Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The Miracles of Jesus Christ - complying with the word of God

Sermon notes from Sunday 10 May 2015

Matthew 7 verses 14 – 29
The Miracles of Jesus

Jesus is here preaching on the Mount of Olives.  He comes to a very very important topic – the topic of hearing the word of God.  Not only that but obeying the word of God.  Turning to Peter on the shores of Galilee as he is washing and mending his nets.  I want to pick up this miracle that comes.  Peter’s way in the draught of fishes he caught.  The first miracle was at a wedding, young people wanted to make sure they had the presence of the Lord on their special day.  Jesus performed his first miracle in turning the water into wine.  Then we looked at the noble man who had a son who was sick.  He wanted Jesus to heal him and that is what did happen.  When he returned home he found his son healed as Jesus had said.  God is doing miracles all around us.  God is working in the home today, working in relationships today.  When I open my eyes I think that is a miracle, when I put my feet on the floor that is a miracle, health and strength, breakfast on the table.  God gave me so much, appetite from God, food.  See many who cannot walk or eat, my grandchildren running around I think that is a miracle.  Have you allowed him to work that greatest miracle ever?  The miracle of redeeming grace when Jesus came into world, on the cross of Calvary died and gave his life that we might be turned from sin, made new creatures in Christ Jesus.  The old things have passed away, all things have become new, that the gates of heaven are open to you today.  Have you had a miracle?  Peter was here after a night of disappointment and failure.  Luke 5 verse 5 “go out again and let down your nets.”  Peter replied “we have toiled all night and taken in nothing, we are weary, discouraged, tired, never the less at thy word I will let down my nets”. 

Peter complies with the word of God.  If you want that miracle in your heart you have to comply with the word of God.  That means acknowledging you are a sinner.  The only place sin is dealt with is at the cross of Calvary.  We have got to make our way to Calvary.  In Revelation Jesus said “behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man will hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him.”  You have to comply with the word of God and invite Christ in, open up your hearts door to him.  The word of God captured Peter’s heart.  This is a fast world we are living in and we are not making time for God’s word in these days.  This is a very busy world, got to leave aside time that the Lord can speak to us.  The Lord also challenged Peter.  The Lord can capture us with his voice, even challenge us.  We need to be willing to comply with what the Lord’s word says.  Never the less at thy word I will go out again.  Moses complied with the word of God standing at the burning bush.  In the end he went down into Egypt and brought the Israelites out of their bondage and slavery.  Jonah did not comply with God’s word.  God told him to go down to Ninevah and tell them of the word of God to save them.  The word of God came unto Jonah and it challenged him knowing that this people would respond and turn to God if he went down and preached the word to them.  Is there something in God’s word here is asking you to comply with today? We don’t want to do it.  Verse 5 “Master” he is putting the Lord as the one who rules him, as ruler of my life today. He wants to be Saviour and maybe he wants to be King.  He wants to be ruler of your life over all your life.  Is there a compartment in your life that is not open to the Lord?  You opened your heart, allowed him to come in but there is one area you are not allowing him to enter into.  He wants you to comply with his word today.  Peter knew not what he was going out to but he was going out on the water with the Master.  Do we really take on board that the Bible is the word of God?  All scripture is given by inspiration of the spirit of God for prophecy, came not in own time but in the will of God only.  Men of God speaketh as moved by the Spirit “moved”.  In Acts 27 there is a shipwreck recorded for us.  Rough winds made the ship drift, carried along by the strength of tides and the winds.  Man speaks as moved by the Holy Ghost.  Drifted along under the power and influence of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus set out for the place even he would have some work to do.  Peter went out standing on the word of God alone.  Mattered not what his friends said.  Maybe you are trying to serve God and it is so hard.  Maybe in your family or in the work place.  Seems so little for all the effort.  Nevertheless go back to the word of God.  What I am doing is done by the authority of the word of God.  No matter what you are doing make sure you are standing on the word of God.  There will come a time when that will be all you have left.  It is all of God.

Peter and the celebration that followed.  He never realised what would happen with God.  In the morning never really knew what God is going to do.  The night before he had fished and caught nothing.  On the shoreline the next morning he was washing and mending his nets.  The Lord comes and tells him to launch out into the deep and let down his nets.  Peter is ready to go again.  The Lord comes and speaks to him.  We do not know what the Lord has for us.  Maybe speaking to your heart and comes with a precise word today.  Verse 6 and when they had done this goes out into the waters, lets down his net and they enclosed a massive amount of fish, such was the multitude of the fishes.  The net looked as if it would break.  The same God that provided that catch was the same God who provided no fish the night before.  He allowed Peter to toil all through the darkness of the night and caught nothing.  We shouldn’t let some failure over take us.  We shouldn’t let this failure overwhelm us.  How can we say that failure is of God because God is providing it for some reason.  Maybe you are praying for your family yet somehow God doesn’t seem to be working, not hearing.  Maybe he is allowing you to go through the dark spell of a night just to show us what faith is all about.

A company that is influenced and “they beckoned unto their partners which were in the other ship that they should come and help them and they came and helped.”  The influence Peter had on others around these other fishermen.  Peter saw the consequences of hearing God’s word.  Remember the man with demonic devils.  He wanted to go with Jesus but Jesus told him “no I want you to go back to your own village and family, tell them of the great things you have done for Christ.”  Others can be influenced through our lives.  He would take the Lord at his word.  Psalm 40 Psalmist cried from an awful pit, depths of misery, when the Lord had lifted him he provided “a new song in my mouth even praise unto our God, many shall hear it and trust in him.”  Are people influenced by your acts and attitudes?  Peter asked the other fishermen to come and help him.  Are you stepping out today?  Have you launched out into the deep?  Is your life a blessing to others?

A confession that Peter makes.  “Depart from me for I am a sinful man”. 

A course that changed Peter’s life.  He followed the Lord that day.  He left the nets and followed the Lord from that day forwards.  Peter didn’t know that day it would change him for ever.  Maybe the Lord is asking you to leave all behind, change your course for ever.  “I will make you fishers of men” Jesus told him.  He changed the course of Peter’s life through one meeting.  The Lord has the directions for your life all mapped out but is waiting for you to step out for him - because you have asked I am going to do it.

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