Saturday, 7 November 2015

The Beatitudes of Revelation

Notes from sermon on 18 October 2015

Revelation 1 verses 1 – 8

“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand.”

7 times in the book of Revelation we read the word “blessed” or “blessed is the man”.  We call that term the beatitudes.  Perhaps we are more familiar with the sermon on the mount in Matthew’s gospel known also as the beatitudes.  Blessed is actually a Greek word which means simply happy.  We are not talking of financial riches but the riches we find in the Lord.  Every person in this society desires happiness, something deep in our hearts in these days.  Laid out before us is the means given by God that we might find contentment.  Remember the apostle Paul how he was beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, hungry, thirsty? (see 2 Corinthians 11 verses 24 – 33)  Yet in all things he could learn to be content.  He had something worth getting.  He had got to the place where we need to be determined to get to in the darkest hours.  That God will bring us through all things – “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8 verse 28)  Jesus spoke to a man in Luke’s gospel.  This young man had a problem, something going on in his heart.  He had received an inheritance which in his mind was not divided up correctly.  He came and asked Jesus to speak to his brother about it.  He had been short changed.  The Lord could see far more than this young man could see.  I am sure the young man complained to everyone who would listen to him.  The Lord said to him “young man listen to me very carefully, take heed and beware of covetousness.  For a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth.” (Luke 12 verse 15)  You may want a big house, a flashy car, a position in society, a good job – contentment is not caught up in all these things.  Jesus says it is possible that they will not make you happy.  Happiness is not in things.  We are going to look today at the temporal versus the eternal things.  Temporal are not the things we take into eternity with us.  Verse 3 “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand.”  Happiness lies in hearing and reading God’s word.

Notice the warning about the attention that needs to be given to the word of God.  There is a blessing in the reading and hearing of the word of God.  There are divisions over this phrase “the words of this prophecy”.  Is the author of the book speaking about the prophecies contained in Revelation or in the word of God generally?  I am sure as you read the word of God daily you have experienced the blessings from the word of God.  There is a blessing to be received from this word, to be in God’s house to hear the word of God, the one who knows what we need.  Jesus said to his disciples “why worry about food, why worry about clothes?  The Gentiles worry about these things but your heavenly Father knows you have need of them.” (Matthew 6 verses 25 – 32)  When we come into a relationship with God we can cast our cares on God.  The man who reads and hears the word of God is blessed.  Paul and his fellow workers went one Sabbath day into the synagogue.  After the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogues said to Paul “if ye have any word of exhortation for the people say on.”  Paul is invited to preach and he got up and opened up the word of God.  He deals firstly with the past of Israel, the rebellion of the Jews, to the birth of Christ, through the preaching of John the Baptist to Christ’s suffering on the cross.  He takes them to the tomb where Jesus was laid and on the third day to when he rose again.  The response after Paul preached was divided.  The Gentiles wanted to hear the same message again the following Sabbath but the Jews were jealous and they stirred up the city.  They raised up persecution against Paul and Barnabas so that they had to leave that place. (Acts 13).  Joshua was left with the responsibility to lead God’s people across the Jordan river, to divide up that land.  What a responsibility he had that day.  Think of the responsibility we all have today in the church of Christ.  Pastors, church elders and deacons, children’s workers right through to a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather in the home.  Joshua was leading his people into the promised land and the blessings of God.  How was Joshua to do it?  “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success.” (Joshua 1 verse 8)  By listening, by reading, by attending to the word of God.  We need to come prepared for God to lead and to guide us.

The appreciation of the word of God.  The man is blessed in attending to the word of God.  God was opening up the mind of John.  These things were going to come to pass very shortly – verse 1.  This old world will go through a time of trial and it would come shortly to pass.  God in his word shows us that we need to understand that.  John has been sent to the Isle of Patmos for his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  He stood for the name of the Lord.  He preached about the Lord.  Here on the Isle of Patmos the word of God comes to him.  He appreciated that.  Have you ever been in that situation?  In that dark place where the word of God comes?  When it brings a tremendous comfort in such times?  There are dark times ahead and God throws light on it just for us.  This is God’s word, a word of certainty.  Is it any wonder the Psalmist could say “thy word is a lamp unto my feet”?  (Psalm 119 verse 105)  God knows the plans and the way ahead.  God is bringing the world to a close not man.  He has said he will one day fold up this world just the way you fold up a garment. (Hebrews 1 verse 12)  The Psalmist said the man who is happy and blessed meditates on God’s word day and night. (Psalm 1 verse 2)  Remember Moses standing at the Red Sea, he could see the enemy coming behind.  Pharaoh was not giving up without a fight.  God had brought his people in to the wilderness.  Moses was in a place where I am sure inside all sorts of voices were going off “what are you doing here Moses, have you taken the wrong road?”  God had said to him in Exodus 14 verse 2 that this was the right road to take.  God will not forget about us.  He knows exactly what way to take.  God’s word will come to us.  There will need to be an appreciation of it too though.  Remember Saul the King of Israel.  The people of Israel wanted a king, they wanted to be like the other nations but God didn’t want that.  He wanted to reign himself as their king.  God gave in and Saul was chosen.  He was head and shoulders above anyone else.  It wasn’t too long into his kingship that he started to rebel and turn his heart away from God.  He made a sacrifice one day that he shouldn’t have made, just because Samuel was delayed in coming.  He took on the role he should never have taken on.  Then remember when God sent him out to defeat the Amalekites.  God told him to put everything down, all flocks and herds, everything.  Saul went out and did as instructed.  When Samuel came into the camp after the battle he asked “what meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?” (1 Samuel 15 verse 14)  Saul had no word from the Lord because of his own rebellion.  Instead of going to God he goes to the witch of Endor.  That was the final nail in his coffin.  A woman who could apparently speak to the dead.  The darker our hearts and souls get the more we move away from God.  Saul started to blame the people for what had happened.  He was missing out on God.  When a person misses out on God they begin to blame everyone around them but themselves.  That is where we need to be careful.  Here was the appreciation of the word of God. Remember Zedekiah in the days of Jeremiah?  The enemies were in the streets.  He went out and brought Jeremiah from the prison house and asked him “Is there any word from the Lord?” (Jeremiah 37 verse 17)  We need that today.  We need to be sure that God has led us to this place, not because of selfish ambition.  These will be difficult days but can we appreciate the word of God – he knows all about us.

The application of the word of God – “and keep those things which are written therein.”  The word of God needs to be applied to all of our life.  Moses at the Red Sea was told to reach out his hand across the sea and then go forth.  Moses applied that instruction and he went across the Sea.  When we apply this word to our hearts God says in the darkest of night I am still in control.  When we apply that to our hearts then we can go forth like Moses because one day Jesus is coming back.  He will return to the clouds and will take every man, woman, boy and girl that is his own before the terrible times recorded in Revelation begin.  Will you apply his word to your heart today?

Sermon Notes from Sunday 25 October 2015

  Revelation 14 verses 1 - 13

“And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them.”

This is the second place where we find our second beatitude.   Last week we looked at the first chapter of Revelation, the first blessing bestowed on us.  The blessing comes to a man with the great privilege of reading the word of God, hearing the word of God, then in reading and hearing he has the ability to retain the word of God.  The word “blessed” simply means to be happy.  “Trust and obey for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.”  This chapter speaks of the reign of the anti-Christ.  Here we see him seated on the throne of the earth.  There are those now following him, worshipping and reigning with him.  To do that they must receive his mark.  However, they find no rest when they receive the mark.  Then we see the contrast with the people who follow God.  We see the blessing that comes to these people of God: “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them.”

The claim that is made.  John tells us “I heard a voice from heaven.”  Remember where he is and why he is there.  Because of his standing for the Lord Jesus Christ on the Isle of Patmos.  He was sent there because he took his faith seriously and it cost him for doing that.  He was arrested on the streets and he was banished onto this island.  He probably thought to himself ‘what good am I here?’  John heard a voice from heaven.  He was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day.  He was listening for the voice of God.  As we live in these dark days there are many things looking for our attention yet here was John on the Isle of Patmos and God comes to him and speaks to him.  Perhaps God wants to speak to you today, there is something he wants to tell you about the work that is in front of you.  Are we listening for God’s voice today?  Remember Moses in the wilderness looking after the sheep and God spoke to him out of the burning bush.  Remember Jeremiah in chapter 36 when the word of the Lord came to him a second time in the prison house.  Think of Jonah in the belly of the fish and he cried out to the Lord and the Lord delivered him.  God tries to speak to us even in the stillness of the sanctuary.  It was enough for John to take heed to what was being said, it was backed home by the Spirit of the living God “Yea, saith the Spirit.”  It is confirmed, reiterated by the Spirit of God from the very place of heaven.  This is an important junction made at the heart of the anti-Christ’s reign.  We are being transported through the centuries.  These writings were for the churches of John’s day.  Revelation chapters 1, 2 and 3 tell of what God is doing in the churches.  Then in chapter 4 John says “I saw heaven open”.  He describes the church of Christ being taken from this earth, every child of God is taken into heaven at that point.  Chapters 5 to 19 show us the reign of the anti-Christ.  He comes upon this earth as a gentle person, a man with all the answers, a great strategist, militarist.  He brings a certain amount of peace to this world, brings religions together.  He receives his power from Satan himself.  The anti-Christ’s false prophet is one who gives him prominence.  He goes on to demand allegiance, that every man will worship him.  For 3 years he is a gentle man but for 7 years he will reign and see some terrible things happening.  In the world we can see some of the terrible things happening in our world as a result of men, men clambouring for power yet there is coming a time when we are told there will never be a time like it before or again (Matthew 24 verse 21).  He will demand allegiance of every man on this earth.  During the 7 years of tribulation people will have a number of identification either on their brow or hand, to identify them as part of the allegiance to the anti-Christ.  God at this time comes to his people and says “blessed are the dead”.  If you read that as it stands alone it gives a false impression.  It has to be qualified “which die in the Lord” that means completely different.  That is when happiness comes – only for people trusting in the Lord when they die.  They receive this happiness because they are taken from this scene of time and go into the presence of Christ for all eternity.  That means you have got to come to Calvary, to the one who died for your sins, taking him as Saviour and Lord then when you accept him and die you will be transported from this scene of time into the presence of God.  Many who read this verse in scripture have a false impression.  Many feel there is happiness in leaving this scene of time, relief from the suffering in which they endured on this earth. In June 2015 Rob Marris a politician in England brought an assisted suicide bill or help to die bill before Parliament.  There were certain restrictions on it – if a person was ill enough, suffering seriously enough, had only 3 or 4 months to live, at the say so of doctors, drugs could be administered to end life.  Many are seeing that as a waste of life and suffering.  That takes on the assumption that death ends all suffering.  What is death?  Death is the doorway into God’s eternity.  When we peer through the doorway we see a heaven to be gained or a hell to be shunned.  We see only 2 places.  In Luke 16 we see 2 men who come to the place of death.  2 men, 2 lives they lived, 2 deaths and 2 eternities as a result.  The rich man went to hell and there he lifted up his eyes being in torment.  Death would be an affront if just went to grieve and be an end to it all.  The rich man had memories, feelings, longings, it didn’t bring him much happiness and contentment but rather greater suffering.  We often hear the sentiment after a death ‘they are happy today’.  The person will only be happy if they have gone out into the realms of glory with Christ forever.

The condition at death.  In America’s biggest church, the leading evangelist and Pastor was heard to say “there are 3 things we never mention in this church – sin, judgement and penalty."  On the Lord’s day there are 2, 3 or 4 services a day with tens of thousands sitting under the ministry.  He continued by saying “we want to see our people in the pews smiling and having a good time and leaving on a happy note.”  I have an obligation to warn you of the wrath to come.  John the Baptist said the same thing.  You have to be warned today.  The condition that brings joy and happiness is to know Christ as your own and personal Saviour.  The bible tells me “the wages of sin is death.”  Sin is the cause and death is the penalty.  “It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgement.”  Death and judgement are linked together and between them is the cross.  That was the place where God opened up the way back to him.  If it hadn’t been for Christ dying for that sin of yours you wouldn’t have that glorious hope to come of a life with God for ever.  The anti-Christ wants you to take his mark.  If you don’t you will neither buy or sell.  If you cannot buy or sell then you will not live because you do not have his mark.  In the Thessalonian church the people wrote to Paul asking about those of their own who had passed away and gone to glory already.  Paul said “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.” (1 Thessalonians 4 verse 13 and 14)  Psalm 116 verse 15 says “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”  Imagine that for a moment – as the child of God goes out into eternity then God is at that very place.  That scene is so precious in his eyes – here is a child of his coming home.

The comfort that follows.  Why are they so happy?  Because they are dying in the Lord and “rest from their labours”.  In Luke 16 Lazarus the poor man trusted in the Saviour.  In this life he ate the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table.  His only comfort was when the dogs came and licked his sores.  The rich man sees Lazarus from hell and begs “Father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue.”  Now Lazarus is comforted and the rich man is in torment.  You will rest from the torments and labours and things we had in this old world.  Revelation 21 is a chapter read in many funeral services.  It records that God will wipe away all tears, that there will be no more death, no more sorrow, no more crying, no more pain.  Why?  “Because the former things hath passed away.”  There is however a sad contrast following all these words of hope – verse 8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death.”  There is a blessing that comes from knowing Jesus as Saviour and Lord in this scene of time then enjoying the comfort in eternity to be with Christ.

The crowning.  We will enjoy our works throughout eternity: “their works do follow them”.  “And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you; he shall in no wise lose his reward.” (Matthew 10 verse 42).  The most important thing is to know the Lord as Saviour.

Sermon notes from Sunday 1 November 2015

Revelation 16 verses 1 - 15

"Behold, I come as a thief, Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame."

We are half way through the stage of the great tribulation.  That period lasts for 7 years and is divided in 2  year periods. During that 7 year period the anti-Christ shall reign, he will sit on the throne of the world and all the world will follow after him.  He gets his power from the devil himself.  For the first half of the seven year period there will be great calm and peace but then things change.  The anti-Christ will ask everyone to take the mark of the beast and if they don't they will damned.  This verse comes to those still living, going through that period of time, who know and love the Lord.  This is a word of comfort. In Revelation 6 as Jesus is the lamb he takes the book and opens the seals. As he opens the seventh seal it opens up to 7 trumpets and as the seventh trumpet is sounded it opens to 7 vials or bowls.  The wrath of God is being poured out on the tribulation period. Here in chapter 16 verses 1, 2 and 3 we see the vials of the wrath of God being poured out upon the earth. In verse 3 we read the "blood of a dead man" meaning that it has been stenched thick, it comes to be poured into the sea.  As a result every living thing in the sea dies. In verse 4 the third vial is poured out and every river and water becomes as blood.  In verse 8 we read of the scorching by sun and in verse 10 the kingdom becomes darkness.  In verse 12 the sixth vial shows the river Euphrates drying up and the armies of the east start to march on the river bed.  In verse 17 the Lord himself says "it is done."  The work is over and in chapter 19 verse 11 we read of Jesus coming again.

The promise the Lord is making - "behold I come as a thief".  To a generation of people going through a difficult time the Lord says I am coming as a thief.  It is a great promise to lift them up and encourage them, he is giving them a promise that he is with them and will deliver them.  In Genesis 3 verse 15 we read of the first promise of the coming of the Saviour.  Generation passed through generation until we read in Isaiah 9 verse 6 "unto you a child is born, unto you a Saviour is given."  That was the promise of the Lord coming the first time to this world and it did not fail because he was born and laid in a manger.  All the people came to see him.  Jesus Christ is coming again.  That is the promise you and I have.  He could come again this very day.  That should bring a cheer and comfort to every child of God who may be going through a difficult time at this moment in time.  Thank God he is coming one day to the air.  The Thessalonian church wrote to Paul one day about a problem they had.  They accepted the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead but there were those in their family who had died and left them.  Paul explained to them that their loved ones bodies had gone to the grave but their souls were in heaven.(1 Thessalonians 4 verse 13 and 14)  Isn`t that a great comfort to us as we watch our loved ones taken from us in swift action or perhaps through a prolonged period of sickness?  Their souls are in heaven waiting for the Lord to come one day to the air and then we which are alive will rise up to meet them and Christ in the air.  Peter was asked the same question "where is the promise of the Lord`s coming?"  Nothing seems to change, everything continues as it does. (2 Peter 3 verse 4)  "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise."  He will fulfil it Peter says.  He is longsuffering, merciful, patient, a God of grace and love who does not want anyone to perish but that all should come to repentance and faith.(2 Peter 3 verse 9)  If the Lord came to the air today there would be people lost in sin.  God is holding back because he wants to see you saved.  The Lord will come as a thief. To the kings, priests and ungodly armies, the anti-Christ and the false prophet the Lord will come to them as a thief.  Will he come as a thief to you or are you watching for him?   The promise is to you and I, he is coming to these tribulation saints and he is coming for us when we least expect it.

The patience that is required.  It doesn`t tell us when he will come just simply he is coming.  You and I need to have patience.  James 5 verse 7 "be patient therefore brethren"  He was writing to those who were saved - "until the coming of the Lord". He gives an example "behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient for the coming of the Lord draweth near."  That is in accordance with Deuteronomy 11 verse 14.  We have to wait for the Lord with patience.  James points to Job 5 verse 11 who was cut down without any explanation, lost his family, livelihood, health yet kept his eyes on the Lord.  The Lord did come to him with healing and blessing.  You and I stand in need of patience.  We cannot understand what is happening.  It is not about the world we live in but in our own worlds.  When we question why God has allowed this to happen what do we need? Patience.  Why? Because the day of the Lord draweth nigh.  Verses 8 and 9 speak of tremendous climatic change.  We read earlier in the book of Revelation how the sun was darkened but now the heat of the sun intensifies.  We are talking about the tribulation period.  The church of God has gone now, this is an ungodly world.  Imagine the infections, sickness, pain and sorrow in verse 11.  The tongue is dried in the mouth yet they do not worship the God of heaven.  The world will just be falling apart.  Verse 13 the anti-Christ is sitting around the council table, the devil, the false prophet and him are planning a great world war.  The "3 unclean spirits like frogs came out of their mouths" is talking about the propaganda, the lies, deception to bring the armies of the world together that there will be a great battle.  Who is in charge of it though?  Verse 14 "the battle of that great day of God almighty."  He himself will institute the war.  See these people throwing weight into battle to take place.  Would you want to be there in this world on those days?  If you are not Christ`s own you could be going through all these days.  The armies of the world from the east, west, north and south are coming together.  The Lord says I am coming to those who have not bowed the knee to the anti-Christ. These are comforting words to those tribulation saints.

The precaution to be taken.  "Blessed is he that watcheth and keepth his garment."  This remnant of people are watching, they have peace with God in their hearts, watching and waiting for the Lord to come.  In this 7 year period of satanic powers people will be delivered.  Nothing to what will happen in this day and age.  Devil uses all his miraculous powers to his advantage.  The Lord however says "watch".  Are we watching for the Lord`s return?  Are we listening to every foolish notion being deceived.

A penalty to be avoided.  The Lord is coming for this remnant of people.  The Lord is coming for you and I today.  Is he coming for you today?  Are you saved by God`s grace?  Do you know the Lord as Saviour, trusting him at this time?  If the Lord was to come right now would you rise to meet him or remain in your seat?  If you remain you will go through this tribulation period.

Sermon notes from Sunday 15 November 2015

Revelation 19 verses 1 - 10

God has a special reason for putting these blessings in the book of Revelation.  Chapter 1 verse 3 "Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand."  This blessing is given for you and me.  Jesus was speaking in the church age.  He was giving to his servant a special word for this day and age.  Imagine God opening up the world and showing us the ages to come.  That is why we have pointed that out in these blessings, a privilege to read and hear this word and keep our minds and thoughts on them.  God is still in control.  It is to this point you and I are heading.  Verse 7 of this chapter says "let us be glad and rejoice and give honour to him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come and his wife hath made herself ready."  We see how the Lord takes the church out of this world.  If you are saved today you are going out of this world and the next step will be the beginning of a terrible time of terror which will be called the great tribulation.  Jesus said there never was a time like it before or will be like it again.  We will see the introduction of the man called the anti-Christ, his kingdom will be set up by the devil himself.  All the world will give him honour and glory.  At the end of 7 years the Lord will come again and will be given another 1000 years to reign.  Revelation 14 verse 13 "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from hence forth: Yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them."  That was during the 7 year period, the great tribulation period.  The anti-Christ is on the throne and everyone has to worship him.  This is a special time when those are martyed for their faith.  In that time the Lord has a special word for them.  They have taken the name of the Lord, standing for him through the worst of times.  Revelation 16 verse 15 "Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame."  Those who are going through tribulation, suffering for Christ.  I am coming quickly, keep watching Jesus says.

Revelation 19 verse 9 "Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb."

Here is the bride announced.  Verse 7 tells us who is the bride, speaking about the marriage supper of the Lamb.  The Lamb is the Lord Jesus Christ himself, who came into the world to be the sacrifice for sin, who took upon himself the form of a servant and gave himself for you and I on the cross of Calvary.  We were lost in our sin and Christ came into the world and went to Calvary to die for you and I.  He is the Lamb.  Have you ever been to the cross of Calvary?  That is the challenge to you today.  Has God opened up your mind to that relationship?  Have you realised you have sinned, come short of the glory of God and heaven will never be your home?  That relationship only comes to you by revleation through the Holy Spirit.  He applies it to your heart, shows you your desperate need today.  That you have not been saved, never been to Calvary, never been to the cross, never known sins forgiven.  We see this great picture of you and I heading to this wonderful moment in our experience. Introduced as the Lamb but 2 scenes set before us - a marriage and a marriage supper.  The marriage takes place in heaven when the bride is announced to the Father.  In Colossians Paul said "and you that were sometimes alienated in your mind by wicked works now hath he reconciled you." (Colossians 1 verse 21)  When born into world we were separated from God.  We needed to be reconciled with Christ.  When Christ died on the cross of Calvary he reconciled us to God himself.  Verse 22 "In the body of his flesh through death".  There was no other way, it took the Lord to give his life for you and I, no other way that God could save you, reconcile you, no other way to bring you into his family.  What to do? "to present you holy and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight."  This is the day we are talking of in Revelation 19.  Coming a day when he would introduce us in heaven as his bride.  Have you been to the cross, saved by his grace and mercy?  We haven`t been announced in heaven yet.  Verse 23 "if ye continue in the faith grounded and settled and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel which ye have heard."  There will be a marriage in heaven, an announcement will be made.  A marriage was different in the days written of here.  A Jewish wedding had 3 aspects to it.  Firstly there was a betrothal or promise.  In Matthew 1 when the angel came to Mary he told her she would have a child.  She was promised in marriage to Joseph for a certain length of time.  A dowry was paid, a commitment made between a man and a woman, a promise made between 2 families.  The situation to make you a child of God was similar.  A price was paid - the blood of Christ.  You are the promised bride of Christ.  I have espoused you to the one husband Paul said.  We await that day.  Ephesians says "husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."(chapter 5 verses 25 – 27)  The second part to the wedding was when the groom went off to prepare a home for his bride.  In John 14 Jesus said "I go to prepare a place for you.  In my Father`s house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you so."  We have a promise that he will come again and receive us unto himself.  In Matthew 24 we read of the parable of 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins watching for the groom.  While they waited they slept.  Are you watching for the Saviour today?  Is there something else taking up your mind which is of far more value than the son of man coming to receive you unto himself?  What are your priorities today?  That is tremendous challenge.  One day the Lord will come to the air with a shout, the trumpet will sound and everyone will rise up to meet the Lord in the air.  That is what will happen one day.  If you are not saved you are not prepared for that day.  The ceremony, the groom will come for his bride, the supper would be prepared then the guests will be gathered to celebrate with the groom and his wife.  That is what we are waiting on.  The bride announced and marriage feast will take place.

The bride`s apparel - verse 7 "and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints."  We could read into that there is something we need to do but it is God who has given us everything.  Nothing we could do for our sins.  If we miss the call of God nothing we could do to bring us into relationship with God.  We see the bride arrayed in all the splendour granted to her.  She is presented with the righteous acts, all the great deeds the church has done.  The church has now been in heaven, every child of God, every blood bought sinner is in heaven for 7 years.  All the terror and evil has been going on in the earth.  Now see something else, how the bride has been wed to Christ and how she has been dressed.  About to see the Lord return to earth again.  On the Mount of Olives one day the Lord will come again once for the church and he will set his feet on the Mount of Olives.  He is coming again, coming to set up 1000 year reign on this old earth and we are coming back with him.  Whenever we were saved we were betrothed, promised then removed out of this scene of time taken into heaven.  We go to the judgement seat of Christ.  Everyone of us saved by God`s grace.  This is where we will all appear before that judgement seat.  Romans 14 verse 10 "for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ", not as a vast multitude.  You will stand and I will stand individually and we will have to give an account of everything we have said and done in this life.  We will have to give an account for it all.  A solemn day.  2 Corinthians 5 verse 10 "we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad."  There is no hiding it.  It shall be revealed by fire and revealed of what sort it is.  Galatians 6 verse 9 “we shall reap if we faint not.”  1 Corinthians 15 verse 58 “your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”  In Matthew 20 the householder is going out and bringing in workers for his vineyard.  There were those who went out last and got the same money as those who went out first.  We must appear there.  That is a definite act.  If you are not saved that will come a 1000 years later.  This time at the great white judgement throne the dead stood before God small and great.

The bride`s attendance.  The blessing is for now who are called to this supper to celebrate with us.  John the Baptist spoke of those who were friends of the bridegroom.  Who are they?  They are every person who dies from the beginning to this very day.  The Old Testament saints of God.  Will have to go through the tribulation period?  Where will you be on that day? Where will you be at?  On the right hand side of Christ?  Only if you have trusted him as Saviour and Lord.  Will you do that today?

Sermon notes from Sunday 22 November 2015

Revelation 20 verses 1 - 6

We have been looking at the saints of God going through a terrible time.  No matter how terrible times get or are or we are asked to go through God is still in control.  We may look at the television, listen to the radio or read the newspapers and hear of devastating things going on in the world but God is still in control.  There is a plan being worked out to God`s divine timetable.  This world may be falling apart but God is still in control.  No matter how difficult or how terrible it may get he is still in control.  Think of Daniel who was cast into the lioni’s den.  He was there for praying to God.  The king signed a decree that no man was allowed to pray to any other god only his and if they did so they would be cast into the lion’s den.  Daniel went back to his own home, opened up the windows and began to pray.  He was arrested, chained and thrown into the den of lions.  We see Daniel sitting, not terrified or scared - why - because God is in control.  Daniel wasn`t in control of that situation.  The evil men plotted to get him into the situation.  They were not in control either.  The king asked Daniel the next day "was your God able to deliver you?"(Daniel 6 verse 20)  Daniel sad "God has sent his angel and hath shut the lions’ mouths that they have not hurt me; forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt."  He knew God was in control of his situation, working things out for his good.  Same as Esther who was brought to the throne as a young girl to be a bride for the king. Little did she know God would use her when the Jews would be massacred and slaughtered.  She would be the one to step up to the mark.  God was in control.  No matter how difficult, how hard things are God is in control.  The fourth beatitude or blessing in our series comes in verse 6 "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years."  A millenium kingdom set up on this earth by God himself.  The blessing is for those who will be resurrected and reign with God in this kingdom for 1000 years.  

The description here that is produced.  The description of those who are blessed.  What brings about this blessing or happiness to the person - "blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection."  We need to think where we are. Noticed in chapter 1 verse 3 the first blessing is for the church age.  We are there in that verse.  One day the church of God, every man and woman saved by God will leave this world.  One day Jesus is coming to the air and will call us home but only if we are saved by God.  That is the joy we have.  One day there is a man coming to reign, the anti-Christ.  There is coming a 7 year period never like it before or will be like it again.  A time of tremendous suffering. We will have to receive the mark on the forehead or on the hand or else we cannot buy anything.  If you do not receive the mark you will die.  In Revelation 14 the anti-Christ is the head man, the leading person, dictating what is happening on earth.  There is a word of comfort for those going through death because they did not bear the mark of the anti-Christ.  The Lord is in control.  The fourth blessing takes place through the tribulation, when the marriage supper of the lamb takes place.  Now entering into the kingdom set up on the earth.  The Judgment Seat is over.  I am going to stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account of the deeds done in the body.  That will take 7 years.  God will examine our lives.  The Lord will return with his bride and the marriage supper of the Lamb will take place.  The saints of the Old Testament will be risen again.  The people who died, did not take the mark of the Lamb, will also rise to take part in the reigning with Christ.  The souls of the Old Testament are in the glory.  When Christ comes again he will raise the church but the Old Testament saints will be raised at the end of the 7 year period.  The Old Testament saints were looking forward to Calvary but we who are saved today are looking backwards to Calvary.  One day Jesus will come and stand on the Mount of Olives.  He will set up his kingdom on earth.  Are you ready for his coming?

The delivery that is promised.  In chapter 19 verse 11 John sees heaven open and the Lord coming forth.  In verse 20 the beast and the false prophet were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.  Christ is coming again.  John sees all this and Christ putting down all the army forces.  The Bible tells me there is a literal hell, a lake of fire that will burn for ever and ever.  In chapter 20 verse 1 John sees an angel coming down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and lays hold of the dragon, the old serpent which is the devil and Satan and is bound for 1000 years.  In Isaiah 11 verse 6 we read these words: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little child shall lead them.”  The natures of all animals will be changed. Those involved in the first resurrection will enter the kingdom to enjoy him.  The first resurrection begins when he takes the church out and will progress until the Old Testament saints will be taken and made alive.  Those who had received the great promise, death will never touch them.  In verses 14 and 15 we read “this is the second death.”  We need to consider what this second death is.  The Bible does not speak of a general resurrection, there is no such a thing.  Chapter 20 verse 5 "but the rest of the dead lived not again until the 1000 years were finished. This is the first resurrection."  Verse 4 shows it cannot be the church because the church is resurrected, nor the Old Testament saints because they have been resurrected.  Not talking about general resurrection.  See another group still in the ground.  Who are they?  They are those who have died without Christ, trusting in him and it says the rest of the dead lived but not for the 1000 years.  Chapter 20 verses 11 – 15.  Whenever we move into chapter 21 we are stepping into the eternal blessing of God.  In chapter 21 we read that in the last days there will be false prophets and teachers.  In verse 8 we read of those who will not be in heaven - those who couldn`t find the courage to get saved, the fearful.  They are those sitting in the gospel meeting but never had the courage to take Jesus as Saviour and Lord - they are all in the lake of fire.  The next group are the unbelieving.  They couldn`t get away from the things of the world.  Jesus came into the world to die for the sins of the world.  There is a heaven and a home but somehow they walked away for another time.  It was not a matter they couldn`t but wouldn`t believe.  The list goes on.  God is in control of all things in this old world.  We might think the world is out of control but God is holding on to every person.  Are you a child of God, saved by his grace, have you been to Calvary and taken him as Saviour and Lord? You can do that today - will you come and trust him as Saviour today?

Sermon notes from Sunday 29 November 2015

Revelation 20 verses 7 -- 15

We are thinking this morning of verse 6, a little verse filled with tremendous thought.  "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection; on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand the first resurrection.  One of the commentators on the radio this week with France in mind and the recent Russian air plane disaster said "they are doing all in their power to bring this world to an end." No power will bring this world to an end - God is in control.  We see in these verses something of the final days on this earth.  In verse 9 we see Satan will deceive the nations, fire will come down from heaven and devour them.  When we look at verse 11 we see who shall stand at the great white throne.  Before we leave this scene of time and enter into eternity in chapter 21 let us take time to think of what will happen.

A peace that is achieved.  As we look around the world today there is no such peace.  We see some of the great nations spending lots of money on defence.  There is little peace though.  We are reading here of a peace that is achieved.  In chapter 19 verse 20 we see the Lord comes back with the armies of heaven.  "And the beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worhipped his image.  These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."  The beast is the one that will be set up on earth to reign for a 7 year period of time that is still on its way.  He will reign in control which means people on earth will neither be able to buy or sell and death will be the ultimate end for those who do not take his mark.  Then we see the false prophet, who is the religious leader and will reign with the beast at that time.  In chapter 17 we see he moves against the religious society and puts them down.  An idol is placed in the most holy of all places in the temple.  He will remind everyone to bow down to that idol.  These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.  Jesus comes back and casts both into the lake of fire.  The third part of this evil trinity is seen in chapter 20 verses 1 and 2.  The devil himself, the old dragon, Satan is bound with chains and thrown into the bottomless pit which is sealed for a thousand years.  Who is this blessing for today?  Those who have been saved, trusted in Christ as Saviour and Lord and they are away out of the world at this stage.  1 Thessalonians tells us Jesus will come to the air and take us unto himself.  In John 14 Jesus himself told us he was going to prepare a place for us.  In these verses in Revelation we are thinking of the Lord coming as a judge for all sin.  Hitler himself tried to introduce a 1000 year period but he did not succeed.  The 1000 years here mentioned in Revelation will be set up by Jesus and he will reign on earth.  Jerusalem will be the capital of the earth.  Isaiah chapter 2 was written 700 years before the birth of Christ.  Verses 1 - 5 talks of the 1000 year period also mentioned here in Revelation.  This peace is achieved by the binding of Satan himself.  In 1 Thessalonians we are told of a time whenever the spirit of evil was already at work.  There will come a time when the church of Jesus Christ will be taken out of this world and the spirit of God will be withdrawn.  Then evil will have precedence.  Now we see Satan is taken out of the way in Revelation chapter 20.  Now righteousness prevails upon the earth.  There is a 1000 years of peace - "he should deceive the nations no more."  Satan will not be able to gather with the kings, queens, governors, presidents any longer.  Jesus spoke of Satan as a liar and murderer - John 8 verse 44.  In 1 Timothy 4 verse 13 we are told some will depart from the faith in these days and 2 Timothy 3 "perilous days shall come ... men and woman will have a form of godliness but denying the power thereof."  The devil is an accuser of the brethren, accusing us before God in heaven.

The positions that are awarded.  That first resurrection is going to encompass you and I.  If you and I are saved, we will be taken from this scene of time into heaven`s glory.  All those who turned to Christ during the tribulation period will also be there, as will the Old Testament saints who are raised at the end of the resurrection period.  At the end of the 7 year period when all these people have been resurrected they will be "priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years."  In this chapter the words "1000 years" appear 5 or 6 times.  In verse 4 we are told there will be thrones and judgment will be carried out.  In Matthew 19 verse 28 we read "verily I say unto that ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel."  1 Corinthians 6 verse 2 talks about a believer going to court against another believer which Paul said shouldn`t be happening.  "Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?"  The church of God will be sitting on thrones with the Old Testament saints judging the earth.  Paul also said "we wrestle not against powers".  We can feel the presence of Satan against us today as we pray and read God`s word but one day that will change because when this 1000 years commences Satan will be bound, chained and cast into the bottomoless pit. 

A promise that is asserted.  At the close of 1000 years then we are told Satan will be loosed for a "little season".  In verse 7 we told that "when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison."  No sooner has he been released than he will be deceiving the nations again.  It will not affect us if we are saved by God`s grace.  If at the beginning of the 1000 years only the righteous are reigning where then will Satan get the people to listen to him?  It says "the number of whom is as the sand of the sea".  God is still in control in this 1000 year period and only the righteous will enter into it.  In Matthew 24 we see Jesus judging the nations before going into this period.  During the 1000 year period there will still be children born who have a fallen nature, sin in their hearts and lives.  In total rebellion against God, hearts never changed.  Satan will find people who are not right with God and will deceive them again.  In verse 9 we see that God`s judgement will fall on them.

A place that is appointed.  In verses 11 and 12 we read of a great white throne.  People who have never accepted Christ as Saviour will appear at the throne.  Where have they been during the 1000 years?  In a lost Christless hell.  Ephesians 2 verse 12 "that at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenant of promise, having no hope and without God in the world."  Some people say that when you die your body goes to the grave and that is it.  Here we read that everyone that died without Christ is standing before the throne small and great (kings and queens, presidents, film stars and paupers).  They are not forgotten about.  The white signifies purity and a throne signifies authority.

A penalty that is averted.  The books were opened and just in case there are some that question why their names are not in these books another book is opened.  It is called "the book of life."  A man who had his name on the church role, an elder, a Sunday School Superintendent, a preacher in the pulpit - their names are not written in the Lamb`s Book of Life.  They fooled us down here.  They could pray and do great works for God but still were not saved at the end of 1000 years.  Thank God that he has made a way for us through it.  He has made a way for us to be saved today.  The second death will involve the anti Christ, the beast, Satan and those who have never accepted Christ as Saviour.  The second death has no power on those who are saved today.  "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years.

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