Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The Miracles of Jesus Christ - in the midst of a storm

Sermon notes from Sunday 17 May 2015

Matthew 8 verses 23 – 27
The Miracles of Jesus Christ

There is a tremendous lesson about the disciples in these miracles.  We see a failure on their part, they had somehow lost the wonder of this miracle working in the man in their midst.  These were the same men who walked with him, ate with him, preached with him, prayed with him, seen so many mighty miracles performed but somehow they couldn’t put this miracle working power into their lives.  The Jesus in the midst of the storm in the sea of Galilee is the same one who stands in our midst today.  Remember the words of the apostle Paul.  I think he got it right when he weighed up the whole situation he was in from time to time especially to the church of Ephesus “now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”  Let’s apply His guiding hand to our lives today, apply it to the storm going on in our lives look to the one who with one word can calm the storm within.

The course that was taken.  Verse 23 “and when he was entered into a ship his disciples followed him.”  Here’s a course set out for the disciples that would take them into the midst of the storm.  The disciples knew nothing about it, didn’t know what lay ahead.  Here were the disciples at the bidding of the Lord, got into the ship and followed him.  Are you following the Lord today through his word as you meditate on it, as you hear him speaking to you through it?  Are you involved in the things he really wants you to be involved in this morning?  He is asking you to follow him.  Maybe you are unsaved.  If you haven’t stepped out to follow the Lord yet he beckons you to follow him.  “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”  In our natural state we will never see heaven’s gates nor look into Christ’s own face.  He asks you to take his hand so that he can show you Calvary, to see Christ dying there for your sins.  He wants to take away your sins and make you ready for home one day.  In Mark 4 where this same story is recorded we read Jesus saying “let us pass over unto the other side.”  Here was the Lord Jesus Christ speaking to the disciples and telling them “I want to get into the boat and go to the other side and I want you to be with me.”  He wanted their company that day.  He said to the disciples “let’s go to the other side”.  They didn’t know that half way across they would run into a serious storm, run into an awful crisis.  Right now in your life there is something happening and the Lord has spoken to you and you are following him.  Through the words of Mark’s gospel there is a sense that there was going to be a far side.  There was no way this boat would sink in the middle.  We might have many a storm but Christ is in control, in the midst of the storm.  It is up to you and I to keep our eyes on him.  Peter said “we are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.” (chapter 1 verse 5)  John 10 “my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.”  He is speaking of his sheep, how they hear his voice and they follow him.  A hireling they will not follow, the hireling is just paid to do the job, he doesn’t care for the sheep.  “My people hear my voice and follow me.”  Great onus is on you and me today, to read and meditate on the word of God, following hard after the Lord Jesus Christ.  You and I need to get so acquainted with the word of God that we know his voice.  Jesus said to the disciples “let us get into the boat and they followed him.”  What course are you on today?  Have you heard his voice?  Are you following after him?  Jesus speaking to the apostle Peter in John 21 verse 18 said “Verily verily I say unto thee, when thou wast young thou girdest thyself and walkedst whither thou woudest but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands and another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.”  The Lord was telling Peter he wouldn’t die before he reached old age.  The Lord is in control of your situation and life today.

The crisis that developed.  They soon found out, would find a crisis, there was a calamity, the tragedy.  They thought they would perish in the midst of this storm.  In the place where they thought God wanted them to be yet found a calamity.  Isn’t that what Abraham found when he came to the land of promise? The first thing Abraham found was a famine in the land.  Are we in the place where God would have us to be today?  Yet there is a tragedy.  Verse 24 the storm arose.  The sea is surrounded here with mountains and very quickly a storm could rise up.  This little boat was in the middle of the sea.  They were startled, gripped with fear.  You can be going on with the Lord so well when something happens.  A crisis comes into your life and somehow you are gripped by fear.  The apostle Paul saved by God’s grace on the road to Damascus called into service to preach the word of God, small churches were formed and he encouraged them in the work.  Something happens in the life of Paul, he referred to a thorn in the flesh and he asked the Lord to take it away.  Think of the Old Testament days when David was raised to be the king.  They were difficult times for him.  He went down to face the giant, felt so strongly about the presence of God.  “You have come with all your weaponry, experience in battle but I come to you in the name of the Lord, the God of Israel” he told Goliath.  He knew the presence of God in his life yet one day he had to flee from Saul the king of Israel – why – because Saul got jealous of him.  The people used to sing “Saul has slain his thousands but David his tens of thousands.  David had to flee from his presence.  Later we find he had to flee again because of his own son.  We will face crisis in our lives.  Maybe you are going through one crisis at this moment in time.  The one who has called you into the midst of it will be with you, through it all.  Jesus was sleeping in the boat when the storm rose up.  He was still with them, right in the midst of the crisis.  There may be disappointments at this moment in time.  God has meant it for good.  Elijah was God’s prophet, evangelising, all out for God.  God told him one day to flee to the brook Cherith.  He was right in the centre of God’s will.  He would take a drink from the brook, looked to the heavens for the ravens who would bring him bread and flesh in the morning.  At the time when he felt peckish again in the evening he looked for the same ravens.  He trusted the Lord would point them in his direction.  They never failed.  The only time they stopped was when God moved him onto the next stage.

The cry they made.  It was a cry that revealed a lack of trust.  The master was sleeping at the back of the ship.  The disciples felt he didn’t care.  Sometimes we get to the place where we wonder is God in this, could I have taken the wrong step?  That is where the disciples were.  Their cry was directed to him.  It might have revealed a lack of trust.  They came to their feet.  When Jesus sent his disciples out he told them they would have power over demons and spirits but they had something very special than that.  “Rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”  That is far more important, that is the most important thing.  That your name is written in heaven.  When the disciples began to worry about food and clothes he told them their heavenly father knew all about that but they were not to concern themselves.  He knew all about them even in the midst of the storm.  The children of Israel were delivered from bondage in Egypt by the blood sprinkled on the door of the house.  The Lord delivered them out into the wilderness but somehow they forgot about the God who had delivered them.  He had power to bring them out of slavery.  They saw the Egyptian army coming after them and they started to doubt that God was with them.  They faltered and didn’t trust God.

The challenge Jesus gave.  The disciples asked him to save them or they would perish.  Verse 26 “why are ye fearful?”  Isn’t that what the Lord wants us to do?  The challenge is we must bring our fears, doubts and unbeliefs to him.  The disciples had such fear that they couldn’t see the great miracle taking place before them.  Verse 27 sometimes in a crisis we have cause to reflect.  Sometimes we feel the finger of God on us.  Peter walked on the water, able to do that unnatural thing because the Lord had bid him to do it.  As long as his eyes were on the master he could do it but when he took his eyes off the Lord he began to sink.  “Why did you look away, where’s your faith” Jesus asked him.  It was all Peter’s own thinking.  Did the disciples feel the storm would defeat God?  Did they think He had no control over the sea?  Did they lose out on his power?  Their cry went before the Lord.  There is a storm today, a crisis today.  Sometimes we don’t have any answers, cannot’ understand it.  There will be things in our lives we cannot understand, there will be things in our world we will never understand but I have to keep trusting the God of heaven as go through because he is in control of the storm.

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