Monday, 5 November 2012

The Rich Young Ruler

Notes from a sermon on Sunday 2 September 2012

Mark 10 verse 17 - 22

The Rich Young Ruler

A person of distinction. You see just like today many had no time for Jesus’ ministry. They did not want to hear and believe that he was from God and was God’s own son. Many stood outside, against it, particularly the religious leaders and rulers of the country. They wanted nothing to do with Jesus. Very few would have listened to him but rather condemned him. This young man was different. There are 3 actual accounts given of this story. He was a rich young ruler who came running to Jesus Christ. He had no doubt heard about him and he heard Jesus was in the district and so he ran to the Lord Jesus. He really wanted a conversation with him. He wanted to hear it for himself. Nicodemus was like that. He was a member of the Sanhedrin. Jesus told him “except a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” He met the woman at the well and he told her the water she was drinking wouldn’t satisfy her but the water he gave would. Here is a young man running catching up with Jesus Christ. This was a man of distinction. Somehow he wants to hear about eternal life. You are a person of distinction. Listening to the gospel means you are a person of distinction. This young man didn’t worry about the others. He came running, he was energetic, he meant business with Jesus. He showed respect when he said “Good Master what shall I do that I might inherit eternal life?”

A person of desire. He wanted to know how he can obtain eternal life. Maybe he heard about this before and now wanted to know how to inherit eternal life. Jesus had changed the lives of many people, raised people from the dead. Now this young ruler wanted to get to Jesus and he asked a very direct question. Perhaps over the past number of weeks or days you have heard about eternal life, you are interested but still you are not saved. Have you a desire to learn more about the things of God, to find faith in Christ? This man had come to the right place and he had to take that step if he was going to do anything about it. He has come to the one who is the way, the truth and the life. What can I do in my own self that I will be absolutely sure of eternal life? As there is eternal life so there is eternal death. You have a living soul, when your heart stops death takes you but your soul will live on. In Genesis God breathed into man the breath of life and man became a living soul. You have a soul, something that you can call your own but it is also something that you can lose. “What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul.” You can lose it for ever, to be eternally cut off from God, all hope of salvation is dead. To be cut off from God for ever, to receive punishment for ever in hell. You are either heading for eternal life if saved by God’s grace or eternal death in the place called hell. He wants to find the right way, comes to the right place. We cannot go to the wrong person if we want to find the truth. This man had a desire, he wanted eternal life. He is facing the Lord. He is healthy and strong because he ran to find Jesus. He wants to find eternal life, he is not satisfied with the life he has. Perhaps many times thought of getting saved, those thoughts have gone through your mind before. “Boast not thyself of tomorrow for you know not what a day will bring forth.” Do you want that assurance of having eternal life? It is only faith in Christ that can save you. Nothing else can do it. You are in a really privileged position, hearing the gospel message.

A person of discipline. The Lord knows how to deal with everyone differently. Everyone is watching him to see what Jesus will do. You know the commandments he tells him, the rules of the Old Testament. Jesus knew this man had been brought up well. “All these have I obeyed from my youth” the young man replied. Maybe you have been brought up in the things of God, you know the commandments too. Maybe you have tried to do all the good you can in your life. What a future this man had. He was speaking truthfully, he knew the religious system, a person brought through the ranks yet no assurance of eternal life. Perhaps you read the word of God, say your prayers every night but yet you are not saved. There are so many in our churches today who seek to do good deeds but who are outside of the blood of Christ. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy mind and with all thy soul.” Here is the crunch – you have to follow me and every blockage must be left aside.

A person with a decision to make. You may have tried to keep the commandments, do all the good you can but are outside of Christ. Perhaps there is something you are putting before God. This young man had a decision to make. There was a barrier and the Lord knew all about it. The Lord told him to give up everything and then come and follow him. Perhaps there is one thing that is keeping you out of heaven? There may be friends or a problem that is keeping you outside of heaven. It can be a stumbling block. The young man wanted eternal life yet his riches, his position had a grip on him.

A person who was deceived. When God deals with a person, the convicting power of the Holy Spirit takes place. You cannot leave a situation like that and be happy. The young man went away sad. There is a line drawn and if you step over it you will be lost for ever. We never learn of this young man getting saved. One thing kept him out, he remained lost.

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