Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The Miracles of Jesus Christ - in the midst of a storm

Sermon notes from Sunday 17 May 2015

Matthew 8 verses 23 – 27
The Miracles of Jesus Christ

There is a tremendous lesson about the disciples in these miracles.  We see a failure on their part, they had somehow lost the wonder of this miracle working in the man in their midst.  These were the same men who walked with him, ate with him, preached with him, prayed with him, seen so many mighty miracles performed but somehow they couldn’t put this miracle working power into their lives.  The Jesus in the midst of the storm in the sea of Galilee is the same one who stands in our midst today.  Remember the words of the apostle Paul.  I think he got it right when he weighed up the whole situation he was in from time to time especially to the church of Ephesus “now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”  Let’s apply His guiding hand to our lives today, apply it to the storm going on in our lives look to the one who with one word can calm the storm within.

The course that was taken.  Verse 23 “and when he was entered into a ship his disciples followed him.”  Here’s a course set out for the disciples that would take them into the midst of the storm.  The disciples knew nothing about it, didn’t know what lay ahead.  Here were the disciples at the bidding of the Lord, got into the ship and followed him.  Are you following the Lord today through his word as you meditate on it, as you hear him speaking to you through it?  Are you involved in the things he really wants you to be involved in this morning?  He is asking you to follow him.  Maybe you are unsaved.  If you haven’t stepped out to follow the Lord yet he beckons you to follow him.  “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”  In our natural state we will never see heaven’s gates nor look into Christ’s own face.  He asks you to take his hand so that he can show you Calvary, to see Christ dying there for your sins.  He wants to take away your sins and make you ready for home one day.  In Mark 4 where this same story is recorded we read Jesus saying “let us pass over unto the other side.”  Here was the Lord Jesus Christ speaking to the disciples and telling them “I want to get into the boat and go to the other side and I want you to be with me.”  He wanted their company that day.  He said to the disciples “let’s go to the other side”.  They didn’t know that half way across they would run into a serious storm, run into an awful crisis.  Right now in your life there is something happening and the Lord has spoken to you and you are following him.  Through the words of Mark’s gospel there is a sense that there was going to be a far side.  There was no way this boat would sink in the middle.  We might have many a storm but Christ is in control, in the midst of the storm.  It is up to you and I to keep our eyes on him.  Peter said “we are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.” (chapter 1 verse 5)  John 10 “my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.”  He is speaking of his sheep, how they hear his voice and they follow him.  A hireling they will not follow, the hireling is just paid to do the job, he doesn’t care for the sheep.  “My people hear my voice and follow me.”  Great onus is on you and me today, to read and meditate on the word of God, following hard after the Lord Jesus Christ.  You and I need to get so acquainted with the word of God that we know his voice.  Jesus said to the disciples “let us get into the boat and they followed him.”  What course are you on today?  Have you heard his voice?  Are you following after him?  Jesus speaking to the apostle Peter in John 21 verse 18 said “Verily verily I say unto thee, when thou wast young thou girdest thyself and walkedst whither thou woudest but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands and another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.”  The Lord was telling Peter he wouldn’t die before he reached old age.  The Lord is in control of your situation and life today.

The crisis that developed.  They soon found out, would find a crisis, there was a calamity, the tragedy.  They thought they would perish in the midst of this storm.  In the place where they thought God wanted them to be yet found a calamity.  Isn’t that what Abraham found when he came to the land of promise? The first thing Abraham found was a famine in the land.  Are we in the place where God would have us to be today?  Yet there is a tragedy.  Verse 24 the storm arose.  The sea is surrounded here with mountains and very quickly a storm could rise up.  This little boat was in the middle of the sea.  They were startled, gripped with fear.  You can be going on with the Lord so well when something happens.  A crisis comes into your life and somehow you are gripped by fear.  The apostle Paul saved by God’s grace on the road to Damascus called into service to preach the word of God, small churches were formed and he encouraged them in the work.  Something happens in the life of Paul, he referred to a thorn in the flesh and he asked the Lord to take it away.  Think of the Old Testament days when David was raised to be the king.  They were difficult times for him.  He went down to face the giant, felt so strongly about the presence of God.  “You have come with all your weaponry, experience in battle but I come to you in the name of the Lord, the God of Israel” he told Goliath.  He knew the presence of God in his life yet one day he had to flee from Saul the king of Israel – why – because Saul got jealous of him.  The people used to sing “Saul has slain his thousands but David his tens of thousands.  David had to flee from his presence.  Later we find he had to flee again because of his own son.  We will face crisis in our lives.  Maybe you are going through one crisis at this moment in time.  The one who has called you into the midst of it will be with you, through it all.  Jesus was sleeping in the boat when the storm rose up.  He was still with them, right in the midst of the crisis.  There may be disappointments at this moment in time.  God has meant it for good.  Elijah was God’s prophet, evangelising, all out for God.  God told him one day to flee to the brook Cherith.  He was right in the centre of God’s will.  He would take a drink from the brook, looked to the heavens for the ravens who would bring him bread and flesh in the morning.  At the time when he felt peckish again in the evening he looked for the same ravens.  He trusted the Lord would point them in his direction.  They never failed.  The only time they stopped was when God moved him onto the next stage.

The cry they made.  It was a cry that revealed a lack of trust.  The master was sleeping at the back of the ship.  The disciples felt he didn’t care.  Sometimes we get to the place where we wonder is God in this, could I have taken the wrong step?  That is where the disciples were.  Their cry was directed to him.  It might have revealed a lack of trust.  They came to their feet.  When Jesus sent his disciples out he told them they would have power over demons and spirits but they had something very special than that.  “Rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”  That is far more important, that is the most important thing.  That your name is written in heaven.  When the disciples began to worry about food and clothes he told them their heavenly father knew all about that but they were not to concern themselves.  He knew all about them even in the midst of the storm.  The children of Israel were delivered from bondage in Egypt by the blood sprinkled on the door of the house.  The Lord delivered them out into the wilderness but somehow they forgot about the God who had delivered them.  He had power to bring them out of slavery.  They saw the Egyptian army coming after them and they started to doubt that God was with them.  They faltered and didn’t trust God.

The challenge Jesus gave.  The disciples asked him to save them or they would perish.  Verse 26 “why are ye fearful?”  Isn’t that what the Lord wants us to do?  The challenge is we must bring our fears, doubts and unbeliefs to him.  The disciples had such fear that they couldn’t see the great miracle taking place before them.  Verse 27 sometimes in a crisis we have cause to reflect.  Sometimes we feel the finger of God on us.  Peter walked on the water, able to do that unnatural thing because the Lord had bid him to do it.  As long as his eyes were on the master he could do it but when he took his eyes off the Lord he began to sink.  “Why did you look away, where’s your faith” Jesus asked him.  It was all Peter’s own thinking.  Did the disciples feel the storm would defeat God?  Did they think He had no control over the sea?  Did they lose out on his power?  Their cry went before the Lord.  There is a storm today, a crisis today.  Sometimes we don’t have any answers, cannot’ understand it.  There will be things in our lives we cannot understand, there will be things in our world we will never understand but I have to keep trusting the God of heaven as go through because he is in control of the storm.

The Miracles of Jesus Christ - complying with the word of God

Sermon notes from Sunday 10 May 2015

Matthew 7 verses 14 – 29
The Miracles of Jesus

Jesus is here preaching on the Mount of Olives.  He comes to a very very important topic – the topic of hearing the word of God.  Not only that but obeying the word of God.  Turning to Peter on the shores of Galilee as he is washing and mending his nets.  I want to pick up this miracle that comes.  Peter’s way in the draught of fishes he caught.  The first miracle was at a wedding, young people wanted to make sure they had the presence of the Lord on their special day.  Jesus performed his first miracle in turning the water into wine.  Then we looked at the noble man who had a son who was sick.  He wanted Jesus to heal him and that is what did happen.  When he returned home he found his son healed as Jesus had said.  God is doing miracles all around us.  God is working in the home today, working in relationships today.  When I open my eyes I think that is a miracle, when I put my feet on the floor that is a miracle, health and strength, breakfast on the table.  God gave me so much, appetite from God, food.  See many who cannot walk or eat, my grandchildren running around I think that is a miracle.  Have you allowed him to work that greatest miracle ever?  The miracle of redeeming grace when Jesus came into world, on the cross of Calvary died and gave his life that we might be turned from sin, made new creatures in Christ Jesus.  The old things have passed away, all things have become new, that the gates of heaven are open to you today.  Have you had a miracle?  Peter was here after a night of disappointment and failure.  Luke 5 verse 5 “go out again and let down your nets.”  Peter replied “we have toiled all night and taken in nothing, we are weary, discouraged, tired, never the less at thy word I will let down my nets”. 

Peter complies with the word of God.  If you want that miracle in your heart you have to comply with the word of God.  That means acknowledging you are a sinner.  The only place sin is dealt with is at the cross of Calvary.  We have got to make our way to Calvary.  In Revelation Jesus said “behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man will hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him.”  You have to comply with the word of God and invite Christ in, open up your hearts door to him.  The word of God captured Peter’s heart.  This is a fast world we are living in and we are not making time for God’s word in these days.  This is a very busy world, got to leave aside time that the Lord can speak to us.  The Lord also challenged Peter.  The Lord can capture us with his voice, even challenge us.  We need to be willing to comply with what the Lord’s word says.  Never the less at thy word I will go out again.  Moses complied with the word of God standing at the burning bush.  In the end he went down into Egypt and brought the Israelites out of their bondage and slavery.  Jonah did not comply with God’s word.  God told him to go down to Ninevah and tell them of the word of God to save them.  The word of God came unto Jonah and it challenged him knowing that this people would respond and turn to God if he went down and preached the word to them.  Is there something in God’s word here is asking you to comply with today? We don’t want to do it.  Verse 5 “Master” he is putting the Lord as the one who rules him, as ruler of my life today. He wants to be Saviour and maybe he wants to be King.  He wants to be ruler of your life over all your life.  Is there a compartment in your life that is not open to the Lord?  You opened your heart, allowed him to come in but there is one area you are not allowing him to enter into.  He wants you to comply with his word today.  Peter knew not what he was going out to but he was going out on the water with the Master.  Do we really take on board that the Bible is the word of God?  All scripture is given by inspiration of the spirit of God for prophecy, came not in own time but in the will of God only.  Men of God speaketh as moved by the Spirit “moved”.  In Acts 27 there is a shipwreck recorded for us.  Rough winds made the ship drift, carried along by the strength of tides and the winds.  Man speaks as moved by the Holy Ghost.  Drifted along under the power and influence of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus set out for the place even he would have some work to do.  Peter went out standing on the word of God alone.  Mattered not what his friends said.  Maybe you are trying to serve God and it is so hard.  Maybe in your family or in the work place.  Seems so little for all the effort.  Nevertheless go back to the word of God.  What I am doing is done by the authority of the word of God.  No matter what you are doing make sure you are standing on the word of God.  There will come a time when that will be all you have left.  It is all of God.

Peter and the celebration that followed.  He never realised what would happen with God.  In the morning never really knew what God is going to do.  The night before he had fished and caught nothing.  On the shoreline the next morning he was washing and mending his nets.  The Lord comes and tells him to launch out into the deep and let down his nets.  Peter is ready to go again.  The Lord comes and speaks to him.  We do not know what the Lord has for us.  Maybe speaking to your heart and comes with a precise word today.  Verse 6 and when they had done this goes out into the waters, lets down his net and they enclosed a massive amount of fish, such was the multitude of the fishes.  The net looked as if it would break.  The same God that provided that catch was the same God who provided no fish the night before.  He allowed Peter to toil all through the darkness of the night and caught nothing.  We shouldn’t let some failure over take us.  We shouldn’t let this failure overwhelm us.  How can we say that failure is of God because God is providing it for some reason.  Maybe you are praying for your family yet somehow God doesn’t seem to be working, not hearing.  Maybe he is allowing you to go through the dark spell of a night just to show us what faith is all about.

A company that is influenced and “they beckoned unto their partners which were in the other ship that they should come and help them and they came and helped.”  The influence Peter had on others around these other fishermen.  Peter saw the consequences of hearing God’s word.  Remember the man with demonic devils.  He wanted to go with Jesus but Jesus told him “no I want you to go back to your own village and family, tell them of the great things you have done for Christ.”  Others can be influenced through our lives.  He would take the Lord at his word.  Psalm 40 Psalmist cried from an awful pit, depths of misery, when the Lord had lifted him he provided “a new song in my mouth even praise unto our God, many shall hear it and trust in him.”  Are people influenced by your acts and attitudes?  Peter asked the other fishermen to come and help him.  Are you stepping out today?  Have you launched out into the deep?  Is your life a blessing to others?

A confession that Peter makes.  “Depart from me for I am a sinful man”. 

A course that changed Peter’s life.  He followed the Lord that day.  He left the nets and followed the Lord from that day forwards.  Peter didn’t know that day it would change him for ever.  Maybe the Lord is asking you to leave all behind, change your course for ever.  “I will make you fishers of men” Jesus told him.  He changed the course of Peter’s life through one meeting.  The Lord has the directions for your life all mapped out but is waiting for you to step out for him - because you have asked I am going to do it.

The Miracles of Jesus Christ - Launch out into the deep and let down your nets!

Sermon notes from Sunday 3 May 2015

Luke 5 verses 1 – 11
The Miracles of Jesus Christ

After a disappointing night of fishing the next day Jesus told Simon to “launch out into the deep and let down your nets.”  Simon’s reply was “I have worked all night and caught nothing nevertheless at thy word I will let down my nets.”  Are we ready to rely on what God’s word has to say at any time?  Peter obeyed the word of God.  Maybe there is something on our hearts that is bearing down on us.  The word of God is the control, the focus in our lives today.  It matters not what the world says but what the word of God says.  It matters not what the church says about your salvation – remember the word of God says “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1 verse 18)

The word of God that captured Peter’s attention.  The word of God was the very foundation stone.  It captured his attention.  In verse 1 we read “the people pressed upon him (Jesus) to hear the word of God.”  Imagine the scene – the Lord was by the lake shore and the people had gathered there to hear the word of God.  That is what the people gathered for on that day.  It is the word of God that makes the difference.  “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10 verse 17)  Remember when the Lord returned to Capernaum in Mark 2 verse 2 “And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door and he preached the word unto them.”  The people came to hear the word of God.  What does the word of God do to a person?  It can save their souls for all eternity.  Peter is sitting on the shore washing and mending his nets.  His mind is on his fishing.  He doesn’t throw them to one side but prepares them ready for the next fishing trip.  Peter attends to those things that needed attended to.  While he was doing that the Lord came to where he was and spoke to him.  Jesus told him he wanted to go out into the water so that he could speak to the people from there.  What are you doing for people around you?  The Lord will use you to reach them for the gospel.  The Lord began to preach to the multitudes.  The Lord is going to use you even in the little things.  The Lord sees how responsible we are in the week days.  Remember Samuel, a young child of 8/9 years of age.  Hannah his mother had prayed for him, prayed that God would give her a son and she promised if she had a son she would give him back to God.  Samuel was taken by Hannah to the house of God and given in service to God.  He had the most menial of tasks – to open and close the doors of the temple each day.  God knew he was faithful.  God spoke to him one night in his bed and showed him what he would do in the whole nation of Israel.  That is how important the Sunday School work is – bringing children into the house of God.  God can speak to them at that age about what he wants them to do for him.  It is in the little things that God can use people – tithing, opening the doors, being there when everyone has gone home.  The Lord looks on you and sees you in these activities.  Peter was mending his nets when the Lord said to him “launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught.”  In verse 2 the Lord saw 2 ships standing by the lake side but the fishermen were gone out of them and washing their nets.  In verse 4 we see the Lord had left off speaking when he turned to talk to Peter.  Jesus had the attention of Peter.  The word of God captured Peter where he was at.  Whenever he had finished speaking to the crowd the Lord spoke to Peter.  Remember when Jesus visited Mary and Martha.  Mary was captured by Jesus’ words.  She sat down at his feet and listened to him.  We might see God moving in a tremendous way if only we could be captured by God’s word.  Jesus spoke into Peter’s ear.  Are we listening for God’s word when the preachers voice is silent?  Jesus met Peter at the point of his working.  We can be saved yet not really be captured by the word of God.  When the meeting ends we should still be listening, be sensitive to the people around us who perhaps God is speaking to.

The word challenged Peter.  Jesus said to him “push out into the deep.”  He had a personal word for Peter.  He is challenged to launch out into the deep.  Maybe you have been clutching the sides too long.  Maybe God wants you to trust him today because he wants to thrust you out.  Maybe the Lord wants to save your soul today.  Maybe you have never experienced the blood being applied to your life by simple faith.  “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”  Maybe you are holding the sides, not sure whether the Lord will save you.  Depend on his word and he will save you once you let go, let the Lord have his way.  Maybe the Lord is challenging you for service today but you are afraid.  Will you go through with God today?  God has a tremendous task for you if only you are prepared to listen and obey him.  God will not let you down today.  The word of God caught the attention of Peter.  The challenge came clearly to Peter.  The word “toiled” means right to almost the pain of exhaustion, means a tiredness, a weariness.  The Lord told him to go out again.  Peter agreed to do what the Lord told him to do.  We need to get to the place of really trusting the Lord.  Remember Moses passing by the bush that was burning in the wilderness.  He stepped aside to see what it was.  The moment he did that the Lord spoke to him.  He captured his attention.  The Lord then told him what he wanted him to do.  He began to argue with God.  Have you put up the arguments before God to serve Him?  Moses complained that he was slow of speech, was stammering.  There was a time when I could have done it but now I couldn’t do it.  The Lord has been asking you to do something but you have been setting it aside and saying “I couldn’t do it.”  Peter wouldn’t see that great catch of fishes unless he launched out with God’s word.  Maybe for Moses for 40 years previously he had tried to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt in his own strength and couldn’t do it. He ran away and failed.  Sometimes we fail.  Is it not better to fail than not to try at all?  To fail doesn’t mean we should never be persuaded to try again.  Maybe tried something and you have failed, you have felt the pain but don’t ever let it give you up.  The Lord told Peter to launch out into the deep.  Just you go out and do that, forget about the disappointments of past failures.  Peter was challenged.  Moses was challenged.  God is not challenging Peter today or Moses today or the missionary today.  He is challenging you today.  Will you do a work for me?  Give me your heart, life, your all?

The miracles of Christ - the nobleman's son

Sermon notes from Sunday 26 April 2015

JOHN 4 VERSES 46 – 54
The miracles of Christ

The very first public performance of Christ noted the importance of the first miracle, the marriage in Cana when the wine ran out.  His mother came to him and said “they have no wine.”  He asked the servants to fill the jugs with water and he turned them into wine.  Now look at what John speaks of as the second miracle which takes place in the home. Today Jesus comes to the home of a nobleman, a Roman officer of some description.  I want you to notice the miracle and the faith going hand in hand here.  It began as a little thought in his heart until it developed into something very strong.  Miracles and faith still go hand in hand.  God can work outside of our faith too.  He can work alone.  You will find time and time again God answers prayer as result of faith.  When he was in Nazareth we read “he didn’t do many mighty miracles there because of their unbelief.” (Matthew 13 verse 58)  The people knew who Jesus was, who his parents were.  He was familiar with those people and he didn’t strike a chord there to perform miracles.  Have you come expecting the Lord to do something in your life?  Have you come believing he could do that or is this just another Sunday morning when you come to the house of God, listen to the hymns and sermon but go away again.  It has lost the appeal.

The experience of this man’s faith in regards to the miracle.  Here was an experience that came about in this man’s life.  His home was totally devastated.  It brought a burden to him, brought him to a difficult place.  His faith was being tested.  Are you going through a time of trial?  Does the way seem difficult, uphill, lonely?  That is what this man was going through.  Verse 46 “he had a son who was sick, he had a fever.”  He didn’t know what to do.  I’m sure he thought of a doctor, no doubt he had loads of money to spend on a doctor but there was no hope for him.  Maybe it was this that stirred a desire to have Jesus come and heal his son.  The son was at the point of death.  He had deteriorated.  His faith was being tested.  The experience of this man’s faith in regards to this miracle.  Verse 49 “come down, heal my son or he will die, you are my last hope.”  Notice this burden this man has.  A real burden for his family.  Have you got a burden for your family?  A burden like this man had?  He knew the boy was about to die.  Maybe our families are in the very best of health but they are dying, eternity is coming.  Have you a burden for them?  To see them coming to faith?  Whether this man was a believer at this point we don’t know, it was maybe a strengthening of his faith.  Your faith can be tested at the most severest time.  Here was a man, if it had not been for this ill child who was so near death this man might not have seen a mighty miracle even in his own home.  Maybe the trial you are going through now is that you will see something marvellous from the very God of heaven.  In Elisha’s day there was a woman who realised he was a man of God.  How many would really think that of you and I?  Could they say there is something different about you?  This woman did something special for Elisha.  She made him a room, set it aside for him so that when he was in the area he could stay there.  Elisha asked God to answer her prayer for a child.  The woman was delighted when she conceived and gave birth.  She nursed the child until one day something happened to that child.  He was out working with his father one day when he complained of his head hurting.  The father sent him back to his mother who nursed him until he died.  The tragedy of the time was a test and trial to her faith.  She sent a servant off to find Elisha who brought the child back to life again.

The expression of his faith.  This experience brought about an expression which manifested itself in this man going to look for Jesus.  Is that experience you are going through, does it manifest itself into an expression of faith?  This experience brought him to Christ.  It brought him a faith expressed in his actions.  It expressed itself in his thoughts.  It expressed itself in his feet, in his tongue, in his lips.  It expressed itself in all these means in holding onto the God of heaven for an answer to prayer.  Where has your recent trial taken you to?  We are not tested and tempted to destroy our faith.  It is to strengthen our faith.  Peter when writing to people going through difficult times wrote “the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold” (1 Peter 1 verse 7)  Romans 3 verse 10 “he knoweth the way that I take when he have tried me I shall come forth as precious gold.”  I am prepared to come to the place of prayer, open myself up and leave it all with the Lord.  As you go through the trial he wants you to lean your whole weight on him.  We need to bring it to the Lord.  Have we that burden?

The evidence of his faith in regard to this miracle.  We see Jesus rebuking the man.  The man brings his awful plight to the Lord himself verse 48.  For a moment or two this man is not worried about signs.  This man simply replied “come and heal my child before he dies.”  He had one thing on his mind – the state of his son.  I wonder does the state of our society move us today?  To get down before Christ and pray and seek God’s help?  We have people in our families not saved – does it bring us right to Christ’s feet?  Jesus said to this man in verse 50.  The Lord tells him to go his way and his son lived.  When he let his house the son was at the point of death.  He felt he would slip into eternity at any minute.  He has already travelled a distance to find Christ yet he believed against all the odds that what the Lord told him was in fact true.  Remember Peter out fishing all night but caught nothing.  Jesus told him to go back out and let down his nets.  Peter told him he had fished all night “nevertheless at thy word I will do it.”  He went out because he believed the Lord against all the odds.  Just because the Lord said it he believed it.  This was the evidence – the nobleman turned from the Lord and started to make his way home.

The excitement of faith in regard to this miracle.  The man came near to his home, he had the word of God in his heart.  There was excitement when he heard the servants tell him his boy was well again.  The time the fever broke was the exact time when the Lord had spoken.  Maybe God wants to do the same miracle for you today.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ - what does it mean to you?

Sermon notes from Sunday 5 April 2015

Luke 24 verses 1 – 12

As we come around to another Easter time again it is the weekend when we remember in particular the work of the cross.  Jesus Christ the Son of God who loved us and gave himself for us.  Jesus dying on the middle cross was dying to pay a great debt.  It is your sin and my sin that brought Jesus from heaven to that lonely place called Calvary to die for us.  Peter said “Jesus who his own self bare our sins in his own body he bare our sins in his own body on the tree” (1 Peter 2 verse 24).  “He paid a debt he did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay.”  He picked up the bill there at Calvary.  Let’s not take it for granted what the Lord did for each of us.  When I think of the cross of Calvary I think of the suffering, beating and bruising, the torture in the judgement hall, how he was spat on, whipped and taken out to the cross for the shedding of his blood.  If suffering was enough that would have been enough but it wasn’t enough.  It took the shedding of his blood to forgive your sins and my sins.  The sacrifice of the cross is for my life.  The just dying for the unjust. That was what he was doing.  Think of the sufficiency of the cross.  This was the plan God had from eternity past.  God could raise him from the dead that was what sealed it.  His suffering and his agony was for the shedding of his blood that we can be saved today.  It is to the tomb we want to look again.  We see the mystery, miracle and mission that have come from that – “go quickly and tell the disciples”.  Tell what you have seen in evidence.  Today I want to speak of the resurrection.

The resurrection is a central theme.  When those woman went to the tomb they saw the stone was rolled back, they couldn’t see the body of Christ.  Then the angel came and said “you seek for Jesus he is not here, why seek for the living among the dead?  He is not here he is risen.”  Resurrection is the central theme on which the church is built.  The early sermons of the apostles didn’t waste any time in getting to the cross and the resurrection.  We see how God was satisfied with the death of his son.  If he had not been satisfied with that death then Jesus would not have been raised from the dead.  Peter on the day of Pentecost in that upper room, the Holy Spirit came down and they went out into the streets and began to proclaim the gospel.  The people were amazed at his words.  When he preached about the life of Christ, his miracles, his death then he got around to the resurrection.  The pangs of death could not hold him.  The resurrection was the central message to his preaching.  Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 said “the gospel I preached unto you … by which you are saved … or I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins … And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures … If Christ be not raised your faith is vain ye are yet in your sins.”  In Acts 17 the apostle Paul was preaching to a great intellectual audience.  What happened – they mocked him and laughed at him.  Paul knew how important the resurrection and said it was to the salvation of his soul.  Paul knew how important the resurrection was to the gospel message but people didn’t realise this.  They didn’t realise it was the foundation of the gospel message by which they could be saved.  The full gospel.  Jesus came into the world as a sinless being.  He took our place on the cross of Calvary but you need to take on the resurrection power.  They still mock and try to chip away at the foundation message.  “If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11 verse 3)  We need to plead and pray today to ensure that the gospel message is truth.  Today the Lord’s name is being discredited.  The Lord’s day is under attack.  Family life is also under attack.

The resurrection is a current thought.  It is not a doctrine for the first generation but is a current thought in every day.  Jesus Christ is alive and is seated at the right hand of his father in heaven ever living to make intercession for you and I.  He is praying for us and the situations we face today.  He said to Peter “Satan hath desired to have thee but I have prayed for thee.”  He ever liveth to make intercession for you.  Think of the significance and importance of the women who went to the tomb.  They heard the message “he is not here, he is risen.”  It gives me comfort to realise and acknowledge and to know the one I am trusting in has broken the chains of death, is alive and is in heaven praying for me.  When I gather with other believers around this communion table the current thought is of a Saviour who is alive for evermore.  Jesus said “this do in remembrance of me.”  John the Baptist was exiled to the Isle of Patmos for taking a stand for Christ.  He heard God telling him “I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for ever more.”  The place that holds the mortal remains of Queen Victoria and her husband Albert has the words “here at last I will rest with thee, with thee in Christ I shall also rise again.”  The current thought is he hasn’t forgotten about me.  If he were to come at this point in time he would take those who are saved and take them into the presence of Christ for ever.”

The resurrection confirms the truth.  In John 17 when Jesus was praying for his followers he praised the God of heaven for sanctifying them.  The only way to be sanctified is through God’s word.  “Thy word is truth sanctify them through thy word.”  Jesus was praying for you and I that day too “neither pray I or these alone but for them also which shall also believe on the message through thy word.”  What does he pray for?  To set them apart.  That is what sanctification means.  He was praying for you and I.  It is as relevant today as then.  The moment you are saved you are called out from this world.  The word also means to make pure, to make holy.  Jesus Christ was praying for his people.  For a separated people, a pure people, a holy people, a sanctified people.  I wonder where you stand today?  Are you separated from the world?  Has he made your heart pure?  We can be today.  He is not here he has risen.  The empty grave confirms it.  Matthew 16 verse 21.  When I turn to John 14 Jesus is speaking of his death and says “I will come again.”  Jesus told his disciples that he must suffer, must be killed and must rise again the third day but then he says “I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also.”  This is Christ’s word.  One of these days that word will be confirmed when he comes again.  He cannot lie today.  I wonder are you saved today?  Are you ready whenever he comes to break the clouds, when the trumpet will sound, the archangel will give the shout – will you be ready to meet him in the air?

The resurrection is a crowning testimony.  They mocked him in the Judgment Hall, put on a crown of thorns on his head, paraded him, beat him until he was barely recognisable.  The Pharisees came in and said “we remember he claimed he would rise again on the third day so seal the tomb.”

The resurrection is a challenging test for those who are saved.  The angel said “go and tell.”  Did you tell someone in this past week that Jesus is alive?  He is not in the tomb but in heaven now.  Could I leave that challenge with you.  Have you told anyone that Jesus is alive and alive for evermore?

The conscience

Sermon Notes from Sunday 22 March 2015

1 Timothy 1 verses 1 – 15

The apostle Paul was writing to the young man Timothy.  In Acts chapters 16 and 17 we read of Timothy’s testimony.  Paul sees something in him and takes him under his wing.  Timothy goes out with Paul on his teaching and preaching engagements and becomes a young pastor.  He is left in Ephesus to establish the church while Paul moves on to Macedonia.  Paul hears of things happening in Ephesus.  Timothy is being ridiculed, scorned, mocked, criticised because of his age and so many different things.  Paul wants to write to him to encourage him.  He wants to show the way ahead for him.  He shares some wonderful things with Timothy.  In light of all the persecution, difficulties, obstacles the old devil and those who profess Christ would throw in your face he says in verse 5 “Now the end of contentment is charity.”  That word charity means love.  “Out of a pure heart.”  A heart that knows the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only thing that can purify the heart.  Jesus said “out of the heart comes murderous thoughts, envy.  Once the heart is cleansed out comes the good things.  Timothy keep your heart right before God.  That is our own responsibility today.  To keep ourselves right before God.  Walk in the light as he is in the light.  “And of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned.”  They all go together.  This word “conscience” has been creeping up time and time again and especially in light of the Asher Bakery case.  The government are trying to add into law a conscience clause.  This will give special liberty to those in business that they might refuse to supply anything their conscience would not allow them to.  For the Asher Bakery they could not place on a cake the slogan that supported same sex marriage.  That was going against their conscience.  As a result they are being taken to court.  Conscience is that mechanism that God has placed in each of us.  God has given it to us.  It distinguishes between right and wrong.  The human heart is a wonderful thing.  The amount of veins that are connected to it.  We have so many parts in our bodies but at the back of it all we have a thing called conscience.  Decides if it is yes or no.  An old Pastor used to say to me ‘if in doubt kick it out.’  That is the conscience.  When we go to do something the old conscience kicks in.  Look at some of the consciences found in the scripture.

A sensitive conscience.  A time whenever you know something is wrong.  That is the time to step away.  Conscience says “it is ok.”  See it in the Old Testament when the midwives in Egypt decided what to do.  In Exodus 1 we see a new Pharaoh became king in Egypt who knew nothing about Joseph.  Joseph was the youngest son of Jacob.  One day he went out to see his brothers.  They hated him with a passion.  Joseph ended up in Egypt.  The new king did not know anything about the history of the Jewish people.  Fear gripped his heart about this nation rising up against his authority and rule.  What did he do?  He made them into slaves.  He treated them harshly but the one thing he found out was that the more he persecuted these people the more they rose up.  They multiplied more and more.  Then Pharaoh came up with a great plan, a mischievous plan.  He planned to kill all the male children at the point of birth.  To do that he called in the help of the midwives.  He said ‘when you do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son then you shall kill him; but if it be a daughter then she shall live.” (Exodus 1 verse 16)  Then we read “But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them but saved the men children alive.”  Their consciences were sensitive.  Moses was a young man who grew up living in Pharaoh’s palace.  He was well educated, had great riches beyond measure.  He had everything the world could offer.  He had power, education, everything he could ever want.  He just had to ask and it would be given to him.  One day he went out into the forecourt and saw an Egyptian beating an Israelite slave.  He slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.  Exodus 2 verse 12 “And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.”  Moses questioned himself if it was right or wrong.  If he was not bothered why did he look either way?  His conscience was telling him whether it was right or wrong.  How many times have you heard God’s word preached and yet not accepted Christ?  How many times have you heard that you have sinned and come short of God’s glory and heaven will not be your home unless you come to the cross?  How many times have you heard the Holy Spirit speak to your heart, drawing you to the foot of the old rugged cross?  Your conscience has said yes that is right but you have set it on the back burner, gone out into the darkness of the night and turned your back on God.  If you were called out to eternity now you would be lost for ever.  You can be saved today though.

A stifled conscience.  It is suppressed.  You feel the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart but somehow you build up every difficulty and supress the conscience.  Joseph’s brothers hated him, planned and plotted his downfall.  At 17 years of age they wanted to sort him out once for all.  They devised that they would take and kill him.  They hated him so much.  They threw him into a pit, an old dry pit.  They shackled his hands and feet and then went back to the camp fire.  They listened to the cries from that pit, their own brother pleading with them to come and lift him out of the pit.  He must have been so scared and frightened.  They stifled their conscience but it came back to them many years later.  One day they stood before Joseph but didn’t know who he was.  “We are verily guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul, when he besought us and we would not hear therefore is this distress come upon us.” (Genesis chapter 42 verse 21)  Their consciences took them right back to that day when they had put him into that pit, now all these years later the brothers are down in Egypt looking for food and didn’t realise the man before them is their own brother.   Maybe there is something in your life at this moment in time coming back to your conscience.  It is telling you need to reconcile that in your heart, with God himself.  Your conscience is telling you what needs to be done.  The brothers felt their past feelings coming back to haunt them in the presence of Joseph.  They stifled their conscience.  It is dangerous to stifle the conscience, to set it aside.  If God is speaking to you don’t stifle the conscience, silence the voice of God.  Remember when John the Baptist came preaching the will of God through him?  John was imprisoned by Herod because he preached against Herod and his taking of his brother’s wife.  Herodius wanted John killed but Herod respected him for what he stood for.  One day Salome danced before him.  Herod became drunk and offered to give her anything she wanted up to half his kingdom.  She asked for John the Baptist’s head on a platter.  Some years later Jesus came before Pilate.  He was so excited to see Jesus and talk with him.  Jesus never spoke one word to him.  The voice of God was silenced for the last time.  Herod never heard the voice of God again.  Many people have got up from a gospel meeting, under the anointing of the Spirit of God and heard the invitation but have stifled their conscience.  They wouldn’t give in and closed their ears to the voice of God.  If God has spoken to you I would plead and pray with you come to Christ today.  Is your conscience sensitive to God?  Are you stifling your conscience to God today?

A seared conscience.  No longer hears, no longer feels.  Maybe there is an apology to be made, a debt to be paid.  God reaches down today – do not stifle God’s voice today.  Strive for a good conscience before God and men.

The foundation, focus and future of the church fellowship

Sermon Notes from Sunday 1 March 2015 
Philippians 1 verses 1 – 18

What should a church fellowship be like?  As we take these words from the person of the apostle Paul we see the longing and deep desire in his heart for the work of God.  He realised the work he left behind in Philippi was a work of God.  This book was written roughly about 10 years after he left them.  It is a very personal letter.  The Ephesian letter and Colossian letter were written to be shared with others but in Philippians though there were no instructions to share it with anyone else.  It was a love letter back to the church from Paul’s heart.  Bear in mind that Paul is in prison as he writes this letter.  As he writes he is full of fond memories of those early days in Philippi when he preached the word of God.  When people reflect on us, looking back on the situations in our lives, the people I have met – will they be fond memories?  There will be sadness in those memories too.  When Lydia met with the Lord, when she took them into her home and had fellowship with her.  The time when the Philippian jailer took them into his home and family, when they were all saved.

Paul is quick to get to the foundation.  A church, a fellowship must be Christ centred.  The work of God is based on the foundation of Christ.  If not it is not the work of God.  It could maybe be a good going concern, happy place to go to but it is not the work of God.  My life has to be founded on the Lord Jesus Christ if I ever want to be in heaven today.  Nothing else is important.  The most important part of any building is the foundation.  If the foundation is not right it will not matter what way the rooms are.  “He that hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”  Paul says “other foundations can no man lay.” (1 Corinthians 3 verse 11)  The doctrines which Paul had taught were the foundations.  They were accepted, believed and they changed the lives of men and woman.  Paul’s mind wanders back to those early days in Acts 16.  If he had had his way he would have gone into Asia but God didn’t want him there, he wanted him in Philippi.  It is good to wait on the Lord.  God can be calling, speaking this morning.  We need to be open to his call, ready to hear and willing to do what he has asked us.  Has God been speaking to you about your sin in your heart today?  He had to send His son into the world in response to the sin of this world that we could be saved.  What have we done with the Lord up to this day in our lives?  Rejected him?  Shunned him?  Set him to one side?  We are talking about the foundation of salvation today.  Paul had that dream of a man telling him to come into Macedonia.  The first meeting was by the riverside outside Philippi.  Lydia opened her heart that day.  Then a little maid started to follow them around.  She had an evil spirit.  She could tell the future.  We live in an age today of superstition and men and women are blinded.  Paul cast out the demon from the girl.  In the old prison house the apostle Paul spoke to the Philippian jailer and pointed him to Christ.  That was the foundation.  Jesus said “those who hear my word listen to me but don’t do what I say, he is like a man building his house on sand.”(Matthew 7 verses 24 – 27)  This fellowship was founded on the word of God not on the will of man.  You wouldn’t build your house on sand.  We can listen to God’s word, hear what it has to say and go out and disobey the word.  The man who puts my word into practice is like a man building his house on the rocks.  All such different people Paul met in Philippi, all came to the Lord to build their lives, came to one foundation.  “Henceforth be no more children cast too and fro tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;”(Ephesians 4 verse 14)

Christ must also be the focus of the church as well.  He places the responsibility to keep the work going on.  They must focus on Christ.  Verse 1.  Paul is writing to the bishops and deacons.  They are to keep focus on the Lord. He spoke of the opposition he faced when preaching the gospel.  As long as the word kept going forth Paul was happy.  “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”  The comfort it brought to Paul’s heart as lay in prison house.  The joy was that Jesus Christ was being preached.  This one thing I rejoice in.  You and I in like manner need to keep focus on Jesus Christ.  Keep him in view at all times.  Need not to be caught up with lesser things.  In Ephesus Paul complimented them on their faith but in Revelation we now see a church that has left its first love, has shifted their focus.  Revelation 2 verse 4 “nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, thou hast left thy first love.”  They loved the Lord with all their heart at a time but now had let it.  Not lost it but failed to keep Jesus in their focus.  Revelation 2 verse 5 Jesus Christ is talking not John.  He sees they have left their first love, gives the invitation “you have got to repent.”  That is what happened in that church.  There is not even a trace of a building to worship in that place today.  Demas shifted his focus – “he hath forsaken me”.  It didn’t happen overnight but bit by bit it happened.  The devil deceives us bit by bit.  That is where we need to be careful.  We need to keep our focus on the Lord.  We have to guard the pulpit today.  People may not like us for that.  The Laodicean church was similar – Christ was on the outside not the inside. “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 2 verse 5)  We need to guard our fellowship.

We also see the future of the church.  “He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”  The word “perform” is the focus, the words “until the day of Jesus Christ” shows the future.  The battle is not over.  It has only begun.  When you come to Christ and accept him as Saviour and Lord “that ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.”  We have to live without offence and with sincerity.  To live with the view that Jesus Christ can come at any time.  Wouldn’t it be awful if Jesus came today and we met him with empty hands?

O taste and see that the Lord is good!

Sermon Notes from Sunday 18 January 2015

Psalm 34
verse 8 “O taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”

David here reiterates the sentiment of Nahum the prophet in chapter 1 verse 7 “the Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him.”  That is our motto verse we are taking into 2015.  We go into this year with this timeless thought on our hearts today from the prophet Nahum and the lips of the Psalmist David.  Have you ever known the Lord to fail?  The Lord is good.  We have the testimony of the living God here as we go into 2015 with a God of love behind us.  He will be there.  When something happens I can be sure the Lord is my stronghold.  He is there for me to shelter in.  He promised that to me and to you in 2015.  As we sit here today the Lord knows those that are his, knows that you are a child of his but he also knows the unsaved man or woman.  There’s a line that runs through this building, it is the line of God.  It is very significant.  The only one who can see that line is God himself.  On the one side there are those who are saved and on the other there are those who are not.  Only God knows your heart and my heart today.  I could be the biggest bluffer today, open up the word of God, preach from it and yet not be saved.  The Lord is good.  As the young man who came to the Lord once say said “good master” and Jesus turned to him and said “there is none good but God himself.” (Mark 10 verse 18)  Psalm 34 is a song of a personal experience that the Lord is good – verse 8 “O taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”  Have you tasted, proved that the Lord is good?  You cannot prove it until you taste, until you take him as Saviour and Lord.  It is not a touch of the tongue but a casting our all on the Lord, casting everything on him for he cares for us.  Have you tasted to see that the Lord is good?  It stems from the experience that is personal to him.  Only God could surround his life.

God is good in his faithfulness.  David found that out even as a young boy sitting on the mountainside guarding the sheep, such a mundane job yet God hadn’t forgotten him.  He was able to retrieve the lamb that had wandered away from the flock.  Verse 6 David reveals his poverty to help himself.  “This poor man cried.”  We are in poverty of heart.  Verse 18 “The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”  We don’t have to hold the view that we must be sad, cast down for God to help us. God doesn’t want us like that.  In 2 Kings chapter 4 a woman came to the prophet Elisha discouraged, cast down.  Her husband was dead and she was in poverty.  She had debts beyond number.  There were 2 sons in her house and the man to whom she owed the debt had the power to take them away, to make them his servants to pay off her debt.  She comes to the prophet Elisha, doesn’t know what way to turn.  This was the day of trouble for her.  She found God was faithful.  Elisha asked her “what have you got in your home.”  She replied “nothing except a cruise of oil.”  The prophet told her to go home and borrow as many vessels as she could then take the oil and pour it into all the vessels.  The woman went back home and did as the prophet had said.  When the last vessel was full the oil stopped flowing.  She went and sold all the vessels and paid off all her debts and lived on the remainder.  God was faithful to her.  Do you think God was going to turn his back on her?  Remember Lot how he lived in Sodom, was part of the government there?  He had a godly upbringing but Abraham his uncle never stopped praying for him.  God delivered Lot because Abraham was faithful in his prayers for him.  God is faithful.  When he rained judgement on Sodom God took Lot by the hand and brought him out of the city.  Jonah was given a message from the Lord and what did Jonah do?  He ran in the other direction.  He was running away from God.  He didn’t want to own up to it, to account for it.  Did God turn his back on him that faithless prophet?  He didn’t do what God wanted him to do.  Did God allow him to sink in to the depths of the sea and drown?  No.  Why?  Because God was faithful to him.  He proved this verse – “this poor man cried and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.”

God is good in his forgiveness.  God has seen our coldness, our apathy.  Just like Jonah we are not doing what God wants us to do.  There are things we should have done but didn’t do.  Maybe others haven’t seen it but God has seen it.  God comes and asks for repentance.  “If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  David cried unto God of heaven.  He doesn’t forgive some things and not others.  “I sought the Lord and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” verse 4.  If he had sat down and showed God all the fears in his heart would God have delivered them all?  Yes God forgives all your sins, there is not a sin God cannot forgive.  “This poor man cried and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles” verse 6.  What trouble are you in today?  “Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all” verse 19.  The woman in the gospels caught in the act of adultery was paraded before the whole city for all to see.  The people who brought her to Jesus were very proud, kept the law to the last letter.  They told Jesus “the law says we should stone her to death but what sayest thou?”  The Lord was standing looking at all that was going on.  The Bible says he started to write in the sand then he looked at the crowd and said “let that man that hath no sin let him be the first to cast the first stone.” (John 8 verse 7)  When Jesus looked up again he asked the woman “where are thine accusers.”  She told him there were none.  The Lord told her “neither do I accuse you nor condemn you, go and sin no more.”  God was drawing a line under her sin, forgiving her sin but he told her to sin no more.  Perfect forgiveness, complete forgiveness, condemned no more.  The Lord on Calvary as he suffered in agony and pain there were those who were reviling and cursing him.  He said “Father forgive them.”  God is good in his forgiveness.  In 2015 there will be times when we will falter and fail, there will never be a time when we cannot find forgiveness for true repentance.  When we come before him, cry out for true forgiveness he will forgive.  Thank God for that.

God is good in his favour.  God shows his favour to us.  “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open unto their cry” verse 15.  Jesus is our mediator.  He is the one seated at the right hand of God, the one who intercedes on our behalf.  He takes what is in our heart and brings them before his father.  David proved in his fears and troubles God was there to bring favour to his life.  We have a faithful, forgiving God but also a favourable God.  How wonderful it must have been for the pilgrims coming out of Egypt, what a tremendous sight it must have been to see the pillar of fire that they could depend upon.  This was the presence of God showing favour to them all the time even when they complained and criticised.  God showed favour to them.  God was there all the time, even there at the Red Sea when all seemed helpless and hopeless.  Moses didn’t have the answer.  God wasn’t going to lead them out to abandon them there.  God opened up the sea and made a way when there was no way.  There will be times when we come against a brick wall, not know which way to turn, maybe there will be those ready to criticise us, ridicule us, condemn us but Paul said to the Corinthian church “let me tell you God will not allow you to be tempted above that which you can bear, he will make a way of escape.”  He showed favour to the Israelites just at that moment.  He opened up the way and they walked across on dry ground.  God will show his favour to you and I in 2015.  Matthew 10 verse 29 “are not 2 sparrows sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.”  He goes on to say that the very hairs of our head are numbered.  Why would we be afraid?  Why would be worry when we have a God like that?  As we go into 2015 we are precious to God.

God is good in his fortune.  “The young lions do lack and suffer hunger but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing” verse 10.  Thank God today that the good thing God has been speaking about he knows it.  He will make sure you lack nothing.  Hezekiah, a man of God, no other king like him in the Kings of Judah, got up one morning to see the hosts of Assyria coming against him.  The first thing Hezekiah did when he came to the throne was open up the house of God.  The devil didn’t like that, the devil was able to muster the Assyrian forces against Hezekiah.  Did God forget Hezekiah?  No he didn’t.  God sent his angel and defeated the Assyrian forces because Hezekiah had his God with him.  “The Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows them that are his own.”

The Lord is God a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him

Sermon Notes from Sunday 4 January 2015

Nahum 1 verses 1 – 15

“The Lord is God a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him.” verse 7

This is a three- fold dimension of God.  The God in whom we trust today is a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him.  “The Lord is God” signifies his character.  “a stronghold in the day of trouble” signifies his company.  “he knoweth them that trust in him” signifies his concern or care for us. 

Nahum has a message from the Lord about Assyria, a cruel and mighty nation.  Assyria ruled the whole empire at this time.  Nahum is telling the people that Ninevah’s day is about to come to an end because God is going to move on it.  He will show what he will do to the most powerful nation of the world, he will bring them down.  The Bible tells us that he sets up nations and brings them down.  One hundred years previously Jonah had been sent to this same city to preach repentance.  God told Jonah to tell the people that if they repented, turned from their sin, trusted the living God then God would save the nation.  The nation listened to Jonah’s word and God pardoned the nation.  Now this young prophet Nahum has a different message.  Assyria has drifted away again into idolatry and sinned.  It was time now for God to judge this nation.  He is coming with great wrath on this nation.  The same principle must follow for us today.  To go on rejecting God, turning our back on God, judgment must come on our lives, on our community, on our nation.  Sin will not go unpunished.  God is of purer eyes to behold iniquity (Habakkuk 1 verse 13).  “None that defileth” shall enter into heaven we are told in the scriptures (Revelation 21 verse 27).  The wise man in Proverbs said “he that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy.” (chapter 29 verse 1)  It is no good continually turning our backs to God.  One day we shall be cut off without warning.  He has given every warning he can possibly give.  Then must fall the terrible dilemma spoken of in Genesis 3 “my Spirit shall not always strive with man.”  Let us look at the first aspect “God knoweth them that trust in him”.  What a wonderful relationship to come into, knowing our trust is in him.

Our faith is personal to God.  Our faith is personal to the living God in 2015.  We go into this year with a sense of purpose because I know I am his.  More importantly I have this great assurance – he knows that I am his.  This is a wonderful, amazing thing.  God knows his children that are his.  There is going to come great wrath on the nation of Assyria.  Even amongst this nation but God says ‘I know them that are trusting in me even through it all.’  When God went down into Egypt he knew the ones who were trusting in him by the blood that was applied to the doors of the houses.  When the anti-Christ will come and reign on this world, even during that time God has placed a stamp on his people.  He knows those who are his even today.  “The foundation of God standeth sure having this seal The Lord knoweth them that are his.” (2 Timothy 2 verse 19)  As he looked down into our hearts today he can say “this is my child” but he also knows everyone that is not.  Talking about the weeds and the tares in his parable Jesus makes it clear that it is Satan who planted the tares himself.  Was there a moment when you came to the rugged cross, invited him to be your Saviour and Lord, to save you from your sin, to cleanse you?  If there was a moment like that then you are his this morning and he is yours.  Your faith is personal.  “Thou has searched me and known me, Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar of.”(Psalm 139 verses 1 and 2).  Not what I am doing, what my actions are, not what my words are but even my very thoughts.  He knows my very intents, the motives of my heart.  God goes deeper – he knows what I am thinking.  We are in the presence of the one who not only hears what we sing from our hearts, say in our prayers but knows our very thoughts.  I am glad I am his and God knows me personally.  The disciples out walking with the Lord one day began to discuss amongst themselves who would be the greatest.  They thought the Lord didn’t hear them.  Mark 9 verse 33 “And he came to Capernaum and being in the house he asked them, What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way?”  He knew their thoughts, knew everything about them.  “For there is not a word in my tongue but lo, O Lord thou knowest it altogether”(Psalm 139 verse 4)  Even before the words are formed on our tongues the Lord knows them.  In Matthew 25 verse 40 when it speaks of God’s judgment on this world talks about the separation from God.  In verse 35 it says “For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat, I was thirsty and ye gave me drink, I was a stranger and ye took me in; naked and ye clothed me, I was sick and ye visited me, I was in prison and ye came unto me.”  Jesus spoke not only of those who did all this but to those who were on the receiving end of these acts.  They are referred to as “my brethren”.  The King in this passage is of course God himself and he invited not only those who performed but received these acts of kindness to enter into His kingdom (heaven).  As we go into 2015 thank God for a personal faith in Christ.  We don’t know what the year will hold for us, may have sickness, cut down, feel neglected, left alone from everyone else – one thing is sure – God knows my path because I have a personal faith.

Our faith is also pleasing to God.  The moment you bow your knee at the cross and take the Lord as Saviour something tremendous happens.  There is an outpouring in heaven, a rejoicing among the angels.  It doesn’t matter who you are but the moment you take the Lord as Saviour all heaven erupts in joy.  We can see that reflected in the 3 parables of the lost, sheep, the lost coin and the lost son.  The shepherd realises one of his lambs is lost in the wilderness.  He leaves the comforts of his own confine and searches every pathway until he finds the one sheep and carries it back to the fold.  He tells everyone to rejoice with him, such was his pleasure.  It was the same as the woman who lost a coin.  She was heartbroken.  Maybe it was a sign of her wedding day and it brought sorrow to her heart.  She swept the house until she found the coin.  She told everyone to come and rejoice with her for her coin that was lost was now found.  She had joy in her heart.  It was the same for the father.  His son had left home and spent his fortune on riotous living.  Now as the son returns home the father ran to him rejoicing, kissed him and asked for the best robe and shoes to be put on him.  He told everyone to come and rejoice with him saying “this my son was dead and is now alive again.”  What a wonder it must have been for the Lord in heaven to see one of his children coming to faith.  “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.” (Colossians 1 verse 10)  As we grow as Christians that is what is pleasing to the Lord.  Paul writing to the Philippian church commended Epaphroditus for bringing him a gift from the church (chapter 4 verse 18).  He goes on to say “an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.”  Our faith is personal but it must be well pleasing.  The writer to the Hebrews 13 spoke of “God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do is will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ.” (verses 20 and 21)  Are we doing the things that are well pleasing to God today?

Our faith is also preserved.  This is God who knows us.  Thankfully we look to the one who is able do far more for us than we could ever ask or think.  God is able to do it.  God says to us today “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” (Psalm 37 verse 5)  Maybe there will be many obstacles, difficulties, problems, may be days when we feel like throwing in the towel, whenever we say ‘what’s the use’.  The enemy has such a hold on us.  Romans 8 verse 37“nay in all things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”  Nothing can separate us from the love of God.  Setting off in this new year let’s take all that we have, burdens, difficulties, every situation we have, the circumstances we have and come to the one who knows us, knows the ones who are trusting in him.  “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” (Psalm 55 verse 22).  God is overseeing and overlooking.  Peter says “Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Peter 1 verse 5).  Keep casting, committing and when we do that God keeps on keeping us.

Our faith is precious to God.  God is looking for faith.  James says “show me your faith and I will show you mine.”  He asked for a demonstration of their faith and he would show them his by his works.  You say you have faith but no works.  The centurion had a servant who was sick.  He came to Jesus one day and told him about his servant’s sickness.  You can hear the Lord say to him ‘I will go to your house and heal him’ whereupon the centurion replies ‘I am not worthy for you to come to my house.’  Here was a man in charge of a company of soldiers yet felt he was not worthy for Jesus to come to his house.  ‘Say the word and he will be healed’ he told Jesus.  Jesus replied ‘I have never seen such great faith in all Israel’. (Luke 7)  Our faith is precious from the moment of our salvation until we leave this scene of time.  “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” (Psalm 116 verse 15)  Lazarus was an old beggar in Luke’s gospel who sat at the gate of the rich man full of sores and the dogs came and licked his wounds.  God knew all about him from the moment he trusted in Christ as Saviour until his death.  His faith was precious.  The Lord sent the angels on the day of his death to lift him up and carry him into Abraham’s bosom.  That is our God, the God we serve today.  Look to the one who knows our faith.  Have you that faith today – is it personal, is it pleasing?  Remember it is preserved and it is precious to God.

Sermon Notes from Sunday 11 January 2015

Psalm 90

“he is a stronghold in the day of trouble.”

Notice the presence of this stronghold.  Moses in Psalm 90 states “he has been our dwelling place.”  Is God the place where you are happy to dwell?  Have you trusted him as Saviour and Lord?  Have your sins been forgiven and taken away. never to be remembered any more?  When that sin is gone we have peace with God beyond all understanding, beyond our expectations.  Are you dwelling in the presence of God?  Psalm 46 “God is a very present help in trouble.”  As we read through this portion in Nahum we read that God is the stronghold himself.  Have we something we are depending on more than God today?  Is there a situation that we are trusting more in?  “It is far better to trust in God than to put our faith in princes.” (Psalm 146 verse 3)  God appears right in the midst of the storm with us.  Job said “man that is born of a woman, he is full of days and is born of trouble.” (Job 5 verse 7)  Somewhere along this year there will be a time of trouble.  Can you safely say ‘one thing I am sure of that when there is a time of trouble God is right there in the middle of it all.’  He will never forsake us nor leave us.  “Man is born into trouble even as sparks fly upwards.”  Remember what God’s word says “even in the day of trouble call upon me.” (Psalm 50 verse 15)  In Acts 17 when Paul was preaching in Athens on Mars Hill he looked into the face of the multitude and told them ‘God is not far from any one of us’ (verse 27).  He wanted to reassure them.  It doesn’t matter how regal a man is born, how much wealth he accumulates there will be trouble.  It is guaranteed.  Remember when the disciples were out in the little boat on the lake?  Jesus told them he would meet them on the other side.  As they got half way across the sky turned black, clouds formed and the waves were whipped up.  They could do nothing to get to the shore then Jesus came to them.  He was on the hillside looking down and saw them toiling.  He knew what they were going through.  When we go through the time of trouble the Lord is there watching over us.  Remember Isaiah 43 when God spoke to the nation of Israel, the people turned against him and God was inviting them back, showing them the privileges he would only give to those who would trust in him.  Peace within and a place that he is preparing for us in heaven to go right into the presence of God himself.  The privilege of trusting in him.  In Isaiah 43 verse 2 “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.”  Thank God in the midst of trouble we have a stronghold in the midst of it all.  Reach out because God is there all along.  He will remain with us through all the trials and troubles we find.  John was on the isle of Patmos in the book of Revelation.  He went out and blazed a trail for the Lord preaching to men and women of Israel that Jesus was the Messiah.  The powers that be didn’t like him preaching about Christ and arrested him to silence him, packed him off to this isle.  Maybe he is a bit cast down, discouraged.  We all get that and when we get into the time of difficulty no-one knows the trouble we are in.  John heard a voice behind him as if it sounded like a trumpet and this was none other than Jesus himself.  He found the presence of the Lord to be his stronghold.  On that particular day John says I was in the Spirit in the Lord’s day and I heard behind me as a great trumpet saying I am Alpha and Omega.” (Revelation 1 verse 10)  John was asked to write to the 7 churches.  Hagar was a little maid who lived in the house of Sarah and Abraham, a handmaid of Sarah.  When God promised Abraham a son they were surprised because they were well past in years to have a child.  When the promise did not materialise Sarah decided to give God a helping hand, this promise hasn’t come to pass yet maybe God is asking us to use our own common sense.  That is what happens to us. We begin to use common sense.  So that is what happened in the home of Sarah and Abraham.  Sarah told Abraham to take her maid to “bear a son for you”.  It seemed a good idea to Abraham and he fulfilled his wife’s wishes.  He did have a son and when he grew up and Sarah had her own son there was conflict in the home.  Sarah went to Abraham again and asked him to cast Hagar out of the home.  Abraham went to Hagar, filled a vessel of water and a bag of food and set her off out of his sight.  Where do we find Hagar?  In Genesis 21 away out in the wilderness sitting under a bush, her water and food were finished and she has no-where to go.  She is waiting on death.  How many young people are like that?  They have a wrong decision in their lives and find themselves out in the wilderness.  Abraham and Sarah took their eyes off the Lord.  Mums and dads have given a wrong impression to son or daughter and they have left home and now they are out in the wilderness.  God knew exactly where Hagar and her son where.  God was her stronghold in the time of trouble.  God wants to bring his presence into your heart today.

The provision of the stronghold.  God provides himself as a stronghold.  Isn’t that the beauty of it?  He is the strong hold.  God himself, his presence with us today for all who will trust in him.  Psalm 46 verse 1 “he is a very present help in time of trouble.”  Nahum 1 is a chapter of woe.  God has promised to bring judgment on this nation of Israel.  Nahum has to bring that message to God’s people.  There will be this tremendous battle yet God says ‘I know those who trust in me and I will provide for them.’  It is not a man made remedy but God’s provision.  If you only would come and enter into that provision he has made for you.  We complain about health care but isn’t it great that we have people we can go to and go through our debts and sort them out, can go to a doctor and he will explain what is happening?  God has provided something for you and I, something greater for all eternity.  It is the greatest provision he has ever made in that he sent his only son in to this world that was lost in sin.  On the cross he died for our sins, our penalty was paid.  He suffered the pains and agony of a lost sinners hell so that you would not feel the agony but through him enjoy eternity for ever.  Do we know anything about this provision?  Remember David when he stepped into the valley to bring provisions for his brothers and out stepped out the giant Goliath on the other side.  He would roar and demand someone to come and beat him.  David had all the armour put on him but he couldn’t defeat the enemy in this way.  He was not dressed right and stripped himself of it all.  He took 5 stones from the brook and a sling.  The brothers were ridiculing his actions.  David went down to meet the giant.  God had given him provision that he might shelter behind.  When the giant came out David took out a little stone and put it into his sling.  One stone hit Goliath in the forehead and brought him down.  God has provision made for us and whatever difficulty we go through he will provide for us yet again this year.

The protection of the stronghold.  No enemy can infiltrate it.  “He that dwelleth in the secret place shall abide under the shelter of the almighty.”

The promise God says it is.  It is not that we should rely on our own resources but take what God has promised for us by the way of the cross.  Are you there yet?  If you have your eyes off the Lord you will fall.  We need to remain in that place God has provided for us today.

Monday, 23 November 2015

It was worth all the effort

Sermon notes from Sunday 22 November 2015

Mark 2 verses 1 - 12

The thought that came to me as read through this passage was "it was worth all the effort".  What you have before you is 4 men who lifted a friend, put him on a stretcher and carried him to Jesus. When they got close to the house where Jesus was they found such a crowd there was no way they could enter in so they went up the outer staircase, made a hole in the roof and lowered their friend down to where Jesus was.  This man as a result came out walking through the front door.  It was worth all the effort.  Maybe there were other things and places you could have been doing and going tonight but all the effort can be worth it if you have come in not saved but leave this meeting knowing the one who is able to save your soul.  That brings a challenge to us as Christians when we look at verse 12, 4 men who did a tremendous work, had a tremendous passion, they thought of their friend first and foremost.  Do you have the same compassion in seeing your friends won for Christ?  In seeing the final change in this man`s life they took notice of his state and took him to Jesus Christ.  Was there someone you looked on in your home today, perhaps who you passed by today - did you realise they were going out into a lost Christless hell?  This man`s terrible plight, being lowered down to the feet of Jesus.

There is a privilege we need to consider.  This man had tremendous friends, they sacrificed time to do everything for him.  What a wonderful thing to have a concern for friends or relatives.  Maybe there is someone you know - do you have a concern for them tonight?  Remember Abraham and Sarah.  Abraham prayed that God would save Sodom and Gomorrah.  Lot his nephew had been taken captive by the enemy and Abraham gathered an army together to go out after Lot.  He brought him and other captives home again.  What a tremendous privilege it is to have a friend who cares for him.  There are many who would say "if that is Christianity I don`t want anything to do with that."  For others they know and love the Lord and you know the change in their life, can see it before you.  In verse 1 we read the words "and again".  What joy those words are, they conjure up for this man lying on a stretcher that Jesus had come again to his village.  Here was another opportunity for him to consider when these 4 men came to him and told him Jesus had come again to Capernaum, that he was in a certain house, and that this man could heal him.  They decided to take him down to where Jesus was.  There must have been a first visit.  Maybe in the first visit this man had no concern for Christ whatsoever.  Maybe in the condition he was in he had no concern for Jesus.  Now he is getting another opportunity to say yes to these men, that he would go to the feet of Christ.  Maybe there is another opportunity for you and you remember sitting here before.  Has God spoken to you about getting saved.  God showed you your need of salvation.  Somehow you shrugged your shoulders, put it off, never envisaged yourself being changed by the grace of God.  There is a privilege to be considered here.  What a privilege for Cornelius in Acts 9 who was praying and pleading with God.  An angel came down to where he was.  He couldn`t help him nor tell him the way of salvation but there is a man in Joppa who knows your situation.  Send for him and he will tell you words whereby you might be saved.  Have you considered the privilege of coming into a meeting just like this?

A presence that confronted him.  Luke tells us something of this meeting in chapter 5.  Jesus was teaching in this house, some people would say it was Peter`s house.  Jesus began to preach and there were Pharisees and doctors of the law present.  Luke tells us "the power of the Lord was present to heal".  Remember Lydia and the presence of God in her meeting.  The power of the Holy Spirit was there.  The Holy Spirit opened Lydia`s heart for her to receive God into the depth of her heart.  Maybe God is speaking to the depths of your heart.  You never realised you needed to be saved until this particular day.  Maybe you have come to that place you never felt like this before but realise you need to be saved.  That is the power of God.  In Luke 13 there was a woman in the synagogue bound over, never straightened up for 18 years.  Satan had her in his grip.  Her privilege was that Jesus was in the meeting and he had the power to set her free.  Jesus is here and he has the power to set you free.  Jesus could have gone to any other house in Capernaum but he didn`t.  The man could have gone to any other house in Capernaum but Jesus would not have been there.  People say to me "there are far too many churches" and I agree but how many churches have you been in where you have felt the presence of the Lord in them?  There is a presence and a power to save your soul.  The man came to the place where the presence of Christ was present to heal.

A priority that is created.  The only way for this man to get to where Jesus was, was to let him down through the roof.  Sometimes it is so difficult to come to Christ, to surrender to him.  These men had to take the stretcher up the staircase and onto the roof, then make a hole to get the stretcher lowered to where Jesus was.  It is going to be difficult for you to get to where Jesus is.  There will be a battle to hold you to where you are at right now.  The devil will not give up without a fight.  This man was lowered down through the roof.  Notice however the priority in verse 5.  "Thy sins be forgiven thee" were the words from Jesus` lips.  That was the priority for the Lord.  The man`s soul came first.  What has brought you here tonight?  Matthew 16 verse 26 "what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul?"  You may gain all the riches worth - popularity, prominence, position - all this world can give to you but what would it be if you lost your soul?  Maybe this is your opportunity, will you reach forward and take Christ as Saviour and Lord?  Will you trust Jesus as Saviour and Lord?  The priority is not whether you enjoy the preacher or the singer or the singing of the hymns.  The priority is to open up the Bible, to see your soul is in the balance and could be lost.  Jesus cautioned about a place called hell.  "if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out, and cast it from thee or it is profitable or thee that one o thy members should perish and not that they whole body should be cast into hell." (Matthew 5 verse 29)  The greatest priority is your soul.  Jesus knew that when the man came the healing of his body was his priority but the priority for Jesus was the forgiveness of his sins.

A pardon confirmed.  When he healed this man the religious leaders looked around and said "it is only God who can forgive sins."  That was true but they didn`t realise standing in their midst was the Son of God himself who can forgive sins.  Has your pardon been confirmed?  The old thief on the cross was told "today thou shalt be with me in paradise".  His pardon was confirmed.  Do you know your sins forgiven?  Do you know you are on your way to heaven and home?  Do you know a confirmation of your salvation?  This man had his salvation confirmed.  Remember the publican who smote his breast and cried "Have mercy on me a sinner."  He went down to his house justified.  You too can have a pardon for your sin and know you are on your way to heaven and home.

There is a praise that is crowned.  On that particular day the people said they had never seen anything like this in this fashion before.  The people glorified God as they saw the man lifting his bed and walking out the door.  People will see the difference in your life if you come to Christ tonight.  Would you lead the way in your home, in your neighbourhood?  That the Lord as your Saviour has worked in your life and changed your life for time and eternity?