Sunday, 23 December 2012

Working behind the scenes for God

Notes from a sermon heard on Sunday 2 December 2012

2 Kings 4 verses 8 – 37

In this chapter we meet this man Elisha and since God has raised him up he has been an instrument in God’s hands.  Remember he was ploughing his field with a yoke of oxen when Elijah came down through the furrows to meet him.  As he stopped with him Elijah would relate to him what God had placed in his heart.  He was to be in his shoes.  Elijah would leave this scene of time so he said to him “are you prepared to leave your yoke, to take on God’s work and will, to dedicate your life to him Elisha?”  Isn’t that a tremendous challenge for any man or woman – to dedicate our lives wholly and fully without any reserves, to place our all on the altar for God?  That is what Elijah did.  He stepped from the yoke of oxen and made a sacrifice to the God of heaven.  

This is the story of a Shunammite woman and the life she lived.  She was working so hard behind the scenes – that is what God is looking for today.  Those behind the scenes.  He is still calling people out from congregations that might go forth in the mission field.  He is looking for those who are willing, dedicated and sacrificial in their giving all to the Lord behind the scenes.

Think of her awareness.  In verse 8 we are introduced to this woman as “a great woman”.  This was her characteristic.  The Bible is saying she was a rich, wealthy woman, of good standing and substance.  Here was a woman aware of what was happening around her.  She didn’t get caught up with her wealth, home and those around her.  As a child of God that is what we should be aware of – those around us.  Here was this woman not caught up in every day affairs, she wanted to encourage Elisha.  She got behind him to encourage him.  In her home was an open door.  She saw this man walking past and got to know him.  Then one day she constrained him to come in for a bite to eat.  Maybe she lived on the main road, a direct route  and every day she saw him coming past her door.  Such was the concern on her heart she went out and constrained him to come in.  Lydia met the Lord at the river side at Philippi.  Paul and the team were about to move on.  Lydia constrained them to come into her home that she might offer them hospitality in return.  We need an open door for the spirit of the gospel ministry of God.  This man was refreshed with friendship and fellowship.  She had a great concern for the word of God.  Elijah was a man who stood for God against Jezebel.  One day he pronounced judgment on Israel.  God told Elijah to go to the brook Cherith and “I will command the ravens to bring you flesh to eat.”  Then the brook dried up.  It was all part of God’s will.  When it dried up Elijah was told to go to a widow woman.  When Elijah went to the widow woman she was out gathering a few sticks to light a fire.  She had a cruise of oil and was about to make a last meal for her and her child.  Elisha comes to a home of great wealth.  God does that.  God will use the rich and the powerful and the mighty and the weak, the young and the old if we are willing to allow him to use us.  It doesn’t matter the category – we are in God’s will.  He can use all sorts.  She had a concern for this man.  We need to be encouragers.  There are a lot of people who are discouraged today.  These people are those in church leadership, who are helping to teach Sunday school or work in youth work.  They need to be encouraged.  Are we as active to go out and bring men and women in to hear the gospel?  Do we have the compassion?  In Acts 18 the gospel came to Ephesus.  There was a man there by the name of Apollos, the Bible tells us he was eloquent in his speech.  He was a tremendous preacher.  He caught your attention right away.  He used some lovely words and painted some lovely pictures.  He knew the word of God.  He was on fire when he got into the pulpit.  He only knew the baptism of John.  In that congregation on that particular day Priscilla and Aquilla were listening to him.  They realised he had a message that didn’t go the full way.  They took him through the scriptures and taught him fully.  Are we aware of the problems around us?  Are we ready to do something about it?

Notice the ability she was blessed with.  Elisha ate with them and she realised she could do more than just merely feed him.  She wanted to build a room for this man to spend time here.  Jesus told the story of a man who went into a far country.  He didn’t want his work to fall behind so he gave to each of his workers talents.  He wanted them to use them wisely until he came back again.  He gave as he saw them having the ability.  When he returned he called the workers to see what they had done with the talents.  The first man doubled it and so did the second.  The third man though had difficulty with his talent.  He had put it in the ground and hid it.  The master told him “I wanted you to use it and double it.”  Likened that story to Jesus going back to heaven, he didn’t want to see the building of his church going to waste.  He gave us all certain talents.  He gave us the ability to do something for him, that the church might be extended.  One day he is coming back again and I am going to stand before him and he will say to me “what have you done with the talents I gave to you?”  He is not going to ask about preaching to the multitudes in darkest Africa or great conventions because he didn’t give me that talent.  He will ask me about my time in evangelism and in this town, sitting around bed sides, standing on door steps.  Will he say to you “I gave you the ability to teach a Sunday School, to talk to your neighbours and friends, the financial ability to see the word of God going forth?"  Wouldn’t it be awful to say “I have done nothing.”  The apostle Paul when writing to the church at Corinth in his letter he made bare his innermost being.  He really laid it bare to those people he loved.  His heart was in the work of God.  2 Corinthians 10 verse 16 “I want to preach the gospel in the regions beyond you”.  In other words” I want to go to preach in Spain, preach in Rome, I am a debtor to the Greeks, Gentiles and Barbarians.”  He felt he stood with a debt over his heart to relate the word of God to so many people.  When we look back, take ourselves back to Calvary to the day when we came under conviction of sin, God showed you your need to salvation.  There was never a day before or like it again.  The Holy Spirit came and showed you your need.  He took your heart and mind and he took you to Calvary.  He showed you something you never saw before.  When he was dieing on the cross he died for you.  He suffered the agony and the pain for you.  The Lord came in and saved you.  He took away your sin.  Paul said from that day I am ready to preach the gospel.  By the grace of God I am what I am.  This woman looked at her house and gave everything she had to the Lord to use it as he saw fit.  The Lord put it into her heart to give something he could use.  What you have today is God’s.  The very next breath in your life is in God’s hand.  What if God were to close it?  The health and strength I enjoy is all from the Lord.  If the Lord was to take it all back where would you be standing?

The attention to detail she gave – it was not half hearted.

The award that followed.  God didn’t overlook it.  She didn’t have a child.  God promised her a son in due time.  Our rewards are waiting for us, not down here but one day in heaven itself.  What I put into the work of God down here is waiting for me up yonder.  “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal.  But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal.” Here was a woman behind the scenes working to get the word of God get through.  Will we give ourselves to God today?  To be used in whatever way he pleases for his glory and honour?

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