Monday, 18 July 2016

Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it

 Notes from sermon heard on 17 July 2016
John 2 verses 1 - 11

A familiar portion of scripture to us on the marriage in Cana of Galilee.  This portion is often read and preached on at marriages.  It is good to note that the presence of the Lord was there that day and it is the presence of the Lord that makes the feast.  Not only that but could notice the miracle of changing water into wine - Jesus turned something that was natural into something that was supernatural.  Every life Jesus has saved is just ordinary but he changes it into something different, to bring satisfaction and blessing to others.  We could also speak of the manifestation of the glory of Jesus, Mary`s message and what she said to all those gathered that day "whatsoever he saith unto you do it."  I want today to take 2 words from that phrase "whatsoever" and "do".  Whatever we do in life is important.  It is perhaps more important than what we say.  However both should match together that others around us can see something in our lives that we have been with Christ.  It is the mandate for what we do.  Sometimes we ask ourselves "why do we do what we do?"  Some would ask me "why do churches do one thing and other churches do something different?"  The thing we always have to say in these situations is "because Jesus has given us the commandment to do it."  Perhaps you think this is to do with discipleship.  John 3 "except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Marvel not that I say unto you, ye must be born again."  If you are going to do "whatsoever he saith unto you", you must be saved, set free from the penalty of sin.  It involves faith.  It probably wouldn`t have made much sense to fill a water pot to the top and add nothing to it and then pour it out.  It involved faith.  They took him at his word when Jesus said to fill it then draw it out.  They did what Jesus said.  Hebrews 11 verse 6 "But without faith it is impossible to please him (God)".  "Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 5 verse 1)  Whatever we are asked by Jesus to do it involves faith.  We need to believe whatever the Lord asks us to do.  It involves obedience to his word.  Why do we go around the country preaching the gospel?  We go because Jesus has said to "go into all the world and preach the gosel to every creature." (Mark 16 verse 15)  Nowhere does it say in scripture that we should come into a church.  We are to go out just as Jesus said.  Why do we have a Remembrance Service?  Jesus said "this do in remembrance of me."  That is why we have gospel and ministry meetings.  We are to go into all the world "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." (Matthew 28 verse 20)  Obedience is the key.  Whatever the Lord is saying to you ask yourself "is it from God`s word?"  Faith and labour are also involved.  It doesn`t happen automatically.  The servants filled the water pots with water.  The pots probably held about 8 or 9 gallons of water.  Maybe they had to go to a well to do that.  Work was involved.  When we come to do what the Lord asks us to do it means work and labour.  A mandate for what we do.  Jesus has said to do all according to his word, to have times of prayer, to reach out to others on the doors, to meet with the God of heaven.  Ezra 7 verse 23 "Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be diligently done for the house of the God of heaven.  When the commands of God are questioned the authority of God is questioned.  Remember Adam and Eve.  God gave them one simple command - do not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  Satan questioned God`s authority "hath God said" and "Ye shall not surely die". (Genesis 3 verses 1 and 4)  Jesus asked the servants to do something and they were obedient.    1 Peter 1 verse 16 "Be ye holy for I am holy".  There should be something that shows faith, showing that we are living a life pleasing to God.  Enoch was 65 when he had a child and then went on to live for another 300 years.  It is recorded of him that "he walked with God".  You can live a life that others can see is obedient to God.  Joseph was such a man.  Others could see in his life that God was with him - Potiphar, the prisoners, Pharaoh.  It was bringing glory and honour to Jesus Christ.  Many say "if that is a Christian I don`t want anything to do with it."  When the authority and word of God is questioned the standards of God are abandoned and the blessings of God are forfeited.  The servants were obedient to what Jesus said to do.  As a result of drawing out the water others were blessed.  The governor even said "you have kept the best to last".  Remember Saul was told to go out and slay all the Amalekites.  Saul looked at the sheep and thought he could keep some of them.  Samuel came and talked to him about this action.  Saul made all sorts of excuses but the result was he was removed from being king.  Sometimes the blessings are forfeited in our own life when we don`t obey God`s commands.  We need to be obedient to his word.  1 Corinthians 10 verses 27 - 33.  The context here is that if there is someone who is a non believer invites you to a feast and what is offered to eat is also offered to idols don`t eat it.  We get invitations to many different things in life and the question we always ask ourselves is "should I go or should I not go."  How do we measure what we do?  There are 2 things in this portion of scripture - do it all to the glory of God.  The question you have to ask yourself is "will it glorify God".  That is a question we should ask in every aspect of life.  Will it be a profit to others or will it hinder others?  We might not be invited to a feast where the food is offered to idols but the purpose is for us to ask 2 questions - will it glorify God and will it hinder others?  Colossians 3 verses 17, 22 and 23.  Here we have a model of whatsoever we do.  We are ambassadors for Christ.  His representatives.  Whatever we do, do it in his name.  Christ has asked us to represent him in a world that is lost.  Do it in a way Jesus would do, that others might see Christ in us.  Verse 23 also says we are to do it heartily as unto the Lord.  We are not to be men pleasers but God pleasing.  Do everything to the best of our ability.  Do it with a good heart, not out of evil.  If you or I who are repentant sinners we need to do something to bring honour and glory unto Christ.  3 John verses 4 - 6 says we are to love one another, help one another and pray for one another.  We need to show the love of God to others in all we do.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Moving on to the next level with God

Notes from sermon heard on 10 July 2016

Acts 9 verses 10 - 22

This particular passage we read together documents the start of a Christian journey for this man Saul of Tarsus.  It also shows the next step of a Christian journey for Ananias.  We start on one of the greatest journies we will ever be involved in.  It is a learning curve.  Everyone that we read of in scriptures had to embark on that journey.  David was strong when he followed God, when he needed him to be drawn back to God time and time again.  Gideon gained strength in being one out of the smallest tribes of Israel.  Peter stood shoulder to shoulder with Jesus once, denied him but Jesus brought him back into line on the seashore.  Jesus told him "I will make you fishers of men."  The original translation was "I will make you into fishers of men."  It is a learning curve.  We learn more and more in our daily lives that we will not commit again in later lives.  We don`t know everything straight away.  God uses us in our weakness - 1 Corinthians 1 verse 27 "God hath chosen the foolish things to confound the wise."  We certainly are weak.  That is what we misunderstand.  We are weak in our own strength and understanding.  We need to be learning from God, doing nothing in our own strength.  Verse 10 - we do not know anything more about Ananias at this stage yet he was chosen but God knew all about this man.  This was the one who was laid aside for the next challenge.  God knows your condition, knows what you are going through.  He looks directly into your heart and what you can do for him.  The uniqueness of this situation - it was the beginning of the formation of the early Christian church.  Following the crucifixion of Christ Christians were in hiding - fear of what both the Jews and Gentiles would do to them.  At the beginning of the book we read that 20 were gathered in that Upper Room.  We don`t know whether Ananias was one of them.  Then we read that 3000 souls were added to the church at Pentecost and that "God added daily such as should be saved."  It is feasible that the next day 3000 were added and the day after that too.  The church was starting to grow.  Verse 10 "and there was a certain disciple."  God saw one man and he had a work that he wanted him to do.  We might think we are very insignificant.  What can I do for God?  He doesn`t really know the hardship I go through in my life, in my family, in my home.  God saw one man Ananias who knew the voice of the Lord.  The voice of God was familiar to him.  It was not the first time that God had spoken to him.  Ananias was sitting in his house "I am here Lord."  He didn`t ask who was speaking.  He was not like Samuel who thought it was Eli calling him.  It was Eli who understood it was God who was speaking to the young boy.  Ananias had been faithful in his times of prayer.  He started where he was.  He was attentive to the voice of God.  Even though he was attentive to God`s voice and listened to the voice of God he needed to move on.  Verse 11 what must have been going through his mind.  Can imagine him sitting beside his bed asking God to show himself something he could do for the Lord.  God told him to go and speak to Saul of Tarsus.  Imagine the panic going through his mind.  Verses 1 and 2 Saul was "breathing out threatenings and slaughter."  The picture of a man filled with fire and evil in his heart.  He made his way into Jerusalem one day and pleaded with the priests for a letter to take with him that if he found anyone proclaiming Christ he would have the power to arrest them and put them into prison.  The voice that spoke to Ananias was speaking to Saul.  The father looked down from heaven, saw the believer in his home but also saw the soul that needed salvation.  It is great to know God still looks for both sets of people.  Those who long to do a work for him actively, who pray for the lost but he also sees the lost that gather in Sunday by Sunday.  That is why Ananias need to move onto the next level.  Luke 10 verse 2.  If ever God needed labourers into his vineyard it was here.  He was the greatest threat to the Christian church at that time.  "Ananias I need you to help me."  One soul seeking answers.  One soul being asked to take the great commission to another level.  Are we content to say we are saved and on our way to heaven, to continue to sit back and see others go out into the world and save lost souls?  The results from Ananias` involvement was that a soul was touched by the Saviour.  Verse 11 "for behold he prayeth".  From a man breathing out threatenings and rage, going out on a killing spree, now he is on his knees.  Only God can do it.  If you had said to Saul before he left his house "I will see you on your knees at the end of the day" he would have probably thrown you into jail.  Ananias could see the power of God even in those days.  These are the days to be praying for our family and friends.  If we can explain what went on it cannot be of God.  How could we ever explain Saul`s transformation in his life?  It was totally of God.  Ministry takes place when divine resources meet the human need.  If we talked to Ananias I am sure he would tell us how scared he was when he received this request from God.  I`m sure as he walked to that house where Saul of Tarsus he was nervous but God took over though.  We don`t know what a particular soul means to God.  God could have a work for anyone today.  That is why we need to be praying and showing others what God wants to happen in the future.  If you would think they will never be reached, too hard, too far away.  What if Ananias had thought like that when God told him to arise and go to the house, Saul of Tarsus would never be saved.  "He has killed more Christians than you could count, what is God thinking here?"  Verse 15 God told him "go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me."  How dare we think that God couldn`t save a soul.  The word "vessel" has the translation "cup" or "basin".  Something that can be filled up.  What a vessel Saul was for the Lord.  Filled to the brim.  It can also be translated as an instrument to accomplish a purpose.  That is what Paul became - an instrument to the world.  It can also be translated as an agent.  Surely that is what Paul was for God.  What do you want for your life?  Is it the same thing as God wants for your lifle?  Could he say that you are a chosen vessel to be filled?  An instrument to be used, an agent for the Lord?  God doesn`t look down and see and see sin and condemn them.  He is willing to forgive them and willing to give them a task in his vineyard.  Ananias was on a learning curve.  Up to this point he was living a good life, understanding what God wanted him to do.  There was fear when he was handed this task.  Fear that he couldn`t do it. He knew God had given him a task and he knew God would be with him.  Perhaps you are living your life as you see fit, praying that God will give you a task.  You fear it is too hard to implement it in your own strength.  God is there to help us, pick us up and move us on to the next task.  Lives that are vessels to be filled.  Instruments to be used.  Agents for God.

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Saved or not?

Notes from a sermon heard on 28 February 2016
2 Corinthians 5 verses 11 - 21

The apostle Paul gives a great yardstick and leaves us in no doubt whatsoever about whether we are saved or not.  "Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away behold all things are become new."  Is he speaking of merely receiving a set of rules or creed?  Is the apostle Paul telling us we need to know our bibles better?  The apostle Paul is pointing to a transaction that happens, an experience in a person`s life when born again of the spirit of God and saved by God`s grace.  The question comes am I saved?  Have I got what the apostle Paul is writing about here?  Am I born again of the spirit of God?

The man or woman that is saved has a new foundation.  They are building their lives on a new and sure foundation.  I remember when this church was being built, dug down into the ground, pouring concrete, building a foundation that would stand forever.  If you are to be saved you are beginning to be built on a new sure foundation - "for other foundation other men can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 3 verse 11)  When Paul went to Corinth he laid down a sure and certain foundation.  Good works cannot do that.  The foundation is all in the Lord.  He was born into the world sinless and perfect, born through the womb of the virgin womb Mary.  For he came to save his people from their sins.  John 3 verse 16.  He came as a gift for you and I.  Have you accepted him tonight, taken him as your gift?  He came into the world sinless and perfect.  Brought the dead back to life, gave sight to the blind, they betrayed and rejected him.  He died on the cruel cross at Calvary.  Ths is the foundation no other man can lay on it.  What are you building on tonight for eternity?  When you come to close your eyes in death what`s the foundation you have laid?   Ephesians 2 verse 12 "that at that time ye were without Christ."  Doesn`t matter how far away from the kingdom of God you are, whether you were in church, sat at communion table but you are without Christ tonight, without hope, without God in this world.  Imagine that for a moment.  It doesn`t matter how religious you are now you are without Christ, no hope tonight.  Without Christ in this world.  This world is not your home.  Commentators preaching in one occasion we can live with Christ in this world but we dare not die without Christ.  Ephesians 2 verse 13 "but now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ."  Nicodemus went to Christ and he told him "except a man be born again."  You don`t have the right foundation. Jesus put it this way - the man or woman who hears my word and goes out and does it, is like a wise man which built his house upon  a rock.  When the storm came, when the rain and wind beat against that house it will stand steady because it was founded upon a rock (Matthew 7 verses 24 and 25).  Have you taken Christ as Saviour tonight?   The believer has a new foundation.

A new friendship,  Paul again in Ephesisans 2 verses 11 and 12 said "wherefore remember that ye being in time past ... ye were without Christ ... having no hope, and without God in the world"  Before you were saved you walked according to this world and the devil of this world.  Paul was pointing them back to a day before they accepted Christ as Saviour.  James 4 verse 4 "know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."  Moses enjoyed the pleasures of Egypt but they were for a season.  He turned his back on them and took his dwelling with the people of God. (Hebrews 11 verse 25)  He formed a new friendship.  You are an enemy of God.  You may have been in your church today but you are an enemy of God.  Jesus came into the world to reconcile you back from that way of sin.  He came to pay the price that you might be made into a new relationship with God.  John says "love not the world neither the things that are in the world.  If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him." (1 John 2 verse 15)  He has made a relationship for us tonight.  When Jesus was on this earth they called him the friend of sinners.  He wants to be your friend tonight.  Jesus came to the 2 men on Emmaeus road and drew alongside them and went with them.  You can have a new friend tonight.  When journeying days are over he will take you by the hand and take you right over into eternity. 

A new foe.  There is an enemy tonight if you are not saved you know nothing about.  He was present in those days when you didn`t walk with Christ.  You had no concern about him.  When you place your trust in Christ he becomes like a roaring lion seeking to devour you.  He will be doing all he can to bring you down.  You might say "I would love to be a Christian but cannot keep it."  That is the devil putting that thought in there.  When you want to come to Christ he is ready to help you.  1 John 3 verse 1 "behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not."  Those who used to be our friends cannot understand what has happened to us.  Through them the devil tries to bring us down.  Encourage us back into the world again.  Peter puts it this way "wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot speaking evil of you." (1 Peter 4 verse 4)  You will have a new foe, not be an easy pathway, not going to be a bed of roses, will have someone to fight you the whole way.  The devil will challenge your every step.

A new creature has new functions - verse 15 "and that he died for all that they which live shall not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again."  Paul writing to Corinthian believers reminds them of the new responsibility in Christ.  1 Corinthians 6 verse 20 "For ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God`s."  There was a young man in the New Testament scriptures who was demon possessed.  They took him to the depths of depravity so that no man could help or tame him.  He was like a wild beast living amongst the tombs inflicting himself with awful pain.  People were afraid to come near him.  One day Jesus met and healed him, then told him to return to his own house and show how great things have been done unto him.  He went his way and published abroad all that God had done for him.  Jesus put new function in his heart.  Are you telling others tonight?  if you are saved you are bought by his own precious blood tonight.  You are sent on his mission to glorify God.  You are bought with a price.  Live for him now you are changed by the power of God.

A new future.  What future lies before the child of God?  Not just tomorrow, nor the next day or whatever time you have left on this earth.  It will be glory just to walk with him.  The thief asked to be remembered in paradise.  Jesus promised he would be with him that very day.  Imagine his agony on the cross and then stepping into paradise with God.  What a future.  On that day iit will be absent from the body and present with the Lord.  Is it any wonder Paul could say "O death where is thy sting, O grave where is thy victory?" (1 Corinthians 15 verse 55)  What a day that will be when we walk with Christ on the streets of glory.  Is that what you have got tonight?  A new future when this old day is gone and we go into the presence of God.  You can have it tonight.  Come to the cross of Calvary, to the Lord who suffered and died for you.  Make you that new creature in Christ.  Will you come, will you step out tonight, have that assurance of sins forgiven?

There is a lad here

Notes from a sermon on 23 February 2016
Luke 9 verses 12 - 17

The feeding of the 5000.  John 6 verse 9 from the lips of Andrew "there is a lad here". Amongst all the great multitudes of people Andrew finds him and brings him to the Lord.  Serves as a reminder of how important the children`s work is and how important for one little child that God would take them up and use them in the days to come.  That is why we need to be constantly bringing children and his message to them.

Something of the search that was made - verse 12.  The disciples were concerned about this people.  "When the day began to wear away."  In another portion it says "the day was far spent".  The disciples were watching the darkness coming down.  Andrew noticed the multitude who came out to hear Jesus Christ.  They had travelled a fair distance and they needed to get home.  They were concerned they would faint on the way for they had no food with them.  We should be concerned about the welfare of children, men and women who are not saved.  They haven`t prepared for the journey home.  The days are well spent, their years are far gone.  It is good to be concerned.  For many around our area the day is far spent for them.  The day will come when Christ will come again.  These disciples were concerned, saw the people on the mountain side and were concerned but they did something about it.  They brought them to Jesus Christ.  They were alert to what was happening around them.  They brought their concerns to the one who could meet that need.  They had in mind the wedding in Canaan when the wine ran out.  They watched the Lord on that particular day turning the water into wine.  The best was kept to the last.  The Lord was told  there was no food for the people.  They brought that concern to the master.  Isn`t that what we do - we bring our concerns to the master who is able to do far more abundantly than we could ever ask or think.  "Cast all your care upon the Lord for he careth for you."  We too see we are in a desert place.  We see we have nothing to help people around us but we are able to bring them to the one who is able to meet that need.  Verse 13 "give ye them to eat."  It is time to search the pockets, to see what you have got.  Maybe Jesus is saying "you are asking me every night for the boys and girls, to see the numbers increasing but you need to start the search for them."  We read in John`s gospel "whence shall we buy bread that we might buy to feed this lot."  The Lord knew what he was about to do.  It is good to come and ask the Lord but we need to do the seeking too.

The surprise that is found.  Maybe they were looking for people with food, somehow to try and bring it together to feed everyone.  Andrew finds one little boy with a few loaves and fishes "but what is that among so many?"  Maybe he walked past him, thought in his mind "that wouldn`t work".  Imagine that for a moment of the Sunday school teacher who gave David Livingstone a small Bible for reciting Psalm 119.  For 30 years he preached and prayed on the African continent until the Lord took him home.  Natives thought his candle was burning long into the night, saw him sitting on his knees but he had already gone home.  Imagine the surprise on the face of that Sunday School teaher when heard the account of David Livingstone.  We don`t know lwhat ies ahead for any of these children.  Imagine the surprise for the Sunday School teacher who followed up on the shoe salesman D L Moody as he brought thousands to Christ.  Andrew thought "what could you do with these loaves and fishes, what will God ever make of them?"  Wouldn`t it be tremendous for God to raise one to follow the Lord and serve him?

The surrender that was sought.  Andrew stops with this boy, has time for him.  He is sitting out on the mountainside with adults all around him.  Andrew stops with this boy and talks with him.  He begins to speak to him about the Lord.  The one who is able to do great things might even be interested in what he has.  Andrew is speaking of a surrender.  We need to speak to our children about surrendering their lives to Christ.  That is what we need to be handing out - to speak to people about the little children.  Andrew asked the little boy if he was prepared to surrender all to the Lord.

The sufficiency that was found - verse 17 "and they did eat and were all filled."  He was glad he didn`t ignore this lad.  There were probably about 20,000 people fed that day.  They came with nothing but went home with something.  Let`s keep praying for our little ones coming under the sound of the word of God.

The surplus that was gathered.  The Lord took it and blessed the food but the blessing didn`t end there because all the fragments were picked up and there were 12 basketfuls left over.  The blessing kept flowing on.  Whatever we give to the Lord is never wasted.  That includes our time, our talents and our tithes.  The Lord will bless it and the blessing will flow on perhaps to another generation and another home.

Friday, 8 July 2016

The Publican`s Prayer

Notes from a sermon heard on 25 April 2016
Luke 18 verses 9 - 14

I want tonight to turn your attention to 2 men.  They set off with a very specific purpose in mind.  They went up into the temple to pray.  One was a Pharisee, a religious leader, a man well accustomed to the house of God, to the reading of God`s word, to lifting up his voice in prayer.  The other man was a Publican, a tax collector, a sinner.  This man lifted up his voice to God in prayer "Lord be merciful to me a sinner."  That is a great place to come to.  Acknowledge what is going on in your heart, in your inner most being.  He realised and recognised he had come short of God`s glory and was now crying out to God for mercy.  This prayer was heard in the realms of heaven.  If you read this text of scripture (verse 13) it was to those who trusted in themselves.  Jesus was speaking to those who had the attitude "I don`t need a Saviour, I don`t need this religiousity you are talking of, I am on my way to heaven, on my own way home."  When we preach from the word of God we preach there is only one way to heaven - Jesus is the way.  There will be no soul in heaven that never began that journey at the foot of the cross, that cried to God "be merciful to me a sinner."  Here was a man who didn`t need a Saviour.  You might say "I am not like anyone else, I have never been in the depth of sin like this man".  His prayer was heard in heaven.  If you have never prayed a prayer like that you can lift your voice to God.  He will come in a mighty mighty way.  Let`s look tonight at the Publican`s prayer.

The sinner`s company.  He went with this man.  We are not told he went shoulder to shoulder with the Pharisee.  He probably took 2 or 3 steps ahead of him.  They were both heading to the house of God, knew where the presence of God was.  The presence of God is here tonight.  Jesus is passing this way tonight.  All you have to do is reach out and touch him as he goes by.  It wasn`t like the days of Elijah when he told the prophets of Baal to call out to their God.  They were lifting up their voices to gods who had no ears.  When Elijah lifted up his prayer God heard him.  Fire fell from heaven and he swallowed up the offering on the altar.  Romans 10 verse 13 "for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."  This Pharisee cried out.  They were going into the house of God.  There was a desire to come into the house of God.  If you have the desire to come to this house tonight that is the Holy Spirit drawing you, not the preacher or the congregation.  That is the God of heaven drawing you, to save your soul.  Maybe in his mind remembered what Solomon said in 2 Chronicles 6 verse 40 "Now my God let, I beseech thee, thine eyes be open and let thine ears be attent unto the prayer that is made in this place."  Maybe the old publican heard that the Lord would have his eyes and ears open to the simple prayer.  That is what was working in his heart.  Maybe God is drawing you to himself, drawing you in to be saved.  The temple was the place where God said he would meet with his people, there were God gave the instructions.  God has promised to meet with you at the cross of Calvary.  God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.  He had come unto his own, took on himself the form of a servant - why - that he might reconcile lost mankind unto himself.  That is where we come to - the foot of the old rugged cross.  To make our way there by childlike faith.  Look unto the Saviour who suffered and died and took our place.  That is where heaven meets sinful man.  God in Christ was reconciling the world to himself.  We are not told how many others were there that day.  You and I need to get our eyes off others.  Don`t get our eyes onto someone else.  He lifted his eyes off the Pharisee and placed them onto the Saviour.  It is easy to get our eyes on someone who can lead astray.  Maybe do live up to a certain standard but you need to get your eyes on the Lord.  In the book of Mark 1 verse 23 whenever Jesus was in the synagogue and the people were all gathered together the leader would open up the book and pass it to the one who would preach.  The congregation that day, some came out of habit or duty, some came to be seen but there were those who wanted to worship the God of heaven.  Jesus opened up the word of God and there was in their midst a man with an unclean spirit.  This man was dabbling in the occult and allowed the spirit of the devil to indwell him.  He was sitting in the house of God.  When we imagine the devil we think of him in the dens of iniquity, pubs and clubs.  He was however in the house of God when the preaching started.  He cried out.  The devil is there to distract and to take the good seed of the word of God.  The devil has you in his mind in any meeting.  He wants to disturb you in such a manner.  It could be because someone else moves beside you.

The sinner`s conviction.  Notice as comes into the house of God he says "Lord be merciful to me a sinner."  The Publican was a tax collector and it was not unknown for them to charge more than was required.  He knew in his heart he was doing things untrue.  When he came face to face with God he realised very quickly he was a sinner, he had come short of the glory of God.  He was so caught up with the presence of God.  Have you ever had that conviction of heart?  Somehow God has gripped you so much, caught up with the word of God.  That is God`s Holy Spirit, the one who takes the word of God and settles it far beyond the reach of man.  He feels his own unworthiness, cannot even come near to the altar.  The Pharisee was standing as far up as he could.  He wanted everyone to see him but the Publican crawled into the most obscure spot where he wouldn`t be seen. God was opening his heart and he was ready to hear his prayer.  Remember the centurion who came to ask for his servant.  The Lord said he would come but the centurion told him he was not worthy of that.  Such was his conviction of heart.  Peter said "depart from me for I am a sinful man." Luke 5 verse 8)  If you are feeling in your heart the wrongs you have done, that you are not right with God, that is the Holy Spirit.  Don`t close the door on that because God wants to save you, reconcile you.  Unless there is conviction of sin, salvation cannot take place.  If God is doing a work in your heart it doesn`t take a man to draw it out.  

The sinner`s confession.  The Publican owned up to the things he felt in his heart.  He was wrong, had wronged God and could not be reconciled.  Don`t mistake conviction for conversion, there has to be confession.  Somewhere along the way this man poured out his heart before others.  The Psalmist saiid "I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.  Against thee, thee only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight." (Psalm 51 verses 3 and 4)  Achan tried to cover up his sin when he took the gold and robe.  He hid them in his tent and waited for the dust to settle.  There was one watching him though - God.  He never slumbers or sleeps.

The sinner`s conversion.  This man went to his house justified.  Why?  Because he cried out for help.  "If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." (1 John 1 verse 8)  The Pharisee didn`t open up to his sin.  A right relationship with God because of the Lord is what we need tonight.  God took every sin on the cross and placed them on the Lord.  There the Lord dying on the cross was dying for every sin yet you haven`t claimed it tonight.  This old Publican was`t going to make God a liar, he was willing to own up to his sin in his heart.  Have you got that day of conversion?  Are you depending on something that is not there tonight.  Are you truly born of the Spirit of God, saved by his grace?

The sinner`s confidence - justified in the eyes of God, had been set free, no sin to answer for.  "It is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment." (Hebrews 9 verse 27)  Now the Lord wants to justify you tonight.  There is one thing you must do - come.  You have to come as this Publican did and cry for God`s mercy.  Will you come to the cross tonight?  Will you trust him as Saviour and Lord?

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Lessons from the prodigal son

Notes from a sermon heard on 1 May 2016
Luke 15 verses 11 - 24

Jesus is teaching here about things that are lost - in verse 4 a shepherd who had 100 sheep and one was lost, in verse 8 a woman who had lost one coin out of a collection, probably a necklace given by her husband as a token of their wedding and in verse 12 we find a man who had lost a son.  I want to talk about a man who might lose his soul.  That is serious.  Have you ever considered how serious it would be if you lost your soul?  In the next chapter the Lord speaks of 2 men who died, one was Lazarus and the angels came down and lifted him into the presence of God.  There was also a rich man who died, he was buried and he lifted up his eyes in hell being in torment.  Have you ever thought what it would mean if you lost your soul and somehow stepped out into eternity, lost for ever? Consider for a moment this young man contemplating going home in verses 17 and 19.  He had taken everything his father had given him and spent it on riotous living.  He wasted every opportunity he had.  His friends deserted him.  He now lifted up his eyes.  What is going through his mind and thoughts?  He wondered what was happening in his father`s house.  "There are servants there with bread enough to eat, they are better off than I am."  He considered going back to his father`s house.  Have you ever considered your salvation?  Sat down and thought about being saved?  Some people would say they have no thought for it.  The reason for that is because "the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them." (2 Corinthians 4 verse 4)  Every time there has come a thought about your salvation the devil moves in so quickly less you be saved.  I`m sure as this man thought of making this journey there was another voice deep in his head saying "you will only make a fool of yourself, you might have done it a while ago but not now."  There is a battle going on - the devil says "don`t think of it".  When the father took the son back what does the son find?  Does he find someone who will reject him?

A grace displayed.  If that is a consideration in your mind of getting saved the first thing you will find is grace in the sight of God because God offers to you grace.  You cannot get saved on your own terms.  You have no merits of your own to suffice.  You have to rely totally on God who sent his son into the world to die on a cross for your sins.  It is all him alone.  The only way you can be saved is coming by grace of God.  As he makes his way back his father is standing watching for him.  Perhaps he is in the same spot where he left him.  Gazing out into the distance, looking for his son to come home.  He never gave up on him.  That is proof that the Lord is waiting on you to come home.  There is no malice in this man`s heart.  He is just longing for his son to come home.  The 10 lepers who met the Lord cried out to be cleansed.  As he spoke to them, told them to go and see the priest and they turned and were healed.  9 ran on and only one came back to thank Jesus.  He knew what was in their heart yet they met with grace.  Here was a man wronged yet he waits, he listened to the demands of his son asking for his inheritance.  His heart was broken that day.  He was the grieved parent yet he waited on him coming home.  God is the grieved parent tonight and he is waiting for you to come home.  In total rejection the young man turned and walked away from home, spent all that he was given and now is making his way home.  He finds the father waiting for him just as he left him.  Jesus said "him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."  It doesn`t matter who it is the invitation is still there.  You will meet the grace of God when you come to him.  He will not cast you out.  He will take you in and save your precious soul.  On the streets of Jerusalem he said to the people "how oft would I have gathered you."  I preached, I coaxed, I pleaded but you wouldn`t come.  How many times have you heard the voice of God pleading for you to come to him and yet you have not come?  Jesus doesn`t hide himself, he stands waiting.  Remember when Adam sinned against God in the garden and ran from the presence of God?  God came into the garden looking for him.  That is the grace of God demonstrated.  He is still looking for men today.  Paul said "everything that I am, I am by the grace of God."  

The greeting that is expressed - verse 20.  This man didn`t close the door nor bolted it.  He kept it open for him to come home.  The door of opportunity is still there.  We are still in the day of opportunity to get right with God and get saved.  You have sat in meetings before, heard the invitation many times but turned your back on many occasions.  The grace of God comes again pleading with you.  The man didn`t turn his back.  He was standing watching.  He saw him in the distance and ran to meet him.  He fell on his neck and kissed him.  That was grace - to accept him back even though he had been grieved.  There is an open door for the gospel invitation.  Jesus said "come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden."  That same invitation is still extended today.  Jesus promises rest to all who come to him.  You will not have peace until you come to Christ, take him as Saviour and Lord.  He saw him afar off and he had compassion.

The gifts provided - verse 21.  The father listened to the young man.  This was his son standing before him in the rags of the world.  He was pleading for forgiveness.  As you come to Christ it is not just a matter of lifting up your eyes and you are saved.  This man came in a sorrowful state.  He admitted his sins yet the father looked on him with grace, mercy, love and compassion.  The young man was relying heavily on his father`s mercy.  When you come to be saved you rely on the mercy of God.  It was the best robe that was brought to cover his rags.  His clothes didn`t come up to his father`s approval .  Maybe you have a robe of self approval.  Doing the best you can will not get you into heaven, it will damn your soul.  There is a story of a king who made a banquet for his son, invited everyone to his palace but saw one man not in the proper robe so cast him out.  Have you been to the cross of Calvary, to where Jesus died as a sacrifice for your sin?  That is the only place you can be reconciled to Christ.  The man put a ring on his son`s finger.  These were the riches he deserved.  He gave him shoes for his feet.  To have no shoes represented servanthood but this young man was no longer a servant in the father`s eyes.  Are the pleasures of this world all you have got before the Lord?

The glory that was experienced - verse 23.  The father shouted for the fatted calf to be killed and a feast to be held - why - for this my son was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found.  The celebrations began.  Wouldn`t it be a great night to begin your homeward journey, to trust Christ and leave with the assurance you are on the way to heaven and home?  What would it be if God would say to you tonight "this night thy soul is required of thee."  It is serious business because you could be lost in hell.  You have the opportunity of coming and trusting Christ as Saviour.  The decision is yours.  Will you come?

How long halt ye between 2 opinions?

Notes from a sermon heard on 5 June 2016
1 Kings 18 verses 16 - 21

What brought this thought to my attention was this - I was watching a debate on the EU referendum and there was a phone call into the programme.  Someone came back to a question and said "that is a good question."  There are many good questions found in the word of God.  One of the greatest questions asked in the word of God is "how long halt ye between 2 opinions?"  It come from the lips of the greatest prophets of all times.  This was a dark period in Israel.  Ahab and Jezebel were reigning.  A match made in the pits of hell itself.  1 Kings 21 verse 25 "But there was none like unto Ahab which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord whom Jezebel his wife stirred up."  This must surely have been one of the most darkest periods in the nation of Israel.  He had sold himself to the devil to do wickedness, inflamed by the tongue of his wife Jezebel.  They formed a state religion that turned men and women from the Lord.  Elijah gathers together the multitude of people and stands in their midst.  The grace of God is present.  People are called to respond.  What a privilege here tonight.  The scene is set.  The church is open, the word of God goes forth.  God says respond, turn from your sin, take my Son as your Saviour and Lord.

It comes as a challenge to the soul.  Elijah looked out and saw all these false prophets.  He stood up before them and asked them this question.  He was speaking to a people who knew better.  They had walked with God in a bygone day but were now backslidden.  What you are doing is wrong he told them.  God is calling you back now.  It comes as a challenge to Israel to consider where they are and where they stand with God.  Remember Adam how he sinned in the Garden of Eden.  He heard God calling and he hid.  "Adam where art thou?"  That was a challenge to him.  That same challenge comes to you tonight.  Are you saved by God`s grace?  Are you depending on the finished work of Calvary?  It is Christ or nothing.  Not the church to be depended on.  The invitation goes out.  Elijah tells them to gather to Mount Carmel.  It was the scene of past days of blessing.  They once sacrificed to the God of heaven here.  In verse 30 we see there is nothing now but a broken altar.  He rebuilds the altar.  Maybe for someone the altar needs to be repaired.  Maybe you remember what it was to bow your knee to Christ but now walk afar off.  Susannah Wesley was a devout Church of England minister`s wife.  Devout in her ways until one day she listened to her son preaching "the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin."  Something went into her soul that day.  A challenge to her heart.  Would her good works ever cleanse her from her sin?  Would her standing and role in the society cleanse her from her sin?  Would the church she worshipped in ever cleanse her from her sin?  No it wouldn`t.  She came unto the God of heaven and took him as her own and personal Saviour.  Mount Carmel was a reminder of days gone by.  When this people trusted him and put their faith in him.  A reminder when they used to worship the almighty God.  Today we come by way of invitation.  Not for entertainment.  One hour to bring challenge to your soul.  That you might hear words whereby you might be saved.  Consider the cost of your soul and not be lost.  Where do you stand in the light of eternity?  In Acts 10 Cornelius had a wonderful testimony.  He was a devout man, well thought of, helped the poor and needy.  He did much for the nation but with all that there came a time when that man sat in his own home alone and pondered on the things he had done.  He began to think to himself if this was enough.  The message came to him to send for Peter and he would open up the word of God and show him words whereby he might be saved.  Do you believe in the need of salvation - "except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Marvel not that I say unto you you must be born again." (John 33 verses 5 and 7)  That means your righteous acts cannot justify you before God tonight.  He sent his son to die on the cross and offers a righteousness that will see those sins forgiven and access given into God`s eternity for ever.  "How long halt ye?"  Waiting, hopping from one foot to another.  Are you ready to make that decision?

The clarity that is in question.  This is the greatest question every posed because the souls of men and women lay heavy on his heart.  He doesn`t want to see this people lost for all eternity.  Every man behind the sacred desk has that same burden today.  He is not out to please man.  He is standing before the king Ahab and looks to one side where there are 450 prophets and then to the other side where there are 400 men who sat at Jezebel`s table.  Would he bow to please them?  Clear in his preaching.  When they went to arrest the Lord they couldn`t do it - why - because no man spake like this man.  Have you already heard your need of salvation, your need to be saved, that you should be saved, that you could be saved?  Have you been pointed to the cross of Calvary?  Here was clear preaching.  Paul advised Timothy to "preach the word"  Here`s a man standing on Mount Carmel.  He dare not mince his words.  As the souls in front of him are hanging in the balance he wants to make sure.  "How long halt ye between 2 opinions?"  Martin Luther preached as if Christ died yesterday, rose that very morning and was coming the next day.  Elijah comes and brings them to a spiritual crossroads.  You cannot sit with a foot in each camp.  The message was clear.  Paul in Acts 17 brought that to the people living in Athens on Mars Hill.  He began to preach the word of God.  You are too superstitutious he told them.  He spoke of the altars they were using.  They were many in number but there was one to an unknown god.  This was one they knew little about.  He opened up the word of God and began with the days of creation.  God created all things.  Why did he do that?  Bringing them to the day of judgement.  Must begin with the God who created heaven and earth.  You are responsible to God.  We are created in the image of God.  One day we must stand before him.  We must give an account to that same God.  God stands alone above all this.  Paul brought a great word of encouragement.  He is not far from anyone of us.  Why?  Because he sent his son to take upon himself the form of a servant, came down into sin cursed world and on the cross he died.  In leaving this world he sent his Holy Spirit to dwell amongst you.  The Holy Spirit is close to you tonight and you are not saved.  He tells you you need to be saved, to be ready for the day of judgement.  A day marked out when he will judge this old world.  Are you saying "I would love to be saved, to be really out and out for God but you have a foot in each camp?

The choice that the question gives.  The clarity is in verse 24.  You cannot serve 2 masters.  Issuing the same note as days of Joshua on the day he led the people into the land of blessing.  He told them "choose you this day whom you will serve."  Moses on the mountain receiving the commandments came down and could see the people dancing around this molten calf.  Moses came down into the camp and asked "who is on the Lord`s side."  Who is going to step away from this sinful transaction?  That called for a decision.  Every time the gospel goes forward it calls for a decision.  God knows those who are going to be saved.  You are saying "everyone can be saved" and that is true.  The Bible tells me that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Jesus came to the religious leaders and said "you will not come to me that you might have life."  Stephen said "you have grieved, resisted the Holy Spirit."  There is a choice that must be made.  This question asks you to come to spiritual crossroads, got to choose as this people did on this particular day.  This is the day of grace.  If you want to be saved you can still be saved.  The one called Jesus took your place and died on the cross of Calvary.
A calamity of this question.  They had to make up their mind.  All the prophets heard was this great burden as he stood on Mount Carmel.  He saw these people who had been deceived.  Spirit of deception was evident.  There were men and women who knew they should follow Christ.  He brings them right to that place and calls on them to make up their mind.  Burden on his heart.  What if they did not believe?  Did not turn?  Calamity was one decision would lead to a lost sinners hell and another decision would lead to splendours of heaven for all eternity.  That is the very same outcome tonight for you.  Sitting here one decision could mean a lost sinners hell for all eternity.  To reject the Saviour, to turn your back on the cross, to say "I don`t want to be saved.  I enjoy the meetings, the singers, the testimonies, the hymns and choruses but don`t want to be saved.  I just want to leave this house."  One decision could take you into a lost sinners hell.  One choice could see you claim heaven`s joy for all eternity.  Outcome by taking one step to the cross of Calvary.  There`s room at the cross for you.  Will you come to Christ tonight?  Trust him as Saviour and Lod?  How long have you been holding back?  Don`t try to take both camps.  One foot in the kingdom of God and another one in this world.  It will never work.  This is the opportunity to make it right with God.

The European Union vote

Notes from sermon heard on Sunday 19 June 2016
Genesis 11 verses 1 - 9

There is the unfinished building.  As we turn to chapter 11 there is before us foundations laid, blocks laid, mortar brought, and a building has been started.  Somewhere in the midst of it all God stops the building of this great tower.  An unfinished building.  I am told in the parliaments of the European Union there is a painting of this particular tower displayed.  It is taken as a symbol of their work.  Europe is an unfinished work.  A continuing work.  We are running up to that referendum vote this week.  I want to bring a few simple thoughts on the nation of Europe.  Have heard much of what the in camp has to say and on the other side says better out of Europe.  What saith the scriptures?  They must be the final rule for our lives.  In Genesis 11 we have a clear picture of what the world desires, what the world really wants.  A community with no responsibility of God.  That is what happened here in Genesis 11.  There are those who don`t want to think that one day they must stand before God.  Is it possible that you might have to say why you rejected his son Christ Jesus?  You have never been saved, known sins forgiven, known what it was to have the blood of Jesus cleanse you from all sin.  You might be the best of a person, you might be walking that middle ground but still on the broad road, on the way to a lost eternity.  It is possible to come to God tonight and close in with his offer of mercy.  Look at this community in Genesis 11.

This great confederacy.  Here we see the gathering of a people together.  We find that the world has been destroyed by a flood.  God had to pour out his wrath on this world.  The very thoughts and imaginations of man`s heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6 verse 5)  Sin entered into the world and death by sin passed to all generations.  God moved to destroy the world.  In chapter 9 verse 1 gave instructions to his servants Noah.  In Genesis 11 verse 1 the people came to the place of Shinar, there they settled and then came this plan into being.  Verse 4 man says God will not dictate to us, tell us what to do.  Man looked into heaven and said we are not going to be scattered into all the earth just because you have said it.  Here we will build a tower that will build up into heaven.  It is wonderful how man makes up his own mind, makes up his own schemes.  Genesis 10 Nimrod was the architect of this great building - verse 10 "and the beginning of his kingdom was Babel."  "He was a mighty man before the Lord."  His father was     who - the son of Ham who had been cursed by God himself.  It was his idea to build a tower.  "There is a way that seemeth right but the end thereof are the ways of destruction." (Proverbs 14 verse 12)  What way you are building tonight?  The bible says there is one way.  Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14 verse 6)  "There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4 verse 12)  There are 2 ways tonight - broad and narrow way.  We can do what we please on the broad way.  Nimrod was buiding a tower and his goal was to build it unto heaven.  This broad road leads to hell for all eternity.  The narrow way has a gate and few there be that find it.  it is only the few on the way to heaven and home because the way to heaven is the gate that is narrow.  Excludes everything else.  Your works, your righteousness.  We have to go through the narrow gate.  Nimrod says we will build a tower lest we be scattered abroad in the earth, then God came down and confused their language.  One in the beginning but God scattered them.  That is the origin of where our languages come from.  The European Union would seek to reverse that work of God.  "Many tongues but one voice" is their motto.  Seek to say we are greater than you God.  We can give the people one voice, many languages but speak with one voice.  As you go through scriptures a tower is a symbol of strength and steadfastness.  Europe is building that which feel is the same shared common policies.

A conspiracy.  In Genesis 10 we read that Nimrod was the grandson of Noah.  We read in verse 8 "he began to be a mighty one in the earth".  He fought to be in that position.  The beginning of his kingdom was Babel.  In Genesis 11 there is no mention of Nimrod.  Here is a conspiracy going on.  These people are carrying out Nimrod`s wishes.  He would rule supreme over all.  This seed of confederacy planning in the background.  This confederacy of world dominance.  There is a greater than Nimrod.  Satan is planning a master plan for this world.  World dominance has always been his agenda.  Satan is a created being.  He has been created not like God.  There was a time when he was created by God himself.  Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 24 make it clear.  The person we are talking about is the devil, Lucifer.  He was the most gifted and most beautiful of all God`s creations.  He led the praise of God`s heavenly choir.  He brought sin into the world.  There was a time when he was perfect in all his ways.  The bible tells us his heart was lifted up because of his beauty - "I will ascend above the heads of the clouds, I will be like the most high."  He wanted to be in heaven, seated above God.  He wanted the praise and glory of the angels.  When he didn`t get it he was cast down.  He wanted the dominance of the world.  Satan moved in the Garden of Eden.  He brought Adam and Eve into disobedience with God.  It has been his aim to oppose all that God was doing.  Satan will have his man the antiChrist.  In Genesis 10 verses 10 and 11 there was the beginning of the kingdom of Babel.  A gateway to God.  It must be an awful thing to go to a lost and Christless hell from a church pew full of thoughts of righteousness.  That word Babel becomes into use in false religion.  Think of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar and raising up of the image.  Everone had to come and bow down. Remember the Babylonian garment which became an attraction to Achan.  In Revelation 17 the woman described there has the name Babylon the great.  Satan will give the antiChrist power so that the whole world will be attracted after him.  "Who is like unto the beast" will be the cry from their hearts.  What a man is coming on the scene of time for the confederacy in Europe.  Before he comes the church of God will be taken home.  Jesus is coming back again.  There is a confederacy coming together, all the nations together.  The conspiracy through this confederacy - the devil is bringing his man to bear on this world.  

The complacency.  These people are happy to build this tower.  We see so many prepared to just sit still, comfortable for any move from this great European machine, afraid of the threats to jobs that will be lost, money lost through subsidies that will no longer be available.  The complacency of politicians, kings, rulers, business men.  This system will be judged when Christ himself comes to reign.  Men and women will realise what they have been following.  A religious tower but also a commercial tower.  In Revelation 17 we see the religious Babylon judged for what it is and cast out for all eternity.  There is a great movement today through the European Union to bring one world system of government, a monetary system and a religious move to bring churches together.  Revelation 18 verse 2 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of evey unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies."  Then in verse 23 we read "And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee and the voice of the bridgegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee; for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived."  The master planner is Satan himself.  God says tonight "do not be complacent."  Do not get comfortable in a seat like this with the religious aspect.  Make sure you know which road you are on, on your way to heaven and home.  Come to the foot of the cross, confess your sin, take him as your Saviour and Lord.  What does God say - Revelation 18 verse 4 "Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues"  God says don`t be involved, get as far away from the ecumenical movement as you can.  Might seem good, might look God but has the curse of God on it.  God will bring it down.  God is interested in us.  He doesn`t want us to be deceived.

The importance of reaching children for Christ

Notes from sermon heard on Sunday 3 July 2016
Mark 5 verses 21 - 24, 35 - 43

In this passage Jesus lifts the lid on someone and begins to show us some things that are happening in their family.  In this account Jairus encouraged and inspired me as we went into our Holiday Bible Club week.  Often the devil will tell us `you are wasting your time, there is no interest in the children`s work, meetings are a thing of the past.`  When this man came out of the house to where Jairus was with the worse news possible "your daughter is dead" imagine what Jairus felt at that moment.  

It is a crisis in this family - verse 22.  This man Jairus was a ruler of the synagogue.  He would open up the word of God, pray and expound the word of God on a Sabbath day.  He wasn`t necessarily a man of God.  He might have had no time for God at all.  it is possible to come to the house of God, to read your Bible, to pray and to try and do good yet not be saved, to not know Christ as Saviour and Lord.  In verse 23 we see Jairus had a daughter of 12 years of age.  She lay at the point of death.  She was worse than being sick in that state.  She had no hope.  This man realised that there was nothing he could do for her whatsoever.  He employed the best of doctors there was but there was nothing he could do for this child.  She was lying at the point of death.  There was no help for her whatsoever.  The reason we had a week of bible meetings for children was not just merely to fill a week in the calendar to show ourselves busy.  It was to see these souls gathered in under the word of God that they might be saved.  We realised that there is a crisis in our society today, in families all around us.  What is this crisis?  Every child born into the world has been born in sin, shapen in iniquity, born into a relationship that is broken.  The only remedy is Jesus Christ taking your place on the cross to reconcile us to God again.  The problem is you are a sinner today.  That is the language of the bible before me.  Also tells me of the wages of sin - death, separation from God for all eternity.  There is an awful myth today.  The myth that all and sundry are going to a wonderful place called heaven and there is no such a place as hell.  Jesus God`s son taught more about hell than he did about heaven.  As we looked at the children`s faces this week we realised that one day they will die and if not reached with God`s love they will die for all eternity.  Every child before us is at the point of death and separation from God.  In 2 Kings 4 a woman saw a crisis in her family.  She took it to the God of heaven.  She had 2 sons, her husband was dead and there was a debt to be paid.  She had to sell her sons to pay that debt.

This man had Christ in his focus - verse 22.  This man went for Jesus.  He besought him greatly.  Perhaps he had heard so much about what Jesus was doing.  He knew he had a religion but not a personal relationship with Christ.  He knew what he needed, what his family needed, what his daughter needed.  The need of your home and life is Jesus Christ.  Jairus would be the instrument to bring Christ into his home.  Are we prepared to take Christ into our home today?  Jairus knew that once Jesus was there he would touch his daughter and she would be raised to health and strength again.  What my children need most in life is Christ.  Sadly this message has been forgotten.  Christ and salvation comes far down the line of responsibilities.  Social lives are more important.  The best your child can have is Christ.  That is what they need more than anything else.  We want them to have the best in clothes, to have the best in technology, to be well educated, to have the best holidays and recreation.  No harm in that whatsoever but the best thing you can do is trust Christ.  Bring him into your home that your children will see Christ in you.  Sadly childhood soon passes, teenage years come, young adult relationships are formed.  If not Christ focused the devil brings wrong company, pleasure and fulfilment becomes the gods of our lives.  In Acts 16 a man asked Paul "what must I do to be saved?"  Paul told him "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."  A jailer standing in the dark prison house was told "if you are prepared to take him as Saviour he will save you."  That man was happy to take Christ as his Saviour and Lord.  He became Christ focused and he asked them to come into his home and tell them there all about Christ.  He was an instrument.  Inn Acts 11 another religious man who was not saved was told "send for Peter" by an angel.  Why?  "He will tell you words whereby you might be saved."  When Cornelius sent for Peter he got all his friends and family into his home and asked Peter to tell them the wonderful news.  Are you Christ focused today?  Is there something blocking out that focus today?  You and I are instructed in Deuteronomy 6 to teach our children every day, every moment, to challenge them of the things of God.  They are the most important things they will ever learn.

There is a challenge to his faith.  Jairus sees his daughter lying sick and thinks there is only one who could help.  He sets off to find Jesus and when he does find him he asks him to come.  He had a heart full of faith, he wanted to be the instrument to bring Jesus into his home, to see his daughter healed and restored.  He found the first challenge to his faith.  Another woman got in his way.  There will be times of setbacks in our lives.  Jesus stops with this woman.  Jairus wanted him to come immediately.  There is maybe even a set back in your home today.  Maybe you have been preparing for years for your family.  Nothing seems to be happening.  It is a challenge to your faith.  Hold on.  Do not be idle now.  This man received the most awful news that his daughter is dead.  Jesus tells him "do not be afraid only believe."  The devil is quick at showing us there is no hope.  He tells us "you have been praying for the past 20 years and they are no nearer to Christ than ever, nothing is happening."  A lie by the devil himself - "she is dead, do not trouble the master any more."  The devil even tells us "you will never get that person into a gospel meeting so why bother."  The Lord tells you "do not be afraid only believe".  Jesus is still transforming lives in 2016, saving souls.  He wants to save you today that you might take the gospel to those children he has given to you as a gift.  Don`t leave it until they are 18 or 19.  If you get saved he will save your family too.  The best gift you can give your child is for you to trust Christ as Saviour.  It will be far better than leaving them money or property.  To see them saved and on their way to heaven and home.  What an inheritance!