Notes from sermon heard on 10 July 2016
Acts 9 verses 10 - 22
This particular passage we read together documents the start of a Christian journey for this man Saul of Tarsus. It also shows the next step of a Christian journey for Ananias. We start on one of the greatest journies we will ever be involved in. It is a learning curve. Everyone that we read of in scriptures had to embark on that journey. David was strong when he followed God, when he needed him to be drawn back to God time and time again. Gideon gained strength in being one out of the smallest tribes of Israel. Peter stood shoulder to shoulder with Jesus once, denied him but Jesus brought him back into line on the seashore. Jesus told him "I will make you fishers of men." The original translation was "I will make you into fishers of men." It is a learning curve. We learn more and more in our daily lives that we will not commit again in later lives. We don`t know everything straight away. God uses us in our weakness - 1 Corinthians 1 verse 27 "God hath chosen the foolish things to confound the wise." We certainly are weak. That is what we misunderstand. We are weak in our own strength and understanding. We need to be learning from God, doing nothing in our own strength. Verse 10 - we do not know anything more about Ananias at this stage yet he was chosen but God knew all about this man. This was the one who was laid aside for the next challenge. God knows your condition, knows what you are going through. He looks directly into your heart and what you can do for him. The uniqueness of this situation - it was the beginning of the formation of the early Christian church. Following the crucifixion of Christ Christians were in hiding - fear of what both the Jews and Gentiles would do to them. At the beginning of the book we read that 20 were gathered in that Upper Room. We don`t know whether Ananias was one of them. Then we read that 3000 souls were added to the church at Pentecost and that "God added daily such as should be saved." It is feasible that the next day 3000 were added and the day after that too. The church was starting to grow. Verse 10 "and there was a certain disciple." God saw one man and he had a work that he wanted him to do. We might think we are very insignificant. What can I do for God? He doesn`t really know the hardship I go through in my life, in my family, in my home. God saw one man Ananias who knew the voice of the Lord. The voice of God was familiar to him. It was not the first time that God had spoken to him. Ananias was sitting in his house "I am here Lord." He didn`t ask who was speaking. He was not like Samuel who thought it was Eli calling him. It was Eli who understood it was God who was speaking to the young boy. Ananias had been faithful in his times of prayer. He started where he was. He was attentive to the voice of God. Even though he was attentive to God`s voice and listened to the voice of God he needed to move on. Verse 11 what must have been going through his mind. Can imagine him sitting beside his bed asking God to show himself something he could do for the Lord. God told him to go and speak to Saul of Tarsus. Imagine the panic going through his mind. Verses 1 and 2 Saul was "breathing out threatenings and slaughter." The picture of a man filled with fire and evil in his heart. He made his way into Jerusalem one day and pleaded with the priests for a letter to take with him that if he found anyone proclaiming Christ he would have the power to arrest them and put them into prison. The voice that spoke to Ananias was speaking to Saul. The father looked down from heaven, saw the believer in his home but also saw the soul that needed salvation. It is great to know God still looks for both sets of people. Those who long to do a work for him actively, who pray for the lost but he also sees the lost that gather in Sunday by Sunday. That is why Ananias need to move onto the next level. Luke 10 verse 2. If ever God needed labourers into his vineyard it was here. He was the greatest threat to the Christian church at that time. "Ananias I need you to help me." One soul seeking answers. One soul being asked to take the great commission to another level. Are we content to say we are saved and on our way to heaven, to continue to sit back and see others go out into the world and save lost souls? The results from Ananias` involvement was that a soul was touched by the Saviour. Verse 11 "for behold he prayeth". From a man breathing out threatenings and rage, going out on a killing spree, now he is on his knees. Only God can do it. If you had said to Saul before he left his house "I will see you on your knees at the end of the day" he would have probably thrown you into jail. Ananias could see the power of God even in those days. These are the days to be praying for our family and friends. If we can explain what went on it cannot be of God. How could we ever explain Saul`s transformation in his life? It was totally of God. Ministry takes place when divine resources meet the human need. If we talked to Ananias I am sure he would tell us how scared he was when he received this request from God. I`m sure as he walked to that house where Saul of Tarsus he was nervous but God took over though. We don`t know what a particular soul means to God. God could have a work for anyone today. That is why we need to be praying and showing others what God wants to happen in the future. If you would think they will never be reached, too hard, too far away. What if Ananias had thought like that when God told him to arise and go to the house, Saul of Tarsus would never be saved. "He has killed more Christians than you could count, what is God thinking here?" Verse 15 God told him "go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me." How dare we think that God couldn`t save a soul. The word "vessel" has the translation "cup" or "basin". Something that can be filled up. What a vessel Saul was for the Lord. Filled to the brim. It can also be translated as an instrument to accomplish a purpose. That is what Paul became - an instrument to the world. It can also be translated as an agent. Surely that is what Paul was for God. What do you want for your life? Is it the same thing as God wants for your lifle? Could he say that you are a chosen vessel to be filled? An instrument to be used, an agent for the Lord? God doesn`t look down and see and see sin and condemn them. He is willing to forgive them and willing to give them a task in his vineyard. Ananias was on a learning curve. Up to this point he was living a good life, understanding what God wanted him to do. There was fear when he was handed this task. Fear that he couldn`t do it. He knew God had given him a task and he knew God would be with him. Perhaps you are living your life as you see fit, praying that God will give you a task. You fear it is too hard to implement it in your own strength. God is there to help us, pick us up and move us on to the next task. Lives that are vessels to be filled. Instruments to be used. Agents for God.
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