  He wasted every opportunity he had.  His friends deserted him.  He now lifted up his eyes.  What is going through his mind and thoughts?  He wondered what was happening in his father`s house.  "There are servants there with bread enough to eat, they are better off than I am."  He considered going back to his father`s house.  Have you ever considered your salvation?  Sat down and thought about being saved?  Some people would say they have no thought for it.  The reason for that is because "the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them." (2 Corinthians 4 verse 4)  Every time there has come a thought about your salvation the devil moves in so quickly less you be saved.  I`m sure as this man thought of making this journey there was another voice deep in his head saying "you will only make a fool of yourself, you might have done it a while ago but not now."  There is a battle going on - the devil says "don`t think of it".  When the father took the son back what does the son find?  Does he find someone who will reject him?

A grace displayed.  If that is a consideration in your mind of getting saved the first thing you will find is grace in the sight of God because God offers to you grace.  You cannot get saved on your own terms.  You have no merits of your own to suffice.  You have to rely totally on God who sent his son into the world to die on a cross for your sins.  It is all him alone.  The only way you can be saved is coming by grace of God.  As he makes his way back his father is standing watching for him.  Perhaps he is in the same spot where he left him.  Gazing out into the distance, looking for his son to come home.  He never gave up on him.  That is proof that the Lord is waiting on you to come home.  There is no malice in this man`s heart.  He is just longing for his son to come home.  The 10 lepers who met the Lord cried out to be cleansed.  As he spoke to them, told them to go and see the priest and they turned and were healed.  9 ran on and only one came back to thank Jesus.  He knew what was in their heart yet they met with grace.  Here was a man wronged yet he waits, he listened to the demands of his son asking for his inheritance.  His heart was broken that day.  He was the grieved parent yet he waited on him coming home.  God is the grieved parent tonight and he is waiting for you to come home.  In total rejection the young man turned and walked away from home, spent all that he was given and now is making his way home.  He finds the father waiting for him just as he left him.  Jesus said "him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."  It doesn`t matter who it is the invitation is still there.  You will meet the grace of God when you come to him.  He will not cast you out.  He will take you in and save your precious soul.  On the streets of Jerusalem he said to the people "how oft would I have gathered you."  I preached, I coaxed, I pleaded but you wouldn`t come.  How many times have you heard the voice of God pleading for you to come to him and yet you have not come?  Jesus doesn`t hide himself, he stands waiting.  Remember when Adam sinned against God in the garden and ran from the presence of God?  God came into the garden looking for him.  That is the grace of God demonstrated.  He is still looking for men today.  Paul said "everything that I am, I am by the grace of God."  

The greeting that is expressed - verse 20.  This man didn`t close the door nor bolted it.  He kept it open for him to come home.  The door of opportunity is still there.  We are still in the day of opportunity to get right with God and get saved.  You have sat in meetings before, heard the invitation many times but turned your back on many occasions.  The grace of God comes again pleading with you.  The man didn`t turn his back.  He was standing watching.  He saw him in the distance and ran to meet him.  He fell on his neck and kissed him.  That was grace - to accept him back even though he had been grieved.  There is an open door for the gospel invitation.  Jesus said "come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden."  That same invitation is still extended today.  Jesus promises rest to all who come to him.  You will not have peace until you come to Christ, take him as Saviour and Lord.  He saw him afar off and he had compassion.

The gifts provided - verse 21.  The father listened to the young man.  This was his son standing before him in the rags of the world.  He was pleading for forgiveness.  As you come to Christ it is not just a matter of lifting up your eyes and you are saved.  This man came in a sorrowful state.  He admitted his sins yet the father looked on him with grace, mercy, love and compassion.  The young man was relying heavily on his father`s mercy.  When you come to be saved you rely on the mercy of God.  It was the best robe that was brought to cover his rags.  His clothes didn`t come up to his father`s approval .  Maybe you have a robe of self approval.  Doing the best you can will not get you into heaven, it will damn your soul.  There is a story of a king who made a banquet for his son, invited everyone to his palace but saw one man not in the proper robe so cast him out.  Have you been to the cross of Calvary, to where Jesus died as a sacrifice for your sin?  That is the only place you can be reconciled to Christ.  The man put a ring on his son`s finger.  These were the riches he deserved.  He gave him shoes for his feet.  To have no shoes represented servanthood but this young man was no longer a servant in the father`s eyes.  Are the pleasures of this world all you have got before the Lord?

The glory that was experienced - verse 23.  The father shouted for the fatted calf to be killed and a feast to be held - why - for this my son was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found.  The celebrations began.  Wouldn`t it be a great night to begin your homeward journey, to trust Christ and leave with the assurance you are on the way to heaven and home?  What would it be if God would say to you tonight "this night thy soul is required of thee."  It is serious business because you could be lost in hell.  You have the opportunity of coming and trusting Christ as Saviour.  The decision is yours.  Will you come?

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