Notes from sermon heard on 17 July 2016
John 2 verses 1 - 11
A familiar portion of scripture to us on the marriage in Cana of Galilee. This portion is often read and preached on at marriages. It is good to note that the presence of the Lord was there that day and it is the presence of the Lord that makes the feast. Not only that but could notice the miracle of changing water into wine - Jesus turned something that was natural into something that was supernatural. Every life Jesus has saved is just ordinary but he changes it into something different, to bring satisfaction and blessing to others. We could also speak of the manifestation of the glory of Jesus, Mary`s message and what she said to all those gathered that day "whatsoever he saith unto you do it." I want today to take 2 words from that phrase "whatsoever" and "do". Whatever we do in life is important. It is perhaps more important than what we say. However both should match together that others around us can see something in our lives that we have been with Christ. It is the mandate for what we do. Sometimes we ask ourselves "why do we do what we do?" Some would ask me "why do churches do one thing and other churches do something different?" The thing we always have to say in these situations is "because Jesus has given us the commandment to do it." Perhaps you think this is to do with discipleship. John 3 "except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Marvel not that I say unto you, ye must be born again." If you are going to do "whatsoever he saith unto you", you must be saved, set free from the penalty of sin. It involves faith. It probably wouldn`t have made much sense to fill a water pot to the top and add nothing to it and then pour it out. It involved faith. They took him at his word when Jesus said to fill it then draw it out. They did what Jesus said. Hebrews 11 verse 6 "But without faith it is impossible to please him (God)". "Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 5 verse 1) Whatever we are asked by Jesus to do it involves faith. We need to believe whatever the Lord asks us to do. It involves obedience to his word. Why do we go around the country preaching the gospel? We go because Jesus has said to "go into all the world and preach the gosel to every creature." (Mark 16 verse 15) Nowhere does it say in scripture that we should come into a church. We are to go out just as Jesus said. Why do we have a Remembrance Service? Jesus said "this do in remembrance of me." That is why we have gospel and ministry meetings. We are to go into all the world "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." (Matthew 28 verse 20) Obedience is the key. Whatever the Lord is saying to you ask yourself "is it from God`s word?" Faith and labour are also involved. It doesn`t happen automatically. The servants filled the water pots with water. The pots probably held about 8 or 9 gallons of water. Maybe they had to go to a well to do that. Work was involved. When we come to do what the Lord asks us to do it means work and labour. A mandate for what we do. Jesus has said to do all according to his word, to have times of prayer, to reach out to others on the doors, to meet with the God of heaven. Ezra 7 verse 23 "Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be diligently done for the house of the God of heaven. When the commands of God are questioned the authority of God is questioned. Remember Adam and Eve. God gave them one simple command - do not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Satan questioned God`s authority "hath God said" and "Ye shall not surely die". (Genesis 3 verses 1 and 4) Jesus asked the servants to do something and they were obedient. 1 Peter 1 verse 16 "Be ye holy for I am holy". There should be something that shows faith, showing that we are living a life pleasing to God. Enoch was 65 when he had a child and then went on to live for another 300 years. It is recorded of him that "he walked with God". You can live a life that others can see is obedient to God. Joseph was such a man. Others could see in his life that God was with him - Potiphar, the prisoners, Pharaoh. It was bringing glory and honour to Jesus Christ. Many say "if that is a Christian I don`t want anything to do with it." When the authority and word of God is questioned the standards of God are abandoned and the blessings of God are forfeited. The servants were obedient to what Jesus said to do. As a result of drawing out the water others were blessed. The governor even said "you have kept the best to last". Remember Saul was told to go out and slay all the Amalekites. Saul looked at the sheep and thought he could keep some of them. Samuel came and talked to him about this action. Saul made all sorts of excuses but the result was he was removed from being king. Sometimes the blessings are forfeited in our own life when we don`t obey God`s commands. We need to be obedient to his word. 1 Corinthians 10 verses 27 - 33. The context here is that if there is someone who is a non believer invites you to a feast and what is offered to eat is also offered to idols don`t eat it. We get invitations to many different things in life and the question we always ask ourselves is "should I go or should I not go." How do we measure what we do? There are 2 things in this portion of scripture - do it all to the glory of God. The question you have to ask yourself is "will it glorify God". That is a question we should ask in every aspect of life. Will it be a profit to others or will it hinder others? We might not be invited to a feast where the food is offered to idols but the purpose is for us to ask 2 questions - will it glorify God and will it hinder others? Colossians 3 verses 17, 22 and 23. Here we have a model of whatsoever we do. We are ambassadors for Christ. His representatives. Whatever we do, do it in his name. Christ has asked us to represent him in a world that is lost. Do it in a way Jesus would do, that others might see Christ in us. Verse 23 also says we are to do it heartily as unto the Lord. We are not to be men pleasers but God pleasing. Do everything to the best of our ability. Do it with a good heart, not out of evil. If you or I who are repentant sinners we need to do something to bring honour and glory unto Christ. 3 John verses 4 - 6 says we are to love one another, help one another and pray for one another. We need to show the love of God to others in all we do.