Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The Lord is God a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him

Sermon Notes from Sunday 4 January 2015

Nahum 1 verses 1 – 15

“The Lord is God a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him.” verse 7

This is a three- fold dimension of God.  The God in whom we trust today is a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him.  “The Lord is God” signifies his character.  “a stronghold in the day of trouble” signifies his company.  “he knoweth them that trust in him” signifies his concern or care for us. 

Nahum has a message from the Lord about Assyria, a cruel and mighty nation.  Assyria ruled the whole empire at this time.  Nahum is telling the people that Ninevah’s day is about to come to an end because God is going to move on it.  He will show what he will do to the most powerful nation of the world, he will bring them down.  The Bible tells us that he sets up nations and brings them down.  One hundred years previously Jonah had been sent to this same city to preach repentance.  God told Jonah to tell the people that if they repented, turned from their sin, trusted the living God then God would save the nation.  The nation listened to Jonah’s word and God pardoned the nation.  Now this young prophet Nahum has a different message.  Assyria has drifted away again into idolatry and sinned.  It was time now for God to judge this nation.  He is coming with great wrath on this nation.  The same principle must follow for us today.  To go on rejecting God, turning our back on God, judgment must come on our lives, on our community, on our nation.  Sin will not go unpunished.  God is of purer eyes to behold iniquity (Habakkuk 1 verse 13).  “None that defileth” shall enter into heaven we are told in the scriptures (Revelation 21 verse 27).  The wise man in Proverbs said “he that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy.” (chapter 29 verse 1)  It is no good continually turning our backs to God.  One day we shall be cut off without warning.  He has given every warning he can possibly give.  Then must fall the terrible dilemma spoken of in Genesis 3 “my Spirit shall not always strive with man.”  Let us look at the first aspect “God knoweth them that trust in him”.  What a wonderful relationship to come into, knowing our trust is in him.

Our faith is personal to God.  Our faith is personal to the living God in 2015.  We go into this year with a sense of purpose because I know I am his.  More importantly I have this great assurance – he knows that I am his.  This is a wonderful, amazing thing.  God knows his children that are his.  There is going to come great wrath on the nation of Assyria.  Even amongst this nation but God says ‘I know them that are trusting in me even through it all.’  When God went down into Egypt he knew the ones who were trusting in him by the blood that was applied to the doors of the houses.  When the anti-Christ will come and reign on this world, even during that time God has placed a stamp on his people.  He knows those who are his even today.  “The foundation of God standeth sure having this seal The Lord knoweth them that are his.” (2 Timothy 2 verse 19)  As he looked down into our hearts today he can say “this is my child” but he also knows everyone that is not.  Talking about the weeds and the tares in his parable Jesus makes it clear that it is Satan who planted the tares himself.  Was there a moment when you came to the rugged cross, invited him to be your Saviour and Lord, to save you from your sin, to cleanse you?  If there was a moment like that then you are his this morning and he is yours.  Your faith is personal.  “Thou has searched me and known me, Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar of.”(Psalm 139 verses 1 and 2).  Not what I am doing, what my actions are, not what my words are but even my very thoughts.  He knows my very intents, the motives of my heart.  God goes deeper – he knows what I am thinking.  We are in the presence of the one who not only hears what we sing from our hearts, say in our prayers but knows our very thoughts.  I am glad I am his and God knows me personally.  The disciples out walking with the Lord one day began to discuss amongst themselves who would be the greatest.  They thought the Lord didn’t hear them.  Mark 9 verse 33 “And he came to Capernaum and being in the house he asked them, What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way?”  He knew their thoughts, knew everything about them.  “For there is not a word in my tongue but lo, O Lord thou knowest it altogether”(Psalm 139 verse 4)  Even before the words are formed on our tongues the Lord knows them.  In Matthew 25 verse 40 when it speaks of God’s judgment on this world talks about the separation from God.  In verse 35 it says “For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat, I was thirsty and ye gave me drink, I was a stranger and ye took me in; naked and ye clothed me, I was sick and ye visited me, I was in prison and ye came unto me.”  Jesus spoke not only of those who did all this but to those who were on the receiving end of these acts.  They are referred to as “my brethren”.  The King in this passage is of course God himself and he invited not only those who performed but received these acts of kindness to enter into His kingdom (heaven).  As we go into 2015 thank God for a personal faith in Christ.  We don’t know what the year will hold for us, may have sickness, cut down, feel neglected, left alone from everyone else – one thing is sure – God knows my path because I have a personal faith.

Our faith is also pleasing to God.  The moment you bow your knee at the cross and take the Lord as Saviour something tremendous happens.  There is an outpouring in heaven, a rejoicing among the angels.  It doesn’t matter who you are but the moment you take the Lord as Saviour all heaven erupts in joy.  We can see that reflected in the 3 parables of the lost, sheep, the lost coin and the lost son.  The shepherd realises one of his lambs is lost in the wilderness.  He leaves the comforts of his own confine and searches every pathway until he finds the one sheep and carries it back to the fold.  He tells everyone to rejoice with him, such was his pleasure.  It was the same as the woman who lost a coin.  She was heartbroken.  Maybe it was a sign of her wedding day and it brought sorrow to her heart.  She swept the house until she found the coin.  She told everyone to come and rejoice with her for her coin that was lost was now found.  She had joy in her heart.  It was the same for the father.  His son had left home and spent his fortune on riotous living.  Now as the son returns home the father ran to him rejoicing, kissed him and asked for the best robe and shoes to be put on him.  He told everyone to come and rejoice with him saying “this my son was dead and is now alive again.”  What a wonder it must have been for the Lord in heaven to see one of his children coming to faith.  “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.” (Colossians 1 verse 10)  As we grow as Christians that is what is pleasing to the Lord.  Paul writing to the Philippian church commended Epaphroditus for bringing him a gift from the church (chapter 4 verse 18).  He goes on to say “an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.”  Our faith is personal but it must be well pleasing.  The writer to the Hebrews 13 spoke of “God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do is will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ.” (verses 20 and 21)  Are we doing the things that are well pleasing to God today?

Our faith is also preserved.  This is God who knows us.  Thankfully we look to the one who is able do far more for us than we could ever ask or think.  God is able to do it.  God says to us today “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” (Psalm 37 verse 5)  Maybe there will be many obstacles, difficulties, problems, may be days when we feel like throwing in the towel, whenever we say ‘what’s the use’.  The enemy has such a hold on us.  Romans 8 verse 37“nay in all things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”  Nothing can separate us from the love of God.  Setting off in this new year let’s take all that we have, burdens, difficulties, every situation we have, the circumstances we have and come to the one who knows us, knows the ones who are trusting in him.  “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” (Psalm 55 verse 22).  God is overseeing and overlooking.  Peter says “Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Peter 1 verse 5).  Keep casting, committing and when we do that God keeps on keeping us.

Our faith is precious to God.  God is looking for faith.  James says “show me your faith and I will show you mine.”  He asked for a demonstration of their faith and he would show them his by his works.  You say you have faith but no works.  The centurion had a servant who was sick.  He came to Jesus one day and told him about his servant’s sickness.  You can hear the Lord say to him ‘I will go to your house and heal him’ whereupon the centurion replies ‘I am not worthy for you to come to my house.’  Here was a man in charge of a company of soldiers yet felt he was not worthy for Jesus to come to his house.  ‘Say the word and he will be healed’ he told Jesus.  Jesus replied ‘I have never seen such great faith in all Israel’. (Luke 7)  Our faith is precious from the moment of our salvation until we leave this scene of time.  “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” (Psalm 116 verse 15)  Lazarus was an old beggar in Luke’s gospel who sat at the gate of the rich man full of sores and the dogs came and licked his wounds.  God knew all about him from the moment he trusted in Christ as Saviour until his death.  His faith was precious.  The Lord sent the angels on the day of his death to lift him up and carry him into Abraham’s bosom.  That is our God, the God we serve today.  Look to the one who knows our faith.  Have you that faith today – is it personal, is it pleasing?  Remember it is preserved and it is precious to God.

Sermon Notes from Sunday 11 January 2015

Psalm 90

“he is a stronghold in the day of trouble.”

Notice the presence of this stronghold.  Moses in Psalm 90 states “he has been our dwelling place.”  Is God the place where you are happy to dwell?  Have you trusted him as Saviour and Lord?  Have your sins been forgiven and taken away. never to be remembered any more?  When that sin is gone we have peace with God beyond all understanding, beyond our expectations.  Are you dwelling in the presence of God?  Psalm 46 “God is a very present help in trouble.”  As we read through this portion in Nahum we read that God is the stronghold himself.  Have we something we are depending on more than God today?  Is there a situation that we are trusting more in?  “It is far better to trust in God than to put our faith in princes.” (Psalm 146 verse 3)  God appears right in the midst of the storm with us.  Job said “man that is born of a woman, he is full of days and is born of trouble.” (Job 5 verse 7)  Somewhere along this year there will be a time of trouble.  Can you safely say ‘one thing I am sure of that when there is a time of trouble God is right there in the middle of it all.’  He will never forsake us nor leave us.  “Man is born into trouble even as sparks fly upwards.”  Remember what God’s word says “even in the day of trouble call upon me.” (Psalm 50 verse 15)  In Acts 17 when Paul was preaching in Athens on Mars Hill he looked into the face of the multitude and told them ‘God is not far from any one of us’ (verse 27).  He wanted to reassure them.  It doesn’t matter how regal a man is born, how much wealth he accumulates there will be trouble.  It is guaranteed.  Remember when the disciples were out in the little boat on the lake?  Jesus told them he would meet them on the other side.  As they got half way across the sky turned black, clouds formed and the waves were whipped up.  They could do nothing to get to the shore then Jesus came to them.  He was on the hillside looking down and saw them toiling.  He knew what they were going through.  When we go through the time of trouble the Lord is there watching over us.  Remember Isaiah 43 when God spoke to the nation of Israel, the people turned against him and God was inviting them back, showing them the privileges he would only give to those who would trust in him.  Peace within and a place that he is preparing for us in heaven to go right into the presence of God himself.  The privilege of trusting in him.  In Isaiah 43 verse 2 “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.”  Thank God in the midst of trouble we have a stronghold in the midst of it all.  Reach out because God is there all along.  He will remain with us through all the trials and troubles we find.  John was on the isle of Patmos in the book of Revelation.  He went out and blazed a trail for the Lord preaching to men and women of Israel that Jesus was the Messiah.  The powers that be didn’t like him preaching about Christ and arrested him to silence him, packed him off to this isle.  Maybe he is a bit cast down, discouraged.  We all get that and when we get into the time of difficulty no-one knows the trouble we are in.  John heard a voice behind him as if it sounded like a trumpet and this was none other than Jesus himself.  He found the presence of the Lord to be his stronghold.  On that particular day John says I was in the Spirit in the Lord’s day and I heard behind me as a great trumpet saying I am Alpha and Omega.” (Revelation 1 verse 10)  John was asked to write to the 7 churches.  Hagar was a little maid who lived in the house of Sarah and Abraham, a handmaid of Sarah.  When God promised Abraham a son they were surprised because they were well past in years to have a child.  When the promise did not materialise Sarah decided to give God a helping hand, this promise hasn’t come to pass yet maybe God is asking us to use our own common sense.  That is what happens to us. We begin to use common sense.  So that is what happened in the home of Sarah and Abraham.  Sarah told Abraham to take her maid to “bear a son for you”.  It seemed a good idea to Abraham and he fulfilled his wife’s wishes.  He did have a son and when he grew up and Sarah had her own son there was conflict in the home.  Sarah went to Abraham again and asked him to cast Hagar out of the home.  Abraham went to Hagar, filled a vessel of water and a bag of food and set her off out of his sight.  Where do we find Hagar?  In Genesis 21 away out in the wilderness sitting under a bush, her water and food were finished and she has no-where to go.  She is waiting on death.  How many young people are like that?  They have a wrong decision in their lives and find themselves out in the wilderness.  Abraham and Sarah took their eyes off the Lord.  Mums and dads have given a wrong impression to son or daughter and they have left home and now they are out in the wilderness.  God knew exactly where Hagar and her son where.  God was her stronghold in the time of trouble.  God wants to bring his presence into your heart today.

The provision of the stronghold.  God provides himself as a stronghold.  Isn’t that the beauty of it?  He is the strong hold.  God himself, his presence with us today for all who will trust in him.  Psalm 46 verse 1 “he is a very present help in time of trouble.”  Nahum 1 is a chapter of woe.  God has promised to bring judgment on this nation of Israel.  Nahum has to bring that message to God’s people.  There will be this tremendous battle yet God says ‘I know those who trust in me and I will provide for them.’  It is not a man made remedy but God’s provision.  If you only would come and enter into that provision he has made for you.  We complain about health care but isn’t it great that we have people we can go to and go through our debts and sort them out, can go to a doctor and he will explain what is happening?  God has provided something for you and I, something greater for all eternity.  It is the greatest provision he has ever made in that he sent his only son in to this world that was lost in sin.  On the cross he died for our sins, our penalty was paid.  He suffered the pains and agony of a lost sinners hell so that you would not feel the agony but through him enjoy eternity for ever.  Do we know anything about this provision?  Remember David when he stepped into the valley to bring provisions for his brothers and out stepped out the giant Goliath on the other side.  He would roar and demand someone to come and beat him.  David had all the armour put on him but he couldn’t defeat the enemy in this way.  He was not dressed right and stripped himself of it all.  He took 5 stones from the brook and a sling.  The brothers were ridiculing his actions.  David went down to meet the giant.  God had given him provision that he might shelter behind.  When the giant came out David took out a little stone and put it into his sling.  One stone hit Goliath in the forehead and brought him down.  God has provision made for us and whatever difficulty we go through he will provide for us yet again this year.

The protection of the stronghold.  No enemy can infiltrate it.  “He that dwelleth in the secret place shall abide under the shelter of the almighty.”

The promise God says it is.  It is not that we should rely on our own resources but take what God has promised for us by the way of the cross.  Are you there yet?  If you have your eyes off the Lord you will fall.  We need to remain in that place God has provided for us today.

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