Thursday, 7 July 2016

How long halt ye between 2 opinions?

Notes from a sermon heard on 5 June 2016
1 Kings 18 verses 16 - 21

What brought this thought to my attention was this - I was watching a debate on the EU referendum and there was a phone call into the programme.  Someone came back to a question and said "that is a good question."  There are many good questions found in the word of God.  One of the greatest questions asked in the word of God is "how long halt ye between 2 opinions?"  It come from the lips of the greatest prophets of all times.  This was a dark period in Israel.  Ahab and Jezebel were reigning.  A match made in the pits of hell itself.  1 Kings 21 verse 25 "But there was none like unto Ahab which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord whom Jezebel his wife stirred up."  This must surely have been one of the most darkest periods in the nation of Israel.  He had sold himself to the devil to do wickedness, inflamed by the tongue of his wife Jezebel.  They formed a state religion that turned men and women from the Lord.  Elijah gathers together the multitude of people and stands in their midst.  The grace of God is present.  People are called to respond.  What a privilege here tonight.  The scene is set.  The church is open, the word of God goes forth.  God says respond, turn from your sin, take my Son as your Saviour and Lord.

It comes as a challenge to the soul.  Elijah looked out and saw all these false prophets.  He stood up before them and asked them this question.  He was speaking to a people who knew better.  They had walked with God in a bygone day but were now backslidden.  What you are doing is wrong he told them.  God is calling you back now.  It comes as a challenge to Israel to consider where they are and where they stand with God.  Remember Adam how he sinned in the Garden of Eden.  He heard God calling and he hid.  "Adam where art thou?"  That was a challenge to him.  That same challenge comes to you tonight.  Are you saved by God`s grace?  Are you depending on the finished work of Calvary?  It is Christ or nothing.  Not the church to be depended on.  The invitation goes out.  Elijah tells them to gather to Mount Carmel.  It was the scene of past days of blessing.  They once sacrificed to the God of heaven here.  In verse 30 we see there is nothing now but a broken altar.  He rebuilds the altar.  Maybe for someone the altar needs to be repaired.  Maybe you remember what it was to bow your knee to Christ but now walk afar off.  Susannah Wesley was a devout Church of England minister`s wife.  Devout in her ways until one day she listened to her son preaching "the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin."  Something went into her soul that day.  A challenge to her heart.  Would her good works ever cleanse her from her sin?  Would her standing and role in the society cleanse her from her sin?  Would the church she worshipped in ever cleanse her from her sin?  No it wouldn`t.  She came unto the God of heaven and took him as her own and personal Saviour.  Mount Carmel was a reminder of days gone by.  When this people trusted him and put their faith in him.  A reminder when they used to worship the almighty God.  Today we come by way of invitation.  Not for entertainment.  One hour to bring challenge to your soul.  That you might hear words whereby you might be saved.  Consider the cost of your soul and not be lost.  Where do you stand in the light of eternity?  In Acts 10 Cornelius had a wonderful testimony.  He was a devout man, well thought of, helped the poor and needy.  He did much for the nation but with all that there came a time when that man sat in his own home alone and pondered on the things he had done.  He began to think to himself if this was enough.  The message came to him to send for Peter and he would open up the word of God and show him words whereby he might be saved.  Do you believe in the need of salvation - "except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Marvel not that I say unto you you must be born again." (John 33 verses 5 and 7)  That means your righteous acts cannot justify you before God tonight.  He sent his son to die on the cross and offers a righteousness that will see those sins forgiven and access given into God`s eternity for ever.  "How long halt ye?"  Waiting, hopping from one foot to another.  Are you ready to make that decision?

The clarity that is in question.  This is the greatest question every posed because the souls of men and women lay heavy on his heart.  He doesn`t want to see this people lost for all eternity.  Every man behind the sacred desk has that same burden today.  He is not out to please man.  He is standing before the king Ahab and looks to one side where there are 450 prophets and then to the other side where there are 400 men who sat at Jezebel`s table.  Would he bow to please them?  Clear in his preaching.  When they went to arrest the Lord they couldn`t do it - why - because no man spake like this man.  Have you already heard your need of salvation, your need to be saved, that you should be saved, that you could be saved?  Have you been pointed to the cross of Calvary?  Here was clear preaching.  Paul advised Timothy to "preach the word"  Here`s a man standing on Mount Carmel.  He dare not mince his words.  As the souls in front of him are hanging in the balance he wants to make sure.  "How long halt ye between 2 opinions?"  Martin Luther preached as if Christ died yesterday, rose that very morning and was coming the next day.  Elijah comes and brings them to a spiritual crossroads.  You cannot sit with a foot in each camp.  The message was clear.  Paul in Acts 17 brought that to the people living in Athens on Mars Hill.  He began to preach the word of God.  You are too superstitutious he told them.  He spoke of the altars they were using.  They were many in number but there was one to an unknown god.  This was one they knew little about.  He opened up the word of God and began with the days of creation.  God created all things.  Why did he do that?  Bringing them to the day of judgement.  Must begin with the God who created heaven and earth.  You are responsible to God.  We are created in the image of God.  One day we must stand before him.  We must give an account to that same God.  God stands alone above all this.  Paul brought a great word of encouragement.  He is not far from anyone of us.  Why?  Because he sent his son to take upon himself the form of a servant, came down into sin cursed world and on the cross he died.  In leaving this world he sent his Holy Spirit to dwell amongst you.  The Holy Spirit is close to you tonight and you are not saved.  He tells you you need to be saved, to be ready for the day of judgement.  A day marked out when he will judge this old world.  Are you saying "I would love to be saved, to be really out and out for God but you have a foot in each camp?

The choice that the question gives.  The clarity is in verse 24.  You cannot serve 2 masters.  Issuing the same note as days of Joshua on the day he led the people into the land of blessing.  He told them "choose you this day whom you will serve."  Moses on the mountain receiving the commandments came down and could see the people dancing around this molten calf.  Moses came down into the camp and asked "who is on the Lord`s side."  Who is going to step away from this sinful transaction?  That called for a decision.  Every time the gospel goes forward it calls for a decision.  God knows those who are going to be saved.  You are saying "everyone can be saved" and that is true.  The Bible tells me that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Jesus came to the religious leaders and said "you will not come to me that you might have life."  Stephen said "you have grieved, resisted the Holy Spirit."  There is a choice that must be made.  This question asks you to come to spiritual crossroads, got to choose as this people did on this particular day.  This is the day of grace.  If you want to be saved you can still be saved.  The one called Jesus took your place and died on the cross of Calvary.
A calamity of this question.  They had to make up their mind.  All the prophets heard was this great burden as he stood on Mount Carmel.  He saw these people who had been deceived.  Spirit of deception was evident.  There were men and women who knew they should follow Christ.  He brings them right to that place and calls on them to make up their mind.  Burden on his heart.  What if they did not believe?  Did not turn?  Calamity was one decision would lead to a lost sinners hell and another decision would lead to splendours of heaven for all eternity.  That is the very same outcome tonight for you.  Sitting here one decision could mean a lost sinners hell for all eternity.  To reject the Saviour, to turn your back on the cross, to say "I don`t want to be saved.  I enjoy the meetings, the singers, the testimonies, the hymns and choruses but don`t want to be saved.  I just want to leave this house."  One decision could take you into a lost sinners hell.  One choice could see you claim heaven`s joy for all eternity.  Outcome by taking one step to the cross of Calvary.  There`s room at the cross for you.  Will you come to Christ tonight?  Trust him as Saviour and Lod?  How long have you been holding back?  Don`t try to take both camps.  One foot in the kingdom of God and another one in this world.  It will never work.  This is the opportunity to make it right with God.

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